
anastasiamacwallyworld: axw: thumper: babbageclunk: veebers: forgot to ask the most important question - can u recommend a red from Oz/NZ to take with me?00:19
wallyworldPepperJack :-)00:19
anastasiamacany specific year? also what is it -chiraz?00:20
babbageclunkI bow to wallyworld's superior wine knowledge00:20
wallyworldshiraz, not sure of year00:21
wallyworldthumper would recommend a Pionot00:21
thumperPepperJack is overrated00:22
thumperany shiraz from AU is pretty good by international standards00:23
wallyworldi like it :-)00:23
thumperPinot Noir from central otago00:24
wallyworldthat would great also00:25
wallyworldor both :-)00:25
veebersanastasiamac: how much check-in do you have, take a case or two ^_^00:30
hmlas long as the bottles don’t break!  :-)00:30
babbageclunkaxw: Can you take a look at https://github.com/juju/1.25-upgrade/pull/55 please?00:34
anastasiamaci can only take about 4 bottles - 2 reserved for champagne, 1 for a rose I love from South AUstralia (need something for me too), so only 1 bottle for red :D00:35
babbageclunkWorked out my bug - it was that old chestnut closing-over-a-variable-in-a-loop.00:35
babbageclunkI'll talk to xav about how to get lxc and lxd working on trusty after lunch. (I've had it before so I think it might be a recent change?)00:37
veebersI thought wine in Aus came in bags anyway? ;-)00:38
anastasiamacveebers: OMG, have u been here last time in Dark ages? U should visit more often :D00:40
veebersanastasiamac: Hah ^_^00:40
veebersThe ol' goon bag on the clothes line is a national sport, right?00:41
axwbabbageclunk: LGTM01:13
axwbabbageclunk: sorry, I should have done that a long time ago01:13
axwwallyworld: +3,228 −0     <- please split it up, my brain cannot handle01:20
wallyworldaxw: i'll try - hard to split cleanup as it won't compile if split01:21
axwwallyworld: Go packages are a DAG, so just go depth first01:22
wallyworldaxw: maybe that's better?01:37
axwthanks, looking01:37
wallyworldaxw_: i was thinking that the operator would find it useful to know about unit status, especially in conjunction with being able to see if unit X was still active/not blocked and whether to choose another to be leader03:22
wallyworldthe set status only does the application status03:22
wallyworldbut get status gives the overall view03:23
axw_wallyworld: how are we going to know whether a unt is active/blocked?03:23
axw_(if there's none of our code running on it...)03:24
wallyworldjuju would monitor the pods - if they stop responding then it could determine there's an issue03:24
wallyworldbut maybe we don't need that for now03:24
axw_wallyworld: yeah I'm just thinking over that again. monitor how? responding to what?03:24
axw_health is always going to be application specific03:24
wallyworldjuju needs to monitor such things if it is going to do the scaling03:25
wallyworldbut i guess that's at a different level03:25
axw_wallyworld: juju needs to react to unit status changes, but it can delegate the health checking to the operator03:25
wallyworldthe operator can tell at a workload level what's healthy or not03:27
axw_wallyworld: perhaps just leave it out for now, and add it back in once we come to a decision?03:27
wallyworldcan do03:27
wallyworldaxw_: whenever, here's the hook tools one https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/816304:00
wallyworldaxw_: i've pushed changes for when you are free07:15
wallyworldaxw_: ta for review, will fix. am close to having something to try wrt running hooks, but running out of steam07:35
axw_wallyworld: no worries07:36
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