[03:06] I wonder if someone knows someone who is able to move SRU to xenial-updates from xenial-proposed here [03:07] (a fix related to halium+utouch+pulseaudio is stuck in -proposed from quite a few days) [03:08] stuff doesn't get manually moved from proposed to updates [03:08] Oh? [03:09] once the fixes are validated, there's a 7 day waiting period before migrating [03:09] 7 days are already over well [03:09] bug link? [03:10] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/1728791 [03:10] Launchpad bug 1728791 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "[SRU] pulseaudio-droid module crashes on start" [Undecided,Fix committed] [03:11] the fix hasn't been verified [03:12] `verification-done-xenial` no? [03:12] the tag is still verification-needed [03:12] Ah crap [03:13] pebcak [03:14] I commented but didn't add tag back [03:15] you can maybe ping in #ubuntu-release to see if someone would be willing to manually prod it along [03:15] on freenode obviously [03:16] Okay will do later today [03:30] Rene was added by: Rene [04:20] @renedu Hello and welcome! I'm part of the UBports welcoming team. … To help you get started, please take a look right away at our newcomers welcome page (https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome) and thanks again for joining us! :) [04:24] If you have time, please help me to see this :https://forums.ubports.com/topic/764/need-help-for-porting-to-xiaomi-4-cancro [04:39] @Crash_Burn, Thanks πŸ™ [05:29] welcome @renedu [05:31] @Xorpad, Thank you [05:32] @UniversalSuperBox, Same [05:32] codenames? [05:34] @abdullahcok, Can I help you find a language focus group? Let me know :) [05:43] please help me to see this :https://forums.ubports.com/topic/764/need-help-for-porting-to-xiaomi-4-cancro [05:57] nflhmy was added by: nflhmy [06:32] Hello @nflhmy and welcome! I'm not part of the UBports welcoming team. … To help you get started, please take a look right away at our newcomers welcome page (https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome) and thanks again for joining us! :) [07:58] @Flohack since yesterday evening, when I installed the latest Telegram beta 2.5.1, I had already a couple of time a Telegram and all OS complete freezing, when I was on this supergroup, and I had to reboot....never happened before with the previous versions. I'm on BQ E5. [08:19] @Matteo, No idea. Telegram cannot freeze the OS IMO. Can you try to capture a log? Note to not restart telegram, the log history is very short [08:23] I mean, the telegram supergroup froze and I couldn't do a thing, neither swiping from the edges nor typing into Telegram window. I only had to long press the button to reboot [08:23] Unfortunately I already restarted Telegram [08:24] If it will happen again I'll take the log for you [08:25] @dohbee, +1 [08:28] @Matteo, Sound like unity crash. Happens frequently to me since we suspect a memleak somewhere. Didnt you notice, after some days OOM killer is more active, and swap becomes full? [08:29] On 1GB devices its annoying. Better now since I use opo or fp2 [08:35] Mmmh ok, but that's new to me...I know there is a bug causing the OS randomly reboot by itself when I open several windows at the same time, but this is new for me...maybe because I'm on rc channel? [08:38] @Flohack, I also noticed the problem [08:38] And I had the same suspect [08:41] @Flohack, How can I check the swap partition full? [08:42] Is there a way to flush periodically it? [08:50] @Matteo, No. Swap partition full means that there is not enough free RAM. But normally mobile devices have a very small swap partition, and instead Apps get evicted from RAM (OOM killer). Problem is, the UT OOM killer also targets critical OS parts sometimes ;) [08:51] So it can happen that for some reason you see a freezing screen, but if you are patient after some minutes you will see unity reloading. Ths is the usual behaviour for out of memory killed unity [08:52] Reboots might be connected to that, too. In fact if you look with top or other tools you will see unity taking up 800MB of RAM [08:52] which is really hefty on a 1GB device [08:53] But normally 3 or 4 apps can be kept open. Now comes the catch: After some days, you will not be able to keep even 2 Apps open in parallel, switch apps will mean you get the waiting time and a reload of the closed app. You can also notice it by getting a blurred "picture" of the last app state [08:53] That indicates the App has been forcefully closed due to RAM limitation [08:54] But why this changes over time? We dont know. Could be a memleak in QML engine for example [08:54] Could be a mistake in an App (like Telegram), causing a memleak [08:54] These errors are hard to find. Lets wait for 16.04 and Qt 5.9 to see if it gets better [08:56] maybe @alan_griffiths or @dohbee can elaborate on this, too. Its a fundamental problem we need to fix [09:12] Yes I understand much better the problem now, thanks for the explanation indeed. Unfortunately, no 16.04 