
moppyi have trouble with Artful and nvidia driver with encrypted system. It won't boot normally, failing at disk unlock. it works in recovery mode, and i think it's best the nvidia driver can't read from the encryped disk.00:01
moppyI either get the unlock prompt but the keyboard won't respond, or it wont display the unlock screen and just sits there showing black screen.00:02
DJAnonimono luck with liquidsoap. compiled and looks like something failed in "make"00:04
DJAnonimowill continue tomorrow. Thank you anyway guys. good nite00:04
moppyhuh, unfixed bug but only 'high' not critical since the system still boots, but only by going through recovery00:07
moppywhy do i even upgrade anything anymore?00:07
ecvcould anybody help me fix tearing on my nv gtx950m? Nouveau doesn't play well on blender new versions00:34
ecvso I'm using nvidia proprietary00:35
ecvbut I get tearing00:35
ecv17.10 NVIDIA 384.9000:36
bcowananyone experience firefox not closing when you click the close window x randomly00:47
bazhangbcowan, are you having that issue?00:48
bazhangbcowan, what versions of ubuntu and firefox is this for00:49
bcowanyeah...sometimes i can click like ten times and it wont close. weird00:49
bcowan17.10 and 5700:50
bcowanhappened before 57 also00:51
kostkonbcowan, does it happen in safe mode?00:51
geniiecv: According to NVidia, recommended driver for that card is 340.104000:52
genii!info nvidia-34000:52
ubottunvidia-340 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-340): NVIDIA binary driver - version 340.104. In component restricted, is optional. Version 340.104-0ubuntu2 (artful), package size 28636 kB, installed size 139965 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; armhf)00:52
bcowankostkon, it will close immediately if i cntrl-q or goto the drop box and close just not from the x randomly00:54
Bashing-omgenii: ^ I see the 384 driver for the gtx950m : http://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/126577/en-us . Yes ?00:55
geniiBashing-om: I found 340.1040 listed at https://www.geforce.com/drivers when searching there00:56
ecvgenii: why does ubuntu install 384.90 on my system then? It should probe ?00:57
genii( which was apparently released Sept 19 this year, so pretty recent)00:57
kostkonbcowan, about:support  and try restarting firefox in safe mode and see if it's still failing to close00:59
ecvgenii: thank you. I'll try 340.1040 and report back. Can I simply install from official repo with apt and all will be okay or need I take the official one from nvidia and do it manually ?01:00
geniiecv: Installing nvidia-340 should remove the other01:00
ecvgenii: thanks again01:01
Bashing-omgenii: IRT GTX950 driver . I do not know what to think now . But the 384 driver is the later release, no ?01:01
geniiIt will just do some dkms magic01:01
geniiBashing-om: Latest version is not always the optimum for a given older card01:02
bcowankostkon, ok..i'll try that01:02
tharkunAloha, I keep getting this "A start job is running for Raisee network interfaces(countdown/ 5min 10s) What is that supposed to mean?01:03
rfleminggenii, Debian is nice enough to have nvidia-detect which tells you the driver your card can use.  Sadly that tool didn't port over (that I can tell)01:04
tharkunThen the boot process continues and I get a Failed for setting up the network eth interface. How can I fix it I am running ubuntu server 16.04 LTS01:04
tharkunIf this is a dhcp error from the modem I can set up a fixed ip if someone instructs me on how to do that.01:05
BoobieI just went to install a package on one of the boxes and it says..01:06
BoobieThe following packages have unmet dependencies:   linux-headers-4.4.0-98-generic : Depends: linux-headers-4.4.0-98 but it is not going to be installed01:06
BoobieThe following packages have unmet dependencies:   linux-headers-4.4.0-98-generic : Depends: linux-headers-4.4.0-98 but it is not going to be installed01:06
BoobieThe following packages have unmet dependencies:   linux-headers-4.4.0-98-generic : Depends: linux-headers-4.4.0-98 but it is not going to be installed01:06
BoobieThe following packages have unmet dependencies:   linux-headers-4.4.0-98-generic : Depends: linux-headers-4.4.0-98 but it is not going to be installed01:06
BoobieOops lol01:07
kostkonBoobie, http://paste.ubuntu.com01:07
rflemingtharkun, you can do so by modifying /etc/network/interfaces01:07
Boobiekostkon... how do I skip this linux-headers-4.4.0-98-generic dependency?01:08
kostkonBoobie, what release are you on01:08
rflemingOh wait, does 17.10 use NetPlan now?01:08
tharkunrfleming: So far so good what is the man page for that?01:08
tharkunor how can I test the dhcp server on the modem?01:09
BoobieKostkon: 16.0401:09
rflemingtharkun, check https://websiteforstudents.com/configuring-static-ips-ubuntu-17-10-servers/01:09
rflemingsure, you don't have a server... but it's the same thing01:09
rflemingtharkun, What version are you running?01:11
kostkonBoobie, sudo apt update and then sudo apt full-upgrade01:11
rfleming16.04 LTS, 17.04, 17.10... Unity, GNOME, Budgie?01:11
rflemingKDE, etc.01:11
kostkonBoobie, use the ubuntu pastebin for the outputs01:11
Boobiekostkon, I definitely can't do that01:12
BoobieIt's a production server running live01:13
kostkonBoobie, oh01:13
rflemingkostkon, why do you need to skip the dependency?01:13
kostkonrfleming, not me, Boobie01:14
rflemingsorry... Boobie, why do you need to skip the dependency01:14
* rfleming going through the logs01:14
moppyWhat's the fstab option to auto-mount at login, instead of at boot?01:14
rflemingI came late to this party and am missing some of the logs.  What's the issue Boobie?01:15
ecverr now my laptop won't boot anymore01:15
moppyi actualyl dont think it does it. i need to do this in the user's login script?01:16
ecvit's stuck in the booting log and I can't even switch to another terminal through CTRL+Fx01:16
tharkunrfleming: 16.04 LTS server01:17
rflemingecv, what laptop do you have?01:17
rflemingtharkun, ok, The instructions I gave you are wrong then01:17
rflemingtharkun, https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/network-configuration.html01:17
rflemingthe server guide is an awesome resource01:17
ecvrfleming: medion erazer p668101:18
rflemingecv: So what's been done?01:19
Boobierfleming: I'm trying to install silversearcher-ag01:19
rflemingBoobie, on what?01:19
ecvsorry p667901:19
Boobierfleming, 16.0401:20
ecvrfleming: switched nvidia drivers from 384.90 to 34001:20
Bashing-omecv: At the login screen, can you activate a console interface ( ctl+alt+F2 ) ?01:20
rflemingWhat version are you using?  16.04 LTS, 17.04, 17.10?01:20
ecvBashing-om: no, I can't01:20
rflemingecv, can you ssh into it?01:21
ecvnot sure I got ssh server set up01:21
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ecvmaybe there's some grub option I can add to use vesa or something like that?01:21
Bashing-omecv: next then is a recovery console . can you get to grub's boot menu ?01:21
rflemingBoobie: So you're trying to install silversearcher-ag on xenial.  What's the problem?01:21
ecvBashing-om: ok i will01:22
rflemingecv, while booting (after post but before Ubuntu logo), press and hold shift.  That should bring up the GRUB menu01:22
rflemingthen you can select recoveyr mode01:22
rflemingrecovery even01:22
ecvok done01:23
rflemingdid you get into recovery mode?01:24
rflemingI think you have to go to 'advanced options' then recovery01:24
rflemingtharkun, working out for you?01:25
rflemingecv, do you know if your laptop has something called Discreet Graphics?01:26
rflemingecv, looking at the hardware, it appears it might01:26
ecvthank you guys that fixed it01:26
ecvi was able to install 384 back01:27
ecvyes rfleming, its got an intel and an nvidia01:27
Bashing-omecv: Not fixed : We do want that old old driver replaces with the 384 version: https://www.geforce.com/drivers .01:28
rflemingecv, OK, now that you're booted normally, everything is working out?  If you go to Drivers you can make sure they're there01:28
ecvi have "prime" showing on nvidia-settings, howerver I get bad tearing when running a game01:28
rflemingecv, you may have to change the profile from intel to nvidia01:28
ecvit's set to nvidia01:28
alear2222hey how are you01:29
ecvBashing-om: where did genii get that my recommend version is 340? I don't see that one in the list01:30
ecvactually 384.90 is among the recommended ones01:31
tharkunrfleming: I had to dust off some of my old knowledge on interfaces I adapted it to the new nomenclature and it does work. I get a ip on the computer but I am not sure if that is working ok with the router. Is there a way to test the nic directly on ubuntu?01:32
Bashing-omecv: I "thinK" he missed up on the 9 seroes (legacy) as opposed to the 900M seroes . // tearing .. wayland not to settled down yet. see: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2365449 . Maybe a help .01:32
ecvthank you Bashing-om01:33
tharkunrfleming: the ip addr ls does report an ip and route -n and ip route ls both report the appropiate routing tables yet no connectivity so far.01:33
rflemingtharkun, that's strange.  So even though you have a valid IP address for the network you wish to be on, you have no connectivity?01:34
Bashing-omecv: Let is all know how it goes . We all have a lot to learn here .01:34
tharkunrfleming: exactly. I logged into the router and it says no device connected.01:34
cuddlesquidwould anyone be so kind and help me setup accesslog in lighttpd, my first issue i cant even access /var/log/lighttpd even with sudo permission is denied01:35
rflemingtharkun, you could use netcat01:35
=== ecv2 is now known as ecv
rflemingtharkun, nc -vz IP_Address Port01:35
rflemingtharkun, nc -vz 5301:35
rflemingchecks DNS01:35
tharkunrfleming: I tried directly a local ip nc -vz which is up and running and I get No route to host.01:36
ecvBashing-om: sure will :)01:37
rflemingtharkun, what does 'ip route show' show you01:38
tharkunrfleming: dev enp1s0 proto kernel scope link src |linkdown01:39
