[07:10] bluesabre: when I boot pc - pa-plugin is grey till it gets clicked > https://i.imgur.com/r81yEQU.png [07:10] and ack parole [11:49] flocculant: that's weird [11:50] flocculant: when you boot, can you restart the panel before clicking on it to see if it is grey even after a panel restart? [11:51] if yes, build with --prefix=/usr --enable-debug=full [11:51] and then kill the panel and run it with [11:51] PANEL_DEBUG=all xfce4-panel [11:52] and send me the output from that after a few seconds (long enough for everything to load and then some) [12:09] ack - doing that now then [12:17] bluesabre: ok - so grey after panel restart, rebuilding it, went belly up, no plugin to add to panel > http://paste.ubuntu.com/26094953/ [12:20] guess something not liking debug=full [12:20] in and out today [13:36] flocculant: that makes no sense, good job! [13:46] :p [14:22] bluesabre: obviously I have all the ppas [14:22] anyway - bbl - probably