
=== devil is now known as Guest37061
mupPR snapd#4337 opened: cmd/snap: use snap-exec from core with a classic snap when reexecing <Created by mwhudson> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4337>00:11
lundmardefinitely something is wrong with build.snapcraft.io - it's not building amd64 and i386 snaps. I can't even trigger them manually.00:30
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ogra_[   25.409984] cgroup: new mount options do not match the existing superblock, will be ignored06:20
ogra_hmm .... why would anything expect a superblock there06:20
mupPR snapd#4321 closed: configstate: simplify ConfigManager <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4321>06:38
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mupPR core#65 opened: xdg-settings: make the reply timeout for xdg-settings set 5min <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core/pull/65>07:16
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mborzecki`man --what snap` shows 'nothing appropriate', but `man snap` shows the manpage07:29
mborzeckiany ideas what might be causing this?07:29
mvomborzecki: hm, that appears to be working here on ubuntu07:41
mvomborzecki: I would assume some metadata in the man-page missing but that is of course not very helpful07:41
mborzeckimvo: something strange on Arch again, snapd package is installed first in project prepare and man-db is installed later in task prepare, that does not seem to run mandb to index the pages07:43
mborzeckii think that if if the order was reverse, package install hooks should retrigger indexing of new manpages, but for now there's a workaround at least07:43
mborzeckimvo: since you're available, can i ask you for a review of #4313?07:45
mupPR #4313: timeutil: refresh timer take 2 <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4313>07:45
mvomborzecki: aha, interessting07:47
mvomborzecki: sure, I have a look07:48
mvomborzecki: hm, one low hanging fruit might be to split out the (small) change to make the snapstate/corecfg code look at ParseLegacySchedule, that would (slightly) reduce the PR size and is probably trival to pull in07:51
mborzeckimvo: i'll try to pull it into a separate PR07:53
mupPR snapd#4338 opened: config, overlord/snapstate, timeutil: rename ParseSchedule to ParseLegacySchedule <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4338>08:14
mborzeckimvo: ^^08:14
mvomborzecki: thanks, I started with the other PR now as well08:17
mborzeckigreat, thanks :)08:17
=== __chip__ is now known as Chipaca
Chipacaso... I can repro the EOF thing09:24
mvoChipaca: what EOF thing is that?09:42
Chipacamvo: spread test dying with no failure message, debug and restore giving EOF (or "ssh: zlib failed to flush data" if you have a newer spread)09:44
Chipacanow going to try too repro in qemu, so i can get dmesg; i'm suspecting the whole thing is OOMing or getting killed by something09:53
mvoChipaca: oh, maybe related to the compression changes?09:53
mvoChipaca: aha, ok09:53
Chipacamvo: no, the bare EOF is in a spread pre-compression09:53
Chipacathe message is different with compression, but it's the same issue: it dies with no apparent reason, and it stays dead (so you get no debug info)09:54
Chipacaie instead of the useful logs from the debug step you just get EOF (or failed-to-flush from ssh/zlib)09:54
mvoChipaca: aha, thanks09:56
mvoChipaca: how did you manage to reproduce it?09:57
Chipacamvo: spread  -seed=1512088627 -shell linode:ubuntu-14.04-64:tests/main/{interfaces-browser-support,abort}09:58
Chipacamvo: (with my users PR; haven't tried master)09:58
Chipacabah, change  -shell to -debug09:58
Chipaca(with -shell you need to do things by hand :-) )09:58
mvooh, nice10:00
Chipacamvo: for Friday values of 'nice'10:15
mvoChipaca: heh, well, reproducible++ :)10:18
mupPR core#65 closed: xdg-settings: make the reply timeout for xdg-settings set 5min <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core/pull/65>10:21
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Chipacain other news, I've been typing ‘M-x join-line’ for ages, when ‘M-^’ does basically the same thing /o\10:23
Chipaca(M-^ is delete-indentation, not join-line, so you don't get the hint about using the key combo -- but join-line is an _alias_ of delete-indentation... //o\\)10:24
