mup | Bug #1735952 changed: traceback reporting <MAAS:New> <> | 00:15 |
mup | Bug #1735952 opened: traceback reporting <MAAS:New> <> | 00:24 |
atdprhs_ | hi, is there anyone active today? | 05:05 |
bdx | atdprhs: have you filed a bug about your issue ? | 18:32 |
bdx | atdprhs_: ^ can be more productive posting on here | 18:33 |
bdx | make sure you include lots of detail - all of the components of your setup/environment/configuration are very pertinent | 18:34 |
mup | Bug #1736022 opened: failed to start machine 2/lxd/0 (failed to bridge devices: bridge activaction error: bridge activation failed: Killed old client process <juju> <juju:New> <MAAS:New> <> | 19:58 |
heyya | Can someone shed some light on deploying a custom windows image(sysprep) with MAAS? | 21:38 |
heyya | Primarily, what type of image do I use? I am accustomed to using Ghost | 21:38 |
heyya | is there a tool I should be using? | 21:43 |
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