
=== dan_ is now known as Guest4912
SynfulAckHey guys, since I made the switch from raspbian to mate I think it change the way i was able to set a static ip to a wlan0 interface to a essid that was a AP (also had a priority value)i could switch on my laptop to remotely administer the RPi3.02:18
SynfulAckI think last time i would edit /etc/dhcpd.conf and add the ip, router and domain n reboot. Then there was something with editing /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf and assigning the priority. Some of these files are missing though so maybe it done different maybe it isnt on Mate. Anyone ever have to set something up like that before?02:21
SynfulAckI dont even think theres a dhcpd.conf file anymore in /etc. Maybe this changed to /etc/dhcp/dclient.conf?02:25
Danielhamwhy no minecraft java?03:23
ali1234what do you mean?03:23
DanielhamThe minecraft java edition03:24
ali1234why not it?03:24
ali1234it works fine for me03:24
Danielhamwhy can i not play it03:24
ali1234i don't know, do you get an error message?03:24
Danielhami wnt on to welcome and it said minecraft is imconpatible03:25
ali1234is this a PC or a pi?03:25
ali1234minecraft java runs very slow on pi03:26
Danielhamok thanks!03:26
ali1234you can install it manually by downloading the jar from mojang03:26
ali1234you also need to fiddle with the JVM to make it run03:27
Danielhamin #ubuntu04:46
stuckyedgesis there a way to disable the sticky edges? I'm talking about the behaviour when moving around windows and the window being moved gets stuck at the edges of other windows (for side by side comparisons or similar)13:14
stuckyedgesI'm not talking about tiling a window to one half of the screen13:15
diogenes_are you using marco?13:16
stuckyedgesit is currently running virtualized in virtualbox13:17
stuckyedgesi would use marco natively as well13:17
diogenes_just curious if compiz would have the same behavior13:18
diogenes_you could try 9t13:18
stuckyedgesjust switched to see and it does13:19
stuckyedgesjust realized I had it enabled in xubuntu as well, I hate this pseudo-feature. apple introduced that as well in 10.12 and its driving me nuts13:29
stuckyedgesdisabled it there (:13:29
mate|57772Bom dia! Opera install, commands in Terminal, please13:53
christianloeselHello, can anyone help me to get access to ttyUSB0. Even after adding my user to the dialout group (owner) i can't get my software to access the port13:57
retrojeffbooting a LIVE ISO of 17.10 from usb stick ubuntu-mate-welcome will crash and the desktop locks up15:44
retrojeffI still have /var/crash/_usr_bin_python3.6.999.crash15:45
retrojeffI checked the sha256sum of the ISO it does match the one from the website15:45
retrojeffalso checked the same bytes on the usb stick they also match15:45
retrojeffbecause I created the usb stick using DD byte for byte copy of the ISO15:46
retrojeffgonna try apport-retrace --confirm --gdb --sandbox system --verbose --cache /tmp/apport-retrace /var/crash/_usr_bin_python3.6.999.crash15:50
retrojeffto see what happens15:51
retrojeffa gdb backtrace shows this https://pastebin.com/raw/C3xCNEkR15:58
retrojeffhope this helps15:59
magdihow fix firefox ubuntu mate raspberry?16:57
sixwheeledbeastuse the raspbian esr version or rollback to 5217:03
spicaguys, how can I change the foont color of the input language switcher next to the clock?18:43
mate|18144hablan espa;ol21:53
mate|18144queria consultar a su opinion si me conviene instalar ubuntu mate en mi equipo21:54
mate|18144es una aspire 5710z21:55
mate|18144procesador intel T2080 doble nucleo a 1.73Ghz21:55
mate|1814480Gb de DD21:56
mate|181442gb de RAM21:56
lc2hey, a question: is there a way to increase the size of the resize handles on the edge of windows in MATE?22:15

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