
=== sysrage_ is now known as sysrage
Dragon7hi, why does gparted show me a different size than nautilus with the properties of /dev/sda1 on a virtual machine (virtualbox) ?00:48
vlouvet_Hi guys, I wanted to know if there are plans to update ubuntu 16.04 to use netatalk 3.X version ... soonish00:59
StumpDumbHow can roll back ubuntu 17.10 to 16.04, Im having bunch of problems...before None!!!01:00
vlouvet_StumpDumb, I would recommend backing up your required data and re-installing 16.04 https://askubuntu.com/questions/49869/how-to-roll-back-ubuntu-to-a-previous-version01:04
oerheksreinstall +101:05
oerheksvlouvet_, i don't see a newer netatalk in launchpad https://launchpad.net/netatalk you could build it yourself.. http://netatalk.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Install_Netatalk_3.1.11_on_Ubuntu_16.04_Xenial01:05
vlouvet_oerheks, I have compiled it myself, but installing an apt package (or dear god a snap) would be so much easier to do for people not comfortable with configure/make/makeinstall01:06
vlouvet_the 17.10 version uses netatalk 2.6.X so I doubt 16.04 will ever get 3.x support01:07
oerheksvlouvet_, i see it is stable for some *years* now, http://netatalk.sourceforge.net/01:08
vlouvet_baked in of course, I know it is able to run once manually installed01:08
oerhekswe could request a SRU01:08
ubottuStable Release Update information is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates01:08
vlouvet_It puzzled  me to see that 3.x is stable for years and not in the official repos, since the pre-requisite libraries are in the official repos01:08
TJ-SRUs are only for for pulling in a fix from a later Ubuntu release01:09
StumpDumball my tweaks will be lost....01:09
TJ-!info netatalk01:09
ubottunetatalk (source: netatalk): AppleTalk user binaries. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.2.6-1 (artful), package size 747 kB, installed size 3984 kB01:09
vlouvet_StumpDumb, yes but at least you will have a fully working system again01:09
TJ-probably because netatalk is pulled in from Debian01:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1363654 in netatalk (Ubuntu) "Upgrade netatalk to version 3.x" [Wishlist,Triaged]01:10
oerheks" the issue there is that some parts of the code have unspecified license and authors could not be reached to clarify the situation."01:10
StumpDumbI think More testing needs to be done Before a LTS release is Released. I don't like the changes in functionality either, not to happy where this new version is heded.01:11
vlouvet_oerheks, the ppa for 3.X is https://launchpad.net/~ali-asad-lotia/+archive/ubuntu/netatalk-stable thanks!01:11
vlouvet_... I would not upgrade carte-blance without making backups or testing with the livecd first :-) live and learn01:12
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vlouvet_oerheks, it appears that the upstream bug has been resolved as of Jan 2017, so perhaps there is hope in getting 3.x into (debian and) Ubuntu some day? https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=75112101:40
ubottuDebian bug 751121 in src:netatalk "Please fix "FIXME" statements in copyright file" [Serious,Fixed]01:40
TJ-vlouvet_: no, the upstream issue over etc/afpd/fce_api.c copyright hasn't been resolved01:43
TJ-vlouvet_: debian/copyright just says it's assumed the reference to COPYRIGHT is sufficient since no explicit licence grant for that file has been made01:48
vlouvet_well... with any luck, we will see Samba take over as the backup destination for all Mac computers in the near future with Samba 4.8 release... afpd always seemed more trouble than just straight SMB01:54
savollahi everyone I need a quick help. I'm using cli based computer (raw TTY xubuntu) and I use everything without X server. I want to configure my irssi to give me sound notiffication when ppl msg me or highlighted my nick. Is that possible to do in cli? also printf '\a' does not give any sound but my music player cmus is working very well02:04
ubottuirssi is a terminal based IRC client. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi for help. See also !screen02:05
savollappl sent me here from irssi channel. my real problem is that printf '\a' does not give any sound. what file I need to deal with?02:07
amosbirdHi, just tried out ubuntu:16.04's docker image but cannot install anything02:08
amosbirdi got https://la.wentropy.com/m1Wy02:08
moppyThis might be a stupid question, but why can't I drag and drop from Artful Nautilus?02:08
moppyGoogle says it's the new FlowBox view feature in nautilus but doesn't say how to disable it, and I can't find a config setting in nautlius for that02:11
moppyah, its the icon view mode02:13
vlouvet_amosbird, what happens if you try apt instead of apt-get ? sudo comes with Ubuntu doesn't it though? In which case you shouldn't need to install sudo via apt-get02:19
roothorickWhat's the most painless way to get e2fsprogs >= 1.43 on 16.04?02:41
Mr_Cyclops@roothorick, Download the .deb package file from Ubuntu's site and install?02:44
roothoricker what? Am I gonna steal a package from zesty or something?02:45
Mr_Cyclopslol no, you can browse the repo on the browser, and grab the .deb package02:46
ponyriderroothorick: https://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/e2fsprogs02:46
ponyriderits not in the repo?02:47
Mr_CyclopsUse this Ubuntu generic URL to search for packages02:47
roothorickexactly. Latest for Xenial is 1.42.13. Too old.02:47
Mr_Cyclops@ponyrider, exactly :) thanks02:47
roothorickI'm wondering if I should just give up and wipe that machine. That install has been through a lot02:53
senaaI can not access vimeo.com from my location. Can solve my problem ?02:54
senaamy os ubuntu02:54
roothorickI'm having the mayb-related problem of plymouth freezing, preventing lightdm from booting,02:55
roothorickno clue why.02:55
roothorickNothing in any log anywhere presents any explanation, other than the only contents of boot.log being e2fsck complaining it doesn't recognize one of the feature flags on the root filesystem02:56
roothorickI would think if that was plymouth's issue, the system would outright not boot. But I can SSH in and see that everything else is up and running02:57
TJ-roothorick: maybe "systemd-analyze critical-chain" can help02:57
TJ-roothorick: it might show where any big delays are02:57
roothorick"Bootup is not yet finished. Please try again later."02:57
roothorickmachine has been up for 34min at this point02:57
TJ-roothorick: you can also use "systemd-analyze blame"02:57
roothorickSame message.02:57
TJ-roothorick: in which case "systemctl status" and look at failed/pending jobs02:58
roothorickhm. Shows 9 "queued" jobs, nothing failed, I don't see any reference to pending02:59
ponyridersytemctl --failed02:59
roothorick"0 loaded units listed." I assume that means it doesn't think anything failed03:00
ponyriderroothorick: look in journalctl -b003:02
roothorickIt's repeatedly trying and failing to start lightdm. Only message from lightdm is a warning about not being able to find the accounts service. From a bit of googling, apparently that's harmless03:05
roothorickoh right. It's timing out each time03:05
roothorickfrom pstree / ps I can see that lightdm has invoked "plymouth quit" which appears to be where things get hung03:06
roothorickI just remembered how this install started off. I think I should put the thing out of its misery.03:17
zrbshow do I download the latest version of quotatool, I've tried apt-get install quota quotatool and according to apt it's the most recent. I'm looking at http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/xenial/en/man1/quota.1.html and it's saying there's a new version available, aquota, but how do I get the binary of it. I've tried downloading from that manpage, compiled, make, make installed it, but it's still giving me03:26
zrbsthe //aquota.user on /dev/sda1 [/] error.03:27
zrbsscrew it03:27
zrbsfound it03:27
TJ-zerothis: there is no aquota; the tool is "quota" - the data files are "aquota.*"03:28
TJ-grrr, he gone03:28
energizerI have dropbox running in 17.10 but the indicator is missing. It was here yesterday. Google suggested "dropbox stop && dbus-launch dropbox start" but no luck.03:35
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hdon_hi all :) can i boot and use ubuntu sever without installing to my hdd?04:14
hggdhhdon_: yes, via a USB stick or similar04:17
hdon_hggdh: thanks :)04:18
lotuspsychjemorning alkisg04:42
CarlFK" the process runs out of its maximum allowed open sockets as determined by the operating system. "  https://github.com/voc/voctomix/issues/17204:45
CarlFKhow can I tell what the max is?04:45
Triffid_HunterCarlFK: cat /proc/sys/fs/nr_open04:50
Triffid_HunterCarlFK: well that's filehandles, but sockets occupy a filehandle04:51
CarlFKthanks -04:51
hggdhyeah, sounds like nofiles04:51
CarlFKcat /proc/sys/fs/nr_open  104857604:52
CarlFKthat much?04:52
Triffid_Hunteryep that's the default04:53
GreshnikkHello. I am a programmer, not having experience with system adminitration. I need help with partitions. I have virtual machine and a few days ago I increased partition size. I can now admin it - can someone help me with your time and interactive help please ? I know I can spend hours and days, understanding how it works, but I won't need it in my daylife, so I just asking if someone can help me with that. I also know that I can remove entire system04:56
Greshnikkand create new, but... I hope there is another choise. :) Thank you.04:56
lotuspsychje!partition | Greshnikk start here04:57
ubottuGreshnikk start here: For help with partitioning a new install see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowtoPartition | For partitioning programs, see !GParted (recommended) or !PartitionManager. Other partitioning topics include !fstab, !home, and !swap04:57
Greshnikk@lotuspsychje - yes, I already tried reading about gparted.. I have only ssh, so I can use parted soft only. But it's not too simple. I mean.. there are some sort of "LVM"... and... physical devs.. I think I screwed something alread :(04:58
lotuspsychjeGreshnikk: best way to get your issue solved, is to ask your specific question here in channel, the better you explain, the better volunteers can try help04:58
lotuspsychjeGreshnikk: tell us where you stuck at04:59
hggdhCarlFK: IIRC, the default is 1024 for open files (in Ubuntu)05:00
Greshnikk@lotuspsychje - sure, I forgot about the question. The question is: "sudo fdisk" shows me "Disk /dev/sda: 20GiB" and "/dev/sda1 487M, /dev/sda2 19.5G, /dev/sda5 19.5G". But "pvs" shows only "/dev/sda5 PSize=9.52g". How can I increase it to 20g ?05:01
CarlFKhggdh:  thanks. 1024 seems to be where things stopped in trying to duplicate this05:01
CarlFKGreshnikk: there are 2 things you need to worry about: partitions and file systems05:02
hggdhCarlFK: you can always check by running ulimit-n (or ulimit -a for all limits)05:02
CarlFKGreshnikk: partitions allocate big chunks of the disk to file systems.  file systems then allocate small chunks to files05:03
Triffid_HunterGreshnikk: make sure everything on the LVM is unmounted, resize sda5 to the new disk size, then tell LVM that the PV has grown. make sure you understand all those steps before doing anything though :P05:03