tharkunThat is the relevant part docker0 interface is also down yet I haven't set it up yet.01:40
rflemingso the link is down01:41
rflemingtharkun, can you pastebin /etc/network/interfaces?01:41
tharkunrfleming: sorry I can't I would have to copy it alltogether but it is fine. Trust me on that piece of info.01:42
tharkunip addr ls and ip route ls reflect exactly the info I asked for the nmcli to set up.01:43
tharkunOk I just figured that there is no nmcli programm running.01:43
rflemingtharkun, I'm just wondering if you have auto enp1s0 in interfaces01:44
rflemingas that will turn up the interface on boot01:44
rflemingand this is 16.04 lts01:44
* rfleming didn't think 16.04 had that naming01:45
tharkunIt does turn it on upon boot but it seems to be awfully wrong. I spotted a typo on interfaces let me fix it and see what happens.01:45
rflemingtharkun, what happens if you sudo ifup enp1s001:45
Bashing-omrfleming: enp1s0 >> systemd naming .01:46
tharkunrfleming: the command is accepted and no error is reported01:47
rflemingtharkun, http://paste.ubuntu.com/26061772/01:48
rflemingtharkun, whatever your gateway is, change to it01:48
tharkunBashing-om: yes a pita when you are halfway there between the previous nomenclature and the new one.01:48
tharkunrfleming: the gateway is what do you mean change to it?01:48
tharkunI get no local connectivity so far.01:48
rflemingdoes 16.04 use netplan?01:49
Bashing-omtharkun: Yes. agreed . converting from the prior upstart scripts/means to that of systemd, a big change .01:49
rflemingtharkun, real dumb question... but is your nic plugged in?01:49
* rfleming is confused as this is a simple issue01:50
tharkunrfleming: I took the machine took two steps back and the router moved with us. I believe it is firmly connected :)01:50
rfleminglights are blinky blinky01:51
tharkunrfleming: no leds on either side neither on the router nor on the j45 connector.01:51
ecvBashing-om: I got all the checks positive and though I wouldn't swear by it, I think it worked :)01:52
ecvat least the game feels less choppy now, well less tearing01:53
tharkunrfleming: I took the cable out and connected it to this old lady and no blinky blinky on this piece of hw. Can we conclude that the router ports are dead?01:54
ecvcan't check that guy's video since I don't have an account. Also if you could thank him I'd appreciate01:54
Bashing-omrfleming: ' arp -a ' all fields are sane ?01:55
Bashing-omecv: Outstanding .. will in that case add you note to the forum thread.01:56
ecvis this video supposed to play smooth? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xkNy9gfKOg Mine feels a bit choppy but I'm not sure I'm seeing tearing01:56
Bashing-omecv: I see what it looks like . be aware on this work station I have no audio .01:57
ecvit's mute01:57
rflemingBashing-om, it's tharkun with the issue01:58
ecvI usually prefer not to register if I don't have to...01:58
rflemingecv, yes, but makes me sick :)01:58
Bashing-omecv: the test is smooth to me .01:59
ecvit's smooth for you? hm01:59
ecvshould I turn the quality slider all the way up in nvidia-settings perhaps ?02:00
rflemingecv: do you have the option to use GNOME on Xorg?02:00
rflemingSorry, Ubuntu on Xorg02:00
tharkunrfleming: The other alternative so far is to set up wireless networking from cli yet I am no expert specially since there is no nmcli to handle all the wpasupplicant connectivity. Any resources you know of or should I just lmgtfy.com that.02:00
rflemingthat way you can test if it's wayland or your driver02:00
ecvrfleming: how to check?02:01
rflemingecv, https://askubuntu.com/questions/961304/how-do-you-switch-from-wayland-back-to-xorg-in-ubuntu-17-1002:02
rfleminglog out, click the gear icon beside 'sign in' and choose Ubuntu on Xorg02:02
ecvthank you02:03
rflemingBashing-om, now we wait02:05
rflemingtharkun, I don't know much about setting up the wifi from cli02:05
rfleminganyone know how to fix Firefox form colour mangling with dark themes?02:06
tharkunrfleming: never mind wireless from the cli is a black art not as hard as compiling cups from source but indeed something out of the beaten path. Thanks for your time and support.02:07
templetonHi all, is anyone familiar with adding DNS servers to Ubuntu?02:07
tharkuntempleton: who manages your interfaces?02:07
tharkunnetwork manager or are they static?02:07
templetonI see resolv.conf is managed by systemd, but not sure how to add a DNS server02:07
templetonnetwork manager02:08
templetonI added the DNs servers with NMCLI to my wireless interface02:08
templetonthen restarted02:08
rflemingtharkun, sorry.  It's straight forward02:08
templetonbut still not working02:08
ecvrfleming: I don't have that cogwheel in my login screen02:08
rflemingtempleton, you have to modify /etc/systemd/resolved.conf02:09
tharkuntempleton: if you edit resolv.conf network manager will reset it to the info it hass you need to either use nmcli to instruct network manager from the cli or use the graphical interface to do so.02:09
templeton/etc/systemd/resolved.conf looks promising02:09
templetonI must have goofed somewhere with NMCLI. it seemed to add the namservers fine, saved and restarted but still is not working02:10
tharkuntempleton: dig +trace @ yahoo.com02:11
tharkunThat should tell you a piece of information or two that can help you have a certain view of what is wrong.02:12
jakeunltd@templeton did you get your interfaces configured at /etc/netplan/??02:12
tharkunfor the sake of sanity if you have enough clients setting up your own dns server is not such a pita02:12
jakeunltdit's a config per interface in yaml format02:12
templetonNot sure about netplan02:13
templetonJust connected with Gnome network-manager02:13
tharkunjakeunltd: @ is reserve for channel ops no use on irc the simple nick works best02:13
templetonto wifi02:13
jakeunltdwelcome to the world where ifconfig / iwconfig is dead02:13
ecvrfleming: I used several methods found on a forum and I found out I'm not using Wayland but X11, what now?02:13
templetonI have  DNS server and a bunch of CentOS and RHEL 7 VMs that work fine02:13
jakeunltdsounds gook tharkun02:13
templetonthis is my first Ubuntu (laptop)02:13
rflemingecv, Oh, interesting.  I don't know why you're getting screen tearing02:14
tharkunjakeunltd: Your welcome. Also most irc clients have tab completion you may try it also.02:14
jakeunltdI got a Lenovo Yoga for my Ubuntu Laptop this time. Ran Ubuntu since 5.0402:14
tharkunjakeunltd: Bragging. rotfl02:14
ecvrfleming: is wayland sort of an X server replacement ?02:14
rflemingecv, yes.02:14
=== allizom1 is now known as allizom
templetonrfleming: I just got the Lenovo Yoga as well!02:15
ecvrfleming: I'm not sure it's tearing anymore, maybe it's just choppy, not sure :S02:15
templetonThats what I'm trying to get to use my DNS server hah02:15
rflemingecv, try this https://askubuntu.com/a/85801902:15
tharkunecv: wayland is the new graphics interface for linux. As I recall it is way lighter and has many advantages over X unless your usual wm is not supported any more :(02:15
rflemingecv, or are you using 17.10?02:15
ecvtharkun: sounds exciting02:16
jakeunltdtharkun: the problem I ran into was wayland and display-link dont play nice yet.02:16
ecvrfleming: yes, 17,1002:16
jakeunltdThey're not going to support it until an LTS of Ubuntu using wayland02:16
tharkuntempleton: if your computers are using dhcp force the dhcp server to feed that ip to them and thats is.02:16
templetonI've added my dns server to /etc/systemd/resolved.conf, doesnt seem to work though.02:16
ecvtharkun: is it piped like X? can you use it over SSH?02:17
tharkunjakeunltd: I am still running X and headless so no contact with wayland yet.02:17
templetonComputers are getting DHCP from my router, but I could not find a way to add a local DNS server02:17
tharkunecv: ^^02:17
templetonMaybe I should have setup a DHCP server while i was at it...02:17
tharkuntempleton: Sorry no TP-Link around but google for the piece of manual you are missing from your hw.02:17
rflemingecv, do you want to use hybrid mode (switch back and forth between intel and nvidia)?02:17
tharkuntempleton: :D02:18
ecvtharkun: yes? sorry I don't remember much about this all, maybe I asked silly question02:18
rflemingecv, This guy goes through a real thorough answer. https://askubuntu.com/a/94173502:18
tharkunecv: ^^^02:19
ecvrfleming: not really. I think intel would be nice for the few times I use the laptop on battery but not really02:19
ecvrfleming: thank you02:20
rflemingecv, hopefully this guys answer will really help you out02:20
tharkunrfleming: Thanks again I will take the hw to a different site and test cable and nic there. I have no more diagnostics tools around. Have a nice $DATE :)02:22
rflemingtharkun, cheers!  You're welcome and good luck!02:23
templeton*sigh* okay I got it working02:31
templetonno idea what actually fixed it though02:31
templetonI changed.. a lot02:31
templetonWorked fine after restarting systemd-resolv, just not sure what I change was the fix. I had been restarting resolv.service02:32
templetonThanks everyone for the help -- definitely pointed me in the correct direciton02:32
templetonDont understand why there are 15 places to update name servers in Ubuntu and no idea which one is really being used.. Felt like I was going mad for a minute02:37
templetonanyway.. The ThinkPad Yoga 14 is awesome and everything worked out of the box with Ubuntu. so that's nice02:37
Bashing-omecv: ^^ IIRC - 17.10 does not have lightdm as the manager .is now GDM .02:44
el_aniamembuique ganas de cojer que tengo02:56
Bashing-om!es | el_aniamembui02:56
ubottuel_aniamembui: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.02:56
el_aniamembuino quiero la concha de tu madre03:00
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Neo1Good morning)04:16
Neo1I'm trying install ubuntu on virtualbox and can't install insert guest addition cd image04:17
Neo1get error http://prntscr.com/hg60hn04:18
Neo1What does it mean?04:18
Neo1I resize disk untill 20Gb04:19
Neo1and can't update it too04:19
