
aden_I was told to say hi to evilnick, degville, pmatulis and davidcalle07:32
JohnZdocumentation team07:36
aden_oh wait sry07:40
aden_thought u were saying u were from the dev team07:40
degvilleHello aden_ and JohnZ! Welcome to the channel!07:51
aden_thanks degville!08:09
davidcalleHi JohnZ and aden_, thanks for joining!08:37
aden_davidcalle: ^^08:51
aden_hey I have a question10:24
davidcalleaden_: sure!10:24
aden_davidcalle: If i were to take this task (https://codein.withgoogle.com/tasks/6636386289451008/?sp-organization=5133577048031232&sp-is_beginner=False) do I need a web server and domain myself or is it provided?10:25
davidcalleaden_: as far as I know, you would have to provide them yourself10:27
aden_alright, also do i use my real name as the author or my nickname (Aden)?10:28
aden_davidcelle: ^ (sry forgot to tag ya)10:28
degvilleaden_: It's a good question, but yeah, davidcalle is right. The domain name in the tutorial can be invented, but to test/write the instructions it would be good to setup your own server with a domain name and get SSL working.10:28
aden_alright davidcalle and degville. thanks!10:29
davidcalleaden_: that's your call, only requirement is that the email address is correct, as we plan on doing regular emails to published tutorials writers (eg. after an Ubuntu release), for them to check if they need to update their tutorials10:30
aden_davidcalle: alright I'll be sure to fill in my email thanks again!10:31
davidcallenp, thank you!10:31
aden_glad to be in this with chat with ya'll today ^^10:33
degvillethanks for taking part aden_!10:33
aden_thanks you both for helping me out10:34
Villhi I'm Beginner10:58
davidcalleHi Vill10:58
davidcalle...and welcome :)10:58
Villhow I need to do? :D10:59
davidcalleVill: have you picked a task?10:59
MadhavHii Documentation team!! (Evilnick, Degville, Pmatulis, David Calle)15:04
degvilleHello Madhav!15:05
davidcalleHi Madhav and sanskarjain, welcome!15:08
ghifarihi evilnick degville pmatulis and davidcalle15:35
davidcalleHi ghifari, welcome :)15:35
degvillehello ghifari! Welcome * 2 :)15:35
ghifariThnk you, I'm so glad to be in this channel15:37
Dmitriyevilnick, degville, pmatulis and davidcalle20:46
degvilleHello Dmitriy! Welcome to the channel!20:46
davidcalleHi there o/20:47

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