
=== ahayzen is now known as Guest18048
=== aden_ is now known as aden-chrome
m4sk1n_ok, joined from znc, there should not be problems with ghost messages…06:53
villHi, I'm get "Write a blog post about a snap" task and I don't no how (step "Write and publish the post." ) what that mean?10:09
villwhat content should I write?10:14
villyHI elopio, kyrofa and sergiusens.10:18
villyI need some help.10:19
villybut I'm don't know what I should write blog post talking abuot what?10:33
villyPS.    I get the task "Write a blog post about a snap"10:33
villyI don't know snap!10:35
=== Guest18048 is now known as ahayzen
=== aden_ is now known as aden-chrome
=== aden_ is now known as aden-chrome
sergiusenspopey for youtube subtitles, does the owner of the video need to accept them in order for others to see? I am talking about https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/6539865892061184/11:37
popeysergiusens: I don't know, Leo set all that up. It's possible.11:38
popeysergiusens: https://www.youtube.com/timedtext_cs_queue11:39
sergiusenspopey oh well I'll approve the task as the screenshots show that work has been done and the task doesn't say anything about requiring a review11:39
popeyif you're logged into the youtube channel and go there, you can see they're up for review11:39
popeyi see a Russian one from 16 hours ago11:39
sergiusenspopey ah found it in any case https://www.youtube.com/timedtext_editor?action_mde_edit_form=1&v=ymO49VCY1BQ&lang=ru&bl=vmp&ui=hd&ref=player&tab=captions11:40
sergiusensand to view https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymO49VCY1BQ&lang=ru11:42
popeyi published them11:47
sergiusenspopey great, they were proof read and are good (added the comments to the task)11:51
dowsvilly you ccan go through the snap tutorial first13:37
dowsHi, regarding this, https://codein.withgoogle.com/tasks/5637753310019584/?sp-organization=5133577048031232, does my answer need to be the accepted answer?13:40
dowsif it has to be the accepted answer then I'll only claim this task when I got one14:52
elopiodows: I think it would be enough to get a review of the answer from the mentor.15:34
dowsok. anyways I've submitted the task15:40
m4sk1nsubmitted task (snap)15:59
m4sk1n_elopio: can you take a look?16:22
m4sk1n_my next snaps will be a bit more complicated, but now I don't understand how to make them working in strict confinement16:26
ppabcdHello dows16:27
elopiom4sk1n_: I'm on holidays. I'll be back on monday.16:28
elopiothe other mentors will take a look today.16:29
m4sk1n_ok, sorry16:29
m4sk1n_Hi ppabcd16:30
ppabcdHi :)16:30
m4sk1n_sergiusens: kyrofa: can someone take a look?16:35
kyrofam4sk1n_, hey there, what's up?17:01
kyrofaYou submitted a task?17:01
kyrofaI'm still working my way through emails, I'll see it soon then17:01
popeyThe dashboard is also a great way to plug through them :) https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/in-progress/17:05
m4sk1n_Yup, kyrofa17:08
kyrofam4sk1n_, reviewing now, looking good!17:08
kyrofam4sk1n_, one thing I see missing from the README is the checklist17:10
popeym4sk1n: cryptowatch is cool!17:10
popeyelopio: will like that snap :)17:10
kyrofam4sk1n_, I also don't hear the system bell, do you?17:11
m4sk1n_what bell?17:12
kyrofam4sk1n_, just reading the original project README: "Chimes system bell at the end of the timer, unless -silence is set."17:16
kyrofaBut I don't hear anything17:16
kyrofaDid you test outside the snap? Does it work there? I don't see any denials or anything17:17
m4sk1n_I'll fix it…17:17
m4sk1n_kyrofa: tbh I don't know how to make system bell working from snap17:31
kyrofam4sk1n_, fair enough. If you can add the checklist, I'm happy to approve, you did good work17:31
kyrofam4sk1n_, because honestly, I'm not sure either ;)17:32
kyrofam4sk1n_, did you try the project outside of the snap? Does it work there?17:32
m4sk1n_yup, it just uses "\a"17:43
m4sk1n_kyrofa: ^17:44
kyrofam4sk1n_, huh, sounds like it's questionable in xenial right now: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/159959917:48
ubot93Launchpad bug 1599599 in linux (Ubuntu) "System beep broken (again) in Xenial Xerus" [Medium, Confirmed]17:48
kyrofam4sk1n_, I think we can safely ignore it17:49
kyrofaI can't get anything to make a beep here, in or out of snaps17:49
m4sk1n_ok, using echo for "\a" outside snap also doesn't work for me17:50
m4sk1n_kyrofa: submitted for review once again :)17:54
kyrofam4sk1n_, very good, approved!17:56
m4sk1n_next task submitted for review18:11
kyrofaAlright I'll take a look in a few minutes18:21
LinuX86hi @elopio18:55
LinuX86hi @kyrofa18:55
kyrofaHey there LinuX86, welcome18:56
LinuX86Thanks for quick reply18:56
LinuX86Looking forward to get a reply from @elopio18:56
LinuX86hi @popeye18:57
LinuX86hi @flexiondotorg18:58
LinuX86Thanks for the quick reply :)18:59
LinuX86Thanks for the quick reply @ flexiondotorg19:00
LinuX86Thanks for the quick reply @flexiondotorg19:00
m4sk1n_LinuX86: we don't use @ to mention people on IRC19:00
m4sk1n_we use nickname: or nickname,19:01
LinuX86thanks m4sk1n19:01
m4sk1n_hi erwin19:16
erwinwhere is this chat channel about?19:17
wxlcoordination for google code in and the like19:19
m4sk1n_few minutes > 105 minutes :o19:46
m4sk1n_then I'm going to make snap for riot.im, I know it would be considered as begineer task19:50
kyrofaSorry m4sk1n_, context switching is the biggest waste of time in my day. I need to focus on one thing at a time :)20:03
kyrofaJust running tests now20:04
m4sk1n_kyrofa: submitted once again21:17
m4sk1n_If I would complete one task twice (I know that gci allows to claim one task only once), would it have any impact in results?23:13

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