CarlFKGreshnikk: you may have made the partition bigger, but the file system is still setup to only use the amount it was given when it was created.  you need to grow it.05:04
CarlFKhggdh: ulimit-n - bingo. thank you05:06
Greshnikk@CarlFK - ok, I am listening very carefully. Emm.. let me write down your answer in a notepad.. hold on a sec. Got it. Ok. All I did before was. "1. download parted, open it and use following commands: https://pastebin.com/e1Lx9sHJ"05:13
Greshnikk@CarlFK - I don't know what I've done..just was following blind google's advices. But I wonder if I've screwed up or not. Before I will follow your recommendations.05:14
CarlFKGreshnikk: you are 1/2 way there.05:14
CarlFKTriffid_Hunter: you may be better at this than I.   I know the concept, but not sure the tools to "tell LVM that the PV has grown"05:16
CarlFKGreshnikk: have some more reading: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/zesty/man8/resize2fs.8.html05:17
Greshnikk@CarlFK - ok, give me some time then.. reading..05:18
GreshnikkI have read about that command... but couldn't use it properly, having tons of errors. But not actually with resize2fs.. but.. other command.. can't remember it.. :(05:18
Triffid_HunterGreshnikk: if sda5 has already been grown you may simply need to pvresize /dev/sda5, maybe do something with volume groups (haven't used lvm in a long while), assign the new space with lvresize then resize filesystem05:19
Triffid_HunterGreshnikk: resize2fs is useless until the underlying block device has grown05:19
Triffid_Hunterif you're using LVM, there's quite a lot of abstraction between that and the disk partition05:19
Triffid_Hunterpersonally I've gone to BTRFS which moves most LVM-like features to the filesystem layer rather than the block layer, hence why I'm rusty with LVM05:20
GreshnikkI've used "lvextend -L +10g /dev/mapper/price--vg-root" and failed. I remember it.05:21
GreshnikkI've been told that I have to use lvextend before resize2fs05:21
Triffid_HunterGreshnikk: the pv has to extend first, otherwise the lv has no spare space to use05:21
Greshnikk@Triffid_Hunter - I've already extended /dev/sda5.. isn't it enough ?05:22
Triffid_HunterGreshnikk: no. you're only looking at two layers out of about 5 layers of abstraction. 1) extend partition (done) 2) extend pv. 3) (not sure if needed) poke vg to update spare space 4) extend lv (can't happen before #2) 5) extend FS (can't happen before #4)05:23
Triffid_HunterGreshnikk: you can't skip straight from 1) to 4), LVM don't work like that :P05:25
Greshnikk@Triffid_Hunter, ok.. give me some time to hunt some triffids.. I mean to read articles about extending pv in google.05:25
GreshnikkOK.. I've done "pvresize /dev/sda5" and it did something.. hmm... "lvextend -L+10G /dev/mapper/price--vg-root" also DID SOMETHING... I think... I am already there... mmm05:32
Greshnikkalmost.. not already05:33
Greshnikkresize2fs /dev/mapper/price--vg-root has increased my space.. hurraaa ))) I did it guys. Much appreciate to your help ! )) Gonna write down all the steps for the future :)05:34
GreshnikkOh.. there is no karma bot ? :(05:35
Triffid_HunterGreshnikk: :D05:35
Lopegross. I just noticed I have flashplugin-installer on my system. Should I remove it, would I need it? or is it too late to bother removing it?05:41
LopeI just removed it. It had no dependents and was painless.05:43
alkisgGood morning all!05:48
lotuspsychjeLope: most sites use html5 now, so flash starving a silent death05:53
lotuspsychjeLope: chromium uses pepperflash, not sure if thats any better05:54
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generichow can I set a virtual screen resolution?05:59
generici need a 16:9 screen but dont have one05:59
alkisggeneric, which graphics card?06:00
alkisggeneric, better yet, what's the output of xrandr?06:00
alkisgI'm not sure that nvidia properly supports xrandr, so I can't comment...06:01
genericdvi-3 connected 1024x76806:01
Lopelotuspsychje: thanks. I see Flash is EOL in 2020 http://www.zdnet.com/article/adobe-to-say-rest-in-peace-to-flash-in-2020/06:01
genericScreen 0: minimum 8 x 8, current 1024 x 768, maximum 16384 x 1638406:02
genericDVI-I-3 connected 1024x768+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 304mm x 228mm    1024x768      60.00*+  75.03    70.0706:02
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:02
genericalkisg: just 2 lines ...06:02
alkisgxrandr is more, maybe people here will need it in order to assist you, I'm not using the nvidia binary driver so I can't comment06:03
genericset it in xorg.conf ?06:03
alkisgbtw, how are you planning to use that resolution?06:04
alkisgAs panning space in your main monitor?06:04
genericyou could pan across the screen in the old days06:04
alkisgIt's the same now too, but I think nvidia has nvidia-settings to configure that06:04
alkisgNow you can even set it in the run time with a simple xrandr command, but I'm not sure nvidia properly supports xrandr...06:05
genericthere used to be a key shortcut to switch resolutions06:05
alkisgYou don't want a new resolution, you want panning06:05
alkisgman xrandr ==> --panning06:05
genericalkisg: nice06:06
alkisgIt's possible that that won't work with binary drivers, but only with the open source ones. Try it...06:06
genericworks fine :)06:09
genericlets see if i can get back to no-panning though06:09
omeniusI would kinda like to change partition swap to file swap, but with 1hdd/sdd setup, that is impossible right?06:16
lotuspsychje!swap | omenius06:17
ubottuomenius: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info06:17
alkisgomenius: of course it's possible, why wouldn't it?06:17
omeniusincreasing the partition size that is boot/os, that part I think is not very easy with 1 media06:18
alkisgomenius: playing with partitions requires booting from a live cd anyway, well unless you're using lvm or something fancy06:19
omeniusyep, just not sure if I'm bit too lazy to make usb to gain like 4Gb since I still need some swap06:20
alkisgYou don't happen to have a separate home, do you?06:21
omeniusnope :/06:21
alkisgDifficult to do it without a usb stick then, yeah06:21
hdon_hggdh: sorry did you mean i should use a usb stick as my root filesystem?06:28
hdon_what i meant to ask was: can i use ubuntu server without installing on any disk other than a tmpfs/ramfs ?06:29
alkisghdon_: #ubuntu-server is more appropriate for server discussions, but AFAIK you need to reboot after installing from the ubuntu server cd, so it's difficult to do it in ram06:33
hdon_ah thanks alkisg06:33
alkisgYou can press alt+ctrl+f2 and get a shell, but of course no services would be installed etc06:33
alkisghdon_: why, what prohibits you from installing even just on a file or on a vm?06:33
hdon_alkisg: in this case the machine in question has no permanent storage whatsoever06:34
alkisghdon_: you can use a VM in ram06:34
hdon_alkisg: sorry, i think i misunderstood. what do you mean install to VM?06:35
alkisghdon_: how much ram do you have?06:35
hdon_alkisg: 256GB06:35
alkisgOK, for example, you can create a tmpfs and use virtualbox or kvm or whatever, and install ubuntu-server in that tmpfs06:36
alkisgAs long as you don't reboot the host, you can reboot the VM and use it however you like06:36
hdon_what system will i run virtualbox from?06:37
hdon_i mean, do you recommend any bootable images to get me up and running with virtualbox?06:37
alkisgWhat OS are you running in those 256 GB, e.g. ubuntu? windows?06:37
hdon_only whatever i can burn to a DVD. it has no permanent storage.06:37
alkisgEhm, can it boot from a usb stick instead?06:38
alkisgYou can use that as permanent storage...06:38
hdon_mmm yeah... guess i'll have to look around the house and see if i have any spares06:38
alkisgSo, an example. Suppose you boot from an ubuntu desktop live cd. Then you run: apt install kvm, and you have the program you need for virtualization06:39
alkisg(virtualbox requires rebooting, afaik, so it's not suitable unless you include it in a custom dvd)06:39
alkisgThen with kvm you can run e.g. kvm -cdrom /path/to/ubuntu-server.iso -hda /path/to/disk-in-ram.raw06:40
alkisgThat "server" then is rebootable and everything, it doesn't know it has no permanent storage behind it06:40
anonnumberanonHi I'm giving my roommate a laptop with the latest Ubuntu on it. He has always used Windows, what can I do to ease the transition for him? Games, very cool things to pre-install?06:44
anonnumberanonI see it already has Libre Office which is great.06:44
ducasseanonnumberanon: what does he need it _for_? most people just need a browser and an office suit...06:46
anonnumberanonyes pretty much that ducasse06:49
alkisgIf he's a gamer, try installing his favorite games via steam or wine06:50
ducasseor playonlinux06:50
anonnumberanonhe's kind of always poor and can't get out of the hole06:52
anonnumberanonso if it could help him I would do it06:52
lotuspsychje!info childsplay | anonnumberanon :p06:52
ubottuanonnumberanon :p: childsplay (source: childsplay): Suite of educational games for young children. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.6.5+dfsg-1build1 (artful), package size 20088 kB, installed size 27137 kB06:52
anonnumberanonhe is 40 years old though :)06:53
hateball!info moon-buggy-esd06:53
ubottumoon-buggy-esd (source: moon-buggy): Drive a car across the moon (version with sound). In component universe, is extra. Version 1.0.51-11 (artful), package size 202 kB, installed size 319 kB06:53
ducasseanonnumberanon: well, he'll be able to install all the software in the repos without paying a penny06:53
anonnumberanonyes that's great06:53
lotuspsychjeanonnumberanon: also check the #gamingonlinux community then06:54
anonnumberanontrying to get his OS ready so he can already get a feel for his computer before he gets "intimate" with it06:54
ducasseanonnumberanon: plus free support here and in forums06:54
hateballpretty hard to preinstall steam with someone elses account btw06:54
anonnumberanoni think connectiong to irc will be way out of his league for a while but I'm sure he would love it though06:54
ducasseanonnumberanon: simple, set it up for him06:55
ducasseanonnumberanon: "click this icon and talk to people to get help"06:56
anonnumberanonyes i think i will ducasse06:56
anonnumberanonit's a good idea06:56
tillenHi, I have managed to install icewm as shown here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems#IceWM . However, the rest of the packages iceconf icepref iceme icewm-themes give me error "E: Unable to locate package" for each one. what am i doing wrong?07:13
lotuspsychjetillen: some package not valid anymore?07:14
lotuspsychjetillen: wich ubuntu version are you on?07:14
tillenmaybe it is too new07:15
lotuspsychjetillen: you can apt-cache search each package in your repos to check07:16
alkisgtillen: https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=icewm ==> you can see there that e.g. icewm-themes isn't available in artful07:17
tillenaww. that's fine, i can live without them. I was just attempting to get the lowest ram usage on this awful windows tablet while also having a fully functioning gui07:24
tillenthere's always openbox i suppose07:24
lotuspsychjetillen: lubuntu to the rescue :p07:25
lotuspsychjetillen: perhaps try an LTS like lubuntu 16.04.307:26
alkisgBoot in recovery mode so that services don't start and then run startx with openbox. In 12.04 it used 25 MB RAM. :)07:26