mvoChipaca: heh, emacs is almost as good as nethack when it comes to text adventures10:32
mupPR snapd#4316 closed: cmd/snap-mgmt: introduce snap-mgmt tool <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4316>10:35
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Chipacaas feared, it looks like it's killed by confinement :-(10:45
Chipacamvo: the new users thing tries to be smart by not even looking at non-people users for snap directories, where non-people are things below UID_MIN (from reading login.defs) and things with a shell not in /etc/shells10:49
Chipacamvo: it also reads extrausers/passwd10:49
Chipacathese three things throw up denials -- and it looks like at some point it's all just killed outright (i don't get to see logs about that)10:50
mvoChipaca: woah10:52
Chipacamvo: I can drop the shells lookup and hardcode UID_MIN to 1000, and only look at extrausers in core, but it feels like a step back10:54
ikeyChipaca, if you're trying to determine human vs non human you might look at this for inspiration: https://github.com/solus-project/qol-assist/blob/master/src/user-manager.c11:03
ikeywe had to solve the same thing in solus for qol-assist to reliably detect peoples11:03
ikeybeing human basically comes down to having a valid shell *and* meeting uid requirements11:04
Chipacaikey: yes, that's what i implemented11:04
ikeyand i got a cheap "grab all user shells" function here https://github.com/solus-project/qol-assist/blob/master/src/util.c#L31 to save keep calling the function11:05
Chipacanow i need to go scrub my eyes of Qs11:05
Chipacathe problem is that i get killed by seccomp (or sth) because of doing those checks11:05
ikeyi get that - was merely trying to save you duplication of effort :p11:06
ikeyno need to dude me :p11:06
Chipacaikey: i appreciate that11:06
* ikey gets back to fighting with appstream-builder11:07
ikeyaka worlds most inefficient tool11:07
Chipacamvo: did you merge a pr bboozzoo asked not to be merged yet?11:08
Chipacai mean #431611:08
mupPR #4316: cmd/snap-mgmt: introduce snap-mgmt tool <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4316>11:08
Chipacaikey: where does QOL_MIN_UID come from in your code?11:09
ikeyits a build time option11:09
ikeytechnically to be more portable you'd want to consult shadow config11:10
ikeywhich is begging for issues11:10
Chipacaikey: /etc/login.defs is what you want to consult for that one11:10
ikeyswhat i said :p11:10
ikeysolus: Package shadow has file /etc/login.defs11:11
pedronismvo: hi, if you have seen I have put more comments with issues in the default-provider PR, happy to chat again about it, better on Monday though I suppose11:14
mborzeckimvo Chipaca zyga's comment https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4316#pullrequestreview-79846561 was supposed to be fixed by this patch https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4316/commits/44cec064f04899d4821093b0c69459df5e331926 can you take a quit look at it?11:14
mupPR #4316: cmd/snap-mgmt: introduce snap-mgmt tool <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4316>11:14
mborzeckiis there a checker that can do `c.Check(iface, Or(<another-checker>), alternative1, alternative2)` ?11:27
pstolowskimborzecki, I don't think so11:28
mborzeckii have an error message that depends on the order the elements are ranged over in a map, and it's different on each run ;?11:28
cachiomvo, beta validation almost completed11:28
cachiono regressions11:28
cachioresults on here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/16sp6iXv9rqVsysjmAS9DxN7lfkoy-tKvJN2BpF3d4Wk/edit11:29
pstolowskimborzecki, in such cases we usually sort11:29
pstolowskimvo, ah, sorry, map.11:29
pstolowskimborzecki, ^11:29
pstolowskimborzecki, DeepEquals should do it, no?11:30
mborzeckinope, it won't11:30
mborzeckiwhat i'm doing is that once a snap yaml is parsed, i verify that the apps that have `start-before/start-after: list-of-apps` (new thing) are actually valid11:31
mborzeckiso i need to range over the snap.Info.Apps, and it's a `map[string]*AppInfo`, so keys are in some random order11:32
pstolowskimborzecki, sort the keys first?11:33
mvocachio: great, looking11:42
