
mallendaniellim: Hi Daniel!00:59
daniellimare you another participant?00:59
kyrofaWelcome daniellim01:00
mallendanielllim: I'm a mentor this year, but participated as student in 2015. Can I do anything to help you?01:01
daniellimoh nice01:01
daniellimnothing much now01:01
daniellimlooking forward to learning a lot01:01
daniellimare we still using launchpad this year?01:17
kyrofadaniellim, depends on the project01:17
kyrofaHey there ppabcd01:25
ppabcdhi :)01:25
daniellimHi snapcraft is saying that I need to sign the CLA02:07
daniellimIn the form there's this, Please add the Canonical Project Manager or contact02:07
daniellimMay I get the contact?02:09
tsimonq2elopio: That's a problem I forsee being more common ^^^^^02:19
tsimonq2elopio: In order to sign the CLA back when I was interested in contributing to Snapcraft, I had to get some forms from Canonical Legal that my parents had to sign.02:20
elopiodaniellim: hello02:20
tsimonq2elopio: (especially because people participating might not be able to sign legally binding contracts in their country quite yet, like in my case)02:21
elopiodaniellim: the manager of the canonical team is sergio.schvezov@canonical.com02:22
daniellimtsimonq2: it seems that now I just need to fill in the online form and I'm done02:23
daniellimelopio: thanks02:23
elopiosergiusens: can you check with legal what's the process for young people signing the CLA?02:23
daniellimWhen I do ./runtests.sh snapcraft/tests/unit I get FAILED (errors=143) is it okay to push?03:07
daniellimokay nevermind I think I installed the wrong module03:08
=== Michelle is now known as Guest18187
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Guest24158Hi elopio, sergisens and davidcalle04:02
davidrzzcHi elopio, sergisens and davidcalle!! :)05:13
Sangbumhello to all!05:14
Sangbumhi elopio, sergisens and davidcalle!05:15
Sangbumelopio: I've picked a task to translate tutorial. can I go with create-your-first-snap ?05:20
Sangbumhello davidrzzc! are you a student too?05:22
davidrzzcYeah! a Student too! i'm from México, and u?05:24
davidrzzcAre you from France?05:29
Sangbumdavidrzzc: I'm from South Korea. nice to meet u :D05:29
davidrzzcYou IP is from France wft05:30
Sangbumdavidrzzc: that's ip of freenode i think05:31
davidrzzcnice to meet u too!05:31
davidrzzci think so05:31
davidrzzchey! are you nervious for NKorea?05:32
Sangbumdavidrzzc: not really. they used to did that kind of things...05:33
davidrzzcKim Jong is a crazy guy. I hope that never happens a conflict.05:39
davidrzzchow old  are you?05:40
aden_i need some help here06:13
aden_if you were to take this task (https://codein.withgoogle.com/tasks/5666786080980992/?sp-organization=5133577048031232) does it mean you'll have to create the animation yourself?06:13
maxibankiHi @elopio @kyrofa @sergiusens @popey @flexiondotorg09:43
maxibankiThat's a weird step ^^09:44
sjalhi there maxibanki09:49
popeyaden_: yes, it's a big task09:50
m4sk1nwitam, sjal09:51
m4sk1nmaxibanki: we don't use @ on IRC to mention someone, we just use `,` or `:` after nick09:55
DubeyAditHi elopio, kyrofa, sergiusens, popey and flexiondotorg, :)10:33
m4sk1nit annoys me that I can't claim task before getting reviewed10:35
flexiondotorgm4sk1n: Can you explain what you mean in more detail please?11:43
m4sk1nI just can't claim task, because my current entry haven't been reviewed… :)11:49
davidcallem4sk1n: what's your entry?12:08
m4sk1ntranslation of tutorial12:14
sergiusensflexiondotorg a task mutex per participant12:15
sergiusensgood morning everyone12:15
sergiusensmaxibanki hello12:15
sergiusensDubeyAdit hello12:15
maxibankiI've got a small question. I claimed the task that I should create a snap package of a service that is written in golang. Need that program to be in that given list?12:17
davidcallem4sk1n: ah right, the pl translation! Two people have been pinged in the PR, let's wait a day to see if they provide more info before wrapping up the review12:17
sergiusensmaxibanki not necessarily, those are ones that have been identified by elopio as having a satisfactory outcome12:19
maxibankiHm, i would be interested in creating a snap package for https://github.com/maxibanki/golang-url-shortener. Does this make sense?12:20
DubeyAdit@sergiusens I'm working on a Task to " Ensure the tutorial covers everything required to complete it, and file bugs" . So I have filled an issue and my question is "Can a typo will be count as an issue?"12:22
sergiusensDubeyAdit which task is it, given I am not a mentor for every task I might not have visibility on it without manually searching12:23
sergiusensmaxibanki you own it it seems, so yes, that makes thing easy (you know your way around the code base).12:24
DubeyAditLink to Task(screenshot):12:25
sergiusenspopey can you add me as mentor of the "go snap" task? As a backup while elopio is away and to cover for the timezone kyrofa is sleeping in :-)12:25
sergiusensDubeyAdit ah, we can ask your mentors, popey or flexiondotorg :-)12:26