alkisgI imagine now it will still be a lot less than 100 MB...07:27
tillenhaha, never thought of that alkisg07:28
tilleni've been randomly disabling many services that07:28
tillenI don't need*07:28
alkisg25 with full gui AND a terminal open :D07:28
anesin my laptop Lenovo ideapad 320 , Touchpad not working ... i am using ubuntu 17.10 please advise07:46
anesany body have know how to install gcc in ubuntu 17.1007:47
hateball!info gcc07:48
ubottugcc (source: gcc-defaults (1.173ubuntu1)): GNU C compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:7.2.0-1ubuntu1 (artful), package size 5 kB, installed size 64 kB07:48
hateballanes: simplest would be to install build-essential07:48
hateball!info build-essential07:48
ubottubuild-essential (source: build-essential): Informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 12.4ubuntu1 (artful), package size 4 kB, installed size 20 kB07:48
Varth@anes, "sudo apt install gcc", minus the quotes, in your terminal.07:48
Varth@anes, Or install build-essential per @hateball 's suggestion.07:49
anesgot error as07:49
anesReading package lists... Done Building dependency tree        Reading state information... Done E: Unable to locate package build-essential07:49
VarthI'm getting screen tearing while watching Netflix in Chrome on Ubuntu 17.10. While looking into it, I found out that my session is running X11 instead of Wayland. There's no gear icon to select between them on the log in screen. It seems that GNOME has been known to revert back to X11 sessions on dual monitor setups (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/artful/+source/mutter/+bug/1717923). I tried moving the monitors.xml file elsewhere07:50
Varthper the solution to that ticket, but am still getting dropped into an X11 session. Does anyone have any other ideas on why this may be happening and/or what I can do to resolve it? Thanks.07:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1717923 in Mutter "17.10 GNOME: Unable to log in: invalid monitor configuration, Logical monitors not adjecent" [Critical,Confirmed]07:50
anesgot error as "E: Package 'gcc' has no installation candidate"07:50
Mr_Pananes, sudo apt update07:51
hateballanes: if it is a fresh install you need to update the repos per Mr_Pan's instruction07:51
=== Stnaley00 is now known as Stanley00
Amijaihey. I need help with connecting an Ubuntu 16.04 machine to an Active Directory domain08:01
Mr_PanAmijai, use Centrifydc   https://www.centrify.com/express/linux-unix/download/08:02
AmijaiMr_Pan: I have it set up. worked perfectly on ubuntu 14.04, but on 16.04 it sometimes fails to authenticate some of the users. Should i delete or change any files in their $HOME?08:04
tatertotsAmijai: did you even look to find out "why" it failed to authenticate?????08:23
Phaneshey where are the waryland logs?08:24
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=== Trystam is now known as Tristam
alexasi can't find VLC player in autocomplete in .bash - can't remove it because it stoped working, want to reinstall08:59
mitmfi can use GUI with ssh?09:01
alkisgYes, if you run ssh -X09:02
mitmfwhat is it?09:02
mitmfalkisg: help me09:03
alkisgmitmf: you are in a pc with ubuntu09:03
alkisgThen you run ssh -X another-pc-with-ubuntu09:03
wyseguyhey all09:03
alkisgAnd you login there. If you then run e.g. gedit, it will appear in the first pc.09:03
mitmfbut how ssh know user and ip?09:04
mitmfalkisg: ?09:05
alkisgmitmf: ssh knows because you connect from an ip, using a user account09:05
wyseguymitmf what are you trying to do?09:05
mitmfi want to use GUI like web browser wih ssh.09:06
wyseguyfor what purpose?09:06
wyseguywhat is the end goal?09:06
mitmffor eye09:06
wyseguyyou are on linux i take it...09:06
Mr_Panmitmf, teamviewer is the way :D09:07
* wyseguy seconds Mr_Pan 09:07
mitmfhow about ssh x?09:07
mitmfssh -x?09:07
mitmfssh user@ -X?09:07
mitmfit is ok?09:07
alkisgssh -X user@ip09:08
wyseguyssh -X user.....09:08
alkisgIt's ok. More info: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/PortForwarding#Forwarding_GUI_Programs09:08
wyseguyI feel more at home now that i have xcode installed on my mac, installed brew and iterm2, then downloaded the ubuntu mono font and installed apptivate and created a command-shift-t shortcut for iterm2 :p09:10
mitmfalkisg: but i login, but there is no GNU.09:10
alkisgmitmf: now run firefox09:10
alkisgType firefox and it will be displayed in your local pc09:10
mitmfError: GDK_BACKEND does not match available displays09:11
alkisgIf you want a full "desktop", instead of only one program, you can use this: https://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php09:11
mitmffirefox —> Error: GDK_BACKEND does not match available displays alkisg what’s wrong?09:12
alkisgmitmf: can you run `xterm`?09:12
mitmfwhat is it?09:12
mitmfalkisg: how about using vncserver?09:13
alkisgDoes it open in your local pc?09:13
alkisgFirefox over ssh -X runs fine here.09:13
alkisgmitmf: theres is vnc, x2go, ssh -X, teamviewer, xrdp and a lot of others. To help you select, you need to tell us how are you going to use that.09:14
mitmfi just use GUI app like web browser09:15
mitmfbecause i have raspberryp i09:15
alkisgAnd why do you need remote?09:16
alkisgYou have one desktop ubuntu pc and a raspberry pi, and you want to connect from the desktop to raspberry?09:17
mitmfbecause raspberry pi is in other room, but i m in my room09:17
mitmfyes alkisg correct09:17
alkisgOK, then use epoptes09:17
alkisgYou install epoptes server in your main pc, and epoptes-client to your rapsberry09:17
alkisgAnd then you can double click to get access, or restart it etc09:17
Mr_Panalkisg, teamviewer ?09:19
alkisgMr_Pan: doesn't have an arm version afaik09:19
alkisg...does it?09:19
alkisgHmm, it does have a "host for armf", I don't know if that's the standard one09:20
alkisgAnyway, epoptes is fine and it's in the repositories09:20
Mr_Panalkisg, https://www.teamviewer.com/en/download/linux/#downloadAdditionalDownloads09:20
alkisgIt only takes 1 mb ram, extremely light09:21
alkisgAnd it supports wol, logoff, broadcast, view etc09:21
alkisgA lot more than teamviewer09:21
alkisgFor Ubuntu machines on LAN, it's way better09:21
mitmfalkisg: thanks i will try epoptes09:21
mitmfepoptes is encrypted?09:22
alkisgThe commands are encrypted, yes09:22
mitmfoh good thanks then epoptes is better than vncserver?09:22
Mr_Panalkisg, epoptes run over internet ?09:22
alkisgMr_Pan: yes, but underneath it's using vnc for broadcast/monitor, so it's slower than teamviewer over WAN09:23
alkisgVNC is faster in LAN, but slower over WAN09:23
Mr_Panalkisg, ok thaks09:23
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mitmfalkisg: i log in raspberry pi with vnc client, but when i log out vnc client, i want to run vnc server countuously. this is possilbe?10:18
alkisgmitmf: is that while using epoptes? Or separate vnc?10:19
mitmfi use only tightvncserver because tightvncserver is installed on raspberry pi.10:20
alkisgDo you mean that when you logout, you want to be able to connect from the desktop, and login remotely?10:21
alkisgI.e. vnc to the login screen?10:21
mitmfi want to excute some program and then i wan to log out for sleeping but next day i want to log in raspberry again. so i want to see running program.10:22
mitmfthis is possible?10:22
alkisgIf you log out, the programs close10:22
alkisgWhy do you want to log out instead of locking the screen?10:22
mitmfsaving eletricity fee10:23
alkisgDo you mean power off? Or log out?10:24
alkisgLog out doesn't save electricity10:24
mitmfi will power off laptop, but i want raspberry pi to run continously10:25
alkisgDon't log off raspberry pi then10:25
alkisgIt will continue to run10:25
mitmfcan i poweroff laptop?10:26
mitmfthen raspberry pi will be log off?10:26
alkisgWhen you power off the laptop, then raspberry pi will continue to run10:26
mitmfi just close connection of vnc client, i can reconnect it without ending10:31
TvL2386hey guys, is it possible to configure an interface in /etc/network/interfaces and use "iface ens192 inet dhcp" and configure the interface NOT to auto configure dns and a gateway?10:35
TvL2386I already have a ens160 with static gateway and dns settings10:36
tatertotsuh yeah that's called using a static address10:37
tatertotsand if you in fact have successfully set a static address you'll have to restate what the "actual" problem is10:38
TvL2386tatertots: well I want the ip address to be dynamically assigned10:46
TvL2386I should have stated that, excuse me10:46
TvL2386I just want an ip, nothing more10:46
EriC^^don't we all10:46
rattlebattle79I feel really dirty when I have to set up my machine to a static IP.10:53
NinjaKirbyCan anyone suggest a channel where I might receive assistance with Bash scripting? Thanks~11:01
NinjaKirbyI suspect here isn't really... the place.11:01
EriC^^/j #bash11:04
Lavinhogood morning11:06
Lavinhohow to install refind on emmc acer es1-132 ?11:06
BluesKajHowdy folks11:06
NinjaKirbyOh you know what, I did do that earlier, but only before realising I was on ESPER and then had trouble overcoming a SASL connection problem, heh. Thanks.11:08
alexashow to copy all the files from folder to the usb drive but without additional folders, just files?11:16
jlucwhat about files (not folders) in folders alexas ?11:18
hateballalexas: use find to find only files, and pipe to xargs cp11:19
alexasjluc: let me explain to you the problem, it's a bunch of music files in folders, I need only files not folders so I can shuffle them in my player11:39
alexashateball: please see my message to jluc11:39
hateballalexas: like I said, use find11:40
hateball"find -type f" will only show files, you can then pipe the result to cp using xargs11:41
hateballalexas: for instance, "find ~/Desktop -type f |xargs ls -l" now adapt that to copying, using "cp -n" or so11:44
hateballalexas: But I suggest you read the man-pages to learn this, rather than me writing a one-liner for you, serves you better in the long run :)11:44
xtronhow can I integrated a locally compiled application "VIM" into existing OS "Ubuntu"11:45
alexashateball: thanks!11:51
nbusroneWhat is the best method to remove old ubuntu OS and install on other partition ? As I know , going to Gparted , delete the old Ubuntu ext4 and install newly on other partition.But what about grub ?11:53
nbusroneIf there is other OS windows install on the same drive , will it cause error ? or on other hard disk ?11:53
chachanhey. I'm trying to set up a job in crontab file. The job is something like cd /some_path && docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/data -w /data --env-file .env some_container python3 ./some_script.py > /some_path/logs/$(date "+%m%d%Y").log 2>&111:53
chachanbut checking the syslog I see "the input device is not a TTY" in the log11:54
chachanany idea what I'm missing or doing wrong?11:54
chachansorry. That's not in syslog, that's the the log file of the command11:55
yosefrowhi please help with my issue https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/407708/apt-update-keeps-hanging-no-way-to-troubleshoot12:04