mvoChipaca: if I did I'm sorry, I though all was addressed. maybe we need to use "blocker" more liberal if I prematurely merged11:42
Chipacamvo: it's unclear to me :-)11:42
mvopedronis: monday sounds good, I'm not sure I have the energy to dive into it11:43
mvomborzecki: did I merge 4316 too early?11:43
cachiomvo, the core revert test cannot be executed until the user assertion is not updated11:43
mborzeckimvo: i fixed the problem that zyga raised in a patch listed ^^, i'd be gread if you could give it a 2nd look11:44
cachiomvo, it is also affecting some executions in spread-cron11:45
cachiomvo, I'll be 5 minutes late today11:45
mborzeckimvo: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/snap-app-startup-ordering/3009 systemd After/Before we talked about yesterday11:47
mvomborzecki: thanks for the form topic11:49
mvocachio: late> no worries, I may be late myself (or miss it entirely :/)11:49
mvoniemeyer: I *may* miss the standup today, a repairman will come today and its not clear when exactly. I need to open him and explain what needs to be done etc so there is a chance I cannot make it11:50
niemeyermvo: Heya, and ack, thanks for the note11:50
mvoniemeyer: thank you11:51
niemeyermvo: Opening a repairman must take a while, so take your time :P11:51
mvomborzecki: I think your changes in snap-mgmt look fine,11:51
niemeyerpedronis: Hey, btw, I suspect we talked across each other for a while yesterday11:52
mvomborzecki: just in case, if things are not quite ready feel free to use the "blocked" label (or just close the PR)11:52
mborzeckimvo: noted11:53
mvomborzecki: and no worries11:53
niemeyermvo: I suspect pedronis was really talking about the check inside changeInProgress, rather than the test that for loop that verifies whether the current change has the link-snap11:54
mvoniemeyer: *nod*11:55
mvoniemeyer: yeah, he added some further comments to the PR, I will add more tests and rework the approach on monday11:56
niemeyermvo: That test indeed seems unnecessary, I think, since the loop right above would have caught the same situation and skipped the rest altogether11:56
mvoniemeyer: right11:57
mvoniemeyer: I was thinking about creating something circular as a testcase just to be sure we handle this11:58
niemeyermvo:  You mean in this area, or in state specifically?12:00
mvoniemeyer: for this specific area12:00
mvoniemeyer: a circular content provider loop or something, I have not thought it through yet but the discussion from yesterday indicated it is probably a good idea to have a test for this12:01
mupPR snapd#4339 opened: userd: generalize dbusInterface <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4339>12:01
niemeyermvo: Hmm12:02
mvoniemeyer: if you think its not needed/something different is needed, happy to do that instead12:03
niemeyermvo: I'm trying to think whether the cost benefit would good in this case, or whether we should try to split it down into more fundamental properties of the system that would just mean we handle this correctly in the end12:05
niemeyermvo: For the case we discussed yesterday, we might artificially produce a change set that has the to-be-included install before and the another one after the expansion task12:09
niemeyers/and the another/and then another/12:09
pedronisniemeyer: mvo: I don't think we can do something sane for the circurlar case until we split  setting up repo/slots and plugs for snap, vs handling autoconnect, atm it's all in one task12:10
pedronisI imagine that pawel will need to change that though12:10
* mvo needs to leave to get lunch, will be back in some minutes12:10
niemeyermvo: o/12:10
niemeyerpedronis: I think we should just prevent the circular case from going through12:11
niemeyerpedronis: Other package managers show this is a huge can of worms12:11
pedronisniemeyer: it's just that we can only detect while doing, not upfront, unless we consult the store potentially various level deep at the beginning12:12
niemeyerpedronis: Well, we can simply not attempt to close the circle12:12
niemeyerpedronis: Again taking the view that those are not strictly pre-requisites12:12
niemeyerpedronis: In practice, if we find a snap to be installed that is already on the list, just don't order it further12:13
niemeyerpedronis: The base snap is the only real pre-requisite, and this one will have been inserted into the change upfront12:14
