
pizzaburgerTJ-: Dang. I'm trying to think of something. Changing the most sensitive passwords so the ones in the KPXC db are invalid?00:01
TJ-pizzaburger: this is one of the problems when you don't keep timely back-ups00:02
TJ-pizzaburger: was it not distributed to other PCs?00:02
pizzaburgerTJ-: Absolutely, lessons will be learnt00:03
boxbeatsyhi, does anyone know how i can create a shortcut to scale 4 windows side by side on each of my dual monitors?00:04
pizzaburgerTJ-: Well, no. The issue is more concerning privacy, and not being unable to access services, since the vast majority of the passowords/logins are recently migrated from lastpass, and the rest are tied up with my email, so I can recover them00:04
TJ-pizzaburger: oh, well that's good news! I thought they were effectively lost00:05
pizzaburgerTJ-: So I can assume that it going to take no less than a few months to shed some light on this issue, right?00:06
TJ-pizzaburger: weeks I'd hope; it depends on finding more time to debug some more; as you know, it's very time intensive when it has to be done remotely via third hands00:07
pizzaburgerTJ-: That's calming. So I still have a part in this? I though you had enough data00:08
TJ-pizzaburger: no; because we still can't tell why you get the failed mount. The problem there is figuring out how to get more data. It looks like it may need some kernel debug probes setting up on the key ecrypfs functions, which is bad enough to do locally00:10
pizzaburgerTJ-: Oh wow, I understand now. So I00:12
pizzaburgerTJ-: [...] I'll start thinking about how to alleviate some of the privacy concerns if I should choose to send you the system.00:15
pizzaburgerTJ-: And of course if you decide to take on this task00:15
boxbeatsyhi, does anyone know of an easy way to create shortcuts to tile 4 windows side by side?00:17
pizzaburgerTJ-: In the meantime I'll be visiting here regulary, and if you have any updates just leave me a memo!00:17
DJAnonimoI want my shell in colors00:18
DJAnonimoroot have colors but can't get it on a user. i tried to add some lines found on google in .bashrc and execute it but with no luck00:19
DJAnonimoanyone can help00:19
TJ-pizzaburger: will do once I've figured out a set of probes00:19
pizzaburgerTJ-: Okay, see you around, and thanks again!00:21
=== Sven_vB_ is now known as Sven_vB
boxbeatsyhi, does anyone how i can create a keyboard shortcut that resizes my window to a specific position on the screen (i'm trying to make it easy to have 4 text editors side by side)?00:44
EldritchGuardianis anyone good with wine or playonlinux I could use some help, msg me if your available00:45
EldritchGuardianso noone...00:47
bazhangEldritchGuardian, we sk in channel here, for actual wine issues there is a place00:48
EldritchGuardianand where is that?00:48
bazhang#winehq EldritchGuardian after checking the appdb00:48
bazhang!appdb | EldritchGuardian00:48
ubottuEldritchGuardian: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help00:48
ibmr50eyo guys, my Steam on linux wont start00:49
ibmr50ei want my money back00:49
bazhangibmr50e, contact steam00:49
EldritchGuardianibmr50e, what seems to be the problem00:50
ibmr50ewhere i can upload screenshot to show you guys?00:51
EldritchGuardianimgur, postimg00:51
demiurge,g #packer-tool01:00
ponyriderwhat are we mean to do with that?01:12
capellanice .... blank signin screen01:12
capellaLet's give him his user id and password!01:13
ponyrideribmr50e: are you using steam-runtime or steam-native?01:13
ibmr50ethese white squares dude01:13
ponyrideri love how you hid the tickbox. nice touch01:13
ibmr50eand after i log in theres loggin procedure and it says "Updating User Configuration" and then all disappears01:13
ibmr50ei didnt hide anything01:13
ibmr50ethese white squares are not made by me01:14
ponyrideribmr50e: are you using steam-runtime or steam-native?01:14
ibmr50eGUI is broken01:14
ibmr50esteam-runtime i think01:14
ibmr50eRunning Steam on ubuntu 17.10 32-bit01:14
ibmr50eSTEAM_RUNTIME is enabled automatically01:14
ponyridertry running steam native and also try following an ubuntu guide to get it going01:15
boxbeatsydoes anyone know if there's a way to create a specific terminal/application layout that loads on reboot? i'd like to have a number of text editors automatically launched and browsers positioned in specific areas on reboot.01:21
ibmr50ehere is my steam crash info: https://imgur.com/a/7efo0 !!01:23
ibmr50ethe reason is hidden here01:23
ponyriderpost the dump01:25
ibmr50ehow do i open it01:25
ibmr50eor where to upload01:25
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:26
ponyriderpost the crash_2017.*.dmp file01:26
ponyridersteam is in the ubuntu multiverse01:29
ponyrider$ sudo add-apt-repository multiverse01:29
ponyrider$ sudo apt-get install steam01:29
ponyrideryou should use that one01:29
ibmr50ethats what i did too01:29
ibmr50edidnt work too01:29
ibmr50ei cant post crash.dmp it's not a text file!!01:30
ponyrideribmr50e: reinstall mesa and maybe also possible lib32-mesa01:32
nitrooogenhello everyone, I am running into a problem that bothered me a lot. Whenever the bluetooth stops working then it does not work again. Anybody familiar with such a problem ?01:33
ponyridersudo systemctl restart bluetooth.service01:34
nitrooogeneven that won't work01:35
ponyriderwhy not?01:35
nitrooogenthe main problem is that the device itself won't be up. hciconfig up fails01:35
ponyriderwhy not use bluetoothctl?01:36
nitrooogenthat's what I use. bluetoothctl show it will say power: no01:36
ponyriderpower on01:36
nitrooogenand if I try power on. It gives me an error.01:36
ponyriderwhat error?01:37
nitrooogenFailed to start discovery: org.bluez.Error.NotReady01:37
nitrooogenwhenever I try scan on after a power on01:37
EldritchGuardianim about to drill a screw into my skull, linux has to be so frustrating01:37
nitrooogenFailed to set power on: org.bluez.Error.Failed01:37
ponyriderwhat is the output of: systemctl status bluetooth.service?01:38
nitrooogenbluetoothd[1200]: Failed to set mode: Failed (0x03)01:39
ponyriderthat is all?01:39
nitrooogenthat's like the last 10 lines that shows up01:39
ponyriderdid you isntall the bluez and bluez-utils packages?01:40
nitrooogenbluetoothd[4554]: Not enough free handles to register service01:40
nitrooogenNov 29 18:40:04 z50 bluetoothd[4554]: Not enough free handles to register service01:40
nitrooogenNov 29 18:40:04 z50 bluetoothd[4554]: Current Time Service could not be registered01:40
nitrooogenNov 29 18:40:04 z50 bluetoothd[4554]: gatt-time-server: Input/output error (5)01:40
nitrooogenNov 29 18:40:04 z50 bluetoothd[4554]: Not enough free handles to register service01:40
nitrooogenNov 29 18:40:04 z50 bluetoothd[4554]: Not enough free handles to register service01:40
nitrooogenNov 29 18:40:04 z50 bluetoothd[4554]: Sap driver initialization failed.01:40
ibmr50erip nitro01:41
ponyriderwhat is the output of rfkill nitrooogen01:42
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:42
nitrooogenI am so sorry01:43
nitrooogenI really a total noob01:43
ponyridernitrooogen: rfkill list nitrooogen01:44
nitrooogenthe rfkill iis nothing blocked01:44
nitrooogenlike everything is no01:45
ponyriderdid you isntall the bluez and bluez-utils packages?01:45
nitrooogenwhat is bluez-utils ?01:46
ponyridersudo apt-get install bluez bluez-utils01:46
nitrooogenE: Package 'bluez-utils' has no installation candidate01:47
kostkon!find bluez-utils01:47
ubottuFile bluez-utils found in logcheck-database01:47
xanguaBluez already comes installed in Ubuntu01:48
ponyridermake sure you have the bluez package though01:48
nitrooogenyeah I have that and I also tried reinstall it and nothing was changed01:48
ponyriderjournalctl -b 0 -u bluetooth.service01:49
nitrooogendo you want me to paste it here ?01:50
ponyrideruse the pastebin01:51
nitrooogenhow to I use it ? (excuse my ignorance)01:51
ponyridernitrooogen: journalctl -b 0 -u bluetooth.service| curl -F 'sprunge=<-' http://sprunge.us01:52
ponyridermight be a bug / unsupported hardware. are you using a dongle by any chance?01:58
nitrooogenNo I am using the machine's device.01:59
nitrooogenI thought the same thing because I saw different people using other distros having the same problem and the same machine02:00
nitrooogenlike most of the time a reboot would do it. But sometimes I need to do couple of reboots which I really hate doing especially in the middle of a movie or a long video.02:01
nitrooogenAnyway, thank you very much for your time. I really appreciate your effort.02:02
Neo1guys I think how to fast work with ubuntu server, and seems editor learn don't need02:34
arktvrvswhy is it when i try to install portaudio19-dev it tries to uninstall a bunch of other stuff? and why does apt show that it conflicts with packages which dont seem to exist?02:45
tatertotsarktvrvs: it's a dependency thing...02:47
tatertotsarktvrvs: the system actually tells you that if you know where to look02:48
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psrb1919plus2117.10 Ubuntu on gpd pocket anyone?02:51
tubalHello. Running 17.04. Rebooted not long ago and now I have no sound. I could just exit and restart a session, or reboot, but I'd rather try to remedy or diagnose the problem. Any ideas where I should start?02:51
tubalWell... for the record, fixed it by running pavucontrol, and on the Configuration tab, changing Profile from Analog Stereo Duplex to another, and then back.03:08
blakehschwartz75Looking for help with a borked system03:28
blakehschwartz75Attempted to update to ubuntu 17.10 from 16.04 by installing manually in a dual-boot system03:29
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blakehschwartz75have attempted getting help on the community forums, and in the ubuntu-budgie gitter channel03:30
blakehschwartz75The problem seems to be that my partitions became unmounted. I'm trying to repair grub2 but unable to complete one of the steps03:31
blakehschwartz75anyone on here that does support?03:33
ponyridertry to be more specific03:33
blakehschwartz75ok thanks. will need a moment03:34
blakehschwartz75Ok so essentially my story is, I set up a dual-boot system with Windows 10 and it's worked well for a while now. When I went to upgrade to 17.10 I read that you're supposed to use the built-in software update tool, but I didn't have an option to upgrade the OS from there03:44
blakehschwartz75So, I created a new liveUSB with the 17.10 ISO, and tried to install that03:44
blakehschwartz75I got an error message, and now when I try to boot into my 16.04 installation it drops me into initramfs03:45
blakehschwartz75I can boot in using the 17.10 trial image, and I can see in gparted and from the command line that my old partitions and files are there - but when I try to install 17.10 using the installation wizard I don't have the option to mount anything03:46
blakehschwartz75I was trying to do the grub2 re-install/repair workflow listed here: http://howtoubuntu.org/how-to-repair-restore-reinstall-grub-2-with-a-ubuntu-live-cd03:47
blakehschwartz75I can mount the partition that includes the 16.04 OS, but when I try to do the chroot step it fails03:47
blakehschwartz75Specifically, it fails with the message `chroot: failed to run command '/bin/bash': No such file or directory`03:52
blakehschwartz75From what I can tell googling the error, the /mnt directory may not contain bash. I tried copying it and the utilities it depends on into there following a post I found online, but still get the same result03:53
blakehschwartz75At this point, I'd just like to try and save my /home partition and I'll probably end up having to re-install03:54
ponyridershow me that chroot command you typed03:55
blakehschwartz75but, I thought I'd check here as a last resort in case anyone has any ideas on how to remount/repair the existing partitions. At some point in my attempted rescue operations Windows also became unusable, and just shows a black Windows Boot Manger screen03:55
blakehschwartz75sure, just a second03:55
blakehschwartz75It was `sudo chroot /mnt`03:55
blakehschwartz75per the grub2 repair instructions03:56
ponyriderblakehschwartz75: you did all of this? http://sprunge.us/SeRV03:58
blakehschwartz75@ponyrider yes04:00
ponyriderand you are sure you mounted the correct partition?04:00
ponyriderwhat is the output of: sudo blkid04:00
blakehschwartz75I'm pretty sure it's the one that I set up as /, which had the actual OS binary on it04:01
blakehschwartz75hang on just a sec - need to switch machines04:01
ponyridercheck you are using the correct partition number04:01
blakehschwartz75Ok finally on the other machine04:12
blakehschwartz75ponyrider: output of blkid https://paste.ubuntu.com/26077207/04:14
PlainDaveWell, this is interesting. I installed Flightgear in my new OS, Bunsenlabs. I rebooted and ran it. It was as jumpy as the early versions of Microsoft flight sim. So I rebooted again and got into Xubuntu and ran FG. It runs very smooth.04:16
blakehschwartz75Also - pastebin from boot repair if it helps: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25848170/04:16
ponyriderblakehschwartz75: its not sda1, that is your usb stick04:17
blakehschwartz75yeah. I have a newer SSD so it's nvme0n1p604:18
blakehschwartz75I believe04:18
ponyriderit would have to be n1p6/704:19
Bashing-omblakehschwartz75: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25848170/ >>  " The Paste you are looking for does not currently exist." ... try again please .04:19