BahawolfHey everyone! I'm sorry to pop in with a random question here. I'm not sure if that is frowned upon, and I sincerely apologize if it is. -- Has anyone encountered an issue with an incorrect RAM count after upgrading to 17.10? I have 28GB of RAM, upgraded to 17.10 from 16.04, and now it shows as only having 16GB of RAM. I've checked the RAM in BIOS, and it reads properly there.12:04
yosefrowApt update keeps hanging and is making my machine unusable because i cannot install software without spamming apt update over and over until it works. this is on a brand new install of 16.0412:05
yosefrowi discovered a hack `apt clean && apt update` which works but i dont want to rely on hacks12:05
mbiyosefrow: are you using standard repositories or did you add one yourself?12:06
yosefrowi started with standard had this issue12:06
mbisounds like a broken/bad link somewhere12:06
yosefrowso i switched to mirror protocol12:06
yosefrowand same issue12:06
Ben64Bahawolf: pastebin the output of "uname -a; cat /proc/meminfo; free -m; sudo dmidecode -t 17"12:06
Bahawolf@Ben64: Thank you for trying to assist. :-) -- The output is here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/26071610/12:08
yosefrow@mbi i just reset my sources.list and cleaned /etc/apt/sources.list.d12:09
yosefrowtrying again12:09
ducasseyosefrow: have you tried using ipv4 only?12:10
yosefrowducasse: yes, https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/407708/apt-update-keeps-hanging-no-way-to-troubleshoot12:10
yosefrowtheres a list of everything i tried12:10
Ben64Bahawolf: yep, sure looks like you got 16GB12:10
yosefrowi just deleted all my external sources and reverted back to original sources.list12:11
yosefrowgoing to test again12:11
yosefrowsince i changed sources its downloading all the lists again gonna take 5 or 10 min i think12:12
Bahawolf@Ben64: For sure. It's the wierdest thing, because even the BIOS shows the full 28GB. I'm backing up all of the files now to my data drive, and then I can reinstall 16.04, I suppose. I was hoping to be able to avoid that route, but I'm unable to find another person with the same issue.12:12
EriC^^yosefrow: 1) what do you mean by "hangs", 2) did you try running it with strace?12:12
Ben64Bahawolf: how do you think you have 28GB? 28 - 8 -8 = 12GB, do you have one 12GB stick or two 6GBs?12:13
Ben64note - neither exist12:13
yosefrow@Eric 2 minutes going to try it again and post exact output12:13
BahawolfI have 4 DIMMs total. 3 of them include 8GB sticks, and one has an old 4GB stick.12:13
neurecan you run grub memtest?12:14
neurewhat does that say?12:15
BahawolfI'll have to run the memtest from grub once the backups here are done. Didn't think about trying that.12:15
BluesKajneure, run free12:16
BluesKajBahawolf, free12:17
yosefrowE: Failed to fetch http://il.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/xenial-updates/main/binary-i386/by-hash/SHA256/c637c61a31ea9280a53885a533e68b4757c1fee84c2a7cf1fe5e6f4e4c0de132  Hash Sum mismatch E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.12:17
yosefrowI think this is causing it to hang12:17
yosefrowbut i have no idea what it means12:17
neureBahawolf, I suppose it is possible that your 8+8 dimms pair nicely while 8+4 do not. For dual channel memory12:17
yosefrowEriC^^: some have suggested that this error is normal but it doesnt look normal to me12:18
BahawolfThis is the result from free: http://paste.ubuntu.com/26071656/12:18
yosefrowthey claim that it happens because the repo is in the middle of updating files and hasnt yet finished generating its db12:18
BahawolfIt's absolutely possible, neure. It's just odd that it worked fine in 16.04, and only posed an issue in 17.10.12:18
neurepossibly 17.10 uses different configuration. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multi-channel_memory_architecture mentions ganged vs unganged for example, but i have no idea really12:19
BahawolfI'll pause the rsync for the backups now, and I'll do a quick test of my own. I'm going to remove the 4GB stick, and see if it would run with the 3 8GB sticks.12:20
yosefrowdoes anyone know what might cause this error: ? E: Failed to fetch http://il.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/xenial-updates/main/binary-i386/by-hash/SHA256/c637c61a31ea9280a53885a533e68b4757c1fee84c2a7cf1fe5e6f4e4c0de132  Hash Sum mismatch E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.12:20
yosefrowwith apt update12:21
Bahawolf24GB would be more than enough to get me through until I can pick up another stick... but let's see how this goes. Can't hurt to try.12:21
BahawolfBe right back.12:21
EriC^^yosefrow: old cache from the isp or something12:22
yosefrowEriC^^: so its possible there is a caching proxy that i dont know about in front of my connection?12:25
* BluesKaj wonders why Bahawolf needs so much memory, isn't 16Gb enough?12:32
GhostwalkGamesNo more is nicer12:32
GhostwalkGamesIdeal these days is like 64GB12:32
alkisgyosefrow: with similar symptoms, disabling ipv6 worked for me12:32
GhostwalkGamesTo be able to spin up 4-5 fast VMs12:33
* alkisg has 30 VMs on 8 GB RAM with no issues :)12:33
BluesKajGhostwalkGames, ideal for what, that's ridiculous12:33
yosefrowalkisg:  did you disable ipv6 entirely across ur whole OS12:34
yosefrowbecause i was told that disabling via apt should be enough12:34
EriC^^yosefrow: sure12:34
yosefrowEriC^^: ok i will have to ask around and see if anybody knows about an external proxy\12:35
EriC^^yosefrow: it could be your isp12:36
EriC^^i get the hash sum mismatch error sometimes as well12:36
GhostwalkGamesEh I want 4-5 VMs at once for dev work rly :-) It's like having a corporate dev server but in your own home. Shame ram prices are so high12:36
yosefrowEriC^^: the way it was explained to me is that sometimes repositories update their files and then rebuild dbs. and because it takes so long to rebuild db/hashes you will get mismatches for a few days after the update or something like that12:38
yosefrowi dont know if this is correct though12:39
GhostwalkGamesSome of the more niche linux distributions don't come with hashes :/12:40
EriC^^yosefrow: maybe12:41
pmitrosI've recently upgraded to Ubuntu 17.10. All good so far, except for a few annoyances. I'm wondering which of these have quick fixes: (1) The top bar doesn't give battery percentage/time remaining. (2) When I use the touchscreen, a keyboard often pops up (3) The display keeps getting brighter and dimmmer (I think in response to perceived changes in ambient lighting) (3) When I pick up my laptop to move it, it decides it's a tablet and12:54
pmitroskeeps rotating the display.12:54
pmitrosI figured someone might have addressed a few of these, so I thought I'd ask to see12:55
KristjanMy name is Kristjan. I am in urgent need for money. People, please send me money with min sum of 5000 $. Thank you in advance. IBAN: EE671010010225901016 (SEB Estonia).13:07
KristjanName: Kristjan Robam.13:07
boxrickDoes anyone know how to add a custom repo ( ie a PPA ) during the preseed installer? Rather than doing it as an ugly post install hack?13:21
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)13:32
HarcourtOh there was a delay13:33
alkisgboxrick: one way would be with preseed scripts, e.g https://github.com/cobbler/cobbler/wiki/Using-template-scripts-for-Debian-and-Ubuntu-seeds13:35
boxrickI am already doing that and seeing some crazy errors with newt: unable to initialize debconf frontend: Newt13:37
boxrickThen getting things erroring with bad file descriptors when it falls back to noneinteractive13:37
alkisgboxrick: I assume you're using the server iso to test with?13:38
alkisgOr is it the desktop one?13:38
boxrickServer ISO13:38
alkisgFor ubuntu server, there's also #ubuntu-server, which is more focused there13:38
boxrickA quick google search seems to indicate "in-target" may fix my problem.13:38
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boxrickSince I trigger it with d-i preseed/late_command string cat /cdrom/extra_binaries/postinstall.sh | chroot /target /bin/bash -s right now.13:40
boxrickIll try and if not then ill give the server channel a go13:40
plasticfishif my program want's to write into /home/user/.local/myapp/somefile, do I have to put home plugin in a snap?14:07
koichiroseHello! I’m going crazy trying to set up 5.1 sound through HDMI. Anyone willing to help me out a bit?14:21
plasticfishI mean plug14:30
tilerenderinghi ppl14:45
tilerenderingI have linux server (Ubuntu 16.04 LTS) which is working fine, except that every 2-3 days, it becomes unreachable network-wise. I then have to initiate a hard reset at my datacenter and it gets back online with everything working correctly. I have nothing uncommon installed there, and I wonder why it is failing only every few days without coming back online14:46
tilerenderingany hints on where to look? btw: my provider’s routing seems to work fine, it has to be an issue at the server14:47
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Guest83178I have an Ubuntu machine (remote) that I can't VNC into any more after updating to 17.10. Every client fails to start the display.15:06
=== Guest83178 is now known as Doc-Saintly
Doc-Saintlyhow do I just completely remove everything GUI related and have it start fresh? I only have access to the machine via SSH.15:06
Doc-Saintlyhmm.... Ok, I'm seeing that maybe the issue is I'm using Ubuntu 17.10 and have i915 drivers which don't yet support it. What option do I have then?15:13
jlucmy ubuntu 17.10 desktop has changed a lot - far too much15:31
jlucthere is a useless active-bar at the screen bottom, screen top bar has turned white and proposes a useless app menu15:32
simonizorWell, sorry to say, but that's what happens when you use the non LTS releases15:32
simonizorThing change frequently15:33
jluci found also it didnt look "finished" and "ready"15:33
jlucso i installed gnome-shell-extensions15:33
jlucso it could be related to gnome-shell-extensions defaults - cause i didnt activate anything15:34
jlucgnome-shell-extensions seems to be a set of extensions15:35
jlucdo you know how i can choose which are actives / not used15:35
jluclol it seems to be through a chrome plugin ???? https://extensions.gnome.org/15:38
jiffehow does one add entries to /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades when apt-cache policy shows no o= or a= values15:39
TheMontyChristneed to find a file "dSPACE_lcm/.hg" <- what't the proper get string?15:43
PCatineanhey guys, I'm having some big trouble enabling my bluetooth again on ubuntu 16.04 with dual-boot to win 10 and pulseaudio-equalizer installed15:48
PCatineanI removed the equalizer addon with purge and restarted it seems that's not it, can anyone give a hand?15:48
ne2kis there any way I can recover from sudo failure (due to /etc/hosts /etc/resolv.conf networking mismatch) without being able to use sudo?15:51
EriC^^ne2k: boot into recovery mode and fix it15:52
ne2kEriC^^, is that the only way? it's a remote VM that I don't have console access to15:53
EriC^^ne2k: you dont have the root account?15:53
PCatineansudo service pulseaudio restart returns Failed to restart pulseaudio.service: Unit pulseaudio.service not found.15:53
PCatineansorry: pactl load-module module-bluetooth-discover Failure: Module initialization failed15:53
EriC^^ne2k: vps usually provide the root password15:53
ne2kEriC^^, it's not that sort of setup15:54
EriC^^what about vnc?15:55
pavlosne2k: can you ssh to the vm?15:55