niemeyerpedronis: I mean, just don't order it further if it would establish a circle12:14
pedronisit will be fairly non-deterministic though, otoh it might be a corner case enough that we don't care12:15
niemeyerpedronis: Right, and also a "doctor it hurts" case12:16
niemeyerpedronis: The connection will simply be established later, and good interface hooks should tolerate that nevertheless12:17
mupPR snapd#4340 opened: snap: YAML and app validation parts of after/before app startup ordering <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4340>12:25
mupPR snapd#4341 opened: tests: new test to validate location control interface <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4341>13:30
LyzardKingHi! I need help with the waf plugin. I need to build pycairo, and it comes with a waf installer. By default the installer uses python2...how can I run "python3 ./waf..."?13:53
ikeypycairo also has setup.py13:55
ikeyso you can build it setuptools style13:55
* ikey actually sees no waf in the pycairo tarball :/13:55
ikeyLyzardKing, are you building from https://github.com/pygobject/pycairo/releases/ ?13:56
LyzardKingikey: That version apparently does not have py3cairo, which is needed by pygobject14:03
ikeyyou build it with python314:03
ikeyidk what the new ones like :314:04
ikeyi can python3 -c 'import cairo'..14:04
LyzardKingI tried adding the tarball from github to the requirements.txt, but that didn't work...14:05
LyzardKingthe setup for pygobject can't find py3cairo, (even though pycairo is indeed installed from the github tarfile)14:06
LyzardKingconfigure: error: Package requirements (py3cairo >= 1.11.1) were not met: No package 'py3cairo' found14:08
ikeythats pkgconfig level stuff14:09
ikeyi.e. python3-cairo-dev or whatever the subpackage would be called..14:10
LyzardKing...If I install that as a build-dependency, I then have the issue that the version in the repo is 1.10.0, and the first version with pip is later (1.11.1?)14:14
LyzardKingAnd I can't use the version from the repo because in a classic snap it will segfault...14:15
jdstrandmvo: hi! I wanted to confirm something. is the os snap supposed to ship device files in /dev?14:20
mvojdstrand: no, that is a bug AFAICT14:20
jdstrandmvo: related, are base snaps not supposed to ship device files in /dev?14:20
jdstrandit seems for sure base snaps should not14:20
jdstrandbut it wasn't clear to me about the os snap14:21
jdstrandmvo: would you agree with my assessment re base snaps?14:21
mvojdstrand: I think we don't need /dev files, do we have those currently?14:22
jdstrandmvo: base-18 did and I mentioned they should be removed (I don't know how we would even override devices via a base snap. that seems really wonky...)14:23
jdstrandmvo: let me double check core14:23
mvojdstrand: yeah, base-18 is just a bug14:23
mvojdstrand: I'm not 100% certain about core itself, but probably the same, I don't think we need them14:24
jdstrandmvo: core ships them: unsquashfs -lls /var/lib/snapd/snaps/core_3604.snap | grep 'squashfs-root/dev/'14:25
pedronismvo: how does that work on core?14:26
jdstrandmvo: it would be ideal if we could say 'no device files allowed in snaps'. right now I whitelist for os snaps and mistakenly for base snaps14:26
* jdstrand will fix test for base snaps14:26
pedronismvo: where does /dev come from on a core device?14:27
jdstrandmvo: I suspect you may be right that those devices files in core are not needed, but I'm not sure how the early boot code works (ie, pedronis question)14:28
pedronisjdstrand: we plan at some point to have bootable bases so that question will apply to them14:29
pedronisas well14:29
* jdstrand raises eyebrows at boot base14:30
jdstrandhow is that now an os snap?14:30
mvopedronis: initramfs iirc, but I need to double check14:30
pedronisjdstrand: that might be how to do it, but at some point the plan was not to have os snaps anymore, just bases and a some kind of snap carrying snapd14:31
pedronisas I said this is is not an immediate concern14:31
mvojdstrand: yeah, what pedronis said, the idea was to phase out "os" snap and use "base" snaps and a "snapd" snap and core snap only for compatiblity with classic snaps14:31
mvojdstrand: but we are some days behind this14:32
