
bluesabreflocculant: I've nearly got playlist support working, should have something testable this week, https://i.imgur.com/r1hwwvu.png04:21
flocculantochosi: yep - and it works here too :)05:53
flocculantbluesabre: nice one :D05:53
bluesabreflocculant: pushed playlist support to git11:45
bluesabreI think the one other thing we were interested in was the red icon when audio plays and things are muted11:47
bluesabreI know so much about dbus now :) / :\11:48
knomehello bluesabrey12:07
bluesabreheya knome12:12
knomeif you're feeling creative, feel free to check out the new flyer drafts :P12:24
knomebasically that one12:25
knome(see how it's less wall of a text now!)12:25
knomeand see how far we are with the front page :P12:25
knomeactually i have a slightly more worked version, but not much12:26
knomeso ideas on what we want on the front page are welcome12:26
knomeand if you come up with something, feel free to put the ideas in here: http://pad.ubuntu.com/xubuntu-1804-flyer12:27
knomewhich is samefully out of sync 12:27
knomeshamefully too12:27
knomei need to start preparing leaving the house12:27
knomecatch you later12:29
slickymasterWorkknome, there was a typo in the flyer12:38
slickymasterWorkcorrected it now in the pad12:39
slickymasterWorkalso removed some extra space between words and added some suggestions12:49
flocculantbluesabre: I assume not git://git.xfce.org/users/bluesabre/xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin then as I get warning: remote HEAD refers to nonexistent ref, unable to checkout18:21
flocculantftr I generally have no idea where specific things might be hiding in git :p18:24
ali1234that sounds unusual18:34
flocculantali1234: well it was me doing it ...18:36
ali1234it is because the remote does not have a "master" branch18:36
ali1234i think18:36
ali1234you can "git clone -b devices ..."18:36
ali1234or check out the branch manually18:37
flocculantit's possible it's the wrong thing anyway 18:37
ali1234what are you looking for? "push playlist support to git"?18:37
flocculantyea I guess18:37
ali1234that's on the "main" repo18:38
ali1234master branch :)18:38
flocculantaah - there we go, wrong thing anyway :D18:39
flocculantali1234: thanks :)18:41
flocculantmm well - no idea then, cloned master, built it - no change in version or what I see, changelog here only appears to go back to the 25th19:12
ochosiflocculant: kewl, mind to post another screener? (ideally in the "normal" xubuntu panel size)19:50
flocculantochosi: what's the normal xubuntu panel size lol19:52
ochosii think 24 or 26px19:53
ochosiwould have to check x-d-s19:53
flocculanthttps://i.imgur.com/1mVnXlV.png @26px19:53
flocculantif that's all as expected I'll lose it from panel now ;)19:54
ochosiyes it is19:56
ochosithanks a bunch!19:56
ochosioh wait19:56
ochosiwhat does the "devices" tab say in the xfpm settings dialog?19:57
flocculantdevices tab?19:57
flocculanthave no devices tab19:58
flocculantxfpm is @ 1.6.0+git-0~2247~ubuntu18.0419:59
ochosiah ok20:00
ochosithat's also fine20:00
ochosiit's dynamic20:00
ochosii just wanted to know what it would show *if* it were to show something20:01
flocculantochosi: ok :) 20:01
ochosiif you connect e.g. a bluetooth mouse that has battery support in upower you would suddenly get a devices tab20:02
flocculantaah ok - that's nice :)20:02
ochosiyou'd also see that in the panel plugin then20:05
knomeslickymaster, the extra space is from the pad, it's not in the flyer itself :P20:15
knomeslickymaster, "in addition, ... is also"? nope20:20
ochosiknome: looks ok to you too? (the power icon) https://i.imgur.com/1mVnXlV.png20:23
knomei'd probably make the lightning a bit wider20:23
knomeor in other words, increase the "stroke" width20:24
ochosidunno if that wouldn't make it look "fat" when being larger20:27
knomei don't know20:28
knomemaybe, but then it's too thin now.. and this is our default panel size, right?20:28
knomeso which size is more important?20:28
ali1234i agree. to my eyes, that looks like a dot in a circle...20:28
knomeit's not "awful" to me, i just think you can do better..,.20:29
flocculantI can see it's not a dot without my glasses on20:29
ochosii can see when i have time to tweak it20:29
ochosii definitely like it more than what we had before20:29
ali1234flocculant: depends which eye i use :)20:29
ochosieven in 1.4 (or 17.10 ftm)20:29
flocculantali1234: :p20:30
knomeochosi, do you have the svg somewhere?20:45
ochosiknome: well ofc, it's in git :)20:48
knomegood, i might check and try it out then20:48
ochosisure thing20:48
Unit193krytarik: Hmm...Better late than never?20:59
krytarikUnit193: Hmm... I've looked everywhere I can think of, but it seems I'm still missing context. :P21:04
Unit193There is no context, it's a question without any!  (Core, 17.10.)21:06
flocculantbluesabre: anyway - so confused here - after building and installing apparently still got 0.3.221:06
flocculantnight all21:06
krytarikUnit193: Hmm, thanks.  Seems there was no notification about it.. :(21:11
krytarikThe build one - got it for 18.04 though.21:13
Unit193There isn't one, hasn't happened yet.21:14
krytarikOk, very well then!  Go!21:14
Unit193We'll have to wait for some smoke testing too.21:30
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ATTN: Xubuntu Core 17.10 - i386 - i386 built.21:44
Unit193flocculant: Hi, so I'm (not really wanting to, but figure I should) looking to email -devel about some testing for these before I actually "release" them.  Do I have to run this by you?  Should it come from you?  Or just go ahead?22:04
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ATTN: Xubuntu Core 17.10 - amd64 - amd64 built.22:05
bluesabreflocculant: https://git.xfce.org/panel-plugins/xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin/22:26
bluesabreProbably doesn't need much testing... it basically works or it doesn't22:28
bluesabreThe only thing it doesn't do yet is listen for new playlists... hoping to fix that tonight22:37
ochosibluesabre: any reservations from your side against gtkswitches in menus?22:53
ochosiwondering whether to make the DND mode in notifyd one22:53
bluesabreochosi: my only complaint is that the smallest the switches get in greybird is still extra large22:54
ochosii guess i could make them a little smaller still22:55
ochosiarc does an ok job at sizing them well22:55
ochosifor notifyd it22:56
ochosi's mostly for making the option more noticeable22:56
knomei agree it could be smaller too22:58
bluesabrebut yeah, otherwise no complaints from me22:59
knomebut i also agree that it's better if it's more visible22:59
ochosimaybe we should discuss this in #xfce-dev rather...22:59

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