ponyriderwell taht is the one you  have to mount before all the other chroot commands04:20
blakehschwartz75Ah shoot I wonder if it expired...04:20
blakehschwartz75yeah, I did mount that one first04:20
blakehschwartz75also - link to the issue I posted on the forums (with add'l screenshots)04:23
ponyriderwhy do we want that?04:23
blakehschwartz75just thought it might be helpful04:24
blakehschwartz75I mounted nvme0n1p6, which should be my old root partition. nvme0n1p7 would be my old /home directory04:25
ponyriderok sounds good04:27
ponyriderbtw you should also mount nvme0n1p1 as /mnt/boot and THEN chroot so you can fix your bootloader04:30
ponyriderblakehschwartz75: ^04:30
blakehschwartz75ok so mount that, then run run the chroot command04:32
donniecan someone help me with ssh passwordless login?04:32
ponyridermount n1p6 as /mnt then n1p1 as /mnt/boot, then chroot04:32
blakehschwartz75hmm, tried mounting n1p1, then chroot - same as before - same result04:34
ponyriderblakehschwartz75: i need more info04:34
ponyriderdonnie: https://www.ssh.com/ssh/copy-id#sec-Copy-the-key-to-a-server04:35
blakehschwartz75The guy that was helping me on the ubuntu budgie channel suggested that maybe something got screwed up by the unmounting/installation error. would that account for this?04:35
blakehschwartz75ponyrider: what other info can I get you?04:35
blakehschwartz75really appreciate the help04:35
hermangusei was buy new laptop lenovo ideapad320-14AST than installing full ubuntu 17.10, after installing, problem first,  the touchpad not working, second the wifi lost someminutes after connecting a wifi channel, could you maybe give me help about this case?04:36
donniethanks ponyrider, I'll try that. it looks similar to what I've been doing, but will follow the commands.04:36
ponyriderso are you *sure* that n1p6 is the '/' directory? if you cd into the /mnt folder, do you see: bin, etc, home, mnt, root, proc ..etc04:37
blakehschwartz75yeah, I do see all that stuff04:37
hermangusehelp 11.3604:38
ponyriderhermanguse: output of xinput?04:39
ponyriderblakehschwartz75: and you get output from: mount | grep nvme0n1p6  ?04:41
hermanguseponyrider: the touchpad not working on my lenovo 320 ubuntu 17.1004:42
blakehschwartz75ponyrider: /dev/nvme0n1p6 on /mnt type ext4 (rw,relatime,data=ordered)04:42
ponyriderok so its mounted04:42
blakehschwartz75yeah it looks that way04:44
ponyriderso you *should* be able to chroot after the 'mount --bind' commmands. what is the exact error?04:46
blakehschwartz75do I need to re-run the bind commands?04:46
blakehschwartz75ok I'll try that04:47
ponyrideryou were mounting the wrong partition before!04:47
hermanguse Virtual core pointer                    id=2[master pointer  (3)]04:48
hermanguse⎜   ↳ Virtual core XTEST pointer              id=4[slave  pointer  (2)]04:48
hermanguse⎜   ↳ xwayland-pointer:13                     id=6[slave  pointer  (2)]04:48
hermanguse⎜   ↳ xwayland-relative-pointer:13            id=7[slave  pointer  (2)]04:48
hermanguse⎣ Virtual core keyboard                   id=3[master keyboard (2)]04:48
hermanguse    ↳ Virtual core XTEST keyboard             id=5[slave  keyboard (3)]04:48
blakehschwartz75ok I tried re-running the bind commands, still getting the error: `sudo chroot /mnt chroot: failed to run command ‘/bin/bash’: No such file or directory`04:49
hermangusesupport to touchpad not working on lenovo ideapad 320 ubuntu 17.1004:50
=== Tabstar is now known as Tabmow
blakehschwartz75Hey ponyrider, still there?05:00
ponyriderblakehschwartz75: did you try chroot /mnt /usr/bin/bash ?05:00
blakehschwartz75I think firefox is dying on my other machine05:00
ponyriderchroot /mnt /bin/sh even?05:00
blakehschwartz75yeah I did try that before, I'll try again05:00
blakehschwartz75Ok back again05:02
blakehschwartz75yeah still getting the same output from `sudo chroot /mnt /mnt/bin/bash`05:04
blakehschwartz75and sudo chroot /mnt /mnt/sh05:04
ponyriderno /usr/bin/bash05:04
blakehschwartz75yeah... oddly I don't have a /usr/bin/bash... I have /usr/bin/bashbug05:05
blakehschwartz75ubuntu@ubuntu:/$ sudo chroot /mnt /usr/bin/ba baobab    base32    base64    basename  bashbug05:06
ponyridertry: chroot /mnt /usr/bin/sh05:06
ponyriderif you can't chroot i dont think you can restore your system. so the best bet would be to backup your $HOME directory05:07
bcowanremember the /bin/bash is inside of the chroot not from real_root05:07
blakehschwartz75shoot... ok05:08
ponyrideryes we know thnkx05:08
ponyriderfor some reason you have no bash or sh in your /bin. that is bad05:09
ponyrider/usr/bin is just a symlink so i am completely wrong on that count05:09
blakehschwartz75ok. yeah I figured that was not normal05:10
ponyrideractually.. no its real.05:10
ponyrideranyway. goodluck w the chroot i think your screwed though sorry05:11
ducasseblakehschwartz75: you have no /bin/bash?05:12
ponyriderblakehschwartz75: what if say, you copied /bin/bash to /mnt/bin/bash... ?05:12
ponyriderducasse: he has no bin bash, he screwed up an ubuntu install and now cant chroot05:12
Bashing-omponyrider: if it helps " sysop@x1604:~$ ls -al /bin/bash >> -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1037528 May 16  2017 /bin/bash" .05:12
blakehschwartz75I tried something like that before, based on an article like this: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/128046/chroot-failed-to-run-command-bin-bash-no-such-file-or-directory05:13
ponyridermight work? we just need a shell05:13
ducassewhat about /bin/dash?05:14
ponyridermy distro symlinks sh --> bash05:15
ponyridercray. death to sh05:15
blakehschwartz75ok so would I just do `cp /bin/bash /mnt/bin`?05:16
blakehschwartz75or is there a better command05:17
ponyrideryes. you might need to chown and chmod too but you should try05:17
blakehschwartz75ok thanks I'll try05:18
ducasseon ubuntu sh is a symlink to dash05:18
ponyriderducasse: because you guys are crazy05:19
ducasseponyrider: don't you think i know that? :)05:19
blakehschwartz75ok curious... I do have ls /mnt/bin/dash05:19
blakehschwartz75what is dash btw?05:20
blakehschwartz75... or dare I ask05:20
ponyriderdebian almquist shell05:20
blakehschwartz75so... maybe I should try sudo chroot /mnt /mnt/bin/dash?05:21
ponyriderno -- chroot /mnt /bin/dash05:22
blakehschwartz75hmm same issue05:23
ponyriderblakehschwartz75: sudo find /mnt/bin \( -name bash -o -name dash -o -name zsh -o -name ksh -o -name sh \)05:26
ponyriderif you have nothing cp /bin/bash or whatever to /mnt/bin05:27
blakehschwartz75`/mnt/bin/dash /mnt/bin/sh /mnt/bin/bash`05:27
blakehschwartz75hah!! yeah I feel like I have a knack for weird issues like this05:28
blakehschwartz75creating them that is05:28
ponyridertype /mnt/bin/bash05:28
ponyriderthis is BS!05:28
blakehschwartz75when I type that I get no output05:29
ponyriderls -l /mnt/bin/bash05:29
blakehschwartz75`-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1099016 Nov 19 05:17 /mnt/bin/bash`05:29
bcowanan idea ...clear the env and call chroot directly too           env -i HOME=/root TERM=$TERM /usr/sbin/chroot /mnt /bin/bash -l05:30
blakehschwartz75sorry - I guess the backticks don't do anything here05:30
blakehschwartz75force of habit05:30
blakehschwartz75bcowan: seems like that's worth a shot...05:31
blakehschwartz75env -i HOME=/root TERM=$TERM sudo /usr/sbin/chroot /mnt /bin/bash -l /usr/sbin/chroot: failed to run command ‘/bin/bash’: No such file or directory05:33
blakehschwartz75now before I ran that I did this: echo $HOME /home/ubuntu05:33
blakehschwartz75does that seem like the correct output? I'm running the trial version of 17.1005:34
ponyriderwhat happens if you just type $ /mnt/bin/bash05:35
blakehschwartz75ok after running the command you pasted it's still showing the same thing for $HOME05:35
blakehschwartz75ponyrider: no output05:36
ponyridererm.. your now using the bash in the /mnt/bin/ directory. type exit...05:37
ponyriderso its there and it works. i dont understand this voodoo05:37
blakehschwartz75ah wait sorry - I mean it just puts me back in the same bash prompt05:38
blakehschwartz75oh wait I see what you mean... it returns the same prompt: ubuntu@ubuntu:/$ /mnt/bin/bash ubuntu@ubuntu:/$05:40
blakehschwartz75but my shell history list is only from the new session05:40
blakehschwartz75so it sounds like it's working05:41
blakehschwartz75I'm seeing a bunch of articles about creating a chroot jail... like this one: http://allanfeid.com/content/creating-chroot-jail-ssh-access05:42
blakehschwartz75Think I tried something like this a week or two ago...05:42
blakehschwartz75but, if bash is there I shouldn't need to do that i wouldn't think05:42
bcowani surely would have made a /mnt/blah dir and mounted there instead of just /mnt but that's just semantics...off to bed05:49
blakehschwartz75ok thanks bcowan05:52
=== thurstylark is now known as thursdaylark
blakehschwartz75ponyrider any other ideas?06:05
alkisgblakehschwartz75: are you still having boot issues?06:05
blakehschwartz75alksig yes06:06
alkisg(good morning all, btw)06:06
alkisgblakehschwartz75: could you write a small summary about them?06:06
blakehschwartz75ah! good morning as well06:06
blakehschwartz75alksig: sorry, just a minute06:11
blakehschwartz75alkisg: So I tried to install 17.10 from a liveUSB on a system that already had 16.04 and Windows 10 installed (dual boot.) I now know that I was supposed to upgrade through the built-in solftware manager, but I didn't have the upgrade option available there06:15
alkisgblakehschwartz75: and 17.10 never managed to boot?06:16
blakehschwartz75Anyway, during installation of 17.10 there was an error, and my partitions seem to have been unmounted. I was able to use windows but after trying boot-repair, I'm no longer able to06:16
blakehschwartz75yeah so I was left in a state where 17.10 doesn't work (I can use the trial version), and when I try to boot into the old 16.04 installation it drops me into initramfs06:17
alkisgblakehschwartz75: are you booted with the live cd now?06:18
blakehschwartz75In gparted and in the command line I can see that the old partitions are still there06:18
alkisgOK, do you mind if I see that via vnc, so that it's a lot faster than irc?06:18
alkisg(screen sharing)06:18
blakehschwartz75I've been trying to do the grub2 repair steps06:18
blakehschwartz75how do I set that up06:18
alkisgOK, run these:06:18
alkisgsudo add-apt-repository universe; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install x11vnc; x11vnc -connect srv1-dide.ioa.sch.gr06:19
blakehschwartz75also, one thing to mention: I've been trying to re-mount the system with help from some others. We've gotten to the step where you run sudo chroot /mnt, and getting an error: failed to run command ‘/bin/bash’: No such file or directory06:20
alkisgYeah that's what I saw in the logs above, and decided it would be better to vnc rather than irc06:21
alkisgSounds like a complex situation :)06:21
blakehschwartz75ah cool yeah I totally agree06:21
alkisgblakehschwartz75: erm... can't open a terminal?06:24
alkisgTry this:06:24
blakehschwartz75yeah i can see it's throwing some errors, I can use the terminal though...06:24
alkisggo to where you ran x11vnc,06:24
alkisgpress ctrl+z,06:24
alkisgthen type fg06:24
alkisgAnd I believe I'll be able to use that terminal instead06:25
alkisghmm no it stopped06:25
blakehschwartz75oh shoot sorry did ctrl+c06:25
alkisgLet's try again: x11vnc -connect srv1-dide.ioa.sch.gr &06:25
blakehschwartz75guess i need to restart06:25
alkisgYou didn't put the &06:26
alkisgType Ctrl+Z and bg06:26
blakehschwartz75oh yeah06:26
alkisgReason: get_pty: not enough ptys06:27
alkisgNice :D06:27
blakehschwartz75what does that mean??06:27
alkisgPossibly that your live cd session is broken and you need to reboot06:27
alkisgblakehschwartz75: nah, reboot into the live cd again, it's broken now because of failed chroot attempts06:32
alkisgBut your installation hasn't finished, so you can't chroot into that one. E.g. no /etc at all.06:32
blakehschwartz75ah shoot. That's kind of a pain - I have to set up wifi and everything again06:32
alkisgWithout a terminal, not much to do :)06:33
blakehschwartz75ok it'll take a minute to restart and get back online06:33
blakehschwartz75alkisg: back again06:41
alkisg(08:19:11 πμ) alkisg: sudo add-apt-repository universe; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install x11vnc; x11vnc -connect srv1-dide.ioa.sch.gr06:42
alkisgblakehschwartz75: your /home is safe,  28G, while your / is broken, it doesn't have even /etc06:44
alkisgSo, if you reinstall while keeping /home, it'll be fine06:44
alkisgYou can't chroot, but you can reinstall without issues06:44
blakehschwartz75ah ok06:44
blakehschwartz75I was trying to mount n1p6 on /mnt before06:45
=== Jochen_wvdT is now known as Schlawiner
alkisgOK i formatted / and put names so that you separate them easily06:48
blakehschwartz75huh... ok sweet thanks!06:48
alkisgYou're welcome06:48
blakehschwartz75so you think I should re-install 17.10?06:48
blakehschwartz75would this allow me to get back into my 16.04 installation?06:49
blakehschwartz75Also - just curious. could this fix my Windows boot problem as well?06:50
alkisgblakehschwartz75: you need to install any ubuntu version now. Both 16.04 and 17.10 are lost due to formats/reinstallations06:50