Neo1What is it? http://prntscr.com/hg621w04:25
Neo1I have lack space?04:25
Neo1I set up 20Gb dynamic disk04:26
Neo1will reinstall cause dynamically it show 5Gb and can't add more04:29
Neo1Mehrzad: hi04:35
krytarikNeo1: Maybe better try in #vbox04:38
ca_cabotageis there a way to increase the size of an encrypted private folder?04:38
Neo1krytarik: it's ubuntu problem, disc take 5Gb when I installed it maybe04:38
ca_cabotagei.e., /home/"user"/.Private04:38
Neo1krytarik: I read how working dynamic memory04:39
Neo1now How resize disc on ubuntu...04:39
sharkasdfUbuntu no long loads on my old laptop. It boots with no OS. I can feel the hdd spin. When I load ubuntu with live usb I can't see my hdd with df -l05:46
sharkasdfIs there another way to see if my hddd is completely dead?05:46
cfhowlettI'd say you already asked and answered05:46
sharkasdfIt's a sad day05:47
Bashing-omsharkasdf: What shows ' sudo fdisk -lu ' ?05:47
sharkasdfIt's only 1 yr old05:47
Triffid_Huntersharkasdf: should have complaints about it in dmesg05:47
cfhowlettyou said "old" laptop!05:47
sharkasdfLaptop is old, hdd isn't05:47
ecvI had 1TB hdd die just 2 days ago05:48
ecvsad days05:48
sharkasdfBashing-om, I can see it under /dev/sda2 now. Linux filesystem05:49
sharkasdfIt wasn't showing a few weeks ago when I was trying, I haven't had time to work on it since05:49
sharkasdfActually nm I never ran fdisk -lu05:49
Triffid_Hunterhttps://www.backblaze.com/blog/hard-drive-failure-rates-q3-2017/ may interest y'all05:49
Bashing-omsharkasdf: pastebin ' sudo fdisk -lu ' and we move to the next step .05:50
sharkasdfBashing-om, paste.ee/p/ZdIlE05:53
sharkasdfpastebin wasn't loading on firefox livecd05:53
sharkasdfsda2 is the drive05:54
Bashing-omsharkasdf: K; what now with ' sudo mkdir /mnt/looksee ; sudo mount /dev/sda2 ; ls -al /mnt/looksee ' ? looking that you are able to access your files .06:01
Neo1Which book take for learning shell?06:02
decciI badly need openwsman 2.6.5 to be up and running on Ubuntu 16.04.306:03
decciI dont see it available06:03
Neo1I'm going to begin read this book https://www.amazon.com/Linux-Command-Shell-Scripting-Bible/dp/111898384X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1511848970&sr=8-1&keywords=shell+bible06:03
Neo1800 pages, Or take something with less pages?06:04
Neo1I see there good review, but 800 pages, would be good some book 100 - 200 pages...06:04
sharkasdfsorry, connection issues06:05
sharkasdf[19:59:45] 20 < sharkasdf > 30 When I boot from original hdd the screen loads a 'SMART Hard Disk Error'. I have 2 options, F2 for system dianostics or Enter for startup. Startup goes to 'Selected boot image did not Authenticate. Press Enter to continue. Then it shuts down. When I do diagnostics it just fails  [19:59:55] 20 < sharkasdf > 30 I can't get into BIO06:06
alkisgGood morning lotuspsychje, hi all06:06
ducasseNeo1: there are plenty of good docs free online, try asking for help in #bash06:06
lotuspsychjehey alkisg06:07
ducassewb alkisg - greetings and salutations! :)06:07
alkisgo/ ducasse06:07
sharkasdfcan i fix this issue while logged into live cd?06:07
Bashing-omsharkasdf: Ine wirjs from the liveDVD - take the system's advise and run a smart test : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Smartmontools .06:09
sharkasdfSmart test fails06:09
sharkasdfI can't test drive06:09
sharkasdfill try running with livecd06:10
ducassesharkasdf: can you do 'smartctl -a /dev/sdX' from a livecd, or does that fail?06:11
sharkasdfi need to install smartctl first, hold on06:12
ducassesharkasdf: it's in smartmontools06:12
sharkasdfNo errors logged06:13
sharkasdfFinished in like 2 seconds06:13
ducassesharkasdf: can you pastebin the full output?06:13
sharkasdfducasse: paste.ee/p/RSDFt06:15
afidegnumhello, anyone using xpad on ubuntu xenial ? mine doesn't launch anymore meanwhile i had lots of notes saved i neeed to revise06:16
alkisgafidegnum: run it from a terminal to see if it shows any errors06:20
ducassesharkasdf: from what i can see, that looks good. a drive can still fail even if smartctl gives no indication, but it's usually a good indicator.06:20
afidegnumalkisg: no error shown06:20
alkisgafidegnum: and it just doesn't launch?06:21
sharkasdfcan i point to the /dev/sda1 in the boot file or something so that it finds the hdd?06:21
afidegnumthe xpad icon appears on the launcher for few seconds then dissapear06:21
thyriaenI bought an X1 Carbon ( 2017 ) and installed Ubunutu on it which works great but when i shutdown the system it remains in a somewhat strange state - everything is off but the power indicator still shows that it would be running - and i cannot turn it back on again either ( i have to hold down the power button to cut the power and then restart )06:22
alkisgafidegnum: I'm not using xpad, but it might have broken settings. The usual paths for settings are ~/.config/xpad or ~/.xpad , try moving the config directory aside to see if it works with clean settings06:22
afidegnumok, thanks, let me check06:23
alkisgsharkasdf: the "did not authenticate" message could mean that you had secure boot disabled, and at some point you enabled it again in the bios, while you don't have signed kernels installed. Did you do anything related to bios settings before that happened?06:24
lotuspsychjethyriaen: did you try sudo halt -p06:26
thyriaenlotuspsychje, no - is that worth a shot ?06:26
lotuspsychjethyriaen: just as a test what system does06:27
lotuspsychjethyriaen: also try F1 at shutdown process to see text based, whats happening06:27
sharkasdfalkisg: i havent touched the bios ever. i just powered down removed the battery and held the power button to reset. im going to see if that works06:27
alkisgsharkasdf: right, that's the same as bios reset, so you probably re-enabled secure boot there06:27
alkisgsharkasdf: go to bios and disable it temporarily, to see if it boots06:28
thyriaenlotuspsychje, alright will do that and report back :P06:28
lotuspsychjethyriaen: good luck06:28
sharkasdfok, im currently running smart check and its running, better than before06:28
afidegnumalkisg: is there a way to find the error generated log by xpad ?06:30
cfhowlettafidegnum, run it from the termianl06:30
alkisgafidegnum: in general, programs log to ~/.xsession-errors, but since it doesn't show it to the terminal... hard to tell. Didn't clean settings help?06:30
afidegnumcfhowlett: that's what i did06:30
afidegnumalkisg: cleaning the settings helped, but i want to recover some notes06:31
thyriaenlotuspsychje, it does the same and unfortunatly i could not see any textoutputs06:31
alkisgafidegnum: you'd need to have some programming background to dive more... using strace or recompiling the program with debug options etc06:32
sharkasdfalkisg: i cant even get to the bios f2/del before it just shows 'selected boot image did not authenticate'. the smart disk check doesnt show up anymore06:32
sharkasdfI can load it with f2 though06:32
binaryhermitis ubuntu's default mail server exim?06:32
binaryhermitif so, https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/no-patch-available-for-rce-bug-affecting-half-of-the-internets-email-servers/ if not, ignore me06:33
afidegnumalkisg: yes i have some programming background but what to move is the issue06:33
sharkasdfalkisg: i disabled secure boot but now i see grub>06:34
alkisgafidegnum: for example, if you put back the config folder, and run `strace xpad`, you see the system calls, and maybe one of those can give you a hint06:34
alkisgsharkasdf: it sounds like you had different bios settings when you installed, and different now. For example, maybe you had uefi enabled and now you switched it off and put it to legacy mode06:36
alkisgsharkasdf: by removing the battery, you restored all bios settings...06:37
thyriaenlotuspsychje, switched off quiet splash and now i got a output06:37
sharkasdfso try loading the bios and changing settings until the os loads?06:37
lotuspsychjethyriaen: aha06:40
thyriaenlotuspsychje, here you go https://imgur.com/a/IsutJ06:41
lotuspsychjethyriaen: not sure why, can you try a shutdown from the guest account?06:42
thyriaenlotuspsychje, sure if you think that would give any additional insights :)06:44
lotuspsychjethyriaen: wanan know if its user related06:45
thyriaenlotuspsychje, ok - brb :)06:45
alkisgsharkasdf: it's also possible to try the "recover grub" routine from the live cd, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing#Fixing_a_Broken_System06:46
thyriaenlotuspsychje, hangs at about the same place https://imgur.com/a/2lIni06:50
lotuspsychjethyriaen: hmm ok06:51
=== mojtaba1 is now known as mojtaba
foul_owlHow do you pick a domain for your home systems or laptops? Just something random?06:55
cfhowlettpretty sure most of us just go with the automagic default, foul_owl06:56
benonsoftwarefoul_owl: I used to go with Sherlock Holmes characters.06:56
foul_owlAh, I haven't used the ubuntu installer in awhile, it picks a domain for you now?06:57
Triffid_Hunterfoul_owl: heh I'll think of a name while building the machine, usually have somethihng in mind when it comes to OS installation time06:57
foul_owlThe hardest part of tech is picking names for things...I feel like there should be a guide somewhere, haha06:58
=== mojtaba1 is now known as mojtaba
jonkyi have a custom uri handler, but it doesn't seem to load/detect user-defined environment variables when the executing the command defined by the Exec key in my .desktop file. does anyone know what I might be doing wrong?06:59
jonkyi found it07:01
elias_aTrying to do a long test to a SSD with gsmartcontrol on 16.04.3. Gsmartcontrol seems to crash and another Ubuntu user is reporting same behaviour. Could someone run a test?07:08
templetonjoin #linux07:09
templetonmissed my slash07:09
elias_aThe reason could be that gsmartcontrol cannot handle the data smartmontools (?) is giving.07:10
elias_atempleton: Ok. Thanks!07:10
