
ibmr50eyo guys00:01
ibmr50esteam won't start00:01
KamilionWell, that's a helpful bug report.00:57
KamilionDid you try to run it in a terminal?00:57
ibmr50eterminal is fine, login screen looks very weird https://imgur.com/a/yrfdm01:11
mr17hello again .. are you on wxl  ?01:43
mr17just wanted to tell you the problem is back :/ --- but in desperation i tried Mint 18.2 XFCE. Booted live, and my 3g usb modem went online instantly.01:44
mr17i wonder what is missing in the lubuntu distro01:45
mr17gn8 :)01:46
tsimonq2wxl: This is the same issue. http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~lubuntu-dev/ubuntu-seeds/lubuntu.bionic/view/head:/ship-live-share#L901:46
tsimonq2wxl: Yet Another Person has an issue because of it.01:46
=== FrankF1 is now known as FrankF
wxl@tsimonq2: this is a support channel XD04:17
tsimonq2wxl: I...know?04:18
tsimonq2wxl: If you look *directly* above my message, a user was reporting a problem (then took off) that I really believe is caused by the seed issue04:18
wxlthe steam one? or the 3g usb modem?04:19
wxli don't think so04:19
guacamolehi i need help13:39
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:39
guacamolesorry bad english, when i play video, audio and motion is out of sync, try many things but no conclusion, any ideas13:40
guacamoleoh and also sometimes my chromium browser just freezes, im trying to fix this in past months but no conclusion my friends :(13:41
guacamolei need watch video and cant do it man, i need to study magnetism but no good now because audio dont follow video or video dont follow audio13:45
hateballguacamole: Is this on youtube or where?13:45
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:45
guacamoleanywhere @hateball13:45
guacamoleinstagram youtube,any website, and even when i download video13:46
hateballguacamole: What system specs do you have? If this is an older lower power machine, high definition will be a heavy task to decode13:46
guacamolewhats specs means ? i have a dell inspiron mini, if that ok13:46
hateballguacamole: Do you have an exact model?13:47
hateballguacamole: What type of CPU? You can check with "lscpu"13:47
hateballAlso how much RAM, you can check with "free -m"13:47
guacamolei dont understand ok i copy and paste ok13:47
guacamolethere my friend13:48
guacamoleany idea?13:50
hateballWell, that thing seems to not want to load13:52
hateballor at least incredibly slow13:52
guacamoleyeah man no good. and i try installing adobe flash and disable accelerator13:53
hateballyeah, pretty low specs on your machine guacamole. for youtube, does it work if you pick a lower quality?13:53
hateballeven 720p is probably too heavy13:53
guacamolenot even 144p very bad13:53
guacamoleit just sounds like a robot voice freezing13:53
guacamoleand video slow13:53
guacamolefunny in the beggining when i just installed lubuntu it used to work, idk why now doesnt work13:54
guacamolebut it used to freeze chromium as usual13:54
guacamoleand mouse too freezing13:55
hateballhmmm, mouse just freezing when you're doing nothing special? maybe your hard drive is not feeling so well13:55
guacamoleyeah nothing special man, just freezes after reboot13:55
hateballguacamole: it could also be a problem with the GPU driver I guess13:56
guacamolei like to install tools u see...i like to install stuff so i can learn, ruby for example, i installed so i could learn, u think that can be a issue?13:56
guacamolewhats gpu drive13:56
hateballguacamole: no having things installed should not be a problem as long as they are not running and using up system resources13:57
hateballguacamole: you can run "lspci -k|grep -A 3 VGA"13:57
hateballSometimes there are bugs in the video drivers13:57
guacamolehm..i see..13:58
guacamolei copy there13:58
guacamolei dont understand a lot man, i need more study13:58
hateballguacamole: And it could be that it worked well on install, then you get a kernel update which has a regression13:58
hateballIt is not uncommon13:58
guacamolei understand...13:59
guacamolemaybe that what happened, u think i should press upgrade dist?13:59
hateballguacamole: what version are you running now?14:00
guacamoleidk man14:01
hateballguacamole: cat /etc/issue14:01
guacamoleUbuntu 16.04.3 LTS \n \l14:01
guacamolei run this14:01
hateballyeah that should be fine14:02
hateballgoogling shows this thread https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=223023814:02
guacamoleok i take a read14:02
hateballsuggests that you can change some X options for the driver14:03
guacamolei try running nvidia gpu drive automatic detection but could not find for my system, i hope the forum thread show another vision14:03
