
pavlushkaHey zaki 06:11
pavlushkazaki: How its been?06:11
zakihi pavlushka 06:13
zakiI'm fine :) 06:13
zakihow about ou?06:13
pavlushkazaki: I am busy like hell but I am free for myself :p06:14
zakiu-la-la, how are you?06:14
zakihe he06:14
zakibusy doing what? 06:14
pavlushkazaki: u-la-la is not that u-la-la which makes coffee :p06:14
pavlushkazaki: I am attached to a kg school, managing computer stuffs 06:15
pavlushkaon Lubuntu, he he06:16
zakioh things have changed ha!06:16
zakiwow congratulations :) 06:16
zakiin your hometown?06:16
pavlushkazaki: yep06:16
zakihow about kilos?06:17
pavlushkazaki: if things go well, then the change will make things a lot better even http://www.ubuntu-bd.org06:19
u-la-la[ BangladeshiTeam - Ubuntu Wiki ] - http://www.ubuntu-bd.org06:19
zakihttp://www.ubuntu-bd.org ?06:21
u-la-la[ BangladeshiTeam - Ubuntu Wiki ] - http://www.ubuntu-bd.org06:21
zakiIts redirect to wiki page06:22
pavlushkazaki: I said it will, not it is :p06:22
zakioky :D06:23
pavlushkazaki: So what's going on on your side?06:23
pavlushkahow is CCNA going?06:23
zakiat last they fixed it. http://forum.linuxbangladesh.org/index.php06:23
u-la-la[ লিনাক্স কমিউনিটি ফোরাম ] - http://forum.linuxbangladesh.org06:24
zakiso far nothing special happened. :D 06:24
zakiccna 1 completed 06:24
zakiccna2 class just started from last wk06:25
pavlushkazaki: way to go \o/06:26
zakiha ha06:26
zakiwhat are you doing now?06:27
zakiit will take 4 more months to complete. 06:27
pavlushkazaki: need to compose some/many documents06:27
pavlushkaHello Kilos !11:10
Kiloshi pavlushka 11:10
pavlushkaKilos: zaki was asking about you :)11:11
Kilosaw tell him i send best wishe next time you see him please11:12
pavlushkasure I'll :)11:12
pavlushkadipraw: 15:27

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