templetonI have this very dark terminal text color that seems to trascend terminal applications. Setting different color profiles seems to change everything BUT that color.. I am trying to find where it could be getting picked up, any idea where to start?07:11
templetondark blue07:11
Junioryello ;)07:15
=== mojtaba1 is now known as mojtaba
Junioron one of my servers (which i cannot upgrade at the moment) i have installed ubuntu 14.04 . After an upgrade syslog no linger outputs messages to /var/log. Any idea why?07:16
elias_aJunior: Which file are you looking at? At some stage the info from /var/log/messages was moved to /var/log/syslog if I recall correctly.07:23
Juniorelias_a include /var/log/mail07:25
Juniorthe last message in syslog is -> Aug 10 08:18:49 alpha rsyslogd: [origin software="rsyslogd" swVersion="7.4.4" x-pid="8480" x-info="http://www.rsyslog.com"] rsyslogd was HUPed07:25
Juniorlast message in /var/log/messages -> Aug 10 08:18:45 alpha dhcpd: Wrote 40 leases to leases file.07:26
elias_aJunior: Sorry. I have no clue. :/07:26
Juniorlast message in cron -> Aug 10 08:17:01 alpha CRON[20609]: (root) CMD ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)07:27
Juniorand i can continue like that07:27
Juniori have purged and reinstalled cron yesterday (i have assumed that my config is wrong) with the same result07:27
Juniorok, no problem, thank you for your time elias_a07:27
alkisgJunior: what are the permissions/owner of syslog? ls -l /var/log/syslog07:28
Junioralkisg -> -rw-r----- 1 syslog adm 43001917 aug 10 08:18 syslog.107:28
alkisgNot .107:28
alkisgJust syslog07:28
alkisg.1 is the backup07:28
Juniori do not have the file07:28
Junioryes, it is rotated by logrorate07:28
Neo1I have this error07:28
Neo1Couldn't create the /usr/src/linux symlink!07:28
alkisgJunior: ps -fC rsyslogd07:29
Neo1did this command sudo m-a prepare07:29
Neo1and can't create symlink07:29
Junioralkisg -> syslog 11226 1 0 09:29 ? 00:00:00 rsyslogd07:29
Juniori have restarted syslog a few minutes ago07:30
alkisgJunior: hrm. Try `logger hi`, does it create syslog?07:30
Juniorroot@alpha:/var/log# `logger hi`07:31
Juniorroot@alpha:/var/log# ls -la syslog07:31
Junior-ls: cannot access syslog: No such file or directory07:31
Juniori'll have to use pastebin from now07:32
alkisgJunior: ls -ld /var/log, is it owned by group syslog?07:32
Junioralkisg -> drwxrw-r-- 24 root syslog 24576 nov 28 09:00 /var/log07:32
Junioryes, it is owned by syslog07:32
Juniorbut the group syslog in /etc/groups is empty.. syslog:x:103:07:33
Juniorit's the same on another server, nevermind07:33
alkisgJunior: sudo -u syslog touch /var/log/syslog07:34
Juniortouch: cannot touch ‘/var/log/syslog’: Permission denied07:34
alkisgPermissions issue then, traverse it07:34
alkisgid syslog07:34
Junioruid=101(syslog) gid=103(syslog) groups=103(syslog),4(adm)07:35
alkisg$ ls -ld /var/log07:35
alkisgdrwxrwxr-x 14 root syslog 4096 Νοέ  28 09:31 /var/log07:35
alkisgJunior: you're missing group write in /var/log07:35
Juniordrwxrw-r-- 24 root syslog 24576 nov 28 09:00 log07:36
Juniorthe group has write07:36
alkisgAnd execute07:36
Juniori've done chmod 774 log/07:37
Juniornow i can touch the logs07:37
Juniori am 90% sure that logrotate complained about permissions on /var/log07:38
Juniorthat is why i have modified07:38
alkisgThe default is 775, why change it?07:38
Juniorbecause of logrotate07:39
Juniorbut know i know what was wrong, thank you for your time!07:39
alkisgYou're welcome07:40
alkisglogrotate shouldn't complain about 775 there, if it complains it's something else07:40
pavsI have ubuntu 14.04 on a server, the OS drive is on a 500gb ssd. I would like to create several 5gb chunk of partitions on the OS drive live and mount them. Is it possible? Filesystem ext407:51
auronandacepavs: if you are resizing any partitions you will need to do it from another environment (not the same one you want to resize)07:54
pavsok got it.07:55
Neo1I got this error http://prntscr.com/hg7n4207:56
alkisgpavs: are you sure you need partitions and not file-based images?07:56
Neo1who know how to fix it? m-a prepare doesn't create symlink07:57
Neo1I file log I see this error http://prntscr.com/hg7nq507:58
Neo1ERROR: Kernel configuration is invalid.07:59
Neo1         include/generated/autoconf.h or include/config/auto.conf are missing07:59
Neo1        Run 'make oldconfig && make prepare' on kernel src to fix it07:59
pavsI basically need folders with size limit. I am exploring several options, like docker volume, diskquota, partitions, not sure whats the best way to go.07:59
Neo1I a few times reinstall and can't install07:59
alkisgpavs: you can create files with dd, and mount them like they were partitions, without bothering to resize your real file system. Much more flexible.08:00
alkisgpavs: these files can also be "sparse", meaning they'll only take real size when you write to them08:00
pavsok that sounds like what I need. how do I start / research08:01
alkisgpavs: create sparse files: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Sparse_file#Creating_sparse_files08:01
alkisgpavs, then you just run mkfs.ext4 /path/to/file; mount /path/to/file /path/to/mount_dir08:02
alkisgThat's about all of it08:02
pavsok cool. thanks brb.08:02
Neo1ubuntu is very bad thing.... really always errors, always not understandable what to do08:06
Neo1I'll use windows better as desktop, just don't have time break down all those bags.......08:06
Ben64Neo1: you should gain more experience before jumping into advanced things08:07
Neo1Ben64: I'll learn shell and LAMP, node.js and others web-dev stack on virtualmachin, but for desktop it's windows because windows work very fast and without lag08:09
Ben64surethats your choice08:09
Neo1a 3 years ago yes ubuntu was faster windows, but now windows 10 very fast work really faster than ubuntu08:09
Ben64not really08:09
Neo1really, I remember how ti was working when was windows 7 and how now08:10
Neo1now always lags even with my ssd disk08:10
Ben6410 is much less functional, takes longer to do everything08:10
Neo1in my computer windows work significant faster as desctop, ubuntu slower08:10
Ben64but if thats how you feel, go for it08:10
pavsalkisg: worked exactly as I wanted. thanks a bunch.08:11
Neo1Ben64: I feel if I use ubuntu I'll spent in a few time more time for things that I do usually in windows. will use on virtualbox and learn exceptionally apps what I need. For home desktop it's not suite...08:12
alkisgpavs: you're welcome08:13
ducasseNeo1: are you running ubuntu in a virtual machine?08:13
alkisgNeo1: for many people it's just fine for home desktop. For many more it's even better than windows. For many, it's worse than windows. Your choice. Noone here will gain anything if you use  Ubuntu, don't worry about it :)08:13
Neo1ducasse: trying and can't install 3d accelerator08:13
ducasseNeo1: if so, that's not really a fair comparison08:14
pavsNeol: maybe from your experience, but most of the world is developing on linux, even mocrosoft's cloud platform (Azure) has more linux VM than windows.08:14
Neo1alkisg: for me not, I've been using windows for 3 last year and know some app, know menu folders, do in windows all fast, in ubuntu all slow08:15
alkisgNeo1: cool! For me, in windows it's all slow, so I use ubuntu, where it's all fast.08:15
alkisgYou just go ahead and use windows, don't worry about it!08:15
Neo1alkisg: I have I5 CPU and ubuntu hanging08:15
alkisgAs for your error, it's a virtualbox kernel issue, ask in #vbox08:15
alkisgI have i3 and ubuntu works, windows hangs08:16
pavsyeah whatever work for you - we are not judging :)08:16
Neo1alkisg: this maybe https://askubuntu.com/questions/890712/kernel-configuration-is-invalid-error-while-trying-to-install-paragon-ufsd-profe08:16
ducasseNeo1: use whatever you're comfortable with, we're not going to yell at you :)08:17
Neo1wasn't linux-generic, now try again08:17
mojtabaHello, I have installed stunnel, and restarted the service; but it doesn't show up when I type: ps -ef | grep stunnel08:17
mojtabaDo you know what could be wrong?!08:17
alkisgNeo1: no, probably you are trying to compile an older vbox to a new kernel that it doesn't support at that point. Ask in #vbox.08:18
Neo1ducasse: I want add to my windows linux environment for test, learning server applications08:18
ducasse!ubuwin | Neo1 talk to these people08:21
ubottuNeo1 talk to these people: Windows 10 has a feature called Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows or ##windows. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide08:21
=== Jynxie_ is now known as Jynxie
mojtabaHello, I have installed stunnel, and restarted the service; but it doesn't show up when I type: ps -ef | grep stunnel08:38
mojtabaHello, I have installed stunnel, and restarted the service; but it doesn't show up when I type: ps -ef | grep stunnel09:01
=== jstein_ is now known as jstein
Neo1why need modul assistent in ubuntu it is created for put some features to core?09:07
Neo1sudo m-a run gui09:08
Neo1hope it's help me install what I need http://prntscr.com/hg8hmv09:09
wtigerI'm trying to build bitcoin armory on ubuntu using the instructions at https://btcarmory.com/docs/building/09:37
wtigerbut even after installing libqtcore4 and libqt4-dev the ./configure step complains about not having them..09:38
wtigerhow do I debug? I've tried reloading but to no avail..09:40
bazhangArmory 0.96.0? wtiger09:41
wtigerbazhang: yeah09:42
bazhangthey have a .deb wtiger09:42
wtigerbut found the issue: pkg-config is not listed in the requirements..09:42
wtigerwhile it is needed09:42
wtigerbazhang: 0.96.309:42
bazhangwtiger, contact the armory makers, why not09:43
wtigerbazhang: sure will :)09:43
ltx128another day, another systemd-resolved vulnerability: http://blog.trendmicro.com/trendlabs-security-intelligence/systemd-vulnerability-leads-to-denial-of-service-on-linux/09:52
akikltx128: "There are multiple ways to get the user to query a DNS server under the control of a threat actor" how is that done i wonder?09:56
BluesKaj'Morning folks10:37
JoeRWBluesKaj good morning10:38
BluesKajHey JoeRW10:38
