
dojordanwould someone be able to help me retrigger a build again? https://code.launchpad.net/~dojordan/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/33434100:10
powersjdojordan: added you to the CI team users group00:27
dojordanthank you00:27
powersjnext trigger job will auto launch for you00:28
powersjso in ~15mins00:28
powersjor like right now since I pushed the big red button00:28
dojordaneven better!00:29
blackboxswthx smoser for the SRU bug merge05:12
catmandohey all12:50
catmandodoes anyone have experience with cloud-init on powervc/powervm hosts?12:51
catmandospecifically, with config drive datasources12:51
smoserblackboxsw: in your mp for cloud-init... i think they'll want you to put a new changelog entry in15:55
smoseri could just e reading the email-diff wrong but it looks like youjust updated teh original?15:55
blackboxswsmoser: just pushed this, is this what you mean? https://code.launchpad.net/~chad.smith/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/33459316:55
* smoser opens16:55
blackboxswI didn't pull the process bug up into the latest changelog. is that ok?16:56
blackboxswbecause that would be changing 'history'16:56
blackboxswsmoser: resubmitting artful one sec16:57
blackboxswforgot the ~17.04.116:57
blackboxswI mean ~17.10.116:58
blackboxswhttps://code.launchpad.net/~chad.smith/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/334594 https://code.launchpad.net/~chad.smith/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/334595 https://code.launchpad.net/~chad.smith/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/33459717:05
blackboxswok all pushed, awaiting CI17:06
blackboxswgetting a coffee while magic happen17:06
smoserblackboxsw: given 'build-and-push' as http://paste.ubuntu.com/26090392/17:40
smosercurrently running17:40
smoser for r in artful zesty xenial; do git checkout $r && ../build-and-push || break; done17:40
smoserwith your merges into my local branches.17:40
blackboxswnice little script there.17:41
blackboxswtrying to walk through it now17:41
blackboxswto make sure I understand.17:42
blackboxswwhat's sbuild-it alias?17:42
smoseroh. sbuild-it is http://smoser.brickies.net/git/?p=tildabin.git;a=blob;f=sbuild-it;h=ab48dc16cfbb3c2153c91ba4a14243b627ff2568;hb=HEAD17:42
blackboxswdpkg-buildpackage -us -uc or something?17:42
smoserit will build a dsc or a changes as intput. and reads the file to figure out what the release is. and then calls sbuild with correct --dist=17:43
blackboxswgood deal. nice to streamline some of those steps17:45
smoserlooks like sbuild-it will also try to download the original source if it does not have a corresponding .orig.tar.gz17:46
blackboxswthink I can ping   tjaalton now in #ubuntu-release?17:47
smoseryes, blackboxsw17:52
blackboxswok pinged there, updated the SRU process bug #1733653 and put up the placeholder updated SRU log sheet https://github.com/cloud-init/ubuntu-sru/tree/master/2017112118:05
ubot5bug 1733653 in cloud-init (Ubuntu Artful) "sru cloud-init (17.1-27-geb292c18) update to 17.1-41-g76243487-0ubuntu1" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/173365318:05
smoserblackboxsw: updated https://hackmd.io/s/rJdKR9q3b18:57
blackboxswexcellent smoser thanks19:17
dojordan_hey guys, I believe I was added to the CI group yet when i log into jenkins I don't see an option to kick off a new CI build. Would someone be able to kick one off for me again?19:22
dojordan_ignore me, one just got launched. I assume its time based or something?19:26
rharperdojordan: one you push an update, a new job is queue19:28
rharperqueued, the backend does lots of ci, so it may take a bit before it runs your job19:28
rharperon jenkins, you can see the queued jobs19:29
dojordanawesome, thanks !rharper!19:31
dojordan@rharper *19:31
blackboxswhrm trying to fire up kvm with  OVF per doc/sources/ovf/README by downloading cloudimages... Failed to initialize module: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qemu/block-iscsi.so20:05
blackboxswI've tried both i386 and amd64 images20:06
rharperblackboxsw: can you paste your cmdline ?20:29
rharperand dpkg --list | grep qemu20:30
rharperyou might need the block-extras package20:30
rharperyeah, sudo apt install qemu-block-extra20:30
rharperblackboxsw: ^^20:30
rharper% dpkg -S /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qemu/block-iscsi.so20:30
rharperqemu-block-extra:amd64: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qemu/block-iscsi.so20:30
smoserblackboxsw: what are you doing ?20:32
smoserhow did you try to use block-iscsi ?20:32
blackboxswfollowing the readme in doc/sources/ovf20:33
blackboxswtrying to validate against master before trying msaika's branch20:33
smoserblackboxsw: yes, thats a nice pastebin :)20:33
rharperblackboxsw: need longer url20:33
blackboxswcan't you guess the #?20:33
rharpersmoser: it's possible the newer qemu is linked against it; i think it's only a suggests though; cpaelzer might know more about that20:36
rharperI thought on 2.5+ newer systems it was automatically installed though20:36
smoserits wierd.20:36