will be available for BQ devices so I think this problem for me will persist. I'm wondering why devices with 1 GB of RAM are so penalized with Ubuntu Touch. Is that a problem of code optimization? I have a 2010 Android smartphone with only 700MB of RAM which still doesn't show any of the suffering BQ phone with 1GB of RAM has. [09:15] yes, unity weas not optimized so far. We have the chance to do that however, over time. [09:15] Android has much more effort behind to keep things small [09:19] @wayneoutthere, I would really like if this channel posts even about minor improvements and interesting community hacks. … I.e., about new betas of Telegram app or about our members experiments. I read here about successfull test of ecryptfs, Kris's experiments with desktops apps etc. All of these deserves attention. … And ofc, short summary of UBPorts community updates, not only links. … This could make News Channel more interesting [09:32] @Gleb Lee πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡¨, Join the marketing team, then. We lack resources for that [10:23] Rawcode was added by: Rawcode [10:23] hi there :) [10:23] @Rawcode, Hello Federico and welcome! I'm part of the UBports welcoming team. … To help you get started, please take a look right away at our newcomers welcome page (https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome) and thanks again for joining us! :) [10:24] There is also an Italian language group, Federico [10:31] On this page … https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome … Wrong Link to Russian chanel … t.met <--- ttt [10:32] https://t.met/UBports_Ru [10:38] @EKorneev, Thanks. We will correct [10:45] Christian_Koch_Pasing was added by: Christian_Koch_Pasing [10:52] #welcome @Christian_Koch_Pasing [10:58] guys, can you help me? i'm trying to install ubuntu touch, i'm in bootloader but seems that the program doesn't detect my nexus 5 [10:58] @Christian_Koch_Pasing, Hello Christian and welcome! I'm part of the UBports welcoming team. … To help you get started, please take a look right away at our newcomers welcome page (https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome) and thanks again for joining us! :) [10:59] @Rawcode, Please join the Welcome Room [11:19] Thanks, I will do that. This group I only see in my Ubuntu-Notebook but not in my BQ-E5 ubports Ubuntu Touch? [11:22] @Christian_Koch_Pasing, You have different telegram versions. OpenStore is not updated yet. Use the github version for your E5 [11:23] OK I will do that. [11:46] @Rawcode, See new readme.md about udev rules [11:51] @Flohack, you can download magic-device-tool, and it will most likely work, I've had this issue with a nexus 5 and another guy with a fairphone, and both of us used magic-device-tool successfully [11:51] Oh, there's a fix now @Flohack ? [11:54] By, I will switch to the german supergroup [11:54] later @Christian_Koch_Pasing [11:56] @Xorpad, Well not a fix but a precondition. We cant work around udev blocking access to some devices. Rules need to be set [11:57] See ubports-installer github repo, README.md [11:57] I see. Well, as long as there's a solution that works. I know magic-device-tool will need replacing when everything is on halium-7.1 [11:57] but that actaully will make installation simpler i do think [12:02] flute is crazyness I think [12:02] I don't really enjoy listening to it so I don't care for playing it [12:03] I have played similar instruments [12:03] oops [12:03] wrong channel [12:51] Canyouguesswhoireallyam was added by: Canyouguesswhoireallyam [12:52] Hello @Canyouguesswhoireallyam and welcome! I'm part of the UBports welcoming team. … To help you get started, please take a look right away at our newcomers welcome page (https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome) and thanks again for joining us! :) [12:52] Nice username πŸ‘ [12:53] @Crash_Burn, We don't need to guess. We know perfectly well that you are the Archbishop of Canterbury [12:58] Thanks, just curious. Regarding ubports or Ubuntu touch as I haven't dived right into it yet and just want a few simple answers, does it offer device encryption and on what level? [13:04] @Canyouguesswhoireallyam, Yes Ubuntu Touch does now have encryption at the os level, Luks and encryptfs I believe. The developers are continuing their work on it, but it is available if you have command line skills. Let me see if I can find more (better) information... [13:07] @Flohack guau! You are implemented the views counter in publications for diffusion channels! Thanks! [13:07] Fwd from Dominik: Shortly, but I am busy atm. I will invest time into UT encryption in the near future. [13:07] I found something too :) [13:07] Fwd from Dominik: I now have encrypted Documents, Pictures, Download and Videos. With no noticeable performance degregation. 