ne2kpavlos, yes, I'm logged in as a user with sudo access, but sudo hangs15:55
EriC^^ne2k: sudo sed -i 's/oldhost/newhost/' /etc/hosts doesn't work?15:56
ne2kEriC^^, duh. sudo isn't working15:56
EriC^^oh :o , excuse moi15:56
ne2koh, hang on!15:56
ne2kit reponds after a lnog wait!15:57
scb6Hello.  When does ubuntu release security updates?  Do they release when available, or does it follow a schedule like Patch Tuesday?15:58
pavlosscb6: I dont think there is a "Patch Tuesday" for linux; security updates are released when available16:04
StumpDumbsince upgrading to ubuntu 17.10 my screen has gone Blank every time I have multiple tabs open in TOR Brower, THIS NEVER HAPPENED IN 16.04. WTF!!!16:06
simonizorSolution: Use LTS releases, StumpDumb16:07
EriC^^StumpDumb: http://www.news.com/fbi-controls-tor-browsers-blank-screen-intermittently16:07
simonizorNice 40416:08
scb6pavlos: Thanks. It seems it would be difficult to manage a large number of servers updating them daily.  Do you typically let them accrue for a week and do it once a week, or do you do it daily?  I guess I am asking Is there a documented best practice for this?16:09
mutantedont upgrade ALL servers at once, start with a small group, wait a little, then continue, you can make the groups larger16:10
StumpDumbsomeone in HERE advised me to upgrade to 17.1016:10
mutanteevery other time there is something unexpected and then you dont want them all to be broken at the same time16:10
StumpDumbis 18.04 out?16:11
mutanteopen tabs making a screen go blank sounds ..like.. really unlikely as the actual reason16:11
ThinkT510StumpDumb: no, the numbers are the release dates. 18.04 = 2018.0416:11
simonizor18.04 will be out in April of next year16:12
simonizorI dunno why people keep telling everyone to use non LTS releases, but it's honestly really silly16:12
simonizorIf you wanna test it out, sure, go for it.  Wanna use it as your main distro?  not a good idea16:13
_28kbis there any news of support for older radeon GPUs?16:13
pavlosscb6: I have security updates to update when available, for other packages once a week. This may not be best practices though ...16:13
ne2kis it possible to do a release upgrade directly from 14.10 to 16.04?16:13
simonizorI wouldn't16:14
simonizor14.x's upgrade process was pretty bad16:14
ThinkT510ne2k: no, you'll need to do the interim releases too16:14
ne2ksimonizor, is that for me?16:14
simonizorit was much improved in 15.x16:14
simonizorYes, ne2k16:14
ne2kThinkT510, simonizor, ok, thanks16:14
scb6pavlos: Thanks for your time. I will do some testing and work it out.16:14
simonizorYou can try, but it will probably break things16:14
pavlosscb6: np16:14
ne2kis the download speed from old-releases.ubuntu.com expected to be super slow, like 1Mb/s16:15
_28kbne2k, i guess system folders got rearranged from 16.04.. that causes apps to get confused when upgrade16:15
mutantei dont think there are any expectations16:15
simonizorne2k, for me, the download speeds for 18.04 are much slower than 16.04, so I assume that they don't put their best servers on the releases that people aren't using a lot16:16
_28kbi got problems with fresh installl.. 17.10 installation hangs at startup with my PC configuration16:17
StumpDumbthis link is bunk http://www.news.com/fbi-controls-tor-browsers-blank-screen-intermittently16:17
EriC^^_28kb: hangs how?16:17
simonizorTry using 16.04 LTS, _28kb16:17
_28kbyes... when i want to try 17.1016:17
simonizorThat's what VMs are for :)16:18
_28kbi.m at broken 16.04 LTS now16:18
StumpDumbdon't try 17.1016:18
nicomachusStumpDumb: please don't be unhelpful.16:18
simonizorIf you broke 16.04, I dunno how to help you honestly lol16:18
StumpDumbfeatures have been removed16:18
EriC^^_28kb: how does it hang? when? and which release are you actually using 16.04 or 17.10?16:19
_28kbbooting 10 minutes... video and 3d poor..16:19
_28kbwouldn't want to bother you here... I'm using 16.04 now16:20
EriC^^_28kb: .. so what do you want?16:20
_28kbnothing.. just complaining friendly16:20
StumpDumbbeing Helpful, wish I had Not bumped up to 17.10 from 16.0416:21
_28kbtelling ne2k about problems :)16:21
EriC^^oh, i thought you meant you want to download 17.10 first and troubleshoot it16:21
_28kbi did... won't boot16:21
EriC^^_28kb: type "sudo apt-get install pastebinit; systemd-analyze blame | pastebinit"16:21
EriC^^type the link it gives you here16:21
simonizorTry booting it in a VM :)16:21
EriC^^_28kb: try to disable apache2 and mysql, see if it improves a lot16:28
_28kbhow do I do that?16:28
EriC^^sudo systemctl disable apache216:29
_28kbwouldn't want to uninstall them16:29
EriC^^sudo systemctl disable mysql16:29
EriC^^that only disables them16:29
_28kbin this session?16:29
_28kbor in next boot?16:29
_28kbor until I enable them again16:30
EriC^^until you enable them again16:30
_28kb10 minutes is my boot time.. see you later16:30
_28kbalmost quit16:30
EriC^^_28kb: hold shift to get grub when the pc boots, then press "e" over ubuntu in the list, and go to the line that says linux /boot/vmlinuz ....... quiet splash, remove the "quiet splash" and press f10 to boot16:31
EriC^^it'll show you the stuff as it loads up, see if anything appears, errors etc16:32
_28kbnow that's verbose or something16:32
_28kbdid change that earlier16:32
_28kbgetting errors about session seat in logs16:33
EriC^^_28kb: aha16:33
EriC^^actually, type "sudo mkdir /var/log/journal; sudo systemd-tmpfiles --create --prefix /var/log/journal"16:34
_28kbi don't mind waiting for boot.. bud my video and 3d are very low quality16:34
_28kbdid that16:34
_28kbgot empty dir16:35
EriC^^_28kb: it should save the boot logs now16:36
_28kbin fact apache and mysql are tho things i never got ny problem with16:36
_28kbok.. rebooting16:36
simonizorI'm super confused as to what you're doing here16:36
simonizorAre you still trying to boot 17.10?  or?16:37
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blastermasterhello from Puerto Rico16:41
BluesKajblastermaster, cool, you have power and internet :-)16:46
de-factohow can i remove the ubuntu specific gdm3 theming and revert back to default gnome gdm3 theme?16:53
mutanteby installing Debian. /me hides16:54
de-factoi upgraded from ubuntu gnome 17.04 and i dont like all those ubuntu specific mods, where can i find the default themes?16:56
simonizorThere's an article on omgnoobuntu16:56
de-factowhich files were modified?16:56
de-factosimonizor, can you provide me the url?16:57
ducassethere's a 'clean' gnome3 session you can install, but dunno if that affects gdm16:57
_28kbEriC^^, got new files in journal dir...16:58
de-factoducasse, gnome-session is already installed16:58
_28kbproblems while opening with gedit..16:59
simonizorThen switch to it at login16:59
EriC^^_28kb: wb17:00
EriC^^_28kb: type "sudo ubuntu-drivers devices | pastebinit"17:01
EriC^^_28kb: try "lspci -k | grep -A2 VGA | pastebinit"17:04
EriC^^_28kb: also sudo journalctl -b --no-pager | pastebinit17:04
de-factosimonizor, thanks after already having installed "gnome-session" and removing ubuntu-dock (which prevented the GUI to come up), i finally got very close to default ubuntu gnome with "sudo update-alternatives --config gdm3.css" :)17:04
EriC^^_28kb: try sudo apt-get install amdgpu17:06
EriC^^_28kb: sorry, this is the package xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu17:06
_28kbnot suporting CEDAR in AMDGPU17:06
_28kbonly newer cards17:07
_28kbso, should i try xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu?17:07
EriC^^_28kb: nevermind17:09
_28kbis there pastebin for images... I took photo of grub "e" option17:09
EriC^^_28kb: try in a terminal "/usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test -p | pastebinit"17:10
EriC^^_28kb: there's not much we can learn from it17:10
EriC^^it looks good17:11
_28kbI dont want this Gallium...17:11
_28kbbut it looks good17:11
EriC^^_28kb: is there an official driver from amd for your card? maybe it works better?17:12
_28kbhighest ubuntu is 1517:13
_28kbso.. i boot, desktop hangs... then i go ctrl-alt-f1 and sudo service lightdm restart... then i wait 5-10min17:13
_28kbind desktop shows after going dark.. sometimes a bit earlier17:14
_28kbty for your time Eric.. i must go now... If i dont find other GPU i'll post my issue on forum17:16
EriC^^ok np17:17
_28kbbut most symptomatic thing is that when I wanted to try "17.10 install".. Installation just hangs at blank screen17:17
_28kbbefore even asking me if i want to install or try17:17
EriC^^_28kb: maybe installing with "nomodeset" might help17:18
EriC^^!nomodeset | _28kb17:18
ubottu_28kb: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter17:18
_28kbok.. ty17:19
WoodpeckerI cant download this image to my computer without it being corrupt; is it just me? https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/90/Devonshire_Redoubt_%28Bermuda%29.png17:22
WoodpeckerI can view it in the browser, but actually downloading to disk gives a mostly grey image.17:22
Woodpeckertried with chrome, firefox, qt; nothing.17:22
EriC^^Woodpecker: wget "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/90/Devonshire_Redoubt_%28Bermuda%29.png"   works for me17:22
kostkonWoodpecker, +1 works here17:23
Woodpeckerkostkon: EriC^^ still doesnt work for me. Gives me this: file:///home/akiva/Devonshire_Redoubt_(Bermuda).png https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/43fKujK3/image.png17:24
BluesKajWoodpecker, try, wget https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/90/Devonshire_Redoubt_%28Bermuda%29.png , in the terminal17:24
Woodpeckermaybe I should restart my computer... just so weird.17:24
EriC^^Woodpecker: try curl -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/90/Devonshire_Redoubt_%28Bermuda%29.png"17:24
kostkonWoodpecker, looks like it was only partially downloaded17:24
WoodpeckerEriC^^: okay17:25
BluesKajyeah EriC^^ wget woked here too17:25
WoodpeckerEriC^^: Warning: Binary output can mess up your terminal. Use "--output -" to tell17:27
WoodpeckerWarning: curl to output it to your terminal anyway, or consider "--output17:27
WoodpeckerWarning: <FILE>" to save to a file.17:27
EriC^^Woodpecker: try curl --output /tmp/image.png -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/90/Devonshire_Redoubt_%28Bermuda%29.png"; xdg-open /tmp/image.png17:28
WoodpeckerEriC^^: tried piping it with > fun.png  -- still same result. Will try that17:28
couthi, I just upgraded to 16.04 from 14.04, and I'm having trouble getting GLX working on a desktop.  Initially the system fell back to VESA, and I ran sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall.  Now I've got full resolution and /var/log/Xorg.0.log shows the NVIDIA GLX module loading, but glxinfo reports extension "GLX" missing on display ":0"17:30
calamariMy dmsg output is filled with "ttyS4: LSR safety check engaged!". What has gone wrong on my box?17:30
WoodpeckerEriC^^: still same issue.17:30
Woodpeckersuch a weird bug...17:30
coutXorg.0.log does have a timestamp with today's date, so AFAICT I am running xorg and not xwayland17:30
EriC^^Woodpecker: this should work   curl --output /tmp/image.png -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' curl -s -H "cache-control:no-cache" -H "pragma:no-cache" "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/90/Devonshire_Redoubt_%28Bermuda%29.png"; xdg-open /tmp/image.png17:31
EriC^^sorry i typo'd17:31
EriC^^Woodpecker: this should work   curl --output /tmp/image.png -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' -H "pragma:no-cache" "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/90/Devonshire_Redoubt_%28Bermuda%29.png"; xdg-open /tmp/image.png17:32
WoodpeckerEriC^^: im afraid not17:32
kostkonWoodpecker, what happens if you download another image from the same wikipedia article17:34
dklebold_hello, how could I update to xz-utils 4.2+ in xenial?17:34
Woodpeckerkostkon: success.17:34
dklebold_sorry, I meant 5.2+17:34
Woodpeckerkostkon: EriC^^ ill try a reboot...17:34
Woodpeckerkostkon: EriC^^ still same issue.17:36
ducasse!info xz-utils xenial17:37
ubottuxz-utils (source: xz-utils): XZ-format compression utilities. In component main, is optional. Version 5.1.1alpha+20120614-2ubuntu2 (xenial), package size 77 kB, installed size 384 kB17:37
EriC^^Woodpecker: what happens if you open the image from a web browser, in a private session browser?17:37
ducasse!info xz-utils artful17:38
WoodpeckerEriC^^: it works.17:38
ubottuxz-utils (source: xz-utils): XZ-format compression utilities. In component main, is important. Version 5.2.2-1.3 (artful), package size 86 kB, installed size 440 kB17:38
Woodpeckerill try a private session.17:38
ducassedklebold_: have you looked for a ppa?17:38
dklebold_ducasse, I am not sure about how safe it is to add random ppas.17:39
EriC^^dklebold_: you could compile from source17:39
de-factoIs there some default file for /etc/apt/sources.list? Dist upgrade from 17.04 to 17.10 seems to have messed it up!!!17:39
WoodpeckerEriC^^: it works. I can even throw it in my clipboard, and upload unto here17:39
dklebold_EriC^^, I am not really interested in that17:39
EriC^^de-facto: what's it look like right now? !paste17:39
de-factoits a mix from zesty and artful with some mixins from software properties17:40
de-factoi would like to have a clean default17:40
kostkonde-facto, there https://repogen.simplylinux.ch/17:41
EriC^^dklebold_: you could install the .deb from newer releases official repo if the dependencies are already satisfied and it doesn't install much17:41
dklebold_EriC^^, yeah that's what I ended up doing.17:41
EriC^^Woodpecker: that's odd, i was thinking maybe the browser is caching the full version, and the isp etc has the corrupted version cached17:42
WoodpeckerEriC^^: well copying the image to imgur and downloading it worked.17:43
de-factohmm "dpkg -S /etc/apt/sources.list" doesnt show any package to which it belongs to17:43
WoodpeckerEriC^^: maybe Ill switch internet connections. Sec17:43
de-factosigh dist upgrade, best idea :(17:43
EriC^^Woodpecker: it seems from google that private session still uses cached images from non-private sessions17:43
WoodpeckerEriC^^: tried in firefox too17:44
EriC^^Woodpecker: ok17:44
EriC^^de-facto: use kostkon 's site17:44
WoodpeckerEriC^^: still doesnt work17:46
EriC^^that's really odd17:48
Woodpecker<EriC^^>  https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/H3qUvkBG/17:50
de-factowhere does /etc/apt/sources.list come from during a clean installation? is it contained in some package?17:53
EriC^^de-facto: i think it's copied from the live usb17:54
de-factooh may that would be worth a look then17:55
EriC^^de-facto: you want the default sources.list for which release?17:55
de-facto17.10 amd6417:56
de-factono flavor since ubuntu-gnome is discontinued17:56
EriC^^de-facto: try here https://askubuntu.com/questions/124017/how-do-i-restore-the-default-repositories17:58
EriC^^Woodpecker: that says it's finding a cached version i think18:00
JonelethIrenicushow can you prevent certain packages from being installed18:01
JonelethIrenicuslike upgraded actually18:01
EriC^^!pin | JonelethIrenicus18:01
ubottuJonelethIrenicus: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto18:01
WoodpeckerEriC^^: I tried with my phone, using same internet connection. Worked.18:01
JonelethIrenicusfor example I have CUDA 8 but the newest version is 9 and I don't want it18:01
WoodpeckerEriC^^: so it is strange that it fails on my desktop18:02
de-factothe livecd just contains 3 lines in /etc/apt/sources.list18:04
de-factook gonna have to go the hard way then and reconstruct a clean one from what the upgrade process left behind18:05
kostkonde-facto, just use the online generator, don't make it more difficult than it needs to be18:06
EriC^^^ +118:07
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blakes5Hey all, I'm trying to find out why gnome network manager cannot manage my wireless nic. The nic doesn't appear in network manager. However, with wicd I can see it and manage it just fine.18:26
TJ-blakes5: NM ignores devices it sees are managed by other services, to avoid conflicts. E.g. an entry in /etc/network/interfaces for it18:27
Bashing-omblakes5: Not the best to respond .. but we will need to know what release you have (netplan ??) .18:27
blakes5Bashing-om it's xenial18:29
blakes5TJ there's no entry for my ethernet nic in interfaces and it works just fine. I'm hesitant to edit the interfaces file because I've never had to do it since network manager took over that functionality and in all cases where I have edited it has broken NM worse.18:30
brwoodsyou could just try commenting it out?18:34
cyyberunable to install hidapi on Ubuntu 17.10 any help18:35
cyyberpip3 install hidapi18:35
ibmr50eyo guys, I installed ubuntu and YouTube videos are very laggy even on 360p, what to do?18:44
CountryfiedLinuxI thought about buying an HP Stream 14 to install Ubuntu on. Any experiences here with that laptop?18:45
ibmr50edont do it your youtube videos wont work18:45
ibmr50ei have IBM r50e18:45
ibmr50ethis is a good laptop and I added some RAM18:47
ibmr50ebut youtube is still laggy18:47
ibmr50ecan't watch music videos18:47
ducasseibmr50e: the fact that you have problems do not in any way mean CountryfiedLinux will have them18:49
ducasseibmr50e: you haven't said which browser you're using, what gpu and driver etc. this kind of info is needed for someone to help.18:54
CountryfiedLinuxI notice Chrome has screen tearing.18:54
_28kbEriC^^, i have clean boot now when used "nomodeset" in grub18:55
kostkon_ibmr50e, try the h264ify addon either in chrome or firefox. The new vp9 codec used in many newer Youtube videos is heavy on older systems18:58
_28kbdoes this mean i should ask for help at #radeon or somewhere graphics specific, as now i got only one (same) display on two monitors?18:59
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ibmr50ekostkon, thank you, ill try it19:05
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ibmr50eyo kostkon dude19:08
ibmr50eyou come to poland i give you free room and much vodka19:09
kostkonibmr50e, hey19:09
ibmr50ethank you it finally helped19:09
kostkonibmr50e, :)19:09
aroonianyway with multiple desktops to set aa 'default' desktop so all apps get opened on that one?19:10
mikubuntui'm concerned that i may have created a monster that won't awake on reboot -- would there be anyone that could review this auto remove log? -- http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/26074137/19:10
jhutchins_wkibmr50e: It could be video or it could be I/O.  Try it with local videos.19:21
ibmr50ejhutchins_wk, i fixed it with some addon19:23
ibmr50ejhutchins_wk, they worked fine in VLC but were terrible in browser19:24
yuriesclhttps://paste.ofcode.org/Gqqq2LGvmHdMYHCqcJRHER    and   https://paste.ofcode.org/NgxgiMFsZPRLaGjcwRgnSA      why are there only 2 interfaces showing up in "ip link" ?19:24
jhutchins_wk,v firefox19:29
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EriC^^_28kb: try to install then download and install specific driver or kernel to use the graphics card19:33
_geoffi have an insane issue where my cronjobs aren't running reliably19:34
_geoffi have been pulling my hair out; i eventually made a test cronjob that does nothing but add the output of `date` to a log19:35
_geoffand that thing stops running at 7pm19:35
_geoffand picks up like days later19:35
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_geofflast time it stopped at 18:52 on monday19:38
_geoffand picked up today at 11:5919:38
_geoff* *  * * * /home/geoff/test.sh  >> /home/geoff/cronlogs/ef/minutely.log 2>&119:38
jlucand you didnt switch the computer off in between ?19:40
_geoffno computer is running all the time19:40
memo1hi, i have a Ubuntu system with wifi (working on console).  I cant use the wifi yet. When i run rfkill list, the wifi is soft-blocked.  I run rfkill unblock all but when i restart the system it is blocked again.19:40
_geoffactually rubber ducking lead me to this error in the mail19:40
_geoff /bin/sh: 1: cannot create /home/geoff/cronlogs/ef/minutely.log: Directory nonexistent19:41
_geoffi get that error every minute that it doesn't run19:41
memo1using ip a, the wifi interface always is DOWN.  Please help19:41
_geoff... could that because i had the log open in a vim terminal or something?19:42
_28kbsorry Eric^^, missed your post... driver cannot be found for 16.04... and rolling back kernels is sci-fi for my level of knowledge19:42
EriC^^_geoff: is /home on a separate partition?19:42
mikubuntui'm concerned that i may have created a monster that won't awake on reboot -- would there be anyone that could review this auto remove log? -- http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/26074137/19:43
EriC^^_28kb: weren't you trying to install 17.10?19:43
_geoffseparate partition from what?19:43
EriC^^_geoff: from the root one19:44
crandonHi! At some point of time my DNS settings got screwed up on my ubuntu 17.04 desktop installation. The main problem is, that gets written into the file /var/run/NetworkManager/resolv.conf (which is linked to /etc/resloved.con) instead of My understanding is, that should be used in case dnsmasq is in use, while should be used when systemd-resloved is in use (which is the case by default and19:44
crandonwhich I'd want to). Any ideas, why is this happening? Note: I have libvirt/kvm installed and as such I have dnsmasq installed, but those instances seem to be bounded (correctly) to the libvirt network addresses.19:44
_28kbthat was suggestion from this channel... just to see what will happen if I try "17.10 live usb"19:44
_geoffand its encrypted19:44
_28kbJordan_U helped me back then19:44
EriC^^_geoff: maybe it got unmounted somehow? that would explain the error19:44
_geoffand it just gets remounted magically?19:45
_geoffi have never had any unmounted issues19:45
_geoffits always there when i log in19:45
EriC^^_geoff: it's your pc, you'd know the voodoo going on19:45
_geoffi clearly don't :(19:45
EriC^^_geoff: try the cronjob with /var/tmp/cronlog as the file19:46
jhutchins_wkmemo1: How have you configured it?19:46
_geoffyeah trying that now.  that's super annoying if that's it19:47
crandon127.0.1.1 seems to be hardcoded into the NetworkManager binary. I'd assume, that this is the IP NetworkManager sets to resolv.conf when it's configured to use dnsmasq, but I know even explicitly set dns=systemd-resolved in /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf19:47
memo1jhutchins_wk: Hi, thank you for your answer.  I think im just using the default settings.19:48
memo1jhutchins_wk: I just try to UP the interface, and start to search why RFKill block the UP proceess19:49
memo1jhutchins_wk: But until now, im not set anything19:50
_geoffEriC^^: could it be that since it's encrypted, the home folder is only readable/writeable while i am ssh'd in?19:51
_geoffthat would explain basically every timing issue19:51
_geoffesepcially if it had like a 1 hour timeout or something19:51
jhutchins_wkmemo1: If you did not configure it with the installer, network manger, or traditional /etc/network/interfaces then it won't come up.19:51
_geoffi think that must be it19:52
jhutchins_wkcrandon: is a localhost address that resolves to your hostname for software that doesn't deal well with non-permanent IPs (DHCP).19:52
jhutchins_wkcrandon: It's also used by NTP as the address of the hardware clock.19:52
memo1jhutchins_wk: I have to reinstall the system?19:52
jhutchins_wkmemo1: No, just configure the interface.  Network Manger is probably the easiest way, especially if you have a GUI.19:53
memo1jhutchins_wk: the machine is remote.  I have to do it using terminal.  Can you tell me how?19:54
jhutchins_wkREats, i forget which bot lives here...19:54
EriC^^_geoff: yeah that makes sense19:54
TJ-_geoff: with encrypted $HOME it is 'mounted' by pam_ecryptfs when the user logs in, and  'unmounted' when the user logs out19:55
_geoffTIL.  thanks.  should have come here sooner.  this has taken like 6 months off my life in frustration19:56
crandonjhutchins_wk: I'm aware of both and are loopback addresses. However certaion local processes (like dnsmasq or systemd-resloved) can and are bound to specific ones and listen only there. The thing is, that the correct setting would be as that's where systemd-resolved listens and as I have no dnsmasq for this purpose my dns resolution is not working for processes that are not using NSS19:56
jhutchins_wkmemo1: You can use nmcli as an interface - there is a man page for it, and an nmcli-examples man page.19:57
jhutchins_wkmemo1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs19:59
memo1jhutchins_wk: and it replace or interfere with network-manager?19:59
jhutchins_wkmemo1: It is a front-end, a tool to manage the manager.19:59
crandonjhutchins_wk: Interestingly if I check another laptop there (where btw is set as nameserver) the comments indicate, that the file was generated by resolvconf, while on the faulty system it states it was generated by NetworkManager20:00
jhutchins_wkmemo1: Sorry, I'm a bit short on details of managing wifi from the command line on ubuntu.20:00
memo1jhutchins_wk: Thank you my friend.  Ill gonna try it20:01
crandonmemo1: does the remote system has a local GUI or the graphical libs and network-manager tools installed?20:01
memo1crandon: How i check that network-manager is istalled using terminal.  Im connected to that machine using ssh20:02
varaindemiananyone tried running macOS in in virtual box?20:03
crandonmemo1: If so, you could just 'ssh -X -C <user@target system>' and run nm-connection-editor20:03
crandonmemo1: Assuming you have an X server running on the ssh client20:04
memo1crandon: ok, let me test please!20:04
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crandonvaraindemian: I haven't, but I'm interested in the problem.20:06
memo1crandon: i connect, and i see the network connections.20:10
donofriocrandon, I was told not to use -X anymore (like a decade ago) and to use -Y instead.....just sharing random thoughts20:10
crandonYeah, -Y is just fine. Old habits on my side...20:11
jhutchins_wkcrandon: A GUI is not necessary to use Network Manger, it includes a CLI interface.20:11
crandonjhutchins_wk: you're right, but I had the perception, that @memo1 might not be familiar with it and if it's a single occasion, using the GUI he's already used to might be faster20:12
crandonmemo1: I might have missed you original problem. Have you solved your problem?20:13
memo1crandon: Not. My problem is that the wifi interface always is down.  It appear in rfkill all as sotfblocked.  After rfkill unblock all and restart, its back to blocked.20:14
memo1the interface is listed in ip a20:15
memo1crandon: but always DOWN.20:16
crandonBut is it functional after rfkill unblock?20:16
crandon(so is the only issue, that after bootup is by default disabled?)20:16
memo1crandon: i use iwlist scan but show nothing20:16
crandonmemo1: What do you mean by restart?20:17
donofriomemo1, is this ubuntu or kali?20:17
memo1crandon: i reboot the system, ubuntu20:17
mikubuntui'm concerned that i may have created a monster that won't awake on reboot -- would there be anyone that could review this auto remove log? -- http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/26074137/20:17
memo1donofrio: ubuntu20:18
crandonmemo1: if you unblock and run iwlist scan, will it provide some usefull output?20:18
donofriomemo1, "had to ask" cause last time I used the command your using it was steps in wifi sniffing - lol20:18
crandon(so without reboot)20:18
memo1crandon: Failed to read scan data: Network is down20:19
crandonand after rfkill unblock, what does rfkill list show?20:19
memo1crandon: right now, rfkill list show all unblocked, Phy0: Wireless LAN, softblocked NO, hardblocked NO20:20
crandonip link set <wlan if> up, then try iwlist scan again20:22
memo1crandon: ip a, say Down, iwlist scan, No scan result20:23
akikjhutchins_wk: you can manager wireless on ubuntu with nmcli20:25
memo1crandon: just in case https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/26074614/20:25
memo1crandon: dmesg | grep wifi20:26
crandonmemo1: ip a says Down, even after ip link set wlp2s up?20:27
memo1crandon: yes20:27
dlamis there a way to make newly created files in a folder always have a certain set of permissions or ownership?    i have some application logs for this django app i always want to have 666 perms on20:27
akikjhutchins_wk: e.g. "nmcli device wifi connect wlan_ssid password your_password" and "nmcli --ask conn up id wlan_ssid"20:28
ibmr50eim on lubuntu, do i have lxde or lxqt?20:29
memo1crandon: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/26074638/20:29
jhutchins_wkmemo1: See akik's post above.20:30
Neo1How fast set up LAMP on ubuntu? What shall I do, create for it shell script?20:30
crandonmemo1: hmmm, what kind of hardware is this? Does it have a HW switch for Wifi?20:31
memo1crandon: no, is a microcmputer, like a NUC20:31
memo1jhutchins_wk: ok20:31
memo1jhutchins_wk: nmcli radio say: WIFI disabled20:34
memo1akik: thank you.20:34
memo1jhutchins_wk: akik WIFI-HW enabled, WIFI disabled20:35
crandonmemo1: nmcli wifi on20:37
memo1crandon: Error: Object 'wifi' is unknown, try 'nmcli help'.20:38
crandonmemo1: Sorry: nmcli radio wifi on20:38
YounderI compiled and nistaled (in te default /usr/local) a gcc-7.0 na dnow all hell is loose. I cant compile cuda code or modelica.. Should have chrooted I guess. Any fixes?20:39
YounderI compiled and installed (in te default /usr/local) a gcc-7.0 and now all hell is loose. I cant compile CUDA code or Modelica.. Should have chrooted I guess. Any fixes?20:39
crandonmemo1: this later seems to do the trick according to my test...20:39
memo1crandon: nmcli radio, shows wifi disable20:40
maziarI have very complex question about ubuntu networking, how can I change a mac address for a specific IP in ubuntu arp table ?>20:40
memo1crandon: :/20:40
memo1crandon: iwlist scan No scan result20:41
crandonnmcli radio help20:41
YounderI am not really expecting a reply.. ;-<20:41
memo1crandon: nmcli radio wifi shows disabled20:42
crandonmemo1: yeah, that's what you should be able to toggle with: nmcli radio wifi on, but I understand, that it's not working for you...20:43
memo1crandon: yes20:44
crandonWhat's the output of nmcli radio?20:44
crandon(without additional arguments)20:44
memo1crandon: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/26074724/20:45
memo1crandon: i reboot the system, and SoftBlocked = YES20:47
crandonunblock everything, bring interface up, then run: nmcli nm wifi on20:49
posspeaking of nmcli stuff, will wpa_supplicant ever get bumped to support mac randomization from nm?20:53
poson xenial?20:54
memo1crandon: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/26074778/20:54
memo1crandon: nothing yet20:54
wbillcan u install the newest version of ubuntu on a pi320:55
memo1crandon: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/26074783/ here say something about blacklisting a module20:57
TJ-memo1: check that last few log lines with "tail -n 50  /var/log/syslog"  for clues20:57
donofriowbill, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/RaspberryPi20:57
memo1TJ-: thank you20:57
crandonmemo1: it's interesting, that nmcli radio wifi on didn't fail with Object unknown...20:59
TJ-memo1: crandon looks like an ACPI issue to me after reading the backlog21:00
memo1crandon: TJ- https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/26074800/21:00
TJ-memo1: that "Not authorized..." suggests an apparmor problem21:01
crandonmemo1: Hmmm, can you try to run all nmcli commands as root?21:01
crandonsudo nmcli radio wifi on21:02
memo1crandon: let me try21:04
memo1crandon: it works!!!.21:05
memo1crandon: wow, thallada TJ-21:05
memo1crandon: how i solve the user issue21:05
crandoni'm not so familiar with network manager, but I suppose the user gets the permission to change stuff once it successfully authenticated and maybe opened an X session, but that's only a wild guess.21:06
crandonmemo1: sorry, I have to leave now, but at least by hand as root you should be able to get your wifi running.21:08
memo1crandon: Thank you for your time, i really apreciate it.  I restart and the iwlist scan works with my normal user.  Thank you21:09
crandonmemo1: you may open a ticket to the networkmanager project as I think it's not nice, that the tool runs without error eventhough the user doesn't have permission to execute the operation.21:10
TJ-memo1: which groups is your use account a member of? do "groups"21:10
crandonmemo1: You're welcome.21:10
memo1TJ-: can you show me the command pl21:10
memo1TJ-: can you show me the command plz21:11
TJ-memo1: "groups" <<--21:11
memo1TJ-: memo adm cdrom sudo dip plugdev lpadmin sambashare21:11
TJ-memo1: I'm not 100% sure about this but I *think* the user needs to be a member of the 'dialout' group too; let me do some checking21:12
TJ-memo1: Right, this is to do with policykit, which is used to grant permissions. What release of Ubuntu are you using? "lsb_release -a"21:19
ibmr50eguuuys, is Audacious lightweight or is there something more lightweight?21:19
memo1TJ-: Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS (xubuntu)21:21
nightwalkerkgHi, i am having some issues booting into Ubuntu 17.10 with radeon.dpm enabled. Unless i disable it, my computer just goes into a bootloop. Any ideas how i can debug this ?21:21
TJ-memo1: OK, in *theory* any member of the 'sudo' group (which your user is) should be OK, but also any members of 'netdev' group. Can you show us "pastebinit <( tail -n 100 /var/log/auth.log )"21:23
ibmr50eI just talked to Jesus21:27
ibmr50ehe said what's up Yeezus21:27
mikubuntui'm concerned that i may have created a monster that won't awake on reboot -- would there be anyone that could review this auto remove log? -- http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/26074137/21:28
memo1TJ-: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/26075019/21:29
