
dudethis is boring01:52
SynfulAckAnyone use the RPi3 PIR sensor before? I noticed some odd behavior when i go to download the file then delete it, it will trigger the pir to snap another photo. Is this maybe due to wifi interference because thats the way im remotely managing it. If it is from that what can i do to insulate it?02:22
SynfulAckdamnit wrong channel02:22
naturallyhey steam gamers! i made a game with MATE as my dev environment (ubuntu mate, of course)!02:47
naturallyplease consider nominating it for "Defies Description" award on Steam:  http://store.steampowered.com/app/378410/Dont_Be_Patchman/02:47
basilarchiaCool. I bought it. I bet there are a pile of people that would love to know how you did that, what your devel environment is and how you set it up.04:10
swift110hey basilarchia04:11
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Guest16293pute pute puite10:46
Guest16293des frances , go j'aime10:47
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Guest16454how can I add an OKI printer from a windows computer to ths computer12:56
mate|60180alguien sabe si puedo instalar cnclinux en ubuntu mate13:10
noah__Hello all! Is there a good video editor for Ubuntu?19:43
baimafeimanoah__, are you a professional or beginner?19:44
diogenes_noah__, kdenlive19:44
nemodiogenes_: so... I have a friend who swears by using blender as a video editor, he uses it for effect overlays and such - I have no idea if this is sane or not19:44
noah__baimafeima: I like to call myself an intermediate though I'm probably just a beginner.19:45
noah__noah__: I've been using that and it keeps crashing19:45
baimafeimathe best ones are, for professionals: https://jliljebl.github.io/flowblade/19:45
baimafeimafor beginners: https://github.com/ozmartian/vidcutter19:46
noah__I like Kdenlive very much, but if I can't use it due to it crashing all the time then I need something else.19:46
noah__baimafeima: Does flowblade have title clips?19:46

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