
=== axw_ is now known as axw
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
=== ken is now known as Guest54146
=== Guest54146 is now known as Ravenpi
RavenpiTrying to set up IPv6 endpoints for our cloud.  Have assigned 2005::100 to eth0 on my Keystone.  When I try to enable IPv6, though, I get "Interface 'eth0' does not have a scope global non-temporary ipv6 address." Ideas?14:52
Ravenpi(2005::100 shows as globally scoped via ifconfig.)14:53
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
derekcatHey Everyone, quick question about the percona-mysql charm - is there a Juju way to change my.cnf options for the cluster?  For example, we need to set: ft_min_word_len=219:21
jose-phillipshi derekcat19:29
jose-phillipstry juju perscona-mysql config19:30
jose-phillipsjuju config mysql19:32
derekcatHey jose-philips!  Ok, give me a second, trying to get back into the controller.  >_<  Juju is hanging on the controller for this model...19:33
stokachuryebot: gun1x  is having issues connecting to grafana19:35
stokachuryebot: says it's asking for a password19:35
gun1xnot only grafana ... all the services from these links ask for user/pass: https://bpaste.net/show/a43461bbec4519:35
rick_hgun1x: yea, grafana needs a password. The readme has instructions for getting it or you can change it via config19:36
rick_hgun1x: assume you mean for the webui?19:36
gun1xrick_h: i mean all the links from the paste19:37
gun1xnone work19:37
gun1xif you have a readme, please share it19:37
gun1xthis happened after deploying kubernetes from canonical, using conjure-up19:37
rick_hgun1x: https://jujucharms.com/grafana/19:37
rick_hