
floridagram-bot1<ahoneybun> That's an old tweet lol02:25
floridagram-bot1<Abrerr> I fight ISIS everyday03:37
floridagram-bot1<Abrerr> Damn hold timers are too low03:38
floridagram-bot1<AdamOutler> @KMyers I'm looking for a new printer with a larger build volume.  Any suggestions?03:59
floridagram-bot1<AdamOutler> It need not be fast, but well made with a large volume.04:00
floridagram-bot1<AdamOutler> https://www.gearbest.com/3d-printers-3d-printer-kits/pp_708166.html04:01
greatabyss2Looking to buy an ubuntu installer stick, anybody know where i should turn to purchase.  Already tried and failed on the Ubuntu website.04:26
floridagram-bot1<AdamOutler> Buy any stick.  Then install Ubuntu with  recommended setting from the website.05:37
floridagram-bot1<AdamOutler> Preferably a fast stick.05:37

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