alkisgYour windows installation seems intact06:51
alkisgJust proceed with the 17.10 installation as it is now, it should be fine06:52
blakehschwartz75ok so I need to start over on the installation - will it pick up my existing partitions now on the installation?06:53
alkisgYes, it should give you a menu to boot windows06:53
blakehschwartz75Guess I will try booting into windows as well06:53
blakehschwartz75ok sweet!06:53
alkisgLet me help you pass the partitioning step...06:53
alkisgblakehschwartz75: ok, proceed on your own, ping me if you need anything06:57
blakehschwartz75ok thanks a ton!!!!!!!!!!!!!06:57
blakehschwartz75This was the stuff I was missing06:57
blakehschwartz75so, windows was being managed by the grub loader - will that be the same?06:57
blakehschwartz75ok going to sign off to complete installation. Thanks again!!07:04
alkisgYou're welcome07:06
FuraiHello, I have a problem were I have 2 different bell/alert sounds playing. Can't figure out where it's doubled.07:12
Furaiplaying at the same time when "error" occurs07:13
blakehschwartz75alkisg: still there?07:15
FuraiAny ideas guys?07:16
blakehschwartz75ok so it the reinstallation, 17.10 is working fine. One thing that's odd though - in Nautilus the folders for my user don't show up unless I go into Other Locations - > select the drive/partition, and then I have a list of users07:17
blakehschwartz75my files are under my user, but wondering if there's a way to move that so it shows up by default07:18
blakehschwartz75also, my windows machine is still inaccessible - has the same windows boot manager message, saying something is messed up and I need to re-install07:19
blakehschwartz75let me know if you want to vnc in there again07:19
alkisgblakehschwartz75: about windows, it may have been broken due to other reasons, not the boot manager, and it may need fixing from the windows live cd07:20
alkisg(or even reinstallation, although the files are there)07:20
alkisgAbout nautilus, I'm not using Unity so I'm not really sure what you're saying, you can install vnc again if you want07:20
alkisg(08:19:11 πμ) alkisg: sudo add-apt-repository universe; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install x11vnc; x11vnc -connect srv1-dide.ioa.sch.gr07:20
blakehschwartz75ah ok I think I'm confused - I'm no longer on Unity either07:21
blakehschwartz75hmm, got an error on that last command: X Error of failed request:  BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)   Major opcode of failed request:  73 (X_GetImage)   Serial number of failed request:  41   Current serial number in output stream:  4107:23
alkisgActually 17.10 has gnome shell, not unity, sorry, not using that either :D07:24
alkisgIt's possible that you logged in in wayland; I would imagine x11vnc would still work though...07:24
blakehschwartz75oh ok. I just meant in the file manager07:24
blakehschwartz75oh gotcha07:25
blakehschwartz75looks like this is where it dies (trying to run vnc): X FBPM extension not supported. 29/11/2017 23:27:12 X display is not capable of DPMS.07:28
alkisgblakehschwartz75: did you use the same username while installing?07:32
alkisgAlso, if vnc doesn't work, upload a screenshot07:33
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:33
blakehschwartz75I believe I used the same username.... Not totally sure. But I think so07:34
kpn64ping www.google.com shows "unknown host www.google.com"07:34
alkisgblakehschwartz75: try sudo du -sh /home/*07:35
alkisgkpn64: does ping work?07:35
kpn64it stuck07:36
blakehschwartz75alkisg: yes I see: sudo du -sh /home/* 45M/home/blake07:36
kpn64ping www.bing.com works07:36
alkisgkpn64: sounds like routing issues?07:36
alkisgblakehschwartz75: 45M? That's not right. What are the contents of /etc/fstab?07:37
kpn64ping did not work07:37
alkisgkpn64: if `ping` works, and `ping` doesn't work, it's a routing issue, either yours or your ISP's07:38
blakehschwartz75alkisg: contents of /etc/fstab: https://paste.ubuntu.com/26078101/07:39
FuraiOk, another werid thing after upgrade - when my terminal bell goes off - first of all it's doubled with some other sound like I mentioned + it's muting my applications for some reason.07:40
blakehschwartz75alkisg: as far as the other question, if I click on the "Computer" drive here: https://imgur.com/a/AqiEh then go into the home folder, I see a folder with my username and inside are my files07:40
kpn64it's a vps server07:41
rdzhey all. i'm displaying pidgin on a secondary monitor that is not hidpi. now, i would lke pidgin to display normal size on that screen. Is there  a way to force to turn off hidpi for only one applicatoin (specifically pidgin)?07:41
alkisgblakehschwartz75: if home shows the contents, I'm not sure what the issue is... for vnc to work, you could log out, and then select the xorg session instead of wayland, and login again07:42
alkisgrdz: I don't know about hidpi, but pidgin has an option to manually select the font size, maybe that helps..07:43
blakehschwartz75ok. As far as the contents, I just thought that the main Home, Documents etc directories listed in the left hand pane would have my content.07:44
blakehschwartz75Not a big deal as it's still all there07:44
alkisgThey should07:44
alkisgMaybe bad bookmarks with wrong username? Not sure without seeing...07:44
alkisgIt's also strange that you report only 45M used for the user, while it should be 28 GB07:45
blakehschwartz75ok yeah. I think it may have created a new user, because the directories in the file explorer are all empty07:46
blakehschwartz75unless I go into that separate drive/partition or whatever07:46
alkisgThat should be automatically mounted though, so something's wrong07:46
blakehschwartz75I'll try logging out and back in... not sure how to specify xorg session instead of wayland but I'll try to figure it out07:47
alkisgCheck the buttons in the login screen07:47
alkisgwhere you type the username/password07:47
alkisgblakehschwartz75: https://blogs.gnome.org/mclasen/files/2016/03/login.png07:47
alkisgSomething like that07:47
blakehschwartz75yeah just saw that07:48
blakehschwartz75ok cool I'll try that07:48
blakehschwartz75ah the one I saw was https://askubuntu.com/questions/961304/how-do-you-switch-from-wayland-back-to-xorg-in-ubuntu-17-1007:48
alkisgYeah, something like that07:49
c06hi all07:49
c06i need some advice on networking07:50
c06my virtual ip in namespace is not reachable from physical interface07:50
qwebirc403415alkisg: back yet again07:51
alkisgIs this blake?07:51
qwebirc403415oh... yeah07:51
alkisgYou need a unique name, otherwise it uses defaults07:52
qwebirc403415dunno why it didn't pick up my username07:52
alkisgType: /nick blakehschwartz7507:52
qwebirc403415hmm well it should still be unique... must have not changed something07:52
alkisgAh it didn't see you left yet07:52
alkisgTry: /nick blakehschwartz75_07:52
qwebirc403415oh I see07:52
alkisgWith an underscore07:53
alkisg...and now you left :D07:53
jlucDoes anybody knows what application creates that lightgrey bar that lists open apps at the bottom of my ubuntu 17.10 desktop ?07:53
=== qwebirc403415 is now known as blakehschwartz75
blakehschwartz75ok there we go07:53
blakehschwartz75man this irc stuff is confusing :D07:53
alkisgx11vnc -connect srv1-dide.ioa.sch.gr07:53
alkisgSee, you didn't show me all the output in the previous command :)07:54
alkisgThere are 2 users there07:54
tatertotsc06: i think thats the point...to somewhat have a "container".......container/contain/contained07:54
alkisgYou used a different username this time07:55
blakehschwartz75sorry. my bad07:55
c06https://sketch.io/render/sk-e41d6bd6ac1d1690bddb0f4e997f7685.jpeg this is my network config07:55
tatertotsc06: else you would have used the physical host itself07:55
blakehschwartz75alkisg: so I guess I want to use bschwartz75707:55
c06tatertots: http://paste.ubuntu.com/26078171/ tcpdump output07:56
alkisgblakehschwartz75: I can't move your home folder while you're logged in,07:56
blakehschwartz75oh - shoot07:56
alkisgblakehschwartz75: so I would need to do some "magic", if you trust me07:56
blakehschwartz75hmm well yeah, I suppose why the hell not :)07:57
blakehschwartz75what does it involve?07:57
alkisgblakehschwartz75: OK - I'll install a program called epoptes-client, give ME temporary root access, log YOU out, then move the user folder, then YOU need to login because I don't know your password07:57
blakehschwartz75ok yeah why not07:58
blakehschwartz75or - would it be easier for me to do it?07:58
blakehschwartz75probably not super complicated right?07:58
alkisgOK. You'll see the GUI going away, then wait 1 minute, then when you see the login screen it's ready, so just login and come here07:59
alkisgI.e. don't get scared when you see terminal instead of gui :)07:59
=== zinshen is now known as pierlo
alkisgDuh. systemd is too clever, even setsid processes get killed on logout.08:02
alkisgAh no he said he has wifi, he probably disconnected networking08:02
tatertotsc06: are you chatting from the computer right now? yes or  no08:04
c06tatertots: ^^08:07
c06tatertots: you have any suggestions.?08:07
ducassehas anyone else noticed problems with ncmpcpp on artful? i've filed a bug, just wanted to know if others are affected as well...08:07
Mittenshello senpais.. I was getting pop up windows asking whether I would like to upgrade the version of Ubuntu. now I can't find it or prompt it to show up again... how do I go about upgrading? do I need a usb stick? I don't have anything to save. thanks in advance08:09
Mittens2nd question, is it a thing that can happen that ubuntu messes up communication between the laptop and my printer because of whatever reason(it was working fine before) and ends up creating error msgs on printer's end08:10
Mittenssorry I'm a nooobbbb08:10
ducasse!upgrade | Mittens08:11
ubottuMittens: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade08:11
Mittensducasse *Bows* thanku08:11
Mittens!thank | ducasse08:11
ducasseMittens: the printer issue - did this happen after an update?08:12
Mittensducasse: could've or could've not, are updates usually automatic?08:12
ducassedepends on your setup08:13
alkisgblakehschwartz75: sorry, I forgot you are with wifi, which got disconnected when you logged out08:13
blakehschwartz75ahhhh I see08:13
blakehschwartz75ok well no worries08:13
alkisgblakehschwartz75: vnc to me again: x11vnc -connect srv1-dide.ioa.sch.gr08:13
blakehschwartz75nothing got screwed up, I take it?08:13
alkisgNo, nothing at all08:14
ducasseMittens: you can check under "software and updates" in settings08:14
alkisgYou just got disconnected08:14
Mittensducasse: senpai, looks like it's automatic!08:15
Mittensgonna try upgrading ubuntu08:15
alkisgblakehschwartz75: hrm, you already have this available to all users. So... let's change the plan. Logout, then login as a guest user, then connect here. That way /home/blake won't be in use.08:15
ducasseMittens: which version are you on now?08:15
blakehschwartz75oh gotcha08:15
ducasseMittens: then upgrade, 17.04 goes out of support in january08:16
Mittenswoot! gracias senpai08:16
Mittensducasse: can I just stream online or is it something I download and open using a usb?08:17
MittensI will try to figure it out but dang it's confusin08:17
ducasseMittens: you upgrade over the network, you can't do it from usb08:17
Mittensand the links u've given me08:17
Mittensdoesn't show anything for the upgrade but I could be looking at wrong stuff08:17
Mittensok ducasse08:18
MittensI will try that08:18
ducasseMittens: short guide: type 'sudo do-release-upgrade' in a terminal08:18
lackodanGood morning! (but only to EU people, I guess)08:18
Mittensok I try that now ducasse08:18
Mittensit asks for me pw! o.o08:19
MittensI put in my pw08:19
ducasseMittens: make sure it's set to 'upgrade to any new release' in software and upgrades first08:19
Mittenserm it won't type08:19
Mittensmy pw won't type in terminal shit08:19
ducasseyou can enter your pw, you just won't see anything08:19
alkisglackodan: Good morning EU fellow :)08:19
Mittensomg u are right08:20
Mittensthis is sorcery08:20
Mittensit's like08:20
Mittensdoing something08:20
Mittensreading cache and etc08:20
Mittenscontinues to do shiz08:21
ducasseMittens: yep, just let it run and answer the questions08:21
Mittensthanku sir08:21
ducasseMittens: if it prints a lot of text and won't let you continue, try pressing q08:21
Mittensit's fetching a lot of shiz08:23
lackodanQuestion for the people who use their Ubuntu (or other Linux) partition for multiple purposes (work, personal, gaming,...). Do you use different user accounts to keep things separated or do you keep it simple and keep a single account for everything?08:23
Mittensfetched 36.8mb of something and now it's calculating something08:23
Mr_Panlackodan, singl account08:24
Mittenscalculating the changes it says08:24
Mittenswow now it's asking me q08:24
Mittenscontinue yn  deatils d08:24
alkisgblakehschwartz75: x11vnc -connect srv1-dide.ioa.sch.gr08:24
ducasseMittens: press y08:24
MittensI typed y08:24
Mittensand then pressed enter too08:25
Mittenshope that's alright08:25
ducasseMittens: yep :)08:25
blakehschwartz75ah crap, might need to go through the whole install process again...08:25
Mittenssays installing upgrade may take couple hours08:25
Mittensducasse <3 <3 <308:25
blakehschwartz75what are the preceding commands again?08:25
Mittensthank you for ur helpppp08:25