1080p video capture and replay worked as usual. [13:08] LOL... Lets give a big thanks to Dominik [13:08] Not user friendly. It will also probably mess up updates [13:09] One most asked question. If support is possible, what level of complexity or difficulty? Maybe we can make a little microfounding to push some number of big features to native client. [13:10] @David_Gamiz_Jimenez, My understanding is that about 80% there and only modest difficulty. It is about time and resources [13:11] Lol thanks Dom. … Thanks for the info Will. … That's good enough I'm guessing I could tweak around with it shortly over the Christmas holidays in my down time. I'll probably stuff up the device but in support of open source development it's well worth a shot and we'll eventually get there...eventually!!! … Which device do you recommend? [13:13] @Canyouguesswhoireallyam, One of the core devices... like the Nexus 5, Fairphone 2 or Oneplus One. [13:13] https://devices.ubports.com/#/ [13:15] Yeah I saw it all, was just curious what you thought personally. But thank you still all points in the right direction. [13:15] Other options are probably only months away and may be quite a lot better. Right now, most go with Nexus 5 [13:17] Yeah I think I'll buy a nexus 5 for now and stuff around with it and then look into other devices. Thanks Lionelb [13:17] If OnePlusThree comes on stream soon you will kick yourself for getting a OnePlusOne [13:19] @Stereofont, OK, well the mini confound for more people at point time. To complete basic level for client. [13:52] You can never have enough cool phones to mess with [13:52] I have over 35 [13:53] @Xorpad, 😳 [13:53] Lol [13:53] I lost count [13:53] I will never run out of stuff to hack [13:53] lol [13:54] @Crash_Burn, My face actually did that ! [13:54] Lol [13:55] hahaha [13:56] @Xorpad, U know under which conditions smartphones are produced right? (I mean you are free to do whatever you want but i cannot see anyone having time to play with that many and i wondered whether you ever considered that aspect of buying so many phones...) [13:57] well, eventually I'll have them all running stuff other than what they were intended. I already made custom roms for most of them, in various states of completness/proper doings [13:57] @Gleb Lee πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡¨, we agree. problem is that marketing team doesn't know if something is news or not becuase we (like me) are not very technical. I'm learning and starting to recognize but if something is news we need it explained to us as news. You can all help the marketing team by sending messages to me with things you consider 'news' and that community should know. the small details are always here and people who want small details us [13:57] read every post here I find. [13:57] I get them to make stuff for them [13:58] Like, it's what I do to keep busy and I've always got a reason why I need another one [14:00] @Xorpad, It it ends up rescuing old phones rather than recycling that is morally justified I think. Plus your phones would mostly be trashed if you hadn't bought them [14:00] yeah [14:00] I don't waste them, it's my main hobby and I do some other stuff related to it that has in the past lead to nice income [14:01] Ok, that's cool then xD [14:01] @Xorpad, your devices are to you, like what cups of coffee are to me. [14:01] like, I got money for finding 2 vulns in aosp and asking for a bug bounty [14:01] it was nice [14:02] @Flohack, there's certainly a lot of optimization that could be done, but basically someone needs to find the bugs, report them, and help get them fixed. if there are leaks in u8, no amount of upgrading the OS or qt5 will fix them. [14:03] but there were a lot of changes in the stack we made and landed into the 16.04 ppa too, however they are unfit for "status quo" of ubports [14:33] Awe crap I might have deleted everything I had... I have backups that would be under 30 minutes old but I got to pull them [14:33] I feel like going to sleep and dealing with this tomorrow [14:38] It already is tomorrow, Will. :) [14:45] @wayneoutthere, It's always tomorrow, somewhere else. [15:20] it's definitely tomorrow where will is it was 5am about when he postd it :) [15:25] Where I can buying a Ubuntu phone? [15:26] Probably on eBay [15:27] What type best [15:28] My Nexus5 runs fine with UT. [15:28] D821 [15:28] Oh ~show me [15:29] @renedu, Video is coming... [15:30] You have pm [15:31] What is that? [15:31] What do you mean? [15:32] pm - private message ? [15:48] Thanks [16:01] Big problem after update (number 235) one plus one, [16:06] @Sconio, rc? [16:09] Devel [16:11] Which problem(s) then? [16:31] Hi all... I installed ota2 on my one plus one... yesterday. All was ok. Now when screen is black and press the button to wake it up the phone is blocked... or must wait 20-30 sec or I must reload ubuntu entirely... some ideas? Thanks [16:38] Battery>Adjust brightness automatically might be the culprit. Try to disable that. [17:07] Fwd from Rocco: Hi all... I installed ota2 on my one plus one... yesterday. All was ok. Now when screen is black and press the button to wake it up