
DubeyAditHi Pope,06:33
DubeyAdit  I just completed pope -my tutorial to pack and publish ruby snap, and i found it was neat and easy tutorial. I would like to move ahead and creat one ruby snaps as other task.06:33
DubeyAditpope -I just completed my tutorial to pack and publish ruby snap, and i found it was neat and easy tutorial. I would like to move ahead and creat one ruby snaps as other task.06:34
DubeyAditCan you just approve my last task, So that i can move ahead and create my own ruby snaps.06:35
L1NUXHey elopio07:06
Flekenstineanyone there??11:18
Flekenstineso you remain active all the time11:24
m4sk1n_not all the time11:24
flekenstineI have submitted my first job in GCI  when it will be approved?/14:28
flekenstineanyone there??14:29
m4sk1n_mallen: balloons: submitted task for review – “Setup a development environment for the QATracker”, it works, can you approve it? I'll try working on related tasks,  I don't know too much about Drupal, but I'll try, just for fun14:30
flekenstineMatthew Allen I have submitted a task of installing ubuntu14:33
DUFR4YN3Hi elopio15:21
DUFR4YN3Need guidance regarding Python snapcraft task15:22
DUFR4YN3Hey kyrofa15:22
DUFR4YN3Is anyone alive?16:01
dowsits the weekend so perhaps everyone's taking a break?16:14
m4sk1n_popey: flexiondotorg: in “Follow the * snap creation tutorial”, if everything works fine, should I just say it works fine and send for review?20:14
ivanfonHey, I'm Ivan, I'm participating in Google Code-in, currently doing the create a Node.js snap task21:34
ivanfonI'm probably going to do fkill (https://github.com/sindresorhus/fkill-cli)21:36
m4sk1n_good choice21:46
deniskamazurHi, can I talk to elopio or Sergio Schvezov?21:56
tsimonq2deniskamazur: They should be around somewhere ;)21:58

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