JoeRW  BluesKaj This is my first time using the chat room so I'm still learning my way around here.10:43
ThinkT510JoeRW: if you need help with ubuntu then this is the right place10:44
JoeRWThinkT510 Thank you.10:44
BluesKajJoeRW, it's a good idea to read the guidelines http://ubottu.com/y/gl10:44
JoeRWBluesKaj Perfect. Sounds good. Thank you.10:46
BlancheVisageHey guys!10:59
topi`I have one package in state "ri" when listed with dpkg -l ... how is this possible? It means it's meant to be removed (I removed it via dpkg -r foo) but at the same time it is still installed?11:04
topi`another question... how can I rectify it? I.e. is there a dpkg command that would do what the first letter says (r = pending for removal)11:04
topi`hmm, it seems that "dpkg --pending --remove" would remove that package11:09
topi`but the real reason why it was left unremoved is that there is a dpeendency from dpkg-dev11:09
prutheusI have problems setting up my 5.1 surround system properly. I am using pulseadio. My problem is, that the rear and center speakers works, but not alone. I mean when i test via "speaker-test -c 6" there is no sound comming out when he tests center, rear left and rear right ... any ideas what is wrong here?11:17
BluesKajprutheus, check alsamixer in the terminal, make sure the surrounds are unmuted (00) and up to 100% volume, also make sure automute is disabled11:20
prutheusin alsamixer there are just 4 channels shown ...11:21
mrtAkdenizhey there!11:39
mrtAkdenizguys long time don't used desktop linux11:39
mrtAkdenizi installed nvidia drivers, but my user's resolution became suck11:40
mrtAkdenizeverything is ok on login screen, but user resolution stuck at 864x48611:40
mrtAkdenizhow can I reset xorg configuration for user?11:40
guivercanyone available who knows a little about --forcepae kernel option?11:41
adrian_1908mrtAkdeniz: The display settings don't let you change it to something higher?11:42
mrtAkdenizadrian_1908, nope, neither xrandr11:43
adrian_1908damn, that sure sucks :(11:43
guivercmy question is "--forcepae" or "-- forcepae"  << shouldn't it be without space!11:43
adrian_1908guiverc: I suspect the -- needs to stand alone, it's not like a program flag in this case, but probably a context separator, where items following it apply to something else (or are options). Just guessing though.11:45
guivercthank you adrian_1908 ... esp. for link which explains.. I appreciated it heaps.  (gotta go read...) Thank you.11:47
adrian_1908np :)11:48
BluesKajprutheus, which audio chip on the sound card?11:54
=== OpenSorce is now known as OpenSores
=== OpenSores is now known as OpenSorce
KpuCkohello, does anybody have experiance with Ubuntu for powerpc 6?13:29
senaaYour connection is not secure13:51
senaaThe owner of player.vimeo.com has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, Firefox has not connected to this website.13:51
senaahow to solve my problem ?13:52
EraserPencilHI! Is there anyone here I could ask for assistance on file paritioning?13:52
elias_a EraserPencil: Ask. Just was thinking about it yesterday. :)13:52
MonoMonkeysuppose I would want to connect to an IPSec VPN, what would I use? Strongswan, Libreswan, Openswan?13:52
EraserPencilIt's partially related to UBuntu. I used to have a Ubuntu/macOS dual boot going on. I did a dd of my ubuntu partiion while on the macOS earlier today to my hard disk. It completed though I cant find it. Then I shrunk my mac OS parition with mac's disk utiltiy. And I'm now in a situation my laptop cant boot13:55
EraserPencilI cant reinstall the OS, cant restore from a back up, cant do anything.13:55
elias_aEraserPencil: Did you do a copy of the whole disk with dd?13:57
elias_aEraserPencil: Sorry, read poorly. You did not.13:57
BluesKajsenaa, which FF version?13:57
BluesKajsenaa, FF 57 works on player.vimeo.com13:58
EraserPencilno. sudo dd if=/dev/disk1s3 of=/dev/disk2s2 was the command if i recall correctly13:58
EraserPencilelias_a: is there a way to check the help of the efi partition?13:59
elias_aEraserPencil: AFAIK dd can only handle whole block devices, not partitions. If dd'd a partition using /dev/sda1 etc I don't know what the actual end result is.13:59
EraserPencilhmmm crap14:00
EraserPencilbut everything was working fine till I rebooted14:00
elias_aEraserPencil: Are the /dev/disk1s3 and the other paths to partitions?14:00
elias_aEraserPencil: What does it say when you try to boot?14:01
elias_aEraserPencil: I suppose there are methods to check out the EFI partition but I have no clue what it should look like when OSX is involved. :/14:03
EraserPencilalright thanks alot14:03
elias_aEraserPencil: Hope your backups are ok.14:04
=== crogers_ is now known as crogers
topsterHello world. When will the package for Thunderbird v52.5 be published?14:23
SitaraSo, hi everyone. I have this old Packard Bell EasyNote laptop, Win Vista running on it. For whatever reasons let's say I cannot entirely wipe it off off it's Windows for now, so, do you think using a live USB would be my best shot to use Ubuntu on this machine without modifying/damaging any of it's original OS?14:24
auronandaceSitara: a vm is another option14:25
simonizorWow... LXQt is so broken on 18.04 daily right now.  I dunno how you push an update that breaks so many deps at once lol14:26
topsterSitara: Does it at least hjave USB2.0?14:26
BluesKajSitara, whynot use gparted live cd to shrink the Windows partition , then create an ext4 partition for Ubuntu14:26
simonizorpcmanfm-qt has been broken for like a week, now this... SeemsGood lol14:26
Sitaraok, auronandace, thank you!14:26
Sitaratopster, yes it does, it's 3.0 it doesn't have :)14:27
TC`hi, does anyone made it ubuntu work with dell XPS 9360 with Dell TB16 dock ? (ethernet and usb) Video works fine, but not anything else.14:27
TC`ubuntu 16.04.3 with 4.13.2 kernel14:27
topsterSitara: Shouln't be a problem then. But ... don't you want to use custom applications without installing them again and again?14:28
SitaraBluesKaj, that is an option I have considered, of course, but as for now I would like to explore other options which may involve NOT touching the hard drive :P but thank you! ^^14:28
Sitarahere, topster, you read my mind! on a large enough USB stick, can't I save stuff and just don't have to install it all over and over again?14:29
leftyfbsimonizor: 18.04 is still under develipment14:29
BluesKajVms have their problems on older slower hardware, Sitara, give it a try but bare metal is less troublesome14:30
Sitarahehe, BluesKaj, ok, I will take your advice in good care! :)14:30
topsterSitara: You could install in on a USB device.14:31
topsterMaybe use a USB device to install it on another USB device (which is big enough)14:32
Sitarahmm, topster, could be, could be! that way it could run alongside Win without me partitioning the hdd, right?14:34
topsterCorrect. But Keep in mind that you can access your Windows NTFS hdd. And of course may write dataon it if needed14:35
topsterBut in general you do not need to touch your Windows HDD for that14:35
topsterShould be safe14:35
Sitaraawww, awesome, thankfully this old lappy has barely two usb ports, enough to make the trick! ^^14:36
auronandaceSitara: be sure to install the bootloader to the usb rather than your harddrive14:39
topsterauronandace: Good point14:40
PTNapivoskiDetach HDD to install14:40
PTNapivoskiI think it is easyer...14:41
BluesKajSitara, resizing a partition is not difficult or dangerous as long as you follow instructions https://www.lifewire.com/use-gparted-to-partition-hard-drive-220569314:45
BluesKajthat damn partition magic has scared off more people from managing their partitions safely than any app I know of.14:47
Sitaraoh, BluesKaj, I know, hehe, I have done that myself in the past quite a few times. It's just that this is an old hardware, it isn't entirely mine, I just use it oftenly and I want some kind of a, on-the-go thing to alter as little as possible14:48
Sitarabut thank you very much! it's a good point, indeed14:48
BluesKajSitara, well, good luck :-)14:48
Sitaramay the force be with me! *smiles*14:49
BluesKajactaully older BIOS ands HW is easier to install linux on than the newer UEFI /GPT and associated partitions14:51
Sitarahah, ok!14:55
TC`hi, does anyone made it ubuntu work with dell XPS 9360 with Dell TB16 dock ? (ethernet and usb) Video works fine, but not anything else. THE FIX IS TO DISABLE THUNDERBOLD SECURITY IN BIOS. And it will work.15:05
Sitarahas any of you tried the LiLi USB Creator ?15:06
BluesKajSitara, try rufus15:08
BluesKajif you're on windows15:09
Sitarayep, I've gone through tutorials @ ubuntu.com, Rufus came up :P15:09
BluesKajSitara, i used it successfully on W715:10
PTNapivoskiMe too...15:11
Sitaraok, BluesKaj, that helps; I don't think there's gonna be any problem with Rufus on Vista, as it works from XP onwards :)15:11
BluesKajanyway, BBL, stuff to do for an hr or so15:11
Sitarabut googling I ran into this LiLi and it also looks interesting15:12
PTNapivoskiI use Rufus on Windows 7... It works fine...15:12
PTNapivoskiI used it to test Ubuntu, Debian and Fedora...15:13
PTNapivoskiArchLinux too...15:13
Sitara"Having a Live USB key is better than just using a Live CD because you can even save your data and install software. This feature is called persistence (available only on selected Linux)." YAY!!15:14
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=== crogers_ is now known as crogers
ericx2xhey how can I join this channel? I get an error when I do /join #bittrex       - #bittrex Cannot join channel (+k) - bad key15:40
auronandaceericx2x: /join #freenode and ask there15:42
pavlosericx2x: you seem to be on this channel, /join #ubuntu15:43
Sitaraericx2x, you need a key to join that channel, if you don't have it you just can't unless an op either invites you to that channel or removes the +k mode15:48
momomoanyone know how/if possible to install mkchromecast on ubuntu 16 ? pip install -r requirements.txt ... is getting me  Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement PyQt5==5.9 (from -r requirements.txt15:51
