
edujtniasHello. I'm very new at this, so bear with me, please. I installed Kubuntu onto my laptop (hp beats special edition 15-p030nr). Everything was fine, it looked like it installed cleanly and I was able to do whatever. It said I needed to restart to finish everything up, so I did. When I was filling out various things (username, name of computer, etc.)00:40
edujtnias I finished and it took me to a black screen. Now I cant get out. I tried restarting, and I get the startup screen, but then it goes back to a black screen every time and I won't get anything else until I hit the power button again, and then it just gives me the same screen saying Kubuntu as on startup. I don't know how to go around it at all, or i00:40
edujtniasf I even can.00:40
d-fishCan you switch to different ttys? Usually Control-Alt-F1 through F800:42
edujtniasThat got me to "(computer name) login:" so that's something.00:48
fenjaminI want to run a script to use battery power when plugged in then recharge on AC power at 10%. I've set the udev rules however I can't find the battery's location for echo.02:23
fenjamineverything else Google has taught is an alert or notification02:25
koffeinfriedhoffenjamin: have a look at qdbus --system org.freedesktop.UPower02:32
koffeinfriedhofExample: qdbus --system org.freedesktop.UPower /org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/battery_BAT0  org.freedesktop.UPower.Device.Percentage02:32
fenjaminkoffeinfriedhof ok thanks!02:35
koffeinfriedhoffenjamin: yw. You need dbus-monitor to use it in scripts. e.g.: https://stackoverflow.com/a/534546202:36
fenjaminproblem solved.02:39
lordievaderGood morning07:05
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BluesKajHowdy folks11:06
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alexandru__hi everyone, is there any way to remove sudo and go the usual Debian way of accessing the superuser in Kubuntu (17.10)?13:29
alexandru__(without breaking anything, if possible)13:29
hateballalexandru__: Nothing supported, on13:32
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo13:32
alexandru__I know there isn't any, but I'm interested in having a regular user password, and a root password, without breaking much of Kubuntu.13:37
hateballWell you got the answer. There is no supported way, which is what this channel is for :)13:39
hateballIf you decide to do it on your own... then you are on your own13:39
alexandru__thanks for the support :)13:40
hateballForceRecon: your question about checking errors only, read the priority section in "man journalctl"13:47
hateballit could be for instance journalctl -p 0..313:48
ForceReconreading now.. thanks mate13:48
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NoFreeNameAviabl... I had to reformat partitions, because I couldn't install grub manualy, error after error, and after it told me it has suceeded it haven't booted.14:15
BluesKajNoFreeNameAviabl, do you have any other linux OSs on your pc?14:18
NoFreeNameAviablI've tried fedora, it couldn't load grub too14:32
NoFreeNameAviablI've tried arch, but it culdn't fetch packages from internet even on different DNS servers.14:32
NoFreeNameAviablSo I'm on kubuntu now.14:32
NoFreeNameAviablI need some nice terminal emulators14:32
BluesKajok , do you have BIOS or UEFI ?14:33
BluesKajok so you have kubuntu running ok then ?14:35
NoFreeNameAviablYes, I went for the partition shrink and automatic installation provided, but manually I did this: Installed Kubuntu Custom, mounted it as /mnt, mounted bootpart(flaged: boot, bios) as /mnt/boot, then I did grub-install, and then I didn't get boot.14:37
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InvalidPasswordWhy is application still in there, when I have it on another desktop?18:31
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tiwakealright, new desktop computer build and its randomly restarting (running KDE)... it randomly restarts under windows too20:18
tiwakeI'm not really sure how to approach this20:18
tiwakeerm, when I say running KDE I mean kubuntu... heh... from a net-install20:19
daxtiwake: random restarts under multiple OSes sounds like a hardware issue, you might want to try ##hardware also20:40
tiwakedax: I'm suspecting its the processor because the early AMD processors had... well.. a lot of issues20:40
tiwakethe early ryzen processors that is20:40
tiwakebefore I put my computer together I noted the manufacture date, and its an older one20:41
daxcould try installing amd64-microcode, but Windows would be doing microcode updates automatically so...20:42
tiwakeits almost identical to the server I built a month ago, different motherboard, but same motherboard company20:43
daxmight also wanna make sure you're not having heat problems20:43
tiwakesame ECC RAM, same processor, power supply, battery backup...20:43
tiwakeI guess I'm not sure what to look for for hardware issues in the logs20:44
tiwakeor if I should enable something20:45
daxi don't know how AMD does it, but Intel will straight up power off the computer without warning if it overheats20:45
daxwithout there necessarily being anything in any logs20:45
tiwakeI did do stress testing, when I first assembled it, computer ran full steam for a whole day20:46
tiwaketemps were stable and stuff20:46
tiwakethen it started random restarting20:47
tiwakein windows anyway20:47
tiwakelinux it does not restart, just flakes out without an actual kernel panic?20:47
tiwakewhen issues start happening with kubuntu, I <ctrl><atl><F1> and it dumps a lot of EXT4-fs errors20:54
tiwakecan't log in or anything20:54
daxEXT4-fs would be hard drive usually. but that shouldn't autoreboot the system.20:55
daxcould be memory, i guess?20:55
tiwakeno, it did not ever reboot20:55
tiwaketry swapping out RAM? or would it be my SSD?20:56
daxif it's not rebooting, my guess would be your storage device first, RAM if not20:56
daxbut again, ##hardware might know better, and would also know how to test it20:57
tiwakeits an M.2 SSD by crucial, it should be "good"20:57
tiwakealright alright20:57
jaafarAll right people, I've got something weird to report21:46
jaafarI keep losing one of my mouse buttons21:46
jaafaras in, every few minutes it stops recognizing the click event21:47
jaafar*X* sees the event, but windows do not21:47
jaafarswitching virtual consoles with ctrl-alt-F1, ctrl-alt-F7 restores functionality21:49
jaafarthis started about a week ago21:49
jaafarAny ideas?21:49
jaafarYou know how when you hover over something you get a visual indicator that it's possible to click on it? e.g., it turns light blue or something22:10
jaafarNot even doing that22:10
jaafarso it's going into a mode where it's unreceptive to selection activity, or something22:10
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shevchukHello. I have a problem with Meta (Win) key not opening app launcher. I'm using fullscreen app dashboard, Alt+F1 is working, but not Meta. I'm on 17.10 with kubuntu-backports, so Plasma 5.11.3. It stopped working in September I think (I was o 17.04 without kubuntu backports back then). On my other computers with clean 17.10 + kubuntu backports install it does work, so it's something with my setup, but I'm not sure know where should22:43
shevchukI start to figure what's causing the problem. Any ideas?22:43

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