
MagicFabFACIl a mis en ligne un nouvel espace de forums: https://forumsdulibre.quebec/16:07
MagicFabalphaseg, Ankman Chex cyphermox IdleOne Lrs_87 Sebastien ^16:07
ChexMagicFab: yo dude!18:19
Ankmanthe main page is only available in french? and the subpages (FAQ and others) are only available in english?18:32
MagicFabAnkman, never nopticed18:49
Ankmanif you need to outsource some work to translate to english i can do it18:51
Ankmanhttps://forumsdulibre.quebec/guidelines for example is english only18:51
Tankbot[ Questions fréquentes et lignes directrices - Forums du libre du Québec ] - https://forumsdulibre.quebec18:51
MagicFabAnkman, there is a GITLab team for FACIL. Write to FACIL if you want to join, then it will be easier.19:00
MagicFabContact form is linked at the end of https://forumsdulibre.quebec/about19:01
Tankbot[ Forums du libre du Québec ] - https://forumsdulibre.quebec19:01
MagicFabI'll file an issue for that though.19:01
MagicFabIn fact you can also post about it at https://forumsdulibre.quebec/c/meta - whatever is best for you19:02
Tankbot[ Méta - Forums du libre du Québec ] - https://forumsdulibre.quebec19:02
MagicFabOK, so those are the original install templates, haven't been modified yet but are scheduled to be: https://gitlab.com/facil/forumsdulibre/issues/219:04
Tankbot[ Écrire les vraies affaires dans «À propos», «FAQ», «Conditions générales d'utilisation» et «Confidentialité» (#2) · Issues · facil / forumsdulibre · GitLab ] - https://gitlab.com19:04
Ankmanah oka19:05

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