momomo"Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement PyQt5==5.9 (from -r requirements.txt"15:52
Lopewhat program can I use to record my screen and create a compressed video from it?15:53
momomopyqt on ubuntu 16 possible?15:56
simonizormomomo: the package is `python3-pyqt5`, IIRC15:57
kostkon!info python3-pyqt5 xenial15:58
ubottupython3-pyqt5 (source: pyqt5): Python 3 bindings for Qt5. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.5.1+dfsg-3ubuntu4 (xenial), package size 1851 kB, installed size 13714 kB15:58
momomosimonizor: answer  is   ?15:59
momomosimonizor: https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=python-pyqt515:59
momomokonrados: https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=python-pyqt515:59
momomoDoes that mean don't try to install it on 16  ?15:59
konradosmomomo, -? I guess you didn't really mean me? :)16:00
momomono, i think it was kostkon16:00
momomokostkon: ^^16:00
kostkonmomomo, your app requires a newer version of it than the one in xenial16:02
momomoare those packages possible on 16 ? trying to install mkchromecast16:04
kostkonmomomo, have you tried the .deb package?16:04
momomokostkon: yes16:04
bored_gourdHow can I install BCM4360 wifi driver offline on ubuntu? I downloaded the .tar.gz file from the ubuntu packages website for Zesty, but there's no ./configure script or make/make install files16:05
bored_gourdSetting up a new PC but it has a Broadcom wireless card :(16:05
kostkonmomomo, i'm confused. are you trying to compile it from source?16:07
momomonot possible to install from deb file16:08
bored_gourd"lspci -vnn | grep Network" lists Broadcom Limited BCM4360 802.11ac Wireless Network Adapter [14e4:43a0] and https://askubuntu.com/questions/55868/installing-broadcom-wireless-drivers16:08
kostkonmomomo, well it says pyqt5 is optional16:10
omginais it unsafe and leads to leaked passwords if i...16:20
omginaauto unlock keyring16:20
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
omginahow do i autolock the vpn login keyring not thte gnome keyring??16:21
zerothisI have an .img file that I right click and mount with "Disk Image Mounter". but it's read-only. I've tried every mount and xmount command I know of but can't manually mount or remount it. the image contains a ext2 and a swap partition. "VFS: Can't find ext4 filesystem" occurs in every iteration.16:42
bored_gourdWhat's the solution for installing broadcom wireless drivers after installing Ubuntu with no internet connection? It wasn't able to connect during install either16:51
bored_gourdI've tried downloading the tar.gz from the Ubuntu packages website for Zesty but there's no scripts to make and install and make is also not installed on the desktop right now16:54
mutantebored_gourd: what's inside the .tar.gz ?  it might be a kernel module, so that would be "modprobe"/"insmod" to load it16:59
bored_gourdmutante: Makefile, README, src/17:04
bored_gourdUnfortunately, I don't have make installed :|17:04
bored_gourdSo I can't make install anything, otherwise I could just load it from the folder then install correctly through apt-get and the online repositories17:05
mutantebored_gourd: apt-get install gcc17:05
bored_gourdI'm in a pinch17:05
mutantebored_gourd: after that try "make" again17:05
bored_gourdmutante: This is a fresh install of 17.04 btw... sudo apt-get install gcc gives E: Package 'gcc' has no installation candidate, and I don't have an ethernet cable either right now, just a USB and laptop already set up17:06
zerothismutante: boot a live distro that has wireless. when there, copy relevant *.deb to the install without wireless (broadcom package, or build-essential and depends)17:08
bored_gourdzerothis: There's no .deb17:08
zerothisdoes your router or modem have a USB interface?17:09
zerothisbored_gourd: build-essential and dependence's have .deb files17:10
Neo3I've got error: Error mounting /dev/sdb6 at /media/neo/G: Command-line `mount -t "ntfs" -o "uhelper=udisks2,nodev,nosuid,uid=1000,gid=1000" "/dev/sdb6" "/media/neo/G"' exited with non-zero exit status 14: The disk contains an unclean file system (0, 0).17:10
Neo3Metadata kept in Windows cache, refused to mount.17:10
Neo3Failed to mount '/dev/sdb6': Operation not permitted17:10
Neo3The NTFS partition is in an unsafe state. Please resume and shutdown17:10
Neo3Windows fully (no hibernation or fast restarting), or mount the volume17:10
Neo3read-only with the 'ro' mount option.17:10
mutantebored_gourd: try "gcc-7"17:11
mutantebored_gourd: also, do what zerothis said :)17:11
bored_gourdzerothis: Thanks, modem does have USB, but no cables right now. I may have to go run and get a long ass ethernet cable but I'll try your other suggestions too17:12
bored_gourdI can't really use apt-get because no connection17:12
Asad2005I cannot pair my blutooth headset with ubuntu 17.10 can someone help please?17:30
Asad2005I am getting Error: GDBus.Error:org.bluez.Error.AuthenticationCanceled17:31
zerothisbored_gourd: run next door and ask your neighbor to borrow a <s>cup of sugar</s> cable17:32
momomois there a fully, locked and ready android, just install and go kind of mobile device simulator for linux / ubuntu ?17:48
momomoi need some mobile apps quite often and now have to bring up the phone each time . i'd like to do it from my computer instead.17:48
jhutchins_wkmomomo: What apps?17:53
jhutchins_wkmomomo: I know emulation is possible because people use Linux for Android development, but I don't know that it's as easy as just loading an app.17:54
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
leptone_I am attempting to recursively replace a string in all files with another string with this: http://vasir.net/blog/ubuntu/replace_string_in_multiple_files18:07
leptone_but im getting this error18:07
leptone_grep -rl "from \'styled-components\'" src | xargs sed -i "s/from \'styled-components\'/from \'emotion\'/g"18:07
leptone_sed: 1: "src/app/components/Cros ...": bad flag in substitute command: 'o'18:07
LopeI've got a USB microphone input and stereo output device that makes a horrible buzz on recorded mic sound18:09
LopeWould it improve if I added some decoupling caps across the 5v and ground?18:10
LopeIt's one of these type of cheapass things https://www.ebay.com/itm/Audio-Adapter-3D-Sound-card-5-1-USB-To-3-5mm-mic-headphone-Jack-Stereo-Headset/22273493418618:10
RefractiveIndexI need a little help with ssh on Lubuntu18:12
RefractiveIndexWill someone lend a hand?18:12
RefractiveIndexI mean time18:12
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:15
=== justache is now known as McPrancerTinsleN
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wligtenbergI just installed 17.10 on my new system, and I have two issues. 1) I cannot unlock the disk encryption, because the screen has frozen. (I can circumvent that by booting recovery, entering the code, and the resuming the normal boot.) and 2) the gnome session freezes after login. I think both issues might be caused by me using the binary nvidia drivers (which I need).18:33
pavlosRefractiveIndex: http://lubuntuhowto.blogspot.com/2014/09/how-to-install-ssh-server-on-lubuntu.html18:35
ioriawligtenberg, use xorg session ?18:35
wligtenbergioria, how can I choose the xorg session? I don't seem to be able to change that...18:36
ioriawligtenberg, if you can't use gui, you need to edit /etc/gdm3/custom.conf18:37
ioriawligtenberg, from console or recovery18:37
pavloswligtenberg: https://itsfoss.com/switch-xorg-wayland/18:37
wligtenbergpavlos, I don't see the gear icon...18:39
HackeMatei want to forward all eth0 traffic to eth1, can i do that directly with ubuntu and iptables or i need something like pfsense or openwrt?18:40
ioriawligtenberg, share a pic ?18:40
iffraffHi, not sure if this is the right forum. but I have a makefile with a command that has several lines, the first line fails, I would like it to continue anyway, does anyone know how to do this?18:40
wligtenbergioria, if I make the change in gdm, it works18:40
ioriawligtenberg, ok18:40
wligtenbergioria, rebooting to see if this also resolves my unlock disk issue18:41
ioriawligtenberg, yep, good luck18:42
pavlosHackeMate: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/126595/iptables-forward-all-traffic-to-interface18:49
yommHi, can I have a notification area in ubuntu 16.04 ? (there are still many apps int the repos which use it)18:58
yommpasystray in particular is hard to live without19:08
visiphola my funky fresh friends19:13
wligtenbergioria, I also need splash and quiet removed, but then it works :)19:13
ioriawligtenberg, mmm, weird but ok19:15
wligtenbergioria, well, that is a small price to pay :)19:19
NitrigaurUbuntu 16.04, nVidia 384.90 After update my ubuntu-desktop uses software window compositing, which almost immediately pushes the CPU to 100%, which makes the system unusable. Any way to force compiz to use my GPU? My i3 session does not suffer from this issue. It only arises when using the std. ubuntu-desktop.19:30
wligtenbergmmm, I am trying to use Play On Linux to install a game, and it seems that all wine windows are just a tiny line. I cannot maximise them... Any tips?19:39
yommNitrigaur: i had a similar issue a while ago and reinstalling the nvidia driver fixed it for me19:39
wligtenbergmmm, just winecfg seems to work fine...19:42
Nitrigauryomm, did you just use an apt-get line, or did you use the restricted hardware panel?19:42
Nitrigaurwligtenberg, what kind of GPU are you using and what game are you trying to run?19:42
wligtenbergNitrigaur, nvidia 1060 using prop driver, trying to install gw2 using POL. (I managed to do that before, on different hardware...)19:43
edisonbulbUbuntu Software really shouldn't list snaps. Most of the snaps I've tried to install have some sort of error during installation.19:43
yommNitrigaur: I built from the nvidia installer19:43
Nitrigaurwligtenberg, wg2?19:43
Nitrigaurwligtenberg, gw2? What game is that?19:44
wligtenbergnitrigaur, Guild Wars 2 :)19:44