ducasseMittens: it won't unless you have a slow connection08:25
ducasseMittens: usually 10-15 mins08:26
MittensI'm blown away that this chat window and other tabs are not wiped out08:26
Mittensthis is great that I can upgrade while chattin08:26
Mittensthanks ducasse u are bomb08:26
ducasseMittens: no problem, it's what we're here for :)08:26
alkisgblakehschwartz75: they are not needed because you already have x11vnc. Also, type "alkisg" before so that I get notification that are talking to me...08:26
alkisgblakehschwartz75: sudo add-apt-repository universe; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install x11vnc; x11vnc -connect srv1-dide.ioa.sch.gr08:27
blakehschwartz75oh gotcha... I didn't know if this thing did the notifications08:27
c06anyone linux network here.?!08:27
lackodanMr_Pan: I've tried both approaches, can't seem to settle on either... I tend to use my desktop and file manager bookmarks a lot, so if I combine all of them in a single account it gets messy real quick. How do you deal with this?08:27
blakehschwartz75alkisg odd because it failed when I tried to run it08:28
alkisgblakehschwartz75: did you select the xorg session?08:28
MittensI shall make my home here08:29
ducasse!ask | c0608:29
ubottuc06: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience08:29
alkisgblakehschwartz75: so now you're with the guest account and can't run x11vnc? You won't be able to install things from guest, so... if that's the case, come back with the real account :/08:29
alkisglackodan: one account for everything is simpler for me, and I have lots of data to keep, personal, private, work, gaming...08:30
blakehschwartz75ok... I think I'm just going to call this a night. I should be able to figure out how to move the home directory I think08:30
alkisglackodan: I settled there after years of trying to keep it separated with different accounts. It became more difficult to maintain them.08:30
blakehschwartz75alkisg plus, shouldn't be a problem to move if I'm logged in already right?08:31
alkisgblakehschwartz75: ok; to remove epoptes-client, run sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove epoptes-client. It doesn't hurt to keep it, but no reason to.08:31
blakehschwartz75alkisg ah yeah thanks!! I will remove08:31
alkisgblakehschwartz75: you'll be able to move around files, but you'll have some issues with moving settings08:31
alkisgIt would be best to just move the whole dir08:31
lackodanalkisg: Thanks for the input. So you don't separate at all? You don't run into problems with e.g. too many launcher icons, too many nautilus bookmarks,...?08:34
alkisglackodan: I'm using MATE, so the menu is better organized. I only have 10 bookmarks or so, a couple of them dynamic (I delete them when I no longer use them frequently)08:35
alkisglackodan: in ~/bin I have a lot of wrappers, launchers, utilities etc, and I'm using the command line frequently too08:35
rattlebattle79have anyone actually used KVM + GPU passthrough and Windows for gaming?08:36
lackodanalkisg: Awesome, thanks. I'll see if I can set something up similarly. I guess it mainly comes down to discipline in deleting whatever you don't need. ^^08:36
alkisglackodan: yes, it took me years to master that :D08:37
alkisglackodan: I decided that my desktop is my "temp and download space", and that I should clean it up when it gets more than 10 icons :)08:37
lackodanalkisg: I've been trying to settle on a workflow for years, haven't mastered anything yet. I keep going back between the two approaches. :P08:38
ducasseMittens: i'm getting a visitor in a few minutes, so i'll be busy. are you getting along ok?08:38
Mittensyeap I thinkso ducasse08:38
qwebirc761117alkisg what was the command to purge epoptes again?08:38
alkisgqwebirc761117: sudo apt purge --auto-remove epoptes-client08:39
qwebirc761117ah shoot - I got the username screwed up again08:40
ducasseMittens: good :) just highlight me if you run into trouble, and i'll try to keep half an eye on the screen :) just remember to reboot at the end when the installer asks you if you want to, or your system might behave unexpectedly.08:40
qwebirc761117alkisg so as far as moving the home directory - you said I should be able to do that for my main user, if logged in?08:41
alkisgqwebirc761117: no, I said you won't be able to do it08:41
alkisgqwebirc761117: you need to either do it as root from console, or as another user08:41
Mittensgot it thanku ducasse!08:41
=== qwebirc761117 is now known as blakehschwartz75
alkisgqwebirc761117: if you want, create a new user, and log in as that new user, and come here again for instructions08:41
blakehschwartz75ok cool - I'll try and figure it out, and come back if I can't08:42
blakehschwartz75alkisg are you on here most nights?08:42
blakehschwartz75I need to hit the sack08:42
alkisgblakehschwartz75: eh... greek mornings. good night! :)08:42
blakehschwartz75alkisg: hah! Ok well thanks again sir - really glad we could get this working again.08:43
blakehschwartz75and good night.08:43
alkisgYou're welcome08:43
c06ducasse: u there08:44
ducassec06: for a minute or two longer, yes08:44
c06ducasse: help me if you find anything08:45
DaGeneralDJWhat is the best chan for support on Ubuntu when running a .NET app on Wine08:46
ducassec06: this is beyond me, sorry. have you tried ##networking (or maybe ##linux)?08:47
ducasseDaGeneralDJ: #winehq, maybe08:47
c06##linux jim someone is ther but asking so many questions.. :(08:48
c06ducasse: ok i ll try networking08:48
karstenkGood morning! After a dist-upgrade, mysql server isnt running anymore. try to reinstall, but get: mysql-server : Depends: mysql-server-5.5 but it is not going to be installed . Please can somebody help me to sort out, need mysql running again09:38
=== jackNemrod_ is now known as jackNemrod
alkisgkarstenk: put the output of this to paste.ubuntu.com: apt policy mysql*09:41
karstenkalkisg http://paste.ubuntu.com/26079010/09:43
Mittenshi guys, I've successfully started upgrading my ubuntu 17.04 to the newest using terminal with help from someone here09:43
alkisgkarstenk: sorry, you had mysql deb files there, run this instead: apt policy 'mysql*'09:43
Mittensit hasn't been an hour already, I don't think, but I'm wondering if it's normal that the terminal shows continued "preparing to unpack... unpacking......" on repeat09:44
Mittenswell it's unpacking different things not same stuff I think09:45
alkisgIf it's unpacking different things, don't worry :)09:45
karstenkalkisg http://paste.ubuntu.com/26079013/09:45
Mittensthanx :309:45
alkisgUpgrade can take a lot of time09:45
alkisgkarstenk: are you using debian?09:45
karstenkah yes, thats my remote server09:46
alkisgkarstenk: join #debian and ask there :)09:46
lieferI have added the path of a custom build of 'qemu' (/home/liefer/qemu-test/) which contains the binary. However when i open a new terminal it doesnt appear to use the one in my home dir? It uses the system default. How do i make it always use the one in my home dir?09:49
lieferi would prefer not to do it in .bashrc .... it want it to apply globally not just in bash09:51
alkisgliefer: one good way to do such things, is to create a ~/bin directory, and make symlinks from ~/bin to your executables09:51
alkisgThat's "global" for the specific user. If you need "global for all users", put symlinks in /usr/local/bin instead09:52
lieferahh thank you09:53
jlucDoes anybody knows what application creates that lightgrey bar that lists open apps at the bottom of my ubuntu 17.10 desktop ?09:59
rud0lfi think09:59
Lavinhogood morning10:16
xtronI'm trying to remove "vi" package from my qemux86 image, I tried 46 PACKAGE_EXCLUDE_pn-target_image = "vi"10:18
xtronwrong channel10:19
bviktorwhat happened to sssd/pam/krb5 in ubuntu? since yesterday we can't log into any ubuntu machine using LDAP/AD credentials. config hasn't changed, it happens both on patched and unpatched machines10:29
bviktorand centos hosts work just fine10:29
bviktorubuntu 16.0410:30
bviktornet ads status says everything's fine10:31
bviktorwe even tried to rejoin, wouldn't help10:31
bviktorlog says: Nov 30 11:32:02 titan05 sshd[23453]: fatal: Access denied for user viktor.b by PAM account configuration [preauth]10:32
victorbjelkholmso somehow, I ended up with a broken python environment. Many of the programs that were working before are no longer working. They are all referencing `/usr/bin/python3` but they give me different errors, like "missing parenthesis in call to print" and similar, telling me somehow I upgraded to a incompatible python version10:55
victorbjelkholmany pointers for fixing this? Tried reinstalling a older version of python (3.4) but getting other errors then, so now I'm unsure what's going on10:57
ren0v0Hey, i can't seem to print PDF highlights, can someone help? Google says that for "windows" this would be a print setting, but i can't find anything in ubunty11:01
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genericwhat can I do to keep my mixer levels from beeing changed ?11:15
genericwhenever I start a program my mixerlevels go to 011:15
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mrecHi, does anyone know about the systemd mess with Ubuntu? when adding a scriptfile to /usr/lib/systemd/user it doesn't show up with systemctl (not after restarting the server nor after rebooting the system)11:27
bviktorNov 30 12:31:22 titan05 sshd[24411]: pam_sss(sshd:account): Access denied for user viktor.b: 4 (System error)11:36
bviktoroh that's sweet11:36
maziarhi, I want to save my ssh session content with this command :" ssh | tee file.txt" but when I wanted to open file.txt in sublime or vim, I faced some issue for e.g my terminal in I have color setting but in file.txt I got this ASCI code : "[00m.bash_history[0m [01;34mDesktop[0m [01;34m.gconf[0m [00m.ICEauth ority[0m [01;34m.nautilus[0m [01;34m.skel[0m [00m.xsession-errors.old[0m " how can I fix this issue ? I11:58
maziar should mention that when I open this file with "cat" wverything is ok , please help me , thank you11:58
akikmaziar: you can test if these sed commands work for you removing the control codes: http://www.commandlinefu.com/commands/view/3584/remove-color-codes-special-characters-with-sed12:04
Triffid_Huntermaziar: see man console_codes - those *are* the colours12:04
akikmaziar: pipe the file to the sed command12:04
maziarakik would you please tell me how?12:05
akikmaziar: cat file.txt | sed ...12:05
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maziarakik is it posible to convert it to HTML  ?12:10
EriC^^maziar: sure12:11
maziarEriC^^ how?12:11
akikmaziar: html? the content is just text12:12
EriC^^maziar: replace the start of the code with the color, sed -i 's/<code for red>/<span style="color:red;">/g' file.txt  and for the end sed -i 's/<end code for red>/</span>/g'12:14
EriC^^maziar: i've done it in my site using the hex and php you're welcome to use it http://paste.ubuntu.com/26080177/12:15
EriC^^though those colors are only for a certain program that uses those exact colors, so you might want to add the more generic colors "ls" uses12:16
maziarEriC^^ thank you dear Eric, let me check it12:16
EriC^^i think the last one uses a regex to remove all codes, like colors it hadn't forseen earlier or other terminal codes12:17
EriC^^maziar: this'll come in handy https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7760717/hex-string-replacement-using-sed12:20
maziarEriC^^ is there any simple whay? for e.g is it posible to disable color in tee ?12:20
EriC^^maziar: yeah, use the last regex12:20
BluesKajHey folks12:21
maziarEriC^^ you mean this "$parsed=preg_replace('/\x1B\x5B(.*?)\x6D/', "", $parsed);12:22
EriC^^maziar: yes, i think also this one   $parsed=preg_replace('/\x1B\x5D\x30\x3B(.*?)\x07/', "", $parsed);12:22
Richard_CavellHow do I create a "symbolic link" at the command line?12:24
hateballRichard_Cavell: "man ls"12:24
EriC^^Richard_Cavell: ln -s /file/to/point/to   /path/to/symlink12:24
maziarEriC^^ sorry for my bad, but how ?12:26
maziarhow should I do that with file.txt12:27
EriC^^maziar: try cat file | sed -E 's/\x1B\x5D\x30\x3B(.*?)\x07//g'12:28
BluesKajmy bad isn't a proper phrase ,my miistake is12:28
maziarEriC^^ I get this error : "ed: 1: "s/\x1B\x5D\x30\x3B(.*?) ...": RE error: repetition-operator operand invalid"12:28
EriC^^maziar: can you upload a sample file.txt so i can try a little?12:29
maziarEriC^^ yes of course12:29
EriC^^i'm not sure how to convert that php regex to sed regex12:29
maziarEriC^^ where should I upload it ?12:30
EriC^^maziar: try cat file.txt | nc termbin.com 999912:30
maziarEriC^^ it's not work check this http://termbin.com/5icm12:31
maziarEriC^^ this is correct one : http://s8.picofile.com/file/8313092976/10_18_36_52_171130_13.log.html12:32
EriC^^maziar: this is what it looks like, right? http://termbin.com/yjc012:32
maziarEriC^^ yes it's like it12:34
Doc-SaintlyI made the mistake of upgrading to 17.10 without local access to my machine, and now I can't VNC into it. I'm not sure if it's the graphics driver, the Xserver, or VNC... I'm realy at a loss of where to start. Any ideas?12:35
SoftwareOnLinuxHi all, I recently launched an initiative (https://www.softwareonlinux.com) that tries to convince software vendors to support Linux. I'm looking for support! Please send an email to mark@censvs.com if you are interested in writing an article about a relevant topic for our blog, or if you want to mention our initiative in your own blog.12:35
