
kgbmeguys i wanna build https://luakit.github.io/ to give it whirl, but besides just make - is there something cool to use, for compiling? GUI or otherwise, all good12:19
kgbmeerr i guess i meant for oversight or something12:19
kgbmejust make? hm. cool xD12:20
knomebuilding packages isn't a fashion show12:20
kgbmelol alright, alright :))12:20
knomeyou use the tools the code maintainer uses12:20
kgbmesounds good, yeah12:20
knomepleia2, i updated the flyer pad to reflect the changes i've made in the scribus file12:54
knomepleia2, here's the new layouty stuff: https://temp.knome.fi/xubuntu/flyer-1804/flyer_A4.pdf12:57
knomeand yes, i still think we should make the text shorter12:57
knomepleia2, so re: the layout stuff, i've been thinking more what content should appear where..13:03
knomefor example, are the "download" and "support" things so important in this flyer that we want to dedicate the other "first inside" page to them?13:04
knomepleia2, in other words, shouldn't they be the last thing we want to mention after first introducing xubuntu?13:04
knomeeg. i'd propose they get the place where "software" is now13:05
knomethough really, i don't know what else would be in that "other inside" page13:05
knomethe left page clearly "has to" be the experience one13:05
knomeit's spot on right there13:05
kgbmeknome: hehe, g+ logo <313:11
kgbmei boot windows and slap together vector in illustator?..13:12
knomebesides, why use windows software for this anyway?13:12
kgbmeah, know it by heart :-s13:12
kgbmework stuff, meh13:12
knomeand clearly this was the wrong channel13:16
knomesigh :)13:16
roberson_anyone out there..14:42
fietAlso Hi14:45
coinictusHi, I'm a total newbie on Xubuntu. Somebody is online to help me with a thing?15:00
roberson_maybe whats up ?15:18
coinictusthanks roberson_15:20
coinictusI'm trying to install crypto coin wallets on a fresh pc15:21
roberson_what version of xubuntu ?15:21
roberson_hrmm alright15:33
roberson_there is a guide for setting up a crypto currency wallet on 14.04 LTS ..15:34
roberson_have you tried searching ?15:35
coinictusmy question is after I download it and unzip it, what should I do to run it?15:36
roberson_if you unzipped it did you do an ls -la in the directory ? any README files or instructions ?15:36
coinictusnothing helpful15:39
roberson_hrmm bummer ... alright where did you get the zip file from ?15:40
coinictusI can run the wallet from command line, but how do I run it "windows" mode?15:40
roberson_you mean using graphics ?15:40
coinictussorry I'm very new in linux world15:40
roberson_your fine15:40
roberson_sometimes some programs have whats called x-windows or graphics and some are just purly terminal based15:42
roberson_i'd need to know more about the product your attempting to install can you sned me a link to their websit e ?15:42
roberson_run this in the directory u unzipped it too  ./BitBean-qt15:46
coinictuserror while loading shared library libqtgui.so.415:48
coinictussudo apt-get install libqtgui4 ?15:49
roberson_on your system have you run sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade ?15:49
roberson_apt-get update fetchs updates for your computer apt-get upgrade updates them try that then reboot then try to open the bean-qt file15:50
coinictusok thanks!15:50
roberson_alsp see if upgrade grabs  libqtgui415:51
coinictu_still same error15:58
roberson_is your system 32 bit or 64 ?16:02
roberson_ you might try this sudo apt-get install libqtgui416:02
roberson_if you are using a 64 bit version you may need to run this sudo apt-get install libqtgui4:amd6416:03
roberson_and if your unsure how to find out run uname -a that will tell you what architecture your running16:04
fietTry uname -m16:05
fiet-a will show that as well, among other info16:05
=== kgbme is now known as Patrick2
=== TheRedQueen is now known as Drone

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