smoseri am missing something20:36
smoserqemu-system-x86 'Suggests' qemu-block-extra20:36
rharperI am to; it should work without those20:37
smoserDepends on it20:37
rharperunless you specify a drive that uses that backend20:37
rharperlike rbd20:37
smoserwell, that makes sense in theory.20:38
smoserbut at least in bionic, you can't install qemu-system-x86 without getting it20:38
rharperyeah, I don't recall why it's required  now20:39
rharperit was originally broken out to keep the deps out unless you needed it (like librbd etc)20:39
smoserqemu-system-x86 -> Depends qemu-system-common -> Depends qemu-block-extra20:39
rharperI have those, I move them out of the way20:41
rharperand kvm still runs20:41
rharperblackboxsw: I think we need to see more20:41
smoserit blames to some guy named Ryan Harper20:41
ubot5Launchpad bug 1495895 in qemu (Ubuntu) "Unable to attach rados block device to instances" [High,Fix released]20:42
smoserso that went into 2.3 something20:43
smoserand blackboxsw  had 2.520:43
rharperit's been around for some time20:44
blackboxswyeah I'll go through the steps again (I'm on xenial but will switch to artful to re-test)20:44
rharperI'm confused as to why the message is present witout a disk asking for iscsi20:44
rharperfor example, in the original bug, they used a disk with the rbd driver20:44
rharperqemu when launched will dynamically load those .so files if present and then add support for that block driver20:44
smoserwhat is the error you saw ?20:44
smoserblackboxsw:  ?20:45
smoseryou didnt show an error20:45
rharperso, your command like of a -qcow2 virtio disk and cdrom shouldn't trip iscsi20:45
smoserunless i just missed it.20:45
rharper<-- ckonstanski has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)20:45
rharper<blackboxsw> hrm trying to fire up kvm with  OVF per doc/sources/ovf/README by downloading cloudimages... Failed to initialize module: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qemu/block-iscsi.so20:45
rharper<blackboxsw> I've tried both i386 and amd64 images20:45
rharperbut the kvm command like pasted doesn't show any iscsi block devices ...20:45
ckonstanskiSomeone needed me? Got new cable installed today -- underwent an outage.20:46
smoseryeah i dont know. that is wierd.20:46
blackboxswohh sorry will grab again. yes, I'm getting Failed to initlializew module etc http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/26091348/20:46
rharperckonstanski: sorry, pasted too much20:46
smoserblackboxsw: i'm not sure how it happened20:47
smoserbut the error message is pretty clear20:47
smoserNote: only modules from the same build can be loaded.20:47
rharperblackboxsw: can you qemu-img info on that qcow220:47
smoserqemu-block-extra:amd64                      1:2.5+dfsg-5ubuntu10.1120:47
smoserqemu-kvm                                    1:2.5+dfsg-5ubuntu10.1420:48
smoserits just dlopening stuff in the directory20:48
blackboxswnot sure what build# I'm at or what the mismatch was but checking20:48
smoserand it failed to open those things20:48
smoserbecause tehy're wrong.20:48
blackboxswchecking qemu-img20:48
smosersee above.20:48
smoser10.11 and 10.1420:48
rharpersmoser is right, you have mixed packages20:48
blackboxswahh right20:48
smoseryou must have had a failed apt-upgrad e?20:49
rharperyou really want 2.5+dfsg-5ubuntu10.16 ;20:49
rharperon xenial that is20:49
rharperthat's the latest20:49
rharperapt-get -f install should clean that up after an update I'd think20:49
blackboxswstrange yeah I  must've had a partial upgrade or something20:49
blackboxswsmoser: do you understand what slangasek is saying in ubuntu-release about building -v?20:58
smoseroh. yes. sorry.20:58
smoserblackboxsw: that is just annoying.21:03
smoserit goes t hrough to dpkg-genchanges21:03
smoserand by default it is the previous entry in debian/changelog21:04
smoserthere is kind of no way to do the right thing.21:04
blackboxswhrm, so what's the action here?21:17
smoseri uploaded21:18
smoseri was just giving background21:18
smoserbasically i did21:19
smoser git checkout ubuntu/xenial21:19
smoser  build-package -- -v17.1-27-geb292c18-0ubuntu1~16.04.1 -S -d21:19
smoserthen did the same for artful and zesty21:19
smoserwith different ~XX.YY values21:19
blackboxswahh I see, ok. right specify how far back you want changes documented for this release21:28
blackboxswok kvm testing of ovf is fine. configuration error on my side thx smoser rharper21:42
blackboxswinstalling updated kvm packages (and discovered via kvm-ok that I had also disabled kvm in testing that new virt snap)21:45
smosermy http://paste.ubuntu.com/26091620/22:03
smoserjust sticking that here in case my system were to die.22:03
smoserthats current 'launch-softlayer' as I make changes to launch-ec2 copy.22:03
smoserand /me is out22:03
blackboxswsweet !22:05
dojordanhey guys, can someone take a look at this PR for azure when you get a chance? Many thanks https://code.launchpad.net/~dojordan/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/33434122:42

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