hateballDoc-Saintly: Can you SSH into it?12:35
Doc-Saintlyhateball: That's where I"m talking to you from :) Yes :D12:36
SoftwareOnLinuxAlso, if you are want to tell vendors that you're interested in running their software on Linux (e.g. Photoshop or Ableton), then please add you +1s on our website: https://www.softwareonlinux.com12:36
Doc-Saintlyhateball: I've tried to remove ubuntu-desktop a few times, but every article i find online seems to imply I should be able to get some response out of DISPLAY, but all commands seem to fail to connect to it12:36
Ben64Doc-Saintly: are you running xorg or wayland12:39
Doc-SaintlyBen64: I don't know :( immediately after updating to 17.04 my VNC was incredibly slow, so I tried to update to 17.10 and switch to gnome-desktop, that's when it all went south.12:41
Doc-SaintlyBen64: how might I check?12:41
Ben64logs probably, i don't run 17.1012:42
EriC^^maziar: i gtg for a while, anyways you kind of get the idea, use sed to remove the control codes in hex format and replace with <span and colors> if you want a nice html output, use hexdump -C file.txt to see what the codes are in hex12:42
Ben64but i heard things like wayland not supporting vnc12:42
Doc-SaintlyBen64: I saw another article (after it was too late) reporting bad driver performance for i915 on 17.04, and no support at all on 17.10 :X I'm not sure if it's true.12:43
Doc-SaintlyBen64: which log do I check?12:43
BluesKajSoftwareOnLinux, it's not true12:43
BluesKajoopa Doc-Saintly ^12:43
Doc-Saintlythat's a relief12:44
Ben64Doc-Saintly: but if you're not there it doesn't really matter?12:44
Doc-SaintlyBen64: it does, because some of the things I do I use VNC to control, like virtual machines etc.12:44
Ben64why do you need vnc to control a vm12:45
BluesKajDoc-Saintly, my laptop use the i915 griver perfectly well on 17.1012:45
Doc-SaintlyBen64: in case it gets into the state I'm currently in where I can't connect to the normal OS, I can look at the regular mode on the desktop to control it at a lower level12:45
Ben64you also don't need i915 working to use vnc or xorg12:45
SoftwareOnLinuxBluesKaj: What do you mean?12:45
Ben64Doc-Saintly: ssh is the lower level12:45
BluesKajSoftwareOnLinux, sorry wrong nick12:46
SoftwareOnLinuxOk :)12:46
maziarEriC^^ is it posible to tee capture stdout without any color ?12:47
Doc-SaintlyBen64: and if the VM is a windows machine?12:48
Ben64Doc-Saintly: you connect to it instead of using a middleman12:49
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Doc-SaintlyBen64: I'm assuming you mean to use the virtual machine host's built-in remote control function, and I find that to perform even worse than VNC.12:50
Doc-SaintlyBut anyway, lets say I want to watch videos on the remote computer or otherwise need a GUI :) Can you point me to how I would fix it?12:50
Ben64watching videos over vnc isn't good12:51
Doc-SaintlyIt makes me feel warm and fuzzy and remember the old days ;)12:52
EriC^^maziar: TERM=dumb ssh user@host | tee file.txt12:53
EriC^^it lets ssh not use colors anymore12:53
yuriescli'm using Ubuntu 14.04 and I''m trying to create a new systemd unit by putting a new .service file in /lib/systemd/system/file.service, but when running "service file enable" I'm getting file: unrecognized service13:01
maziarEriC^^ you are my here <313:02
Ben64yuriescl: 14.04 is upstart13:02
yuriesclBen64, oh, but why are there a bunch of unit files in there?13:03
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EriC^^maziar: :)13:05
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ducassehas anyone else noticed problems with ncmpcpp on artful? i've filed a bug (lp bug 1734839), just wanted to know if others are affected as well...13:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1734839 in ncmpcpp (Ubuntu) "ncmpcpp in artful fails to connect" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/173483913:18
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LTCDHello. When I lock my laptop (CTRL, ALT, DEL) I think the computer sleeps or something because if I am downloading something it stops. Is there a way to stop this?13:57
LTCDI need to lock my screen (company policy) but do not want to stop downloads etc...13:57
TJ-LTCD: for most desktop environments you do Logout > Lock Screen14:02
EriC^^LTCD: ctrl+alt+l locks for me14:02
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LTCDI did lock screen but it stopped a download.14:04
KristjanMinu nimi on Kristjan Robam. Pangakonto nr: EE671010010225901016 (SEB Eesti). Inimesed, palun annetage mulle raha, eelistatult 50 eurot korraga. Vajan hädasti raha.14:10
Mr_Panone more time ...14:11
LTCDTJ EriC^^14:11
TJ-LTCD: processes should continue to run14:11
LTCDTJ- Hmm okay then14:11
Mr_PanKristjan,    https://www.google.de/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjLg67tvebXAhWHFuwKHcGvAqkQFggoMAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.flirtic.com%2F1399614&usg=AOvVaw18AyL9EBrdwtrzfYHn3cVo        u are !!     LOL14:15
Mr_Panwww.flirtic.com%2F1399614&usg=AOvVaw18AyL9EBrdwtrzfYHn3cVo   Kristjan14:15
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n1amrHello! I have a problem installing Ubuntu 17.10 next to Windows 10. Every time I install Ubuntu it goes well. From the moment I boot into windows and shutdown, ubuntu will no longer boot and I get (initramfs) prompt after grub boot menu.14:33
Mr_Pann1amr, you must Suspend Mode turn off14:34
Mr_Panin win1014:35
n1amrMr_Pan: do you mean Fast Boot?14:37
Mr_Pann1amr, yes14:37
n1amrMr_Pan: I already did. Also, I disabled hibernate.14:37
TJ-Fast Boot shouldn't affect being dropped to shell in initramfs - that'd prevent GRUB/Ubuntu even being started14:38
n1amrI install ubuntu in /dev/sdb6 and bootloader in the same partition. Is this correct for UEFI?14:42
multifractalI have a very long image (height is much greater than width) and i'd like to print it over multiple sheets of A4 and stick them together with tape. How can I specify this with the print dialogue?14:42
akikmultifractal: not sure if this fits your need but take a look here: http://rasterbator.net/14:46
mitmfwhat’s wrong? help me15:05
alkisgn1amr: the bootloader in uefi goes in the efi partition15:05
mutantemitmf: maybe you start by telling us what YOU think is wrong that means you need help15:05
mitmfmutante: wifi is disable15:06
n1amralkisg: I tried this also.15:06
alkisgn1amr: and?15:06
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mitmfhttps://pastebin.com/LEq7Fmtk  help me wifi is disable15:06
mutantemitmf: try enabling it (with the physical button on your laptop)15:06
mitmfmutante: i use raspberry pi now15:07
mitmflinux on raspberry15:07
n1amralkisg: Same behaviour. I can boot into ubuntu until I boot into Windows15:07
alkisgn1amr: that means that the bootloader was installed just fine and that something else is the issue. Can you upload a screenshot of the failure, with all the initramfs messages?15:08
mutantemitmf: Ubuntu runs on raspberry pi?15:08
n1amralkisg: I'am new to IRC. Where could I upload pictures?15:09
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:09
mutanten1amr: i usually use https://imagebin.ca/15:09
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mutantemitmf: sorry, i never used a raspberry pi. was wifi enabled before and stopped working? what did you try so far?15:10
mitmfmutante: at top-left, when i click right button there is a ‘Enable wifi’, check box lol15:10
mitmfit works now15:10
mutantemitmf: heh :) great!15:12
mitmfthanks :)15:12
mitmfmutante: there is a scret 8)15:12
mitmfit is kali lol i just want to get help from this channel15:13
mitmfmutante: anyway how can i know memory that is used?15:17
LiENUStrying to use an ipsec+l2tp vpn on ubuntu 17.10, looks like ubuntu only supports sha2 but my vpn endpoint only support sha1, how do i go about enabling sha1?15:19
pavlosmitmf: use top15:19
pavlosmitmf: open a terminal and type, top (q to exit)15:20
mitmfthanks pavlos :)15:21
MarissaOrloffThis is prolly a newbie question but is FPS with the nvidia 384.90 driver maxed out at 60fps?15:30
adrian_1908MarissaOrloff: Usually, the driver will use vsync so that frames are in lockstep with your display, i.e. 60Hz.15:33
MarissaOrloffok, is that the desired effect then to lock at 60?15:34
adrian_1908yes, since your display cannot show more than 60 a second, there's little use in rendering more.15:34
Hanumaangetting this error : "apt: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.6: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32" how to resolve?15:35
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TJ-Hanumaan: wrong architecture? 32-bit vs 64-bit ?16:00
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HanumaanTJ-: I have 64-bit tried to install one 32-bit package (libstdc++.so.6)16:02
TJ-Hanumaan: how did you install libstc++.so.6 ?16:03
Goeland86hi all, I'm having a bizarre problem when trying to remote-mount a CIFS share on 16.04.3. The fstab line reads "//NAS/folder /media/NASfolder cifs uid=admin,gid=sudo,credentials=/home/admin/.smbcredentials 0 0" and unfortunately the folder mounts with the permissions listed as "d---------". I'm trying to figure out why I can't change it so my admin user can access it without sudo16:03
HanumaanTJ-: with this command: sudo dpkg -i libstdc++6_4.4.3-4ubuntu5.1_i386.deb16:04
TJ-Hanumaan: did you set "dpkg --add-foreign-architecture i386" ?16:05
HanumaanTJ-: no I did not set16:05
kostkonHanumaan, why not install the one from the repos16:05
TJ-Hanumaan: for mult-arch support it's usual to do that, then "apt-update" to fetch in the new arch's package lists, then to install a package for that arch "apt install libstdc++6:i386" <-- note the foreign arch suffix16:06
Hanumaankostkon: actually I wanted to install libhunspell-1.2-0_1.2 and the version from repo does not work for me16:06
adrian_1908Hanumaan: does not work in what way? And which Ubuntu version?16:07
HanumaanTJ-: now actually apt update is also not working16:07
TJ-Hanumaan: well no, because you broke the system's core libraries16:08
Hanumaanadrian_1908: using 16.04 . I have a service which uses hunspell but some how works only with that particular version16:08
adrian_1908I see.16:08
HanumaanTJ-: can the system core libraries be repaired?16:09
TJ-Hanumaan: try "ldd /usr/bin/apt" see what SOs it's linked to16:09
retrojeffhow do I get apport to resend the crash report in /var/crash16:09
TJ-Hanumaan: if you see a mix of x86_64 and i386, you've broken the system16:10
HanumaanTJ-: not found is coming : https://paste.ubuntu.com/26081792/16:10
TJ-Hanumaan: right; I suspect when you install the i386 version of libstdc++6 it uninstalled the amd64 package16:12
TJ-Hanumaan: Hanumaan try "dpkg -l 'libstdc++6*' " see what it shows16:12
HanumaanTJ-: it comes up like this: https://paste.ubuntu.com/26081819/16:14
HanumaanTJ-: your correct it removed 64bit16:14
TJ-Hanumaan: so the amd64 package is no longer installed16:14
TJ-Hanumaan: it's possible it's still in apt's package cache, so you can re-install it using 'dpkg'. Check with "ls /var/cache/apt/archives/libstdc*"16:16
TJ-Hanumaan: you're looking for the _amd64.deb version16:16
TJ-Hanumaan: if not, use 'wget' to fetch the package as per adrian_1908's pointer16:17
TJ-Hanumaan: adrian_1908 first time I've had to use 'ldd' on every command I suggest first, to ensure they'll run!16:18
Hanumaanadrian_1908: TJ- it is not there in var so getting by wget and install with dpkg right?16:19
TJ-Hanumaan: yes16:19
gordonjcpin 17.10, is there a way to get rid of that annoying "swipe up" thing when I want to unlock the screen?16:19
HanumaanTJ-: unable to install : https://paste.ubuntu.com/26081872/16:23
HanumaanTJ-: probably first I should install gcc-5-base16:23
TJ-Hanumaan: you've got conflicting versions16:26
TJ-Hanumaan: "libstdc++6:amd64 depends on gcc-5-base (= 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4)" --> "Version of gcc-5-base:amd64 on system is 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.5"16:26
HanumaanTJ-: should I remove the existing version?16:27
TJ-Hanumaan: you got the wrong download. Start from here https://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial-updates/libstdc++616:27
TJ-Hanumaan: note this is from xenial-updates (16.04.5) rather than the original xenial (16.04.0)16:28
adrian_1908my bad, I supplied that link :)16:28
linociscohi all,16:30
linociscoif we install python 2 types of version, ruby , mongodb and postgresql in one uubuntu laptop, will it affect performance like slowing down?16:31
codelinxHi having an isssue with ubuntu 17.10 on latest virtual box with freezing … also getting this weird error on startup … ERROR: http://picpaste.com/ubuntu_error-VE9DnOte.png16:31
codelinxthat is a link to the pic16:31
HanumaanTJ-: looks like apt is resolved able to run apt update and installed the hunspell but my applications when ran says "ImportError: libhunspell-1.2.so.0: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32"16:32
TJ-Hanumaan: presumably you earlier did a dpkg install instead of leaving it to apt?16:32
TJ-Hanumaan: you need to install the standard amd64 package via apt; the bad one should then be de-installed16:33
HanumaanTJ-: so I should remove libhunspell and then leave it to apt16:33