Nitrigaurwligtenberg, what version are you trying to run (what is the source of the package? (i.e Steam/ GOG, GG)?19:45
wligtenbergNitrigaur, the install script has the option to just download the installer from guildwars2.com19:47
Nitrigaurwligtenberg, I see... Try to bring up POL's console. Do you see any errors?19:48
NitrigaurIf not, try running the game from the command-line, by changing the Wine profile environment variable and running the game from within the bottle directory of POL.19:49
Nitrigauryomm, I have done a dpkg-reconfigure nvidia-384, which should amount to reinstalling the driver. Let's see if that one works...19:51
wligtenbergNitrigaur, I see something about TrueType fonts, ntlm_auth < invalid gpu override and something about getsystemtimepreciseasfiletime19:53
BluesKajyomm, the next time there are nvidia driver module upgrades they won't apply to your driver and your gpu system will break19:54
Nitrigaurwligtenberg, that sounds like a recipe to me. Try updating the ntlm_auth if there is an update available. This invalid GPU override sounds a bit more serious though... Did you install the POL before changing video cards by any chance?19:56
Nitrigaurwligtenberg, try going into Wine_Config and set up a virtual desktop of a resolution that this game expects to see. That might work.19:57
wligtenbergNitrigaur, the wine_config window is also basically a line :)19:58
Nitrigaurwligtenberg, I have exactly the same GPU as you :-)19:59
wligtenbergNitrigaur, good choice ;)20:01
wligtenbergNitrigaur, I also want to do some deep learning on it20:01
jerthat's my job, my workstation has a 1080 ti in it working swimmingly =]20:01
wligtenbergNitrigaur, I have found a fix on the POL forum, which seems to work.20:02
wligtenbergjer, yeah, that was not within budget :)20:02
jerwligtenberg, tax write off, business expense =]20:02
Nitrigaurwligtenberg, https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Talk:Guild_Wars_2_on_Wine20:02
omginawhen there are security updates- dowload and install automatically,; does it mean and it won't show me there are security updates???20:03
Nitrigaurwligtenberg, I'm curious, what was the fix?20:03
wligtenbergjer, well I am not self employed (yet ;) )20:03
omginasomeone cares to answer this important security question, or is it because it's not displaying because of some hideous error20:03
omginasome bug20:03
wligtenbergNitrigaur, removing some libz stuff and then installing some i386 packages.20:04
jerwligtenberg, i'm only technically self employed because i live in a different country than where the company i work for operates and i don't have a tax account in that country... but i'm an officer of the company so not technically independent =]20:04
Nitrigaurwligtenberg, I hope you only overrided them within the bottle and not system-wide?20:04
wligtenbergNitrigaur, will send the link in a bit20:04
omginaanyone cares to answer me20:05
Nitrigaur!patience | omgina20:05
ubottuomgina: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/20:05
BluesKajomgina, unsttended upgrades automatically runs in the background to install security updates/upgrades20:06
wligtenbergNitrigaur, https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=1714025#p171402520:06
wligtenbergNitrigaur, mmm, but I now get a crash of the client...20:07
Nitrigaurwligtenberg, the link I provided on the GW2 wiki might help you with that,20:08
BluesKajomgina, https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/automatic-updates.html20:08
RefractiveIndexGuys, I have connected my system through my android with sshgh my a20:10
RefractiveIndexNow if i suspend the system20:10
RefractiveIndexthe ssh dies right?20:11
Nitrigaurwligtenberg, https://boxedfox.org/projects/winegw2/20:11
NitrigaurRefractiveIndex, depends whether you can detach your session and re-attach again (Only if your Android client supports this feature)20:12
RefractiveIndexWhat i want to do is unsuspend my system which is connected through my speaker20:13
RefractiveIndexand play music20:13
RefractiveIndexThe moment i get up in morning from my bed20:13
RefractiveIndexI'm using JuiceSSH20:13
RefractiveIndexThat Lemon Thing!20:13
RefractiveIndexNitrigaur, Can u help??20:15
NitrigaurRefractiveIndex, only if that client supports detaching and re-attaching of sessions.20:15
RefractiveIndexOk Thanks. I'll google on it20:16
NitrigaurRefractiveIndex, good luck :-) Always nice to be able to rise to good music.20:18
RefractiveIndexHaha, Nitrigaur Just finding out ways with what i have20:19
RefractiveIndexThe first answer on this20:19
RefractiveIndexsolves it though20:19
wligtenbergNitrigaur, trying the link you sent me20:19
RefractiveIndexBy running the shell under a shell20:20
RefractiveIndexBut noob idea for me20:20
RefractiveIndexNo shell works if system is suspended lol20:20
wligtenbergNitrigaur, seems to be working a charm!20:20
RefractiveIndexNitrigaur, will the second answer work in that?20:21
NitrigaurRefractiveIndex, nesting shells can get confusing rather quickly. Too bad the so-called magic packet (Wake-On-LAN) is not routable through NAT, or you might have set up your system to WOL and shut it down entirely...20:21
NitrigaurRefractiveIndex, actually, that might still work if you have an IPv6 motherboard and your mobo supports IPv6 WOL.20:22
RefractiveIndexMy Laptop is a 2006 best US design model20:23
RefractiveIndexI really dun think so20:23
RefractiveIndexand seeing the time on the watch, I guess i should sleep!20:23
RefractiveIndexMusic or No Music tomo!20:24
NitrigaurRefractiveIndex, Rock on and sweet dreams :-)20:24
RefractiveIndexU Too! :-)20:25
yengashey guys, is there a good screen/terminal capture tool that i can use to capture my terminal? we are making a tutorial series on programming so most of my time will be spent on terminal and vim. i tried asciinema but it seems like its for single tab20:37
yengasany recommendations?20:37
alkisgFirst decide if you want video playback, or ascii/javascript playback = no bandwidth20:39
alkisgIf you want ascii playback, you can use screen to show 2 tabs20:40
tylneshHello.. Anybodu using Unity on 17.10?20:43
alive876hi, if i have root access, and create a user with sudo priv, i want him to sudo cd /root , but it says cd command not found20:46
tylneshGot a curious problem, that I've never encountered before. All my onscrean fonts are going blurry. If I scroll, or drastically change what's on the screen (switching workspaces, opening dash), they become sharp again, but after a few seconds they blur again20:46
tylneshanyone encountered something simiar?21:04
Younderwanna new linux system: https://www.aldec.com/en/products/emulation/tysom_boards/zynq_ultrascale_mpsoc_boards/tysom_3 .. cool design21:08
=== juboxi is now known as jubo2
ThomasCrownI am getting the follow error on Ubuntu 16.04 running on VirtualBox: Removing linux-image-extra-4.4.0-97-generic (4.4.0-97.120) ...21:16
ThomasCrowndepmod: FATAL: could not load /boot/System.map-4.4.0-97-generic: No such file or directory21:16
xorpadHi, is there a way to make a user have same permissions as root?21:16
ThomasCrownrun-parts: executing /etc/kernel/postinst.d/apt-auto-removal 4.4.0-97-generic /boot/vmlinuz-4.4.0-97-generic21:16
ThomasCrownrun-parts: executing /etc/kernel/postinst.d/initramfs-tools 4.4.0-97-generic /boot/vmlinuz-4.4.0-97-generic21:16
ThomasCrownupdate-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-4.4.0-97-generic21:16
ThomasCrownrun-parts: executing /etc/kernel/postinst.d/pm-utils 4.4.0-97-generic /boot/vmlinuz-4.4.0-97-generic21:16
xorpadso that the user is like root but with a different name?21:16
=== TheRedQueen is now known as Drone
yommHi all, any hints on how to get a working dual touch setup on 16.04 ?21:20
yommI have a viseso 200T dual touch monitor21:20
ThomasCrownHi I am running Ubuntu 16.04 and I am getting an error that I hope someone can help me with. http://paste.ubuntu.com/26067084/21:25
pavlosThomasCrown: seems the -97 kernel was not installed correctly. Which kernel are you using (uname -a)21:27
TJ-ThomasCrown: "exec format error" suggests the wrong architecture or missing binfmt support. What does this report "file /etc/kernel/postinst.d/vboxadd" ?21:27
ThomasCrownpavlos: Linux m-VirtualBox 4.4.0-101-generic #124-Ubuntu SMP Fri Nov 10 18:29:59 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux21:28
pavlosThomasCrown: can you answer TJ- question? I think you can manually go to /boot and remove all he files with the -97 kernel21:29
ThomasCrownTJ: it is blank21:30
ThomasCrownpavlos: I have 'rm' all the 97 files and still no show21:31
ThomasCrownI removed those files and i get the error that I posted.21:31
pavlosThomasCrown: dpkg --purge linux-image-4.4.0-97-generic linux-image-extra-4.4.0-97-generic21:32
zerothismomomo: http://www.shashlik.io21:32
pavlosThomasCrown: can you pastebin /boot              ls -l /boot | nc termbin.com 999921:32
TJ-ThomasCrown: if it's blank there's a problem. What does this show "ls -l /etc/kernel/postinst.d/vboxadd"21:33
alkisgThomasCrown: sudo chmod -x /etc/kernel/postinst.d/vboxadd; sudo apt-get install -f; sudo chmod +x /etc/kernel/postinst.d/vboxadd21:33
ThomasCrownpavlos: Here are my results: http://paste.ubuntu.com/26067141/21:34
pavlosThomasCrown: seems the vbox issue has to be fixed first21:34
yengasalkisg: what would you suggest in case i were to go with video playback recording?21:34
alive876hi, if i am root, and i have  created a user with sudo priv , how does the user log into root, sudo cd /root    , it says cd: command not found21:35
ThomasCrownpavlos: http://paste.ubuntu.com/26067154/21:36
Youndersudo su ...21:36
pavlosThomasCrown: line 721:36
ThomasCrownTJ: -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 0 Nov 21 13:04 /etc/kernel/postinst.d/vboxadd21:37
pavlosThomasCrown: I think you can rm that vboxadd file, then install -f and it should be ok21:37
TJ-ThomasCrown: as pavlos says; the file is corrupted (size 0 bytes!)21:38
ThomasCrownPavlos: TJ: Alkisg: I am going to reboot and see if it clears up my other erros.21:41