jdstrandpedronis: I thought the plan was strip down the os snap to what is needed for snapd to run/etc and everything else in a base snap.14:32
jdstrandoh, this is news to me14:32
mvojdstrand: we cannot easily do that with core at least, we might introduce new os snaps though14:32
jdstrandI thought os was going to still be a thing, just alot smaller14:32
mvojdstrand: yeah, its all a bit in the air still, we have some options14:32
jdstrandhow in the world are you going to resolve things like multiple systemds?14:33
mvojdstrand: the trouble is that we cannot change core, it is used for classic snaps because snapcraft may link to things in /snap/core/current14:33
pedronisjdstrand: there's is only one bootable base per device14:33
pedronisbut yes, we do have a question about where do services come from14:33
jdstrandwell, 'bootable base' is then effectively 'os snap minus snapd'14:34
pedronisjdstrand: to be clear this is all for core dvices14:34
pedronisit's not a concept relevant on classic14:34
jdstrandanyway, I don't mean to distract14:34
pedronisjdstrand: that part is not clear,  some discussion mentioned that systemd would be in the snapd snap14:35
pedronislots of questions and options14:35
jdstrandheh, well, that ends up looking a lot like an os snap after you add its deps, etc14:35
jdstrandmvo: so, device files cause problems with the review tools14:36
mvojdstrand: yeah, it will be conceptually similar14:36
mvojdstrand: cause problems for the os snap as well?14:36
mvojdstrand: or just for the base snaps?14:36
jdstrandmvo: cause if they are in the snap, you can't mknod them unless you are root14:36
pedronisanyway whatever we do bootable bases will have more constraints and rules than generic bases14:36
jdstrandmvo: conceptually they are problematic14:36
mvojdstrand: its ok to have them blacklisted for now, we may need them for bootable bases, otoh I think we can probably get away with the right initramfs magic14:37
jdstrandmvo: the kernel requires root to mknod. unsquash as non-root just creates regular files, so a resquash fails. as root is possible, but really need the tools confined (eg, as a snap) and that causes issues with the security policy14:37
mvojdstrand: aha, I see. does fakeroot helps?14:39
jdstrandtoday base and os snaps are all manual reviewed anyway, so we skip the test, but if the device files aren't meant to be there at all, it would mean we don't have to do anything special in the tools14:39
jdstrandmvo: nope14:39
jdstrandthe kernel requires root14:39
jdstrandfakeroot just gives you regular files14:39
mvojdstrand: even inside the fakeroot env?14:40
mvojdstrand: I though as long as you are inside the fakeroot session you see them as device files (because of the preload magic), no?14:40
jdstrandthat's right, unsquash as non-root skips them, unsquash with fakeroot creates regular files, unsquash as root works but need lots of extra security permissions14:40
jdstrandmvo: let me try that. I just did fakeroot unsquash then looked14:41
mvojdstrand: I think that should work14:42
mvojdstrand: anyway, we will know soon :)14:42
mvojdstrand: the key is that have the same FAKDEROOTKEY environemnt14:42
LyzardKingikey: Is it possible to satisfy the python-cairo-dev dependency from pip?14:44
jdstrandmvo: that seems to work.14:45
jdstrandmvo: thanks!14:45
mvojdstrand: yay, great14:46
Chipacajdstrand: in 14.04, should seccomp be logging when it kills things?14:59
Chipacajdstrand: i'm trying to debug a thing where a whole process group is killed, in 14.04 only, but not getting anywhere15:01
Chipacajdstrand: (the reason it's hard to debug is that it's in spread, and the process group includes everything that spread has a hand in afaict)15:04
jdstrandChipaca: it should, yes. do sudo sysctl -w kernel.printk_ratelimit=0 and watch /var/log/syslog or dmesg (not journalctl)15:12
mupPR snapd#4342 opened: userd: add support for a simple UI that can be used from userd <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4342>15:15
Chipacajdstrand: all that appears in syslog is apparmor denials :-(15:25
jdstrandChipaca: is it getting killed or just dying on its own cause it doesn't have what it needs? (that is very common)15:35
