
dokomitya57: do you know the origin of this python -> python3 suggestion?05:39
decciWhile installing openwsman 2.4.x it points to old openssl 1.1.0 package while I need it to use openssl 1.1.0 which is already installed on my system06:06
decciAny idea how shall I apply patch https://github.com/Openwsman/openwsman/issues/9807:19
mitya57doko, no :(10:43
cpaelzeris the auto-upgrading of dpkg owned conffiled done in some call in #DEBHELPER# or otherwise before/after?12:52
cpaelzerI know much is in dpkg-mainstcript-helper - I'm interested in the basic (if you have nothing in maintscripts) three way check: if "oldmd5 == storedmd5" then place new conf from pkg12:57
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f_gcpaelzer: AFAIK dpkg handles that itself when configuring a package, but you might want to wait for someone with more knowledge to confirm (or check dpkg's source yourself)13:02
cpaelzerI almost assumed it does so by itself, in that case it would be important where in the post/pre calling that comes13:02
cpaelzerbut if it is dpkg itself then it might be in the flowchart on the debian wiki13:02
cpaelzerthanks f_g13:02
cpaelzernot that I'd see it clearly on https://wiki.debian.org/MaintainerScripts13:04
f_gcpaelzer: seems like it's before the call to postinst configure13:06
cpaelzerf_g: where did you see that?13:07
cpaelzerwell that is documentation enough, thanks f_g13:08
f_gnp - was curious myself ;)13:08
cjwatsoncpaelzer: It's also in policy.  https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/#details-of-configuration13:23
cpaelzeryeah, thanks cjwatson13:24
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AsciiWolfhi, does anyone have any info about the issue with Ubuntu Software (GNOME Software) not removing dependencies when uninstalling a package (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-software/+bug/1552792)? is there any chance that this bug will be (finally) fixed in 18.04?18:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1552792 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) "gnome software leaves dependencies installed" [Medium,Triaged]18:36
jbichaAsciiWolf: I don't think any one is working on that issue. You can file a bug upstream for it if you like18:37
AsciiWolfjbicha, so it is an upstream (packagekit?) issue?18:39
jbichauh, maybe gnome-software?18:40
AsciiWolfI am not having this issue when using GNOME Software on Fedora18:41
AsciiWolfso I think it's rather a PackageKit apt backend issue18:42
AsciiWolfUbuntu is using PackageKit (not aptdaemon) as GNOME Software backend, right?18:43
jbichayes as of 17.1018:43
AsciiWolfok... this issue is there since the switch to gnome software in 16.04 so maybe it's really a GNOME Software issue18:46
AsciiWolfI'll report it upstream, hope it will get fixed, it's really bad and confusing bug for regular users, especially in combination with this one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-software/+bug/152802818:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1528028 in GNOME Software "gnome-software does not report installing a desktop environment as a dependency" [Medium,In progress]18:48
jbichaAsciiWolf: Fedora 27's GNOME Software does not autoremove dependencies for no-longer-installed apps either18:54
AsciiWolfjbicha, that's weird, I have tried it before and it worked18:55
AsciiWolfI will try it again and let you know18:55
jbichaI just tried it by installing gnome-tweak-tool, gnome-shell-extension-user-theme is still installed18:56
AsciiWolfoops, looks like you are right!19:04
AsciiWolfjbicha, I have reported the issue upstream, thanks!19:52
juliankjbicha: I'd fully expect someone to work on this eventually, given the push for autoremoving stuff automatically in apt, and given that g-s is used by users even less aware of autoremove, it seems even more important to me.20:53
Unit193tjaalton: Hello!  I'm presuming the offhand remark about SRU'ing -ati wasn't really an offer or anything; however, if you did, I'd be willing to test (as I grabbed the package and added that patch, as well as several of the memleak/etc bug fixes too.)20:55
juliankI'm not entirely sure why there is such a huge interest in these things _now_, but then I don't really care about such details :)20:55
Unit193Hmm...Due to the upcoming LTS perhaps?20:55
juliankI mean, I'd do that directly _after_ the LTS, but not _in_ the LTS cycle :D20:56
juliankLike, we could have worked on that 2 years ago20:57
Unit193Hmm...Wasn't I going to try and bug you about another apt thing?20:57
coreycbbdmurray: i have 2 neutron uploads to the artful queue. would you be able to delete the oldest one (about 10 minutes old now)?21:04
bdmurraycoreycb: done21:06
coreycbbdmurray: thanks21:06
TJ-Could someone consider bug #173501422:53
ubottubug 1735014 in debootstrap (Ubuntu) "file:// and ssh:// protocols do not allow for failed gets" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/173501422:53
rbasakTJ-: looks like this is unrelated to the Ubuntu delta so should be sent up to Debian?23:21
TJ-rbasak: thanks; I'll do that23:22

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