the phone is blocked... or must wait 20-30 sec or I must reload ubuntu entirely... some ideas? Thanks [17:08] This [17:08] The answer is a message above [17:08] Black screen 30 sec [17:09] Block [17:09] Does it work if you press the button three times? [17:11] Comes back when I press several times on power and volume +/- [17:11] But not the power button three times? [17:12] I have the impression that this is a bug due to multiboot, once out of two times there is this bug [17:17] Besides, what is the latest "no kexec" patch available for OPO (lineage 14.1) [17:17] ?? [17:49] (Photo, 956x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/VoDhSsIu/file_2539.jpg [17:50] Love UT and N5 [18:15] @Sconio, Multirom ? You are good to reinstall the latest version. Updates doesn't work well with multirom [18:19] Any help got this error while building https://hastebin.com/quhidecowe.vbs [18:24] @Ern_st [18:26] Halium 5 or 7 ? [18:27] 7 [18:30] @Ern_st, Any fix ? [18:31] You aren't giving the whole error [18:32] That the whole error [18:32] From failed [18:32] Correct, usually the error happen 15-20 line before. [18:33] OK wait [18:33] The error is related to bionic [18:45] https://hastebin.com/gecemizuya.swift @Ern_st @UniversalSuperBox [18:47] Why are you building as root? [18:48] It failed without root [18:49] Relocation overload... That's a compiler error [18:49] @UniversalSuperBox, How to fix [18:49] If I knew, I would have already said. :P [18:49] :/ [18:50] Something that neither Halium nor UBports have seen before, at least from my chat logs [18:51] bshah, ever heard of this? [18:51] `bionic/libc/arch-arm64/syscalls/__exit.S:11: error: relocation overflow in R_AARCH64_CONDBR19 … `and similar errors [18:52] @UniversalSuperBox, Nope [18:53] Not before yesterday [18:53] Wait [18:53] arm64 is experimental for Mer too, it seems. I found a forum post, but I'll let you find your thing first [18:54] @UniversalSuperBox, What ? [18:54] I doubt I can find it here @UniversalSuperBox as it was irc log and I'm on mobile [18:55] Ah, okay. [18:55] @akshat2K2 maybe this will help: https://together.jolla.com/question/135477/unresolvable-r_aarch64_condbr19-relocation/ [18:56] There isn't much information about an error like this online. [18:57] Hmm [18:57] That patxh [18:58] If it doesn't help any, we might need to wait for Bhushan and his savior IRC logs. Would be a few hours. [18:59] Ok [19:00] @akshat2K2 I'll ping you in morning [19:03] OK sar [19:13] petya230 was added by: petya230 [19:14] Hello @petya230 and welcome! I'm part of the Ubports Languages team. … To help you get started, please take a look right away at our newcomers welcome page (https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome) and thanks again for joining us! :) [20:55] @Crash_Burn, Yes yes yessssss... That resolved my problem. Thanks a lotπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ [21:29] How can I can get notifications from telegram without Ubuntu one? [21:46] @Rawcode, Its simple, you cant ^^ [21:47] Yet [21:47] ? [21:47] hi guys [21:48] is there a repository where we unify UT? [21:48] I think things would make more sense if we had a unified build tree [21:49] @Xorpad, Erm what exactly could that mean in technical terms? what is not unified? [21:49] Well, like, lineage os has a build tree that can be used to build for any device [21:49] it's all one thing [21:51] for example I have a tree for mako, hammerhead, and bullhead. It can build for all 3 [21:52] I have a tree for bullhead and potter [21:52] you mean the device-specific part? [21:52] 7.1 devices can sit in the same tree [21:52] will be a lot of if then else but otherwise ok [21:52] 5.1 devices can sit in the same tree [21:53] exactly @UniversalSuperBox. We should have a 7.1 tree somewhere public that people can fork and make PR's for new devices [21:53] Um [21:53] We do [21:53] Last time I looked I didn't see it [21:53] that was over a month ago though [21:54] That hasn't changed since Halium started [21:54] http://docs.halium.org/en/latest/porting/get-sources.html [21:54] You get a whole tree, no? [21:54] Yeah, I know where the docs are [21:54] well, yeah [21:55] I dunno, like I mean a tree on github that people can sync a tree to build their port [21:56] so you just pop in a kernel, device tree, and vendor repos, and mod them to suit the tree [21:56] That's what you get when you do `repo init url` [21:56] And then add your manifests [21:56] We will not unite 180 repositories in one [21:56] Why not? [21:56] where other upstream people constantly make changes [21:56] maintenance effort? [21:56] those are not our codebase [21:57] yeah but we could have one... I dunno it's not my call [21:57] Not to mention the time it'd take just to do `git status` [21:57] we cannot, until we got people maintaining this blod [21:57] blob [21:58] Repo and Gerrit were created to solve the problems that one big repository caused [21:58] I started collecting a few ports here: https://github.com/JBBgameich/halium-devices [21:58] well, it's up to you guys... i put it out there [21:58] @JBBgameich, This is not the point, he is talking about the 180 repos that the build tree consists of [21:58] the part you get by repo init [21:59] I thought he wants to add the ported devices to the tree and upload the whole thing in one repo ...? [21:59] @JBBgameich I want to have a tree where ports can benefit from everyone elses work, only having to directly maintain device/kernel/vendor [22:00] then everything people do to the platform, echos to all ports [22:00] How can I install paps from the Ubuntu store? If I click to install nothing appends [22:00] You can already benedit from the others work in Halium? [22:00] Apps* [22:00] @Xorpad, But it does, as we are only using upstreams beside device and kernel part [22:00] So if someone makes a pr to an upstream it will sync to your tree as well [22:00] Only device/vendor/codename and kernel/vendor/codename are not in the official tree, everything else is shared [22:01] well, I dunno, like I said, I trew it out there [22:01] It's not my choice really, all I can do is make stuff and submit it [22:01] @Xorpad, Sorry lost in translation maybe [22:02] @Flohack Basically you said you don't want what I think is good, that's fine, I'm free to develop however I want and you can choose to accept the code or not [22:02] I knew when I came here that I'd have to compromise on things [22:02] @Xorpad, I dont understand in which part Linegae is different to our manifest.xml [22:03] @Flohack Well, for one thing pulling -b halium-7.1 pulls a lot of stuff that there is better versions of in los but it pulls from aosp [22:03] Anyone has the click file from Dekko (the one at UBuntu Store)? If yes, share it please :) [22:03] I changed like 75% of the repositories in manifest.xml [22:04] @Xorpad, yeah then make a PR for it, makes sense maybe [22:04] I will once I get everything working [22:04] I was thinking you want us to fork 180 repos [22:04] I don't feel like making PRs for things that aren't proven [22:04] @Flohack no, I just want to have a lineage style system where you can breakfast any device that's supported [22:04] and it will sync device specific stuff when you breakfast the device [22:05] so that the platform is all the same across all devices even though kernel and system [22:05] are different [22:05] I dunno... I am doing it for myself so I can work on multiple ports [22:06] but I just started doing it last night [22:06] Well currently we are in the same position like you, we dont want to publish unproven stuff. So, no Halium device is usable with UT so far. So not much sense to publish it now [22:07] @Flohack maybe a organization specific unlisted repository? [22:07] because right now a bunch of us all are all doing stuff that could benefit from eachothers work [22:08] we could host it invite only on gitlab.com, cause you can make free repositories with large files like the prebuilts, without a paid account on gitlab [22:15] (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/hHrF6abL/file_2540.click [22:15] @Cesar_Herrera, Big Thanks!! ;) [22:18] Where did you found the click file of the ubuntu store? [22:21] @Xorpad, Ok maybe if you draw the structure and the content of this repo I will understand. sorry its late here maybe Im too stupid [22:21] I made it from app installed. I'll send a link to do it. [22:22] @Flohack I will publish it once I finish constructing the tree [22:22] oki [22:22] I'm just dealing with some issues right now with my setup [22:22] I had it done last night, then I erased it all lol [22:23] I'll post it when it's done, and people can use it, or make their own... it's up to them [22:23] https://askubuntu.com/questions/784372/how-can-i-make-a-click-file-from-an-installed-app/784374#784374 [22:25] @Cesar_Herrera, But how can I install paps from the ubuntu store? [22:26] Apps* [22:27] You intall the app from Ubuntu store. [22:27] Or OpenStore. [22:28] If I click to install, nothing appends in Ubuntu store. Openstore works well [22:29] I'll see. [22:29] Thanks [22:31] For me Ubuntu Store works ok. [22:34] @Cesar_Herrera, What is the difference with dekko from ubuntustore? [22:48] Dekko from Ubuntu Store is now the correct version. Dekko2 is beta. [23:05] @Rawcode, To install from UbuntuOne you need an account in Ubuntu One. [23:06] *UbuntuStore [23:12] I installed dekko 2. I have an issue to configure an account because the keyboard don't shows [23:17] Dere is a bug. Open another app a d click the keyboard. Then if you go to dekko the keybard appears. [23:26] @Rocco, There is a bug. Open another app and click the keyboard. Then if you go to dekko2 the keybard appears. [23:27] @Rocco, There is a bug. Open another app and click the keyboard. Then if you go to dekko2 the keybard appears. [23:45] We understand that Ubports provides up to date security for things such as the default web browser. But how does this extend to the Firefox browser under Libertine?