TJ-Hanumaan: I'd try letting it do it automatically with "apt install libhunspell-1.2"16:34
TJ-Hanumaan: you've got the foreign-architecture added now?16:34
TJ-Hanumaan: if so, both packages should co-exist happily16:34
HanumaanTJ-: not added the foreign architechture will add it now, but then how should I install i386 version from the repo16:39
adrian_1908Hanumaan: TJ wrote earlier that you can do this via e.g. `apt install libstdc++6:i386`16:41
Hanumaanadrian_1908: yes correct .. got that sorry16:41
HanumaanTJ-: is the third line bad here: https://paste.ubuntu.com/26082017/ because I still get the application error "ImportError: libhunspell-1.2.so.0: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS3216:44
TJ-Hanumaan: what application is it? use "ldd /path/to/program" to check what it is linking16:46
FreakingOut1987anyone here using 18.04 LTS already?16:47
TJ-Hanumaan: the error is telling you the application expects the 64-bit version of libhunspell not i38616:47
TJ-FreakingOut1987: see #ubuntu+116:47
HanumaanTJ-: then I will just remove i386 right16:47
tbenitaHi, during the setup (usb ubuntu desktop 17.10) on an already installed computer (SSD, I7 laptop), I selected to enclypt the personal folder (was not encrypted and may store 300G). There has been 6hours and I'm still on this screen. Is it normal ? Is there a way to get a terminal ?16:49
TJ-Hanumaan: I would assume so16:49
donofrioanyone know how to fix when clone command it returns "clone: Invalid argument"16:49
HanumaanTJ-: it worked but different error now "ImportError: libhunspell-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"16:49
TJ-Hanumaan: use ldd again on the executable,16:50
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TJ-Hanumaan: as far as I can see, it's because 1.2 doesn't exist in the 16.04 archive, and you installed a v1.2  i386 package manually. You need to manually install a v1.2 amd64 package16:51
tbenitaIs there a way to know what is going on during ubuntu 17.10 desktop install process ? (I have no hdd led and a SSD and it hangs since 6 hrs)16:51
TJ-tbenita: you say it's supposed to be doing an in-place encrpyting of the user home directory?16:52
tbenitaTJ-, yep16:52
TJ-tbenita: Did you start the installer with "Try Ubuntu" or go directly to "Install "16:52
tbenitaTJ-, directly to 'Install'16:53
HanumaanTJ-: ok thats good tip will install amd64 version. but if want to use ldd when using it in a python script like "import hunspell" how to use ldd here?16:53
TJ-tbenita: hmmm, so no way to swtich to another task. I don't think it even has multiple ttys although you could try doing Ctrl+Alt+F2 to get tty216:54
TJ-Hanumaan: you can't :)16:54
tbenitaTJ-, I confirm there is no TTY16:54
tbenitaTJ-, tty2 is a totally blank screen16:54
TJ-tbenita: Then, you have a problem! Can you see any signs of activity at all? do keyboard LEDs toggle?16:54
tbenitaTJ-, keyboard toggles fine, the mouse cursor still moves and the keyboard input finctions16:55
donofriotrying to custom files but it's not working:  for f in *.remmina; do grep -v ssh_color_scheme "$f" || echo ssh_color_scheme=6 >> "$f"; done  its suppose to add this parm if missing but it doesn't ;(16:55
tbenitaTJ-, but both previous and continue are grey and the dots don't move anymore16:56
TJ-tbenita: hmmm! not even an openssh server running I'll guess. Have you tried that? an ssh session from another PC?16:56
TJ-donofrio: the operator should be && not || since grep -v will return 0 (true)16:57
tbenitaTJ-, no ssh running16:59
tbenitaTJ-, port 22 connection refused16:59
TJ-tbenita: then I'm not sure what you can do. I *seem* to recall vaguely reading/hearing that an in-place encryption can be restarted, but not sure under what circumstances17:00
* tbenita is scared ...17:00
TJ-tbenita: it will be using ecryptfs-migrate-home "- migrate a user's home directory to an encrypted home setup"17:00
TJ-tbenita: which says, prominently "WARNING: Make a complete backup copy of the non-encrypted data to another system or external media. This script is dangerous and in case of an error, could result in data lost,"17:01
tbenitaTJ-, is there any information on how long this can last ?17:02
TJ-tbenita: you say it is 300GiB ? I'd expect a while but not sure if 6 hours is a good sign. Not helpful there's no user feedback for such an operation17:03
compdoctbenita, you cant start another terminal session?>17:03
tbenitaTJ-, thanks anyway. I'll let it run for now...17:03
TJ-compdoc: no; it's the installer session not the "try" session17:04
TJ-tbenita: come back if it hasn't resolved itself in another 6 hours :)17:04
tbenitaTJ-, too bad the is not even a tty available... I thought that it was the case in previous versions ?17:04
TJ-tbenita: because it's reading and writing that 300GB from/to the same device it could take a while since that's 600GB to read, encrypt, and write17:05
tbenitaTJ-, yep ok thanks17:05
TJ-tbenita: only in the "try ubuntu" session17:05
TJ-tbenita: I note the man-page also says "This program requires free disk space 2.5x the current size of the home directory to be migrated."17:08
jfcaronHow do I set a non-default desktop environment as the default one to use when logging in, i.e. so a user doesn't have to manually select from the menu each time?17:14
jfcaronThis is on 16.04 LTS.17:14
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leftyfbjfcaron: in my experience, after picking the DE at login, it defaults to that until I pick something else17:23
tbenitaTJ-, I saw that also when I was looking for informations... The point is that the installer gave me no choice : I couldn't select "Open session automatically" and unselect "Encrypt my personnal folder" in the interface17:24
geniijfcaron: I believe lightdm also still honours ~/.xsession17:25
=== jackNemrod_ is now known as jackNemrod
genii( so that whatever DE was in the login screen, .xsession gets used )17:26
jfcaronThanks leftyfb and genii.17:34
donofriohave you good folks ever seens "clone: Invalid argument"17:36
capellaWe don't take kindly to no sassy clones around here17:37
=== jackNemrod_ is now known as jackNemrod
donofriocapella, nore do I that is why I am attempting to figure out how to resolve this message17:41
capella:-| I don't have any context, no scrollback17:42
donofriook let see when I try to run debian default webbrowser using this command "exo-open --launch WebBrowser %u" then it returns  "clone: Invalid argument"17:44
donofriooh and then he quit ;(17:47
donofrioanyone else know how to troubleshoot this clone error?17:47
OpenwordsI have a job offer related to wifi hardware compatibility with Ubuntu linux. This is a long term opportunity.17:57
OpenwordsA hardware company wishes to make their hardware compatible with Ubuntu Linux. Thought someone here might take interest, they are ready to devote resources to this task.17:58
OpenwordsI can provide any details if needed.17:59
donofriotrying to troubleshoot why when I run "Debian default browser" from the menu I get "Input/output" dialog but when I run from terminal it just states this18:04
donofriofrom terminal it states "clone: Invalid argument"18:06
=== jackNemrod_ is now known as jackNemrod
donofrioanyone here use remmina and have hard time when you set prefrences for ssh_color_scheme=6 and then set to green on black when I do this and do an ls -lsart I see the timestamp but the filesnames are blacked out ;(18:30
alexaswe have some problems running printer Canon Laser shot LBP-1120 on Ubuntu 16 LTS, generic driver - that has given by the system doesn't work, there is some unspecified error - I forgot the name of which, any ideas how can I solve this remotely?18:33
_geoffis setting up services in /etc/systemd/system sufficient to get them to boot at startup?18:46
_geoffor do i have to do something other than adding the whatever.service there18:46
mitmfhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMcWbAufarc  <—— 2:11 elf girl18:51
leptone_I'd like to do this to install yarn on my server: https://yarnpkg.com/lang/en/docs/install/#linux-tab19:07
leptone_But I need to install a specific (legacy) version19:08
leptone_how would I do that?19:08
leptone_sudo apt-get install yarn@0.23.419:08
alkisgleptone_: when multiple versions are available, it's apt install package=version19:10
leptone_alkisg: thanks19:10
alkisgapt policy package => tells you which versions are available19:10
leptone_alkisg: so interm of repo config i would just do this the same: https://yarnpkg.com/lang/en/docs/install/#linux-tab19:11
leptone_curl -sS https://dl.yarnpkg.com/debian/pubkey.gpg | sudo apt-key add -19:11
leptone_echo "deb https://dl.yarnpkg.com/debian/ stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list19:11
leptone_but this would be19:11
leptone_sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install yarn=0.23.419:11
FuraiHello, I have a problem were I have 2 different bell/alert sounds playing. Can't figure out where it's doubled.19:12
alkisgGo up to apt-get update, then type apt policy yarn19:12
alkisgleptone_: if it tells you only one version exists, then you can install only that one19:12
alkisgIf 0.23.4 does exist, yes, the command was right19:12
leptone_alkisg: im sorry i dont really follow19:12
leptone_ok cool!19:12
leptone_alkisg: hhmm19:16
leptone_im getting19:16
leptone_E: Version '0.23.4' for 'yarn' was not found19:16
alkisgleptone_: what is the output of `apt policy yarn`? Put it to pastebin19:16
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:16
leptone_alkisg: https://paste.ubuntu.com/26083201/19:19
ibmr50eGuys! I tried to make my grub2 BEAUTIFUL by editing it with grub-customizer. I wanted to add Kanye West background image. It didn't work, now my grub2 is UGLY and has basic colors and fonts and I can't reverse it.. How to make it BEAUTIFUL or at least NORMAL again? Thank you!19:19
alkisgleptone_: which ubuntu version is that?19:19
leptone_14 i think19:19
leptone_hang on19:20
alkisgleptone_: try apt-cache policy yarn19:20
leptone_alkisg: Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS19:22
alkisg(09:20:11 μμ) alkisg: leptone_: try apt-cache policy yarn19:22
leptone_alkisg: i am19:23
leptone_i dont have shell so it takes some time to stage, commit, push and then check the runner :/19:23
leptone_alkisg: https://paste.ubuntu.com/26083226/19:24
leptone_no output19:24
alkisgleptone_: that means that the yarn package is not available19:24
vivusHello all. What guarantee is there that a mirror for apt is maintaining the required packages as the main ubuntu repo?19:25
alkisgvivus: are you talking about official ubuntu mirrors? Check status at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors19:27
hay207Hi, i was using before the command "pactl load-module module-loopback" to play sound from microphone to headphone, but now it produces crackling sound19:27
vivusalkisg: when going to "software updater" and selecting "choose best mirror", does that choice count as an official mirror?19:27
alkisgvivus, yes19:27
vivusalkisg: why is it then that the mirror I was using had zero updates but when I switched to Ubuntu main, it gave me so many?19:28
alkisgvivus: click the link. Some mirrors say "2 days behind"19:28
alkisgMaybe you're on one of them19:28
vivusalkisg: no, I was definitely not 2 days behind. the mirror I was using had 0 packages to update and Ubuntu showed me like 3019:29
vivusalkisg: may I PM you?19:29
alkisgvivus, 30 packages can come in 2 days or in 1 day or in 7 days etc. A mirror may be up to date, 6 hours behind, 2 days behind, or more. Check the link.19:30
alkisgvivus: eh, since you asked nicely, sure, but for generic support using the channel is best :)19:30
vivusalkisg: what does it mean when a mirror says this: " Last update unknown " ?19:31
alkisgIt might not be accessible. The launchpad code couldn't determine.19:31
vivusalkisg: so shouldn't the system tell the user that mirrors like that have not been updated/confirmed?19:32
vivus(or drop those mirrors from the options)19:32
alkisgvivus: I don't know more details, I told you what I knew19:33
alkisgYou can file bug reports if you feel you can advice optimizations19:33
ibmr50ewhere I can learn all basic command lines like movings files or editing files or creating directories? is there a nice tutorial somewhere?19:35
mentalita<http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashGuide>. PDF: <http://s.ntnu.no/bashguide.pdf>. Also lhunath's newer version (work in progress): <http://guide.bash.academy>19:36
vivusibmr50e: those are gnu tools.19:36
leftyfbibmr50e: http://a.co/16zBill I got started with this book19:37
ibmr50eand you pro now leftyfb ?19:37
leftyfbibmr50e: the correct answer is no. Nobody is ever a pro. If I'm not learning something new almost every day, I'm not doing my job.19:38
leftyfbibmr50e: I've been running linux since 1994. Been using it professionally since 2007.19:39
ibmr50ei was born in 94, you pro for real man, i will try out your recommendation19:40
BluesKaj besides a linux pro gets paid for supporting clients , we're all volunteers here19:43
jayjoI'm trying to install hugo on ubuntu 16.04 LTS. I've downloaded hugo_0.31.1_Linux-64bit.deb and when I install it using software manager hugo on the cli is not installed. Any ideas how to fix?19:55
alkisgjayjo: usually we stick to the ones offered by the ubuntu repositories, we don't download/install from other sites19:57
alkisghttps://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=hugo => xenial has 0.1519:57
jayjoYea it's just too far behind on the version. They're on .31, and most support requires >0.2019:58
jayjousing apt-get19:58
alkisgThe problem is that ubuntu and #ubuntu don't support versions out of the repositories19:59
alkisgThat said, try installing from the command line, you may see errors that will point you to a solution19:59
alkisgi.e. apt install file.deb19:59
azureusgood night20:01
azureushelp me please20:01
azureusefibootmgr -c -l \\EFI\\refind\\refind_x64.efi -L rEFInd20:01
azureus Could not prepare Boot variable: No such file or directory20:02
alkisgazureus: ls /sys/firmware/efi20:03
azureusacpi  dmi  efi  memmap20:03
alkisgsudo modprobe efivars20:03
azureusand next ?20:04
alkisgAgain ls, do you now see efivars there?20:04
alkisgls /sys/firmware/efi20:04
azureusconfig_table  esrt              fw_vendor  runtime-map  vars efivars       fw_platform_size  runtime    systab20:05
alkisgOK, now run the efibootmgr command you want20:05
=== dewwii is now known as deww
alkisgAh you typed the wrong output previously, it gave me the wrong impression20:05
azureusBootCurrent: 0001 Timeout: 0 seconds BootOrder: 2001,2002,2003 Boot0000* Unknown Device:  Boot0001* USB CDROM: SlimtypeES1 Boot0002* Unknown Device:  Boot0003* rEFInd Boot Manager Boot0004* ubuntu Boot0005* rEFInd Boot Manager Boot2001* EFI USB Device Boot2002* EFI DVD/CDROM Boot2003* EFI Network20:05
azureusand next ?20:06
alkisgazureus:  sudo find /boot/efi -name '*.efi'20:08
azureusand next20:10
alkisgazureus: are you using sudo? e.g. sudo efibootmgr -c -l \\EFI\\refind\\refind_x64.efi -L rEFInd20:14
azureusso what do I do?20:16
alkisgDunno. Maybe you need to specify the device etc as well, as they say in https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=16075720:16
aroonifor admittedly pretty silly reasons i'd like to display the high five unicode via a fish script; �  ; on mac it works fine but if i try via ubuntu (� ) i dont see that output correctly ideas?  (using fish + regular gnome-terminal + tmux)20:16
azureusalkisg: so what do I do?20:17
alkisgDunno. Try reading that link.20:17
alkisgarooni: which one is it, this one? 🙌20:20
alkisgarooni: http://graphemica.com/%F0%9F%99%8B => happy person raising one hand (U+1F64B) ?20:21
mellebHi all, for some reason I can't seem to connect to WiFi a sudden. After suspend I couldn't get the connection up, rebooted and now I can't seem to connect at all :( I keep getting an Activation failed message.20:26
aroonialkisg: id like to get colored emojis in ubuntus terminal20:27
mellebWeird thing is nmtui seems to think I'm connected20:27
arooniis taht possible?20:27
multifractalHow can I play VST or other virtual instruments on Ubuntu? And maybe use a MIDI keyboard from Akai?20:27
mellebrestarting network-manager has no effect20:27
alkisgarooni: if they are unicode characters, yes. If they are drawings, no. Which unicode number does yours have?20:27
mellebCan anyone offer some help diagnosing the issue?20:28
azureushelp me please20:30
ioriamelleb, usually is  dmesg |grep -i <your interface name> or <your module name>20:32
mellebioria: I'm using dimes20:36
mellebAutocorrect on Mac... :(20:36
ioriamelleb, what is dimes ?20:36
mellebioria: I'm using dmesg | grep -I wlp2s020:36
mellebMacbook has a keyboard I'm not used to ;)20:37
ioriamelleb, dmesg | grep wlp2s020:37
mellebioria: It mentions authentication is timed out20:37
ioriamelleb, and module in use ?20:38
ioriamelleb, lspci -k | grep -i Network -A 320:39
mellebioria: Not sure how to check20:39
mellebioria: Ah,thx20:40
mellebioria: Kernel module ath10k_pci20:40
mellebioria: dimes | grep -I ath10k_pci => direct firmware load for ath10k/cal-pci-0000:02:00.0.bin failed with error -220:41
melleb(that should be a lower case i)20:41
TJ-melleb: which kernel version is that? "uname -a"20:42
mellebioria: Direct firmware load for ath10k/QCA6174/hw3.0/firmware-5.bin failed with error -220:42
ioriamelleb, a firmware error, what ubuntu release and and ebver worked  ?20:43
atyzHey all... I have a couple of noob linux questions if you don't mind?20:43
mellebTJ-: 4.4.0-101-generic20:43
atyzWhat is the difference, in general, between "setting uid" when executing a command setting a $UID environmental variable?20:43
mellebioria: I'm on 16.04 lts20:44
atyzThis is in reference to the chown command20:44
TJ-melleb: strange; I don't see that firmware file listed in the module20:44
ioriamelleb, yep, it was working before ?20:44
mellebioria: yep20:44
atyzSpecifically the differences between `chown -u` and `chown -U`20:44
atyzErm `chps -u` and `chpst -U`20:44
ioriamelleb, sudo lshw -c network20:45
TJ-melleb: what does this show "pastebinit <( modinfo -F firmware /lib/modules/4.4.0-101-generic/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath10k/ath10k_pci.ko ) "20:45
atyzI don't quite understand why the man pages specify that one sets the $UID env var20:45
mellebioria: What info are you interested in?20:45
ioriamelleb, paste it, please20:45
ioriamelleb,  Killer 1535 (QCA6174 ?20:46
mellebTJ-: Do not have an internet connection, can't paste it :(20:47
ioriamelleb,  the good service of an ethernet cable20:47
TJ-melleb: OK, let's do this another way then. You can test locally if that file is in the package linux-firmware: "dpkg -S hw3.0/firmware-5.bin" You'll see a few but check if the EXACT path matches20:49
TJ-melleb: check for "/lib/firmware/ath10k/QCA6174/hw3.0/firmware-5.bin"20:49
TJ-melleb: as far as I can see "hw3.0/firmware-5.bin" is missing from linux-firmware 1.157.1320:51
TJ-melleb: So I'm going to assume the system did a kernel upgrade at some point before the reboot and has moved to a mor recent kernel which doesn't have that firmware file20:52
mellebioria: This is unbelievable, I seriously do not have an ethernet cable here... :/20:54
ioriamelleb,  if occurred a kernel update, i'd suggest boot a previous kernel to test ?20:54
mellebTJ-: dpkg-query: no path found matching pattern *hw3.0/firmware-5.bin20:55
atyzCould someone please explain the difference here: -u [:]user[:group]               setuidgid.   Set  uid and gid to the user's uid and gid, as found in /etc/passwd.  If user is followed by a colon and a group, set the gid to group's gid, as               found in /etc/group, instead of user's gid.  If group consists of a colon-separated list of group names, chpst sets the group ids of all listed  groups.   If               user is prefi20:55
rumbler31I can never remember the "correct" way to add a route.  so officially, is it supposed to be done with the "ip route" command or the "route" command?20:58
atyzI dont' understand the distinction between why one sets the environmental variables and the other does not20:59
atyzHow does that change this20:59
frazrHi there folks, trying to find a fancy new laptop that supports docking station with multiple monitors, sort of out of the box running ubuntu, anyone know of such a machine? :P20:59
frazrGetting a new 2000$ laptop from my new employer, but struggling to find one that doesnt struggle with dockingstation + 2 monitors21:00
TJ-melleb: Try booting it to an older kernel from the GRUB boot menu's Advanced sub-menu. I think the kernel has upgraded to a version that doesn't carry the correct firmware files21:04
TJ-rumbler31: "ip route add "21:04
TJ-frazr: Several Dell XPS I believe, although you'll need to check on the docking station support. I use the ExpressCard port to attach a ViDock that has a dual-GPU in, letting the PC drive 6 monitors21:06
TJ-frazr: dual monitor alone shouldn't require a docking station in most cases21:06
V7Hey all :)21:07
V7The full error: https://hastebin.com/tosenoromi.sql21:07
V7I can't use a bluetooth dungle because of "Failed to create a proxy device for the USB device. (Error: VERR_READ_ERROR)."21:07
V7This's VirtualBox21:07
frazrBut its comfortable, annoying having to connect/disconnect cables each day on the office21:07
V7Btw this dongle work on host os21:07
V7works *21:07
frazrYeah, Dell XPS , Thinkpad Carbon or Thinkpad 2521:07
frazrit looks like as it is now21:07
frazrmy options that is21:08
TJ-frazr: check the Dell D.S. it has a list of compatible models. http://accessories.dell.com/sna/productdetail.aspx?c=us&l=en&s=gen&sku=452-BBPG21:09
atyzIs my question formatted badly? Or does nobody know what the difference is?21:10
TJ-frazr: I have a D.S. on a Sony Vaio too, but don't think they make those any more21:10
V7Anyone ?21:10
rumbler31TJ-: ty21:12
frazrhmmm yeah, hard choice :)21:12
mellebTJ-: It's also not working for kernel 4.4.0-98-generic :/21:13
TJ-atyz: read the "EMULATION" part of the man-page for chpst21:14
TJ-melleb: did the /lib/firmware/ath10k/ files get nuked or something?21:14
mellebTJ-: kernel 4.4.0-97-generic doesn't work either...21:15
mellebTJ-: /lib/firmware/ath10k has multiple directories21:16
TJ-frazr: according to this forum there are working DisplayLink drivers for the Dell D3100 D.S. too: http://en.community.dell.com/support-forums/software-os/f/3525/t/1961802021:17
mellebTJ-: Including the QCA6174 directory (which shows up in lshw -c network)21:17
TJ-melleb: right, and in that directory, are there several firimware-*.bin files?21:17
mellebTJ-: The QCA6174 contains firmware-*.bin files21:18
TJ-melleb: do "dmesg | grep 'firmware-.\.bin' " and see if the kernel is asking for any file that matches those listed21:18
mellebTJ-: But there is no firmware-5.bin!21:19
TJ-melleb: the 2 need to line up; otherwise the issue is the firmware files aren't available at the point the the ath10k_pci driver is loading21:19
TJ-melleb: right, but the way firmware loading works is the kernel module has a *list* of firmware files and will try them all, starting with the most recent and going backwards21:19
mellebTJ-: dimes21:19
TJ-melleb: so you need to look at the list of firmware files dmesg shows the module failing for, and compare against what's in /lib/firmware/21:20
mellebTJ-: dmesg | grep 'firmware... shows only firmware-5.bin21:20
TJ-melleb: well! that is strange.21:20
atyzWhat does a girl need to do to get an answer?21:20
TJ-melleb: what does "dpkg -l linux-firmware" report as the installed version21:20
TJ-atyz: I answered you21:20
atyzOh it didn't ping me. Thank you!21:21
mellebTJ-: dpkg -l linux-firmware shows version 1.157.1321:22
atyz@TJ- I'm afraid I'm not sure what that means21:22
TJ-atyz: once you've read that EMULATION section you should realise the executable is a multipath binary, that is it can respond to multiple names and act in different ways according to the name.21:22
TJ-atyz: in other words if you call chpst as  envuidgid it'll use the -U variant and set environment variables21:23
TJ-atyz: if you call it as setuidgid it'll use the -u variant21:23
TJ-melleb: hmmm! try "modinfo -F firmware ath10k_pci" to list all the firmware versions it knows about; look at those listed in the .../hw3.0/ path21:24
mellebTJ-: It shows firmware-5.bin but not firmware-6.bin21:24
TJ-melleb: does it not show firmware-4.bin too?21:26
mellebTJ-: It does show firmware-4.bin21:26
atyz@TJ- : Ok. I guess still confused. I'm unsure of what the differences are if I were to use chpset -u as opposed chpst -U. In my case I'm seeing that `chpst -u foo:bar command` fails because foo does not have permission to access the group (it is a member of). While when I use `chpst -U foo:bar command` it is able to execute the command correctly21:27
TJ-melleb: and you don't see that installed in /lib/firmware/ ?21:27
mellebTJ-: So if I'm understanding correctly it *should* work? Because it tries 4 first, and then fails on 5?21:27
mellebTJ-: firmware-4.bin exists21:28
TJ-melleb: It should try 6, then 5, then 421:29
TJ-melleb: I'm looking at the same stuff here on 16.04 and the kernel module and the firmware files for QCA6174/hw3.0 -4 and -6 exist21:29
mellebTJ-: But 6 does not appear in mod info -F firmware ath10k_pci21:29
TJ-melleb: hmmm... is ath10k_pci being loaded from the initital ramdisk? in which case these firmware files may not be installed in it21:30
mellebTJ-: I'm not sure what loading from the initial ramdisk means...21:30
TJ-melleb: sorry, you're correct, -5 and -4 do appear21:30
TJ-melleb: when the OS boots, the boot-loader loads the kernel and a small temporary root file-system called the initrd.img (initial RAM disk) into memory. The initrd is responsible for bringing up enough hardware for the root file-system to be mounted, plus a few other tasks. Sometimes a network driver is also loaded from there. If ath10k_pci were being loaded from there it'd also need the firmware file... it's21:32
TJ-possible the scripts that build the initrd.img failed to copy in the firmware files.21:32
mellebTJ-: Ehm I'm just thinking of something: 'iwlist scan' works. So that should mean the driver works right?21:32
TJ-melleb: hmmm, you've a good point there! I bet it's loaded firmware-4.bin (but it doesn't report that, only failures for the prior tries!)21:33
mellebTJ-: That sounds plausible I guess ;)21:34
TJ-: atyz with the -U variant it's only assigning values to shell variables, it's not actually changing the uid/gids the process is executed as, whereas -u does that21:34
TJ-melleb: I forgot that little gotcha! without "debug" level kernel logging it doesn't show the successful firmware load!21:34
