
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-artwork:: [greybird] r536 Smaller GtkSwitches... (by Simon Steinbeiß)02:37
bluesabreochosi: <304:38
bluesabreflocculant: if you have the package installed, I think it might take precedence over the git build because of the installed directories04:40
flocculantbluesabre: got it - needed to prefix=usr06:30
flocculantbluesabre: ok - see playlists there now with clementine, not (as I think you said everything), btw parole's not showing in the list at all currently17:31
bluesabreflocculant: yeah, something weird with parole in the PPA22:49
bluesabreand the playlists feature is limited to the last 5 I think, might make that configurable22:50
ochosihi bluesabre 22:51
bluesabreochosi: heading out now, bbl22:53

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