DubeyAditThanks :) sergiusens.12:31
popeysergiusens: sure12:31
sjalpopey: could you please check query from me? thanks!12:34
popeysergiusens: can you link to the specific task please, we have a lot12:35
popeysjal: looking, one moment12:35
sjalgreat, thanks :)12:35
sergiusenspopey https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/6471222382559232/12:40
popeysergiusens: done12:43
DubeyAditpopey -One quick question "Where should i report if i found tyops in docs?" related to task ->https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/6652012185780224/12:52
popeyhi DubeyAdit12:52
popeyThere's a link in the task, https://github.com/canonical-docs/snappy-docs/issues12:53
DubeyAditYeah! i filled an issue there, so typos will be count as my task of Quality Assurance? Also how I can Complete this task I mean i just have to find issues while reading docs, if so then how many issues atleast?12:56
popeyIf you found an issue ,then that's great. There's no minimum number of issues to find.12:57
popeyAnd yeah, that totally counts :)12:58
DubeyAditSo when should i'll be verified, I mean when will I "Submit for Review"? Link to issue I have created: https://github.com/canonical-docs/snappy-docs/issues/20813:02
ubot93Issue 208 in canonical-docs/snappy-docs "'Register your snap' from nav bar redirects to 404 (HTTPS Error)." [Open]13:02
popeyDubeyAdit: approved :)13:02
popeyThank you13:03
DubeyAditpopey -Sorry for all those silly questions, (i am new to this) Thanks for approval. :)13:03
popeyNot silly at all, all good :)13:03
sjalhi ppabcd13:10
DubeyAditpopey- if i'm not wrong "Stenza" here = https://github.com/canonical-docs/snappy-docs/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=stenza&type= is misspelled13:10
DubeyAditCorrect:  Stanza isn't it?13:10
DubeyAditCreating an issue. Thanks :) @popey.13:11
sergiusensppabcd hi13:14
ppabcdcan you review my pull request https://github.com/canonical-websites/tutorials.ubuntu.com/pull/50613:18
ubot93Pull 506 in canonical-websites/tutorials.ubuntu.com "Translate to indonesian language" [Open]13:18
sergiusensdavidcalle mind reviewing ppabcd's PR ^ ?13:22
ppabcdhi DubeyAdit13:26
DubeyAditpopey- I have also found a bug in expand/collapsable list in Nav bar, Is it okay to fill an issue realted to this? One thing more if my task is approved  then i can claim new task isn't it?13:29
sjalDubeyAdit: anything that is 'wrong' to your opinion is an issue13:32
sjalfeel free to contribute :)13:32
sjalin your opinion*13:32
DubeyAditsjal -What about "if my task is approved  then i can claim new task isn't it?" ?13:33
sjalif your task is approved and signed as completed by a mentor you can claim a new task right away13:33
sjalyou just need to wait for a mentor to approve your work13:34
DubeyAditIt's showing "Task approved -- Waiting for Google review of parental consent " but i'm unable to claim a new task :(13:35
sjalOh, it's your first task13:37
sjalafter you finished it it's all in Google's hands13:37
sjalthey have to accept your parents' consent form13:37
sjalafterwards, you're done. You should get an email when the form gets accepted13:38
* m4sk1n is waiting for review of parental consent too…13:40
DubeyAditsjal -Thanks! :)13:47
sjalnp :)13:48
davidcalleppabcd: hi again, I've left a first review on one technical detail (you couldn't know about) and an native indonesian speaker is going to proof read, when this is done, we can merge :)13:49
ppabcdplease wait13:50
ppabcdcheck it again13:52
davidcalleThat was fast, thank you13:53
ppabcdok :)13:53
ppabcd_how with my new updates? https://github.com/canonical-websites/tutorials.ubuntu.com/pull/50614:47
ubot93Pull 506 in canonical-websites/tutorials.ubuntu.com "Translate to indonesian language" [Open]14:47
ppabcd_is there anything to fix?14:47
davidcalleppabcd_: I'm happy with your changes, just waiting on the indonesian reviewer to do a pass on it14:50
ppabcd_it's ok. My friend from Indonesia check my pull request too and they tells me about writing errors.14:51
kyrofaGood morning everyone!15:05
m4sk1nhi kyrofa15:07
kyrofaHey there m4sk1n, how are things going?15:07
m4sk1ndavidcalle: zyga (zyga-ubuntu on IRC) reviewed my translation, he said LGTM15:21
m4sk1nkyrofa: waiting for review of task entry and parental consent review…15:22
kyrofam4sk1n, you did a translation, correct?15:23
davidcallem4sk1n: Just address the comment about Fedora and we are good to merge15:25
davidcallem4sk1n: see https://github.com/canonical-websites/tutorials.ubuntu.com/pull/512 for the Fedora fix15:26
ubot93Pull 512 in canonical-websites/tutorials.ubuntu.com "Update Fedora instructions for setting up snapd" [Merged]15:26
m4sk1ndavidcalle: ^15:38
sjalhej deniskamazur15:41
deniskamazurcan anybody tell what stats the snapcraft team wants to collect about projects15:42