guacamolethanks ill be back soon14:04
guacamolei go read now14:04
hateballguacamole: nvidia? it shows you have intel gpu14:04
guacamoleoh sh :/14:05
guacamoleoh man i tried creating file and still no good hateball14:11
guacamolethis guy said to me install mesa util14:15
guacamoleu try before?14:15
guacamolesame ol14:27
guacamolestill trying to fix14:28
guacamolefollow this now https://askubuntu.com/questions/166224/how-do-i-install-the-intel-graphics-driver-in-my-system14:28
hateballguacamole: the proper drivers should already be installed14:29
hateballguacamole: for 16.04 if you want later mesa, you can use oibaf ppa14:30
guacamoleyes but when i did the file no config was there, it was just blank14:30
hateballguacamole: how exactly did you try to make your xorg.conf ?14:31
guacamolelike the way u send me on askubuntu14:31
guacamolewith gedit14:31
guacamoleand gksudo before the /etc14:32
hateballguacamole: Well you need root permissions to write into... ok then14:32
hateball"gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf" should work14:32
guacamoleyes that was the way but nothing happend14:32
guacamolei reboot system twice14:32
guacamoleand still video freezin without sync of audio14:33
hateballwell you can try using nano in a terminal also, just "sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf"14:33
hateballand then paste in that section (ctrl+shift+v to paste in terminal"14:33
hateballctrl+x to save and exit14:33
guacamole            Identifier "Intel Graphics"14:34
guacamole            Driver "intel"14:34
guacamole            Option "AccelMethod" "uxa"14:34
guacamolei did it14:34
hateballJust remember that if your system fails to start X after you will need to switch into a tty (ctrl+alt+f1) and sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf14:35
guacamolemy thanks my friend14:36
guacamoleone other dude told me to report to send bug14:37
guacamolebut i dont think will solve14:37
guacamolei think is my bad learning the issue not the bug14:37
guacamoleif i could just understand more about these drivers, and why is not work14:38
hateballI am afraid I can't help much more, I don't have a device like that myself14:38
guest___When i install VLC mediaplayer i got 5-6 icons.14:38
guacamolei understand hateball i go try to fix here, thank u for the time14:39
guacamolelook hateball14:41
guacamolei now understand how do i config to my intel be there14:42
guacamolenot good man, no progress14:57
guacamolehey hateball i think i solved14:59
guacamolei went simply to software and update15:00
guacamoledrivers additionals15:00
guacamoleusing processor microcode firmware for intel cpus wasnt marked so i mark now15:01
guacamoleok it got better but no solved15:03
hateballguacamole: :/15:07
hateballguacamole: you might want to ask on askubuntu.com I guess15:07
hateballguacamole: since this channel is usually quite idle, not many people looking15:07
guacamoleyeah man :(15:09
guacamolerobots everywhere ha!15:09
wxlwhat's the issue again?15:09
guacamolemy video and audio not sync good15:09
guacamolei use lubuntu in dell15:10
wxlwith what?15:10
wxlwhat videos in what app?15:10
guacamoleeverywhere man, youtube gnome player, instagram15:10
guacamolethey all sound like robot and with delay15:10
guacamoleeven in 144p15:10
wxlso in a browser15:10
guacamoleyeah in a browser or when i download15:11
wxlhave you tried downloading the youtube videos and playing them in e.g. vlc?15:11
guacamoleyeah man same problem15:11
hateballIt is a single cpu 1.3ghz atom with 1GB ram, should be noted15:11
wxlwhat video card and what driver are you using?15:11
hateballwith intel gma50015:11
guacamolei guess hateball answered my friend15:12
guacamolehow do i see videocard15:12
hateballguacamole: what you pastebinned earlier15:12
guacamoleoh ok15:12
wxllspci -nnk will give you all sorts of information, including about the driver15:12
guacamolei copy and paste here wait my friend15:12
hateballguacamole: this is it https://thepasteb.in/p/2RhK3n20zr2h415:13
wxldon't paste here15:13
wxlthat pastebin works15:13
guacamoleoh ok15:13
wxlgma500 wth is that XD15:13
guacamoleold school15:13
wxlthis is old but says driver support is poor https://community.linuxmint.com/tutorial/view/7015:14
guacamolebut as i talked to hateball, when i installed lubuntu everything worked fine, some issues remained like system freeze or mouse freeze15:14
wxlof course that's super old but XD15:14
guacamolei see so i should not upgrade15:15
wxlthat suggests the lack of hardware accelerated video playback makes it act poorly with video15:15
