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blackboxswsmoser: rharper I'm no longer op in this channel. can either of you change topic to Next status meeting Monday: 12/1117:00
rharperblackboxsw:  /topic all yours17:01
=== blackboxsw changed the topic of #cloud-init to: Reviews: http://bit.ly/ci-reviews | Meeting minutes: https://goo.gl/mrHdaj | Next status meeting: Monday 12/11 16:00 UTC | cloud-init 17.1 released
blackboxswteach a man to fish ....17:02
smosersomeoow i can make it auto-op you. let me find17:20
blkadderHi all. Having problems partitioning a device: https://paste.ubuntu.com/26113667/ Wondering if it is me or an actual bug…18:23
blkadderDo I need to explicitly wipefs the device beforehand perhaps?18:24
smoserblkadder: well, ideally you would not need to.18:25
blkadderThat’s what I would hope. :-)18:25
smoseri'd consider it a bug in cloud-init, but yeah. thats what the issue is.18:25
smosermaybe there is some way to say that ... let me check18:25
smoserwhat is yit looks like if you can live with a gpt it might work18:28
smosertable_type: <'mbr'/'gpt'>18:28
blkadderI’m trying to move /var so hope so.18:29
smosergo ahead and file a bug though please18:29
smoserubuntu-bug cloud-init18:29
blkadderWill do, thanks.18:29
smoserwill do it18:29
blkaddergpt works, thanks.18:47
ybaumycan somebody help me find an error in a cloud-init python config script? http://paste.ubuntu.com/26114214/ the error is at the bottom20:24
* rharper takes a peek20:25
ybaumyfor there were the default path variables wrong on centos20:25
ybaumyi changed those20:25
ybaumyand then this error comes up20:25
rharperI wonder if there's something up with the python2.7 puppet in centos then ?20:26
rharper6? 7 ?20:26
ybaumyits 7 the latest patches20:26
ybaumyi already wrote a post to the mailling list but no one replied yet. and i need that puppet working20:27
Wulfwith six.StringIO() as outputstream...20:27
Wulfperhaps something wrong with six?20:27
blackboxswthere was a BytesIO instead of stringIO20:27
blackboxswI think I already submitted a patch for that20:27
rharpergoogle is telling me python2.7 and with and StringIO may be problematic20:27
* blackboxsw lookgs20:27
blackboxswf831a874021f3d6d24cbe5639a176f416b5436a6 in master20:27
rharperblackboxsw: ah, fixed upstream but maybe not yet in centos's cloud-init20:28
blackboxswnot sure if that's in the centos version that is being run agains20:28
rharperthere are some fedora/rhel folks in here20:28
rharperybaumy: you may need to file a centos/rhel issue to get the upstream commit merged into the distro cloud-init20:28
ybaumyi had trouble with django issues with katello/foreman and i installed the latest django version. would something like that be possible to fix this?20:29
ybaumyi installed that with pip20:29
ybaumyrharper: that will take forever i guess20:30
blackboxswyeah given the comment on line 77 of the pastebin, my patch for BytesIO isn't in that version20:30
rharperyeah, I dunno what the general frequency of updates20:30
WulfI had a look at debian/sid, and python2 doesn't like with six.StringIO() either.20:30
ybaumyok then i will write an update to my mail to the mailling list20:31
blackboxswhrm, we have a copr daily build of master at  https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/g/cloud-init/cloud-init-dev/ that might help in this case. :/ at least it'd have the cloud-init fix20:31
ybaumyah it might be in epel already20:33
ybaumylet me check that20:33
ybaumyhmm no not in the official20:34
ybaumyyou still have to change pathes in py and compile to pyc20:42
ybaumythanks guys20:44
blackboxswgood to hear20:48
blackboxswat least we don't have an upstream bug to work ;)20:48
rharperybaumy: what's the path changes ?20:50
rharperthat sounds like possible upstream bug or is this related to your pip ?20:50
ybaumyok last question before i quit for today. the certname is nocloud.kent-hanchett.1000.local but my hostname is kent-hanchett.1000.local. why is that? i added certname: "%i.%f" to the cloud-init config20:50
ybaumyrharper: i dont think so. on the client i havent updates django yet only on the server20:51
ybaumyi removed the %f20:58
ybaumyi mean i20:58
ybaumynow the hostname is correct20:58
dojordan@blackboxsw I've addressed your comments, when you get a chance can you look again? https://code.launchpad.net/~dojordan/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/33434121:02
blackboxswdojordan: thanks, will do today. trying to unstick myself at the moment ;)21:06
ybaumyrharper: path changes to /etc/puppetlabs/puppet and the /var/lib/puppet/ssl to /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl21:29
ybaumyrharper: this is the client from the official repo21:29
rharperybaumy: does that match what distro clients use?21:29
ybaumyrharper: i dont know... the official katello install docu says i should use this client. so i did21:30
rharperI think it could make sense to support both ;21:30
ybaumyrharper: think so too.21:30
rharperybaumy: can you file a bug ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+filebug and attach your changes to the path ? we can pick that up from there21:31
ybaumyor make the path configurable21:31
ybaumyin the cloud-init.cfg21:31
ybaumyrharper: will open a bug21:32
blackboxswdoes puppet.cfg announce that configuration path difference?21:33
* blackboxsw wonders if we can inspect that config change from puppet itself (either through cmdline or config file)21:33
ybaumyhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/1736261 hope thats enough21:35
ubot5Launchpad bug 1736261 in cloud-init "puppet.conf and puppet ssl path changed in official client" [Undecided,New]21:35
ybaumyim off for today. thanks for your fast help guys. really brought me forward21:36
rharperybaumy: thanks again for the bug21:38
smoserblackboxsw: http://paste.ubuntu.com/26114924/22:40
smoserthat seems to function for laujnch-softlayer22:40
smoserlots of improvements still to do, but generally gets near there. and makes me more familiar with  launch-ec2 also22:40
blackboxswsmoser: good deal, I was just pushing up changes to launch-ec2 for specific vpc/subnet/route_table fixes22:44
blackboxswchecking it out22:44
blackboxswjust pushed to qa-scripts everything I have ( just finished testing --proposed ec2 for the dhcpclient  sanbox fixes)22:45
blackboxswsmoser: can you push a launch-softlayer to qa-scripts too. we can consolidate on next iteration22:45
smoserblackboxsw: i'll push tomorrow23:06

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