Chipacajdstrand: the thing trying to run dies, but the bash running it dies also, the su running that bash dies, and the bash running that su dies15:36
Chipacajdstrand: (so the 'debug' phase of spread gets EOF)15:37
Chipacajdstrand: and the restore phase also EOFs15:38
Chipacaie the ssh client connection from spread dies15:38
jdstrandthat's a massacre15:38
Chipacait's like oprah, but with kill15:38
jdstrandthe bash running the thing shouldn't die unless it is using 'exec thing'15:39
Chipacajdstrand: now, there's a bug i need to fix, but this cascade of death seems to be indicating a deeper concern, which is why i'm still digging15:40
jdstrandI mean, if you are using su -c 'bash -c foo'15:40
jdstrandthen I would expect foo, bash and su to all exit15:40
jdstrandbut that upper bash is presumably the spread debug which shouldn't die since it is interactive15:41
jdstrandanyhoo, good luck :)15:42
Chipacajdstrand: I can hand it over to you if you feel like bashing your head on something soft15:42
jdstrandI'm good :)15:42
* Chipaca is very generous15:42
ikeyjdstrand, quick q - when i do a build of the snaps later will those dudes need manual review or is that tooling active now?15:47
ikeygonna update the base images once the solus repos sync today15:47
mupPR snapd#4331 closed: systemd: add support for the mask/unmask operations <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4331>15:49
mupPR snapd#4332 closed: corecfg: also "mask" services when disabling them  <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4332>15:49
sergiusenskyrofa get ready for a tough review :-)16:00
kyrofasergiusens, okay16:07
jdstrandikey: it is live now (as of today)16:22
ikeyah thanks bud :D16:22
ikeyno promises i can get it done today but i thought id ask you before we all EOW16:22
kyrofasergiusens, snapcraft#1779 is green, when you have some time to take a look16:24
mupPR snapcraft#1779: catkin-tools plugin: use stage-packages <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1779>16:24
sergiusenskyrofa sounds good, I'll do it after lunch16:25
sergiusensbtw, the fact that we have $(root)/snapcraft/tests and not $(root)/tests is really starting to annoy me16:25
mupPR snapcraft#1781 opened: many: set rpath for elf files for classic <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1781>16:26
sergiusenskyrofa snapcraft#178116:26
mupPR snapcraft#1781: many: set rpath for elf files for classic <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1781>16:26
mupPR snapd#4343 opened: interfaces: rename sanitize methods <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4343>16:55
cachiomvo, there?16:59
cachiomvo, I am working with the test that check interfaces after reboot16:59
cachiomvo, what I see is that after reboot the directory /snap/core/current is empty17:00
cachioand /snap/core/3615/ also empty17:00
cachiomvo, at the begining of the test it is not empty17:01
kyrofajdstrand, any ideas on this issue? https://askubuntu.com/questions/978639/mount-error-when-installed-using-snap/98180217:02
cachiomvo, I see this in a linove vm17:03
cachiodo you want ips?17:03
mvohey cachio17:06
mvocachio: yeah, if you /msg it to me, that would be cool17:06
mvocachio: I can poke around a bit17:06
mvowe need to think how we can tame the tests again :/ master is timing out a lot right now (runtime more than 49min)17:17
mupPR snapcraft#1778 closed: Add sentences to error when registering name <Created by daniellim2000> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1778>17:29
jdstrandkyrofa: otoh, no17:54
jdstrandkyrofa: maybe /home is a separate partition?17:54
sergiusenskyrofa did you have a chance to check the PR? I am EODing in an hour or so19:47
kyrofasergiusens, not yet, just about done here, then I can19:47
mupPR snapcraft#1782 opened: project_loader: support grammar on architectures <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1782>20:15
mupPR snapcraft#1761 closed: lxd: ContainerConnectionError on failed launch/ start <Created by kalikiana> <Closed by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1761>20:27
mupPR snapcraft#1783 opened: tests: run codespell as part of static tests <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1783>21:06
=== edk is now known as demiurge

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