pavlosalive876: /root permissions are 700     sudo -i, become root, then look at /root21:42
alive876i can't become root, i have to let a user run app in root dir21:45
pavlosalive876: why dont you place the app in some other dir (/opt, /usr/local/bin) and then give +x for others21:46
Sleakertrying to use debootstrap on 17.10 right now against a custom built repository, I'm using --no-check-gpg and it's failing to get past the InRelease file which doesnt' exist in my custom repo.22:07
Sleakerthis behaviour used to work, but doesn't appear to be working any longer.22:07
Sleakerany ideas on this?22:08
TJ-Sleaker: do you have a log of what's going on? maybe add "set -x" to the top of /usr/sbin/debootstrap ?22:13
SleakerTJ-: yes, it tries to scp the InRelease file (my repo is not authorized so doesn't have one) and immediately fails.22:13
Sleakerit's no even trying to get the Release file.22:13
TJ-Sleaker: the code in /usr/share/debootstrap/functions::download_release_sig() should fetch the Release file in that case22:14
SleakerTJ-: this is all I get in the debootstrap.log: https://gist.github.com/ISInminkler/57a419fa895a0b5efcc3c692b38ba33022:15
Sleakerthis is the command I'm running: debootstrap --verbose --no-check-gpg --no-check-certificate --variant=minbase --include=ubuntu-minimal,tasksel,language-pack-en --arch=i386 trusty /tmp/tmp-cache ssh://isiupdate@update-staging.isicentral.com/opt/repository/isi/archive/15.11.6/trusty22:17
fribFirefox all of a sudden is displaying web pages incorrectly22:17
fribhow can I Fix this? thanks22:17
Sleakerfyi it works on ubuntu 14.04.5, but not on 17.1022:18
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Sleakerdebootstrap 1.78 vs 1.05922:18
Sleakerthe ssh location is local dns here.22:20
Sleakerso wont work if you try iy.22:20
oerheksfrib, clean up firefox and start FF again, you will lose settings & plugins https://www.cise.ufl.edu/content/firefox-and-chrome-data-cache#delete_firefox_linux22:22
SleakerI guess I could try and manually comment out the inrel block since it seems to be bombing22:22
oerheksthere are tons of other pages howto remove cache and config22:22
TJ-Sleaker: like I said, add "set -x" so you can trace the entire sequence and see arguments22:22
friboerheks, thx22:23
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Sleakerset -x doesn't do anything?22:23
SleakerI'm not running from a script.22:23
Sleakerdebootstrap junks the output22:24
TJ-debootstrap is a shell script22:25
TJ-I add it to the top of /usr/sbin/debootstrap if I'm debugging22:25
TJ-then run it with something like "debootstrap .... |& tee /tmp/debootstrap.log"22:25
Sleakersticks on the same line without any better output :-/22:26
TJ-You should be seeing every line that is executed22:27
SleakerTJ-: nothing gets shwon for about 3 lines of just 'exec exec exec'22:30
Sleakerthen it bomb ons I:Retrieving InRelease22:30
Sleakercool, commenting out all the Inrel code in the function fixes it :-/22:31
Sleakerthat if statement probably just really broken22:31
TJ-!info deboostrap artful | Sleaker: where did you get debootstrap 1.078 from? that's not 17.1022:33
ubottuSleaker: where did you get debootstrap 1.078 from? that's not 17.10: Package deboostrap does not exist in artful22:33
TJ-!info debootstrap artful | Sleaker: where did you get debootstrap 1.078 from? that's not 17.1022:33
ubottuSleaker: where did you get debootstrap 1.078 from? that's not 17.10: debootstrap (source: debootstrap): Bootstrap a basic Debian system. In component main, is extra. Version 1.0.91ubuntu1.1 (artful), package size 36 kB, installed size 262 kB22:33
friboerheks, didn't work22:33
Sleakeroh sorry I'm on 16.0422:33
Sleakerlast LTS22:33
Sleakerthought I was on 17.1022:33
friboerheks, i tried opening firefox in safe mode also and it still doesn't display pages properly22:34
fribit seems to be text related, pictures load fine22:34
ShutterFoxfrib: whats your problem in firefox?22:34
Sleakerlooks like 14.04 doesn't try to get the inrel file, so this was definitely a change that broke some thing.22:34
Sleakermight be fixed already though22:35
lafleurdubienI received notice from Google that machines from an IP address under my control were participating in a UDP Flood DDoS attack targeting Google IPs.  I have fail2ban and ssh auth logs.22:35
lafleurdubienWhat exactly should I be looking for in the logs, though? I can read line-by-line but any advice would be much apperciated!22:36
TJ-Sleaker: if you've "set -x" you should see something like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/26067509/22:36
oerheksfrib, can you show us a screenshot? imgur.com or the latter22:37
SleakerTJ-: I do. like I said mine bombs right after the three execs and your line 17122:37
Sleakermy version has incorrect syntax for the if statement on whether the inrelease file was scped or not.22:37
Sleakerie: it's always returning true and getting into the inrelease code, rather than trying to download the release file.22:38
TJ-Sleaker: in just_get() ?22:38
TJ-Sleaker: looks like both file:// and ssh:// suffer from the same bug22:39
Sleakerthe 'if get "$m1/dists/$SUITE/Inrelease" "$inreldest" nocache; the <-- always true22:39
Sleakerwell that's a bummer.22:40
TJ-Sleaker: right, because get() calls just_get() which doesn't return scp's exit code, it just hardcodes return 022:40
oerhekslafleurdubien, netstat -nulp to see what process is looking, https://serverfault.com/questions/269556/udp-flood-attack-linux-server22:40
Sleakerseems like a pretty big bug.22:41
Sleakeranyhow, thanks TJ- got that section commented out for now so I can get this thing working.22:42
TJ-Sleaker: here's a fix patch: http://paste.ubuntu.com/26067556/22:43
alexashey guys22:43
friboerheks, https://imagebin.ca/v/3itekA8qDOlY22:43
alexascan i somehow install clonezilla in part of my already lunuxed hdd so i can boot it in and do a mirror backup without a flash pen drive on certain computer?22:43
oerheksodd, no text at all ..22:45
TJ-Sleaker: I've made a bug report for your issue: Bug #173501422:51
ubottubug 1735014 in debootstrap (Ubuntu) "file:// and ssh:// protocols do not allow for failed gets" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/173501422:51
oerheksfrib,  not sure what happens there, i thought i just run a http://acid3.acidtests.org test,... https://i.imgur.com/pd6u7AO.png22:52
oerheksboth 97/10022:52
oerheksand the silly www browser gets 100/10022:53
alive876as non-root user, i am trying to install a package using apt-get  but i get this 'chmod 0700 of directory /var/lib/apt/lists/partial failed'  , how do I get around this? I need to run it as non-root, thanks22:56
oerheksalive876, users without priv should not install packages.22:59
TJ-alive876: you could do it in an unprivileged LXD container first, then copy-out the files22:59
alive876is it possible to have priv and not be root?23:00
oerheksextracting in a homefolder should be possible, but executing ..23:00
oerheksnope, you are safe :-D23:00
SleakerTJ-: thanks much again!23:03
JoeRWIs it a known issue that some of the icon themes in 17.10 such as "Hicolor" are missing icons like the "Calculator" icon? Or is it just a bad Ubuntu install on my end?23:15
Fenhlhello! Is there a way to tell cron to wait for the network to go up before running @reboot jobs?23:24
mutanteFenhl: if not cron, there might be the alternative to use systemd timers for this. a unit like that would be able to wait for network23:24
Fenhlso far I've only found an alternative way of running something at startup, a systemd service, but that doesn't seem to come with the same error report emails23:24
mutantethere is some weird thing where you have classic cron syntax but then it converts it into systemd timers23:25
mutanteFenhl: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Systemd/Timers#MAILTO  "Several of the caveats can be worked around by installing a package that parses a traditional crontab to configure the timers. systemd-cron-nextAUR and systemd-cronAUR are two such packages. These can provide the missing MAILTO feature. "23:26
alexasi have a thinkpad led indicator blinking all the time, think it is related to bluetooth use, any way I can disable this indicator?23:28
Fenhlmutante: interesting. This seems to be a replacement for cron itself. Do I need to remove cron before installing this?23:29
mutanteFenhl: i am not sure, i just happened to see this the first time myself the other day23:31
mutantebut that's also why i remembered it, heh23:31
Jordan_UFenhl: You want features that are best implemented using systemd directly. I would recommend making a normal systemd unit / service then following https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Systemd/Timers#MAILTO just to add the feature of sending mail on failure.23:32
TJ-alexas: there may be a node under /sys/class/leds/ where you can control it23:34
alexasTJ-: can you elaborate please of how I can controll it by, by editing the file?23:35
FenhlJordan_U: that seems like a more straightforward solution, thanks23:36
TJ-alexas: you can check the current triggers and brightness using something like "for n in /sys/class/leds/phy0-led/*; do [ -f $n ] && echo "$n=$(cat $n)"; done " ... and write to the "triggers" node to change what can activate the LED23:38
Jordan_UFenhl: You're welcome.23:40
alexasTJ-: thanks, I should not forget to try this out when I finish this one thing am doing at the moment.23:40
TJ-alexas: there's kernel documentation about LED control at https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/tree/Documentation/leds23:40
alexasTJ-: aha, great - thanks for reference23:40
TJ-alexas: the easiest way, I think, is to set the brightness to 0 with something like "echo 0 | sudo dd of=/sys/class/leds/<DEVICENAME>/brightness"23:42
alexasTJ-: I don't see my bluetooth led there, although it probably named otherwise23:43
TJ-alexas: it might not be presentd to the OS - it might be just hardware controlled23:44
alexasTJ-: right, although I think otherwise23:45
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