TJ-mikubuntu: looks good; you're left with 2 kernel versions21:29
kostkonmikubuntu, autoremove is almost always safe21:30
mikubuntukostkon, there were a few things that made me nervous -- "warnings"21:31
TJ-memo1: nothing wrong there; not sure why you're seeing the wifi operation not authorized, but it's due to policykit enforcing network-manager's policy21:32
kostkonmikubuntu, the standard grub_timeout warning. it's pretty harmless21:32
mikubuntu@kostkon i just did a "find in page" and there are 40 warnings .. lol21:33
kostkonmikubuntu, nothing to worry about21:33
mikubuntu@kostkon ok, if you say so21:34
forthemigoshello all. I am having a routing issue. Maybe someone can help21:47
mutanteforthemigos: it's unlikely to work like that. just ask the entire question itself and if somebody knows they might answer. also, if it doesnt work try asking in #networking21:49
forthemigosok thank you21:49
forthemigosMy network issue is that the default gw is always incorrect. When I connect it is set to 172.x.x.1. I attempt to set a static route using the real gateway at .60 i can't ping the router. I opened wireshark and looked at the arp packets and the gateway keeps request the mac for .1 on behalf of my computer. I am using ubuntu 16.04 and Wicd.21:53
TJ-forthemigos: is the interface using DHCP to confgure itself? If so, then the DHCP server is handing out the wrong gateway IP address.22:04
DocHopper_Hey there Ubuntu folks, I'm using a very long ffmpeg command, and was wondering if there was a clever way to enter it as a multi line command in the terminal.22:04
AndheriHi everyone, trying to install Ubuntu. The automatic partitioning in the installer doesn't identify my Windows hard drive, but when I go into the advanced partitioning, it does. Any quick fixes for that, or I can just partition it manually?22:04
DocHopper_Andheri: Does the windows drive have unpartitioned space?22:04
AndheriYes DocHopper_22:05
forthemigos@TJ  I am not sure how to see how it is occuring.22:05
TJ-forthemigos: generally network activity is logged in /var/log/syslog, but it does depend on the tools in use.22:05
forthemigoslemme check22:06
TJ-forthemigos: if the address is being allocated statically then check the config on the PC itself22:06
forthemigosi tried to set it statically when I realized it was messing up but it didnt help. I am downloading some linux networking videos to study now22:08
forthemigosTJ I think i found the pertinent info in my logs22:12
forthemigosTJ does it seem like the subnet is incorrect22:16
TJ-forthemigos: there's nothing in the log indicating the PC could talk to the DHCP server, if there is one22:21
jeremiesHello, I have a pen drive I use it usually with ubuntu, but sometimes when I connect to windows the data from the pendrive gets corrupted. This is a known bug?22:27
rh10guys, how to find out which video driver am i using?22:28
forthemigosTJ the wireless router must have dhcp right?22:28
forthemigosjeremies do you know the format of the filesystem?22:28
jeremiesforthemigos: fat3222:30
pavlosrh10: sudo lshw -c display     look for the driver=  then you can lsmod | grep <driver>22:30
rh10pavlos, cool, thanks.22:31
rh10pavlos, and how can i find out Xorg version?22:32
pavlosrh10: dpkg -l | grep Xorg22:33
forthemigosjeremies: I believe NTFS is best if you use both windows and ubuntu. Don't quote me on it though22:34
rh10pavlos, two lines - 1. xserver-xorg-core-hwe-16.04 2:1.19.3, 2. xserver-xorg-legacy-hwe-16.04 2:1.19.322:34
ibmr50e"NTFS is best if you use both windows and ubuntu" - forthemigos, 201722:34
rh10does it mean i have 1.19.3 version?22:35
forthemigosim going to that tattooed22:35
pavlosrh10: I have 1.18.4 on 16.0422:35
rh10pavlos, got it. i m on 16.04 to, but have 1.19.322:36
jeremiesforthemigos: thank you22:36
rh10pavlos, thanks a lot22:36
pavlosrh10: np22:36
pavlosrh10: you can try Xorg -version22:37
rh10pavlos, i've tried it :) "Only console users are allowed to run the X server"22:38
varaindemianHi I am trying to wipe a usb stick drive22:40
DocHopper_varaindemian: You mean format it?22:41
varaindemianDocHopper_, and I keep getting errors22:42
DocHopper_varaindemian: And are you using gparted?22:42
varaindemianstderr: 'mkfs.fat: warning -lowercase labes22:42
varaindemianfailed whilst writing FAT22:42
pavlosrh10: maybe X -version22:42
varaindemianI am using disks22:43
DocHopper_Hm, first thought is a bad stick.22:43
DocHopper_Run an error check first?22:43
varaindemianHow can I format it using gparted22:43
DocHopper_varaindemian: Launch gparted and select the disk you want to work with.22:44
pavlosrh10: try with absolute path, /usr/lib/xorg/Xorg -version22:48
rh10pavlos, got it, thanks22:48
rh10pavlos, works!22:48
varaindemianDocHopper_, I am on 17:1022:49
varaindemianbut it doesn;t start22:49
varaindemiangparted doesn't seem to work22:49
DocHopper_You installed it and all dependencies?22:49
pavlosgparted does not work in 17.10 Wayland22:49
DocHopper_pavlos: Thanks for the pointer!22:50
pavlosDocHopper_: https://askubuntu.com/questions/967536/gparted-wont-start-under-ubuntu-17-1022:50
DocHopper_pavlos: I wonder how long it will take for those issues to be resolved, and whether it is a debian change or an ubuntu change.22:52
pavlosDocHopper_: till next april, 18.0422:52
pavlosDocHopper_: I hope22:53
DocHopper_pavlos: This coming april?22:53
varaindemianDocHopper_, plain floppy: device "/dev/sdb" busy (Resource temporarily unavailable Cannot initialize '::' mlabel: Cannot initialize drive22:53
pavlosDocHopper_: yes, April 2018 hence 18.0422:53
DocHopper_pavlos: sorry, didn't know if that was a different type of rev #.22:54
jfcaronI have Ubuntu 16.04 installed by the IT department, but they gave me sudo privileges.  I installed the mate packages using apt, but I'm not sure how to actually log in using mate.22:54
varaindemianDocHopper_, plain floppy: device "/dev/sdb" busy (Resource temporarily unavailable Cannot initialize '::' mlabel: Cannot initialize drive22:55
varaindemianDocHopper_, ^22:55
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varaindemianDocHopper_, are you there?>22:59
CountryfiedLinuxI can't do a proper screen recording without logging in with xorg instead of wayland. Is there a wayland fix or should I just keep switching to xorg?23:00
jiffeso I'm trying to enable automatic updates from the plex ubuntu repo, it looks like https://downloads.plex.tv/repo/deb/dists/public/main/binary-amd64/Release is missing for Origin and Archive.  If they add these I should be able to add their Origin:Archive to /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades to enable automatic updates correct?23:00
pavlosvaraindemian: the usb drive needs to be unmounted (right click on the partitions and unmount)23:00
DocHopper_varaindemian: What pavlos said.23:02
jiffeif I have the source 'deb https://packages.gitlab.com/gitlab/gitlab-ce/ubuntu/ xenial main', how can I determine what the url to the binary-amd64 Release file is?  I figured it would be https://packages.gitlab.com/gitlab/gitlab-ce/ubuntu/dists/xenial/main/binary-amd64/Release but that's coming up not found23:14
jiffethose have to be fairly standard for package apt to work correctly right?23:15
CountryfiedLinuxI can't do a proper screen recording without logging in with xorg instead of wayland. Is there a wayland fix or should I just keep switching to xorg?23:21
jk^hi all23:21
jk^!installation guide23:22
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TJ-jiffe: it's, for example, https://packages.gitlab.com/gitlab/gitlab-ce/ubuntu/dists/xenial/Release and  https://packages.gitlab.com/gitlab/gitlab-ce/ubuntu/dists/xenial/main/binary-amd64/Packages.bz223:22
jk^Link to installation guide?23:22
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate23:22
jiffeTJ-: well for example if I look at http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/xenial/ it has both http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/xenial/Release and http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/xenial/main/binary-amd64/Release23:24
jiffethey're files with different purposes23:24
jiffeI'm trying to figure out what plex needs to change to get automatic updates to work, I see https://downloads.plex.tv/repo/deb/dists/public/Release (which doesn't have anything but date and sum) and there is https://downloads.plex.tv/repo/deb/dists/public/main/binary-amd64/Release which looks like its missing Origin and Archive23:27
jiffehttp://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/xenial/main/binary-amd64/Release looks like a good example and I was looking at gitlab for another but I can't find the same release file there23:28
jiffewould unattended-upgrades be referencing whats in https://packages.gitlab.com/gitlab/gitlab-ce/ubuntu/dists/xenial/Release then for origin:archive ?23:29
jiffeit has origin but no archive23:29
jiffeit has codename which looks like basically the same thing23:30
TJ-jiffe: why not just enable apt debug options so you can see the download URLs it uses?23:30
jiffeapt-get update looks like it only references https://packages.gitlab.com/gitlab/gitlab-ce/ubuntu/dists/xenial/InRelease23:33
jiffeso whatever unattended-upgrades is referencing for origin:archive must be in there eh?23:34
jiffemust be either codename or suite since they're both the same23:45
pizzaburgerTJ-: Hey! Any word on that .encryptfs bug?23:46
TJ-pizzaburger: heya! I've been trying to reproduce your failed mount issue and failed on that but managed to create a few more problems instead :)23:47
TJ-pizzaburger: talked to another kernel dev; neither of us can see why the mount would fail the way it does.23:48
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pizzaburgerTJ-: Jeez! So the status of the issue is that it is going to get solved eventually, but it's  not a priority, right?23:51
CountryfiedLinuxI can't do a proper screen recording without logging in with xorg instead of wayland. Is there a wayland fix or should I just keep switching to xorg?23:52
TJ-pizzaburger: no, it's "We don't have enough evidence as to what is going wrong"23:52
TJ-CountryfiedLinux: that's the gnome compositor; wayland protocol doesn't currently support doing it23:52
pizzaburgerTJ-: I see. I should've just mailed my computer to you23:53
TJ-pizzaburger: LOL that's a good idea, wish I'd thought of it :D23:55
pizzaburgerTJ-: I'm asking because I'm trying to ballpark a time frame when this issue could be solved, if it can be solved at all. Instead of thinking about recovering the lost data in the near future I know have to build it from scratch it seems23:56
TJ-pizzaburger: I'm most concerned about your locked-up keepassx DB23:57
pizzaburgerOn the positive side, will teach me about backing stuff up.23:57
TJ-pizzaburger: don't want to do anything that may compromise it; if there wasn't sensitive data in there I'd ask you to zip the entire encrypted a1 files up and let me have them to play with23:57
pizzaburgerTJ-: So I'm not even able to delete selected data from the locked user, right?23:59
TJ-pizzaburger: thankfully, Ubuntu will be dropping the use of ecryptfs soon in favour of using the native encryption in Linux file-systems23:59
TJ-pizzaburger: right, because you don't know which files are which, because filename's are encrypted too23:59

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