deniskamazuram talkin about this task https://codein.withgoogle.com/tasks/5740190964383744/?sp-organization=5740205476675584&sp-organization=4854733644759040&sp-organization=5133577048031232&sp-is_beginner=False&sp-categories=1&sp-categories=4&sp-categories=515:42
davidcallem4sk1n: even though PR are not merged, I'm going to validate your tasks so you are not blocked by it, since you actually did them, just please follow up on the discussions on GitHub so we can merge15:54
davidcallem4sk1n: good point on Arch, just waiting on zyga to reply15:54
davidcalleppabcd_: ^15:55
daniellim_deniskamazur: According to the task, Read the launchpad and github scripts from https://github.com/elopio/random-scripts to understand how to gather data from projects using snapcraft.15:55
ppabcd_i want do other task but i must waiting ofter my task validated15:57
elopioHey ppabcd_, we got one of the team leads of ubuntu indonesian translations reviewing your task. You have to be patient, as they have other things to do and contribute on their free time.15:58
ppabcd_ok i will waiting.15:59
elopioppabcd_: the idea here is to learn, so you can follow other tutorials on the mean time, or take a look at some of the guides we linked in more detail.15:59
elopioor you can start one of the tasks that have a big instance count. You just claim it when your current task is done, and nobody will notice :)15:59
elopiodeniskamazur: hello! Some of the stats are mentioned in the task, like the number of snaps with the keywords prepare, build, install and version-script.16:00
deniskamazurthanks :)16:01
elopiopopey: please add sergio as a mentor to all the snapcraft tasks. I don't seem to have permissions to do that, and only kyrofa was added.16:03
popeyadd him to all of your tasks?16:03
kyrofaelopio, that's because I added myself16:03
kyrofasergiusens, you can do that16:04
popeyI'm happy doing these tasks, as it's super easy16:04
elopiook, thanks.16:05
elopiodavidcalle: it's not possible to close a task, so popey updated the instance count of the tutorials translations to 0.16:06
davidcalleppabcd_: m4sk1n: I think you are unblocked now, and can pick another task, as I said earlier, just make sure you follow up if needed on the PRs, thanks!16:07
davidcalleelopio: ok! Thanks16:08
elopiodavidcalle: Thanks to you. But I most say that all these languages are super exciting for me! Maybe, next week I can convince you to open a few more, and I'll deal with the reviews :) I'll bother you on monday.16:08
ppabcd_ok thank you very much :)16:11
ppabcd_later i will contribute to ubuntu repo especially in Indonesian language16:15
garry_hi to elopio, kyrofa and sergiusens16:15
m4sk1nhi garry_16:15
kyrofaHey there garry_, welcome!16:15
davidcalleelopio: I swear they are exciting for me as well, we just need to figure a couple things out so we don't lock students up in review limbo, happy to discuss on monday :)16:16
garry_sir its been my pleasure to work with such a great geeks16:18
MaskySheya :)17:54
elopiohello MaskyS18:11
sergiusenshey m4sk1n, I added a comment to your PR, but just wanted to let you know that it is already good as is19:44
sergiusensbut adding in those comments would probably improve the actual thing being exposed19:44
m4sk1nsergiusens: added20:04
LetozafHi guys, buy mistake I approved a task that needed more work, is there a way to "un-aprove" it ? cannot find how...20:53
m4sk1n“Translate Ubuntu components” how many strings should I translate to submit to review?20:54
sjalLetozaf: hey there, you'll just get rejected and mentor will explain you that you'll have to put up a bit more work21:01
sjaljust continue further on the task, you won't get penalized anyhow :)21:01
Dmitriyhi  elopio, kyrofa and sergiusens.21:11
kyrofaHey there Dmitriy, welcome!21:11
m4sk1noh no, I forgot to say hi directly to elopio, kyrofa and sergiusens, will you revoke my entries? :>21:16
sergiusenshello Dmitriy21:16
sergiusensm4sk1n you are good21:16
kyrofam4sk1n I dunno... skirting the rules...21:16
DmitriyWhat test should I do in bit.ly/ugcismanual ?21:17
zerothisI'd like to use googlevoice on my home phone without a smartphone or computer. Is there a box I can plug my home phone into for that?21:20
m4sk1nzerothis: it's definitely not a place for questions like this…21:21
zerothism4sk1n: I'll gladly leave and chat about googlevoice in the proper place. You know where that is?21:24
popeyzerothis: https://support.google.com/voice21:27
popey(there is a link to the help forum on that page)21:27
zerothisthank you21:30
m4sk1nI guess my task is ready for review21:33
m4sk1nAm I wrong? Should I wait for merge in this cade?21:33
sergiusenskyrofa do you feel like doing some mentoring on https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/5669897449242624/ ?23:05
sergiusensm4sk1n I was waiting for the tests to run their course, and it is all green and hence merged; so your task is now marked as complete23:06
kyrofasergiusens, of course, feedback given23:08
sergiusensthanks kyrofa23:11

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