wxlyou could  use mplayer to solve the issue, but you'd have to download stuff15:16
guacamoleok sound good to me man15:16
guacamoleanything to solve stuff15:16
guacamoleim in the past 3 months trying to learn ruby with youtube but no good15:17
hateballPersonally I would try and save up some money and get a newer hardware15:17
guacamolebecause of this delay15:17
hateballThat thing has seen its prime15:17
guacamoleoh that sounds even better hateball, which one u suggest15:17
guacamolethanks wxl15:18
guacamolei try to fix stuff too15:18
guacamolethanks for the time my friends15:18
wxlthis person's looking for help too https://askubuntu.com/questions/469427/choppy-video-playback-with-intel-gma-500-chipset15:19
wxltl;dr this is kind of How It Is™ fot that chip15:19
hateballguacamole: Anything you can afford really, that is celeron or up15:19
guacamolethe first link u send wxl no packages can be found for download15:19
hateballKeeping old hardware alive is good and all but sometimes we have to accept defeat :)15:20
wxlif you read what i sent you will see that i mentioned something on the page, not as an instruction of what to do15:20
wxlalthough the fact that there have been ppas out there may mean searching for a ppa might find you alternatives15:20
guacamoleyes im reading hardware support wxl. and yes hateball this old dell is from 200715:20
guacamoleits a grandma15:20
guacamolein 10 years a lot have changed15:21
guacamolethats cool to see15:21
guacamolebut as u say, defeated15:21
guacamolewxl the ppas are unchecked here, they gave me a big head pain in the past because of error messages15:22
wxlppas are not supported by anyone except their owners15:22
wxlso you need to decide on whether or not you will add a ppa based on research that will help you decide whether or not to trust them15:23
guacamoleoh...i see...15:23
guacamolechoppy thats a good word for what happening15:30
guacamoleoh nice gotta try this ill be back guys thx15:35
guacamolewxl and hateball its fixed!!!!15:50
guacamolethanks so much!!!15:50
guacamoleomg i cant believe this man15:51
guacamole=D =D =D15:51
wxlhappy to help use a search engine for you guacamole XD15:51
guacamole:D :D :D15:51
guacamolei try so many things that i lost count15:51
guacamolethat last module stuff helped me15:51
guacamolethe last link15:51
guacamoleim listening to electromagnetism class in this moment! :D :D :D15:52
guacamole\o/ so happy15:52
guacamoleno choppy video or audio anymore \o/15:53
wxlif you find any new information or feel like something could be updated (e.g. "worked on this version") on the wiki, feel free to send your notes to lubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com or just edit t yourself :)15:53
guacamoleall right!15:53
guacamolenow there is another issue going on15:56
guacamolethe mouse freezes when i start15:56
guacamoleand i didnt find no where in askubuntu no solution good15:56
wxlwhat kind of mouse?15:56
guacamolemy notepad15:56
wxlare you using synaptics on it?15:57
guacamolewhats synaptics15:57
guacamolewait i google15:57
wxli would imagine if you're NOT using it `synclient` would return nothing15:58
guacamoleyes i guess no synaptics16:00
wxli would probably use synaptics personally.16:00
guacamoleno synaptics menu im following a solved stuff here16:01
guacamolethx again man16:01
guacamolewxl u still here?16:36
venikhow do I use an HDMI projector with Lubuntu 17.10?18:48
venikor ANY projector/18:48
venikthanks-- I think I figured it out18:53
ibmr50eGuys! I tried to make my grub2 BEAUTIFUL by editing it with grub-customizer. I wanted to add Kanye West background image. It didn't work, now my grub2 is UGLY and has basic colors and fonts and I can't reverse it.. How to make it BEAUTIFUL or at least NORMAL again? Thank you!19:19
Guest__How can i use Huawai mobile modem on Lubuntu ? Will it work without install anything ?22:07
ibmr50ewhat was the apt-get command to install ubuntu software manager?22:19
ibmr50ehow to launch some directory from terminal using this pcman?22:36
krytarik"pcmanfm <directory> &"22:37
ibmr50ewhat does & do?22:39
ibmr50ewow i did sudo pcmanfm and finally can delete things22:40
ibmr50ei had useless things in /boot/grub thank you22:40
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !pkexec (for older releases: !gksu and !kdesudo). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo22:41
ibmr50eye i know22:42
krytarikAlso, '&' sends the process to the background.22:42
ibmr50eso terminal won't stay open stupidly?22:43
ibmr50ecool cool22:44

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