TJ-melleb: so now we've got that little problem sorted out :D21:35
atyzTJ-: Oh? in that case if I were to run ps aux | grep command. It wouldn't be running as `foo`21:35
mellebTJ-: Yeah... ;)21:35
TJ-melleb: so what's the real problem hehehe?21:36
mellebTJ-: I can't seem to connect to wifi21:36
mellebTJ-: Where I could before21:36
mellebTJ-: Tried it in 2 locations that previously worked21:36
TJ-melleb: "rfkill list" shows everything unblocked?21:36
mellebTJ-: nothing is blocked21:37
atyzHuh, you're right21:37
TJ-melleb: Can you see any APs in the scan result?21:37
mellebTJ-: Yep21:37
TJ-melleb: so this is specific to your regular AP?21:37
TJ-melleb: is the PC using Network Manager to handle the connection?21:37
mellebTJ-: I'm on a laptop and tried 2 APs that used to work21:38
mellebTJ-: Yep, using network-manager21:38
TJ-melleb: N.M. logs quite verbosely to /var/log/syslog along with wpa_supplicant and dhclient, so I'd look there to begin with21:38
=== ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube
atyz@TJ- Thank you. In that case I have a couple of questions regarding how the permission model works in linux. Do you mind?21:41
TJ-atyz: go ahead :)21:41
mellebTJ-: What I'm seeing (using tail -f /var/log/syslog | grep -Ei '(dhclient|wpa_supplicant|network)') is that it is scanning -> authenticating -> disconnected -> scanning 3x21:41
mellebTJ-: Then spa_supplicant mentions CTRL-EVENT-SSID-TEMP-DISABLED with auth_failures=1 duration-10 reason-CONN_FAILED21:42
atyz@TJ- If a user `foo` runs `cmd` in order to access `aFile`, then what is the interaction between the permissions on `cmd` and the permissions on `aFile`?21:42
TJ-melleb: hmmm, let me do some digging. In the meantime have you checked the N.M. connection configuration in case the WPA passphrase or Auth details have changed?21:43
mellebTJ-: After that it gives a warning Activation failed21:43
atyz Do the user's permissions, or the user's "sudo status", in some sense pass through the cmd for the purposes of determine what file access is allowed?21:43
mellebTJ-: Auth details have not changed21:43
TJ-atyz: well first, 'cmd' must be readable/exectuable to 'foo' or groups foo is a member of. Then, once 'cmd' is executing, any files it tries to access must be at least readable, and sometimes also writeable, and directories need to be traversable (the 'x' permission on directories)21:44
atyzOk so if the command is readable / executable to `foo` or the groups it's a member off. The file needs to be accessible to the user `foo` in order for that command to act upon it?21:46
atyzSo the access permissions on the `cmd` have no bearing on what `foo` can do to `aFile`?21:47
atyzI.e. `cmd` inherits the user `foo`'s permissions for the execution?21:48
TJ-melleb: this may be related; check with "lspci -nn" if your device matches those reported. Bug #167004121:49
ubottubug 1670041 in linux (Ubuntu Zesty) "Poor performance of Atheros QCA6174 802.11ac (rev 32) (Killer Wireless 1535)" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/167004121:49
TJ-atyz: correct21:49
atyz@TJ- Thank you!21:50
atyzSo if foo were to run `sudo cmd` the `cmd` is inheriting `root` permissions and would be run as such21:51
TJ-atyz: correct21:51
atyz@TJ- Are there any cases where a cmd has "embedded permissions"? I.e. allows the user to perform acts through the `cmd` that the user would not generally have access to21:53
TJ-atyz: some system services will start as 'root' to access certain privileged files, then once they've read the data, opened sockets, etc.,, 'drop' their privileges to run as a different (unprivileged) users21:55
atyz@TJ- does that have a name?21:55
TJ-atyz: also, there are a VERY FEW 'cmd's that are 'setuid' - meaning they run with the privileges the file itself has, meaning a /usr/sbin/cmd owned by root and with it's 's' permission bit set, would be able to run as root21:56
TJ-atyz: see "man chmod" and the "SETUID AND SETGID BITS" section21:56
TJ-melleb: making any progress?21:57
mellebTJ-: The bug is relevant.22:01
TJ-melleb: Ahhh.... do you think it's the entire explanation though?  wonder why it has suddenly started affecting you22:02
mellebTJ-: The only weird thing is that I didn't run into this before22:02
mellebTJ-: Exactly!22:02
mellebTJ-: Scanning the thread, looking for any clues...22:03
TJ-melleb: comment #54 about powersave, possibly22:04
TJ-melleb: although that seems more about throughput, not connectivity22:04
mellebTJ-: Tried it, and rebooted, no effect22:04
TJ-melleb: I think Bug #1663971 is more yours22:05
ubottubug 1663971 in linux (Ubuntu) "Qualcomm Atheros QCA6174 802.11ac - drops out for a few seconds frequently" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/166397122:05
mellebTJ-: So this doesn't explain me not getting a connection at all22:05
TJ-melleb: to which the solution seems to be install the hardware enablement kernels (one of the linux-*-hwe-* variations)22:06
atyz@TJ- THank you!22:06
mellebTJ-: What are those? (And where do I get those?)22:07
mellebTJ-: Ah giyf22:08
TJ-melleb: but you're going to need some networking from somewhere to fetch them, unless you use apt-offline from your working PC22:11
mellebTJ-: I'll plug in an ethernet cable at work22:11
TJ-melleb: apt-offline is a good alternative; it generates a 'signature' of the offline PC which you move to an online PC and it can then fetch the packages you need, which can be transferred back (usually via USB storage)22:12
mellebTJ-:  Why do you figure I need the HWE kernel? Not able to conclude that from #166397122:12
TJ-melleb: the other option is to try to force the wifi device to use 802.11g rather than 802.11ac22:12
mellebTJ-: nvrmind, figured it out ;)22:13
TJ-melleb: comment #5 says upgrading to v4.8 or v4.10 solved it22:13
mellebTJ-: So a sudo apt-get install --install-recommends linux-generic-hwe-16.04 xserver-xorg-hwe-16.04  should fix it?22:13
mellebTJ-: Is there a quick way to force 802.11g?22:14
TJ-melleb: yes, or even use the "hwe-edge" variant which I use, which gives you the Artful kernel22:14
TJ-melleb: not sure; check the N.M. settings22:14
mellebTJ-: I think I'll try the HWE first22:15
TJ-melleb: doesn't look like it's easily done through N.M. Connection Editor at least22:15
mellebTJ-: Ok, I'll try the HWE kernel and possibly hwe-edge kernel tomorrow22:16
mellebTJ-: Thanks a lot for your help and patience, much appreciated!22:16
mellebTJ-: gtg, thx and bye!22:16
TJ-melleb: good luck with it22:17
ibmr50eso what cool thing one can do on linux22:18
ibmr50eimma linux user now, what nice things i can do here22:18
ibmr50ei can learn to code?22:18
Bashing-omibmr50e: The only limitation is your own imagination .22:19
johnnyfiveIs there a writeup about how packages are updated/fixes backported/old versions deleted in ubuntu?22:20
Bashing-om!repository | johnnyfive A place to start22:21
ubottujohnnyfive A place to start: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.22:21
TJ-johnnyfive: see http://packaging.ubuntu.com/singlehtml/22:22
ibmr50eis there a chat channel for kanye west fans?22:23
johnnyfive@Bashing-om, thanks; TJ- that's what I was looking for, thanks!22:23
ibmr50ethere was a command to install Ubuntu Software Center on my lubuntu, does someone remember it?22:23
ibmr50eapt-get something22:23
johnnyfiveso I wrote a version of an ubuntu repo indexer in Go, think the community would have an interest in that?22:26
Bashing-om!software-center | ibmr50e22:27
ibmr50ethx Bashing-om22:28
Bashing-om!info software-center | ibmr50e22:28
ubottuibmr50e: Package software-center does not exist in artful22:28
Bashing-om!info software-center xenial | ibmr50e22:28
ubottuibmr50e: software-center (source: software-center): Utility for browsing, installing, and removing software. In component universe, is optional. Version 16.01+16.04.20160420 (xenial), package size 846 kB, installed size 6368 kB22:28
Bashing-omibmr50e: Be aware ^^ .22:29
ibmr50eso what replaced software-center in artful?22:30
Bashing-omibmr50e: I have no experience to this time with those beyond xenial . can not advise myself .22:31
krytarik!info gnome-software | ibmr50e, Bashing-om22:35
ubottuibmr50e, Bashing-om: gnome-software (source: gnome-software): Software Center for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 3.26.1-0ubuntu2 (artful), package size 476 kB, installed size 2364 kB22:35
Bashing-omkrytarik: :) noted .22:39
quintHow can I allow ffmpeg to decode opus?22:39
quintIt seems to only want to encode it.22:39
ibmr50ewhat does GKSU app do?22:42
ibmr50ewhy do developers include some not useful info in --help but not actually what does the app do???22:43
ibmr50ei do gksu --help and i still dont know what it do22:43
Bashing-omibmr50e: See: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2374812 for application in 17.10 .22:43
Bashing-omibmr50e: wayland is a whole new ball game :)22:44
ibmr50ei dont know what wayland is but ok22:45
ibmr50esome guy told me to make my swap file usage lower22:47
ibmr50eis it safe?22:47
ibmr50e# Decrease swap usage to a more reasonable level22:47
ibmr50ehe said I should do that if I have less than 2GB ram22:47
Bashing-om!wayland | ibmr50e22:47
ubottuibmr50e: Wayland is a display server protocol that can be used instead of X. Ubuntu 17.10 onwards use Wayland by default on systems that support it. For more info, see https://wayland.freedesktop.org/22:47
ibmr50eso I have Wayland too on Lubuntu?22:48
quintibmr50e: It provides a GTK grahical "sudo" prompt for graphical applications running on an X11 display22:49
ibmr50eso its some other way to confirm my superuser permissions?22:50
ibmr50ei see i see22:50
Bashing-omibmr50e: 17.10 no longer has a swap partition . instead - on a default install - is a swap file . And sure one can change the default value . I changed mine to a value of 10 . If you find a fault one can always revert the change .22:50
JoeRWI just started using Ubuntu 17.10 not too long ago, and I must say, that this version paired with the Numix theme and Numix Circle icon theme  looks absolutely brilliant.22:50
ibmr50eBashing-om, i changed mine now too i think to 10 a guy recommended22:51
quintIt's just a nice looking way to prompt for your password for root access.22:51
JoeRWJust thought I'd share that for anyone who is really looking to make their desktop very modern.22:51
ibmr50edude i have 1.7 cpu i can't do modern! hehe22:52
ibmr50ehow to manage my startup apps?22:54
ibmr50ewhat command?22:54
JoeRWibmr50e: Lol!23:15
johnnyfiveOk, so let's say there's this package in xenial: mplayer (2:1.0~rc1-0ubuntu13.3), and security fix gets released for mplayer, pushing it to mplayer (2:1.0~rc1-0ubuntu13.4). The .3 version is deleted from xenial-security, and the new one is placed there, correct? no access to the older version?23:21
johnnyfiveand furthermore, updates in xenial-updates are snapshotted at a release, nothing can be added afterwards?23:22
TJ-johnnyfive: assuming it's in -security it'll move to -updates too23:22
TJ-johnnyfive: it's the base xenial that'll not be changed23:23
johnnyfiveah I see. In both cases do the older versions get removed completely?23:23
johnnyfivethis is the lifecycle i'm trying to understand, and haven't found it written out explicitly anywhere.23:24
johnnyfiveby 'completely' I mean no longer even in /pool/, let alone in the xenial-blah index23:25
TJ-johnnyfive: if there's an -update (via -security or -proposed) the older version in -updates get deleted from the archive. You can see these actions in the Publishing History of the source package on Launchpad23:28
ibmr50eyo guys, now I read that if im a normal user and I dont code i should only use LTS versions, is it true?23:29
johnnyfiveOh perfect TJ- thanks. I'll go read some of that history to learn more.23:29
ibmr50eyo what was ubuntu DE before Unity?23:30
ibmr50ei remember it but barely23:30
ibmr50esome weird name23:30
Jordan_Uibmr50e: Gnome.23:31
PlainDaveWhat's the terminal command for finding out what version the kernel is?23:32
Bashing-omPlainDave: ' uname -a ' .23:32
PlainDaveBashing-om, Thanks23:33
Jordan_Uibmr50e: That depends on more factors, like how much you care about / need having the latest versions of apps. I will say that when I prepare an Ubuntu machine for non-tecnical users I always use an LTS release. Note that you can be far from a "non technical" user without being a developer.23:33
ibmr50eI have original Kubuntu CD from ShipIt times, is it worth something on ebay??23:34
ibmr50ealso some edubuntu23:34
Jordan_Uibmr50e: That's not really on topic for this technical support channel. Try asking in #ubuntu-offtopic .23:36
ibmr50eJordan_U, kk i will, thank you for your answer regarding LTS, new one comes in April, right? i will stick to that cause im too noob to downgrade everything now23:36
PlainDaveDoes anyone know how to reload just the desktop environment with Xfce? (without rebooting)23:48
ibmr50exfdesktop -reload23:49
PlainDaveibmr50e, thanks23:49
ibmr50eno problem PlainDave. i know things so i can share my knowledge.23:50
PlainDavethat's awesome23:50
lamefunIs there a repository of MinGW packages beyond just the compiler?23:52
ibmr50ewell most of them are libraries right23:53
lamefunYes, libraries for cross-compiling.23:55
lamefunThere only seems to be gcc and the basic libraries in the repositories.23:57

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