
oerhekslolz, just experienced a youtube driveby malware , harmless, just closing the browser is enough,..00:32
oerhekslast time i have seen this is 2010 https://www.dropbox.com/s/eakrho2sfpgdvbw/virusaanval.png?dl=000:38
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lotuspsychjegood morning to all05:19
ducassegood morning all05:44
lotuspsychjehey hey ducasse05:45
lotuspsychjemorning :p05:46
* ducasse yawns05:46
ducassehi lotuspsychje05:46
ducassebrb, got to feed luna05:48
ducassedone :)05:51
lotuspsychjebon apetit luna :p05:51
ducassesnowing heavily outside :-/05:51
lotuspsychjehere rain05:53
lotuspsychje!info firefox05:55
ubot5firefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 57.0+build4-0ubuntu0.17.10.6 (artful), package size 45050 kB, installed size 171518 kB05:55
lotuspsychjefirefox update this morning05:55
lotuspsychjei wonder what they fixxed05:55
ducassesorry for bad lighting - https://photos.app.goo.gl/IOIY6BYDcLEnD2jP205:56
lotuspsychjelets c05:57
lotuspsychjewow heavy indeed05:58
ducassemost of that came in the last few hours05:58
ducassewell, all of it, really - i sweeped the veranda yesterday05:59
ducassethe rent includes people shuffling the snow in the front, outside the door, but not the back. i usually just leave it :)06:04
lotuspsychjenew trigger guys06:23
ubot5For information about removing old kernels to free up space on /boot, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RemoveOldKernels06:23
lotuspsychjetnx to dax06:23
ducasseyes, i saw he added it yesterday06:23
lordievaderGood morning07:05
lotuspsychjehey lordievader07:23
lordievaderMorning lotuspsychje07:24
lordievaderHow are you?07:24
lotuspsychjegreat here07:25
ducasseyarrr, lordievader - how are ye, matey?07:29
lordievaderDoing good here. Is it pirate day?07:31
lotuspsychjeblack thuesday lol07:31
ducassenah, i'm just in a weird mood. i'll try to behave from now on :)07:32
ducasselordievader: remember my ncmpcpp problem? it now got even weirder :)08:24
lotuspsychjebbl guys have a nice108:26
lordievaderducasse: how come?08:41
EriC^^wow, ads do freakin' work!09:19
EriC^^ducasse: today suddenly users went from around 10 to 67!09:20
lordievaderAds? For what?09:21
lordievaderDo you advertise on youtube?09:30
EriC^^no, i signed up with google adwords09:30
EriC^^probably advertising on youtube would be better, i was too lazy to make a video though09:31
EriC^^i'll probably make a video, it would be pretty cool especially if i could target videos that had tutorials in them or something09:32
EriC^^i usually use the site myself for stuff like cooking tutorials, when there's something not clear, or finding what song was in the outro or stuff like that for a video09:32
BluesKaj'Morning folks10:37
ducasselordievader: in my config, i have mpd_host = "rpi" and mpd_port = "6600", on artful i still get "connection refused" with nothing in the mpd.log on the server. _however_, if i start ncmpcpp with 'ncmpcpp -h rpi -p 6600' it magically works!11:41
ducassehi BluesKaj11:42
BluesKajhi ducasse11:49
lordievaderducasse: is there a duplicate definition of the option?11:52
lordievaderducasse: Oh, wait a minute. Is the hostname and port really with a "?12:13
lordievaderIn my config both of them are without "12:14
pauljwHi everyone12:58
ducasselordievader: they were in the examples i used when setting it up, and work on zesty. tried removing them now, but no luck.12:59
lordievader`host rpi` resolves I suppose?13:00
ducasseas i said, it works on the command line13:02
lordievaderReally strange issue.13:02
ducasseyou see why i'm stumped? :)13:04
lordievaderYes, quite.13:04
ducassei've also tried with the ip address, of course, also without luck13:05
ducasselordievader: the view from outside my living room, and the reason i'm staying put inside today - https://photos.app.goo.gl/kSIGK1Apq3B7rUWu113:18
lordievaderThat is quite a bit of snow.13:19
ducasseou can't really see it in that pic, but it's still falling pretty heavily13:20
BluesKajjust wet, grey and bron here13:22
BluesKajbrown even13:22
BluesKajnot gonna bother with a pic13:23
ducassei'm sure TJ- would love to bring his huskies :)13:23
ducassepersonally i've seen quite enough of it :-/13:24
NicolasSomeone I saw had a problem with using VLC player w/ubuntu.  Video would freeze - then other goofyness.  Is this unusual?15:37
oerheksanyone using osx sierra?23:37
oerheksget off the internet :-D23:37
TJ-The number of bugs I've seen reported recently from MacOS, makes me think the programmers have been outsourced to India or some other low-cost destination23:43

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