
Zectbumoyeah maybe snapshot is a dumb approach and I'm really looking for bzr shelve --keep option02:29
LeoNerdWhy shelve it?02:31
Zectbumolet's say I am developing and then I want to try something crazy02:32
LeoNerdcommit --local02:32
ZectbumoI want to shelve, unshelve --keep and then try my crazy idea. It doesn't work then revert and unshelve02:32
Zectbumodoes that work only on checkout mode?02:32
LeoNerdthat's a commit without push02:33
LeoNerdYou can also unbind first, which is then equivslent02:33
ZectbumoI'm developing unbounded02:34
LeoNerdSo just commit02:34
Zectbumoand then uncommit02:34
LeoNerdYou could.. or revert back to an earlier point02:35
Zectbumookay I'll try that. not bad idea02:35
Zectbumolooks like I was just afraid to commit02:35
ZectbumoDo you know how uncommit works internally? Is it an actual uncommit or a simulation by applying a reverse diff?02:37
Peng_Actual uncommit. (And it doesn't remove the commit from the repository.)02:38
Peng_(It removes it from the branch, but not the repository's underlying storage.)02:38
Zectbumoah, so logs are still present but no diff/undiff02:39
Zectbumoor are you saying the repository does diff then undiff and the branch gets stripped?02:40
Zectbumolike for instance if a password was checked in and then uncommitted. would the password data exist somewhere?02:41
Zectbumothx guys02:41
Zectbumobtw, bzr is my favorite and I don't want to move from it and it seems to me that it's not gaining popularity and that scares me02:42
ZectbumoOne sign I found was Trac and Bzr not working as well anymore and it appeared that nobody was interested in fixing the incompatibilities in the tracbzr plugin for quite some time. It works better now but still all basic functionality is not there.02:44
ZectbumoI've already decided I'm going to sink with the ship. (If there is any sinking)02:47

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