[01:48] Hi everyone [05:37] good morning to all [05:45] !landscape [05:45] Landscape makes the management and monitoring of Ubuntu systems simple and effective by combining world-class support with easy to use online management tools. https://landscape.canonical.com/ [06:02] dax: a user reports tor from ubuntu repos should not be used, what you think of that? [06:03] dax: should we keep using !tor ? [06:07] uh, !tor covers this... [06:07] !tor [06:07] Tor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is in Ubuntu's repositories, but the Tor Project recommends using their Tor packages due to past issues with Ubuntu's. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en [06:08] whether they want to use our packages or listen to Tor is up to them, if they listen to Tor then obv. any issues with those packages would need to go to Tor rather than us (their channel is #tor on OFTC) [06:08] okay [06:08] dax: weird ubuntu keeps feeding package tor, if its unsafe? [06:09] I suspect that Tor's opinion on the matter is not the only one. [06:09] maybe ill talk the hardened guys about it [06:12] good morning, everyone [06:12] dax: seems like that guy already in hardened [06:12] hey ducasse [06:13] hi lotuspsychje [06:25] dax: bottom line of hardened guys: lotuspsychje: it's hard to know which packages will get community love and care [10:49] hi [11:16] Hiyas all [13:55] morning/afternoon, BluesKaj [13:56] Hi ducasse :-) [13:56] how are things? [14:04] I'm fine, but the weather sucks, cold and damp, how about you? [14:23] hi BluesKaj ducasse , weather is cool and dry [14:24] BluesKaj: on some pretty heavy antibiotics (among other things) that my system doesn't agree with, so i'm not entirely myself. apologies for typos and weird language in advance :) [14:37] heavy antibiotics ..hmm hope they work for you, they did for me a few ago [14:38] yrs ago [14:43] only been on antibiotics once before, and they worked fine. the only problem is that my body *really* dislike them, so i get a bunch of side effects. less than a week left now, so no big deal. [14:51] ducasse, why are you taking heavy antibiotics? all ok mate . i know the effects of heavy medicines as my wife had to undergo them [14:56] immu: without going into details, it's to fight off an infection. the doctors don't really know what's wrong yet, but this is the first step. [14:57] no blood test? i wish for your early recovery to good health [14:57] do drink lots of water and rest well [15:09] immu: i did several blood tests because they suspected cancer, but thankfully those came back negative [15:09] immu: but thanks for that, i haven't been much online since this started - not much energy for support [15:10] strange? with all blood tests normal what have the doctors have found yet? another round of tests? [15:15] immu: they did a whole bunch, i'm home until they find something or need to do more tests [15:31] ducasse, i will pray for your recovery and good health [15:34] yes ducasse we wish you good health, and get well soon [15:38] thanks, guys - i'm sure it will soon be sorted out. but know you know why if i'm suddenly not here much the coming days, i can only sit at desk for so long before it gets painful. [15:39] but appreciate the well-wishing! [15:43] whats really happening to you? weakness, fever? [15:53] what else every one [17:00] test [17:26] test [17:28] immu: thanks for caring, but i don't really want to go into details here [17:29] no problem ducasse , your privacy and wishes will be respected [18:11] in the old days, new users used to join ubuntu for help, now the helpless can't join cause it's +r , and we end up with "reg" idiots who ask 10+ troll prize worthy questions a day flooding the channel with bull shit, while the people who actually needed help can't even figure out how to join [18:12] it's sad, and disgusting that the ubuntu company ditched its users and gave us a shit desktop now, and the ops won't move a finger to make the channel newbie hospitable again [18:18] perhaps an ##noobuntu chat could be set up [18:20] EriC^^, but I do agree the ubuntu chat has become more like the #linux chat where users are coming in questions about code and long string commands etc [18:21] with questions [18:21] who's this Neo1 ? every time i look at the channel i see him asking something and fighting with reg helpers, it should be a drinking game [18:34] EriC^^: he's a totally newbie web/javascript developer who want to learn linux, but refuses to read docs. he insists on watching youtube videos instead. [19:32] ducasse, lol [19:34] hey EriC^^ [19:37] goodnite all [19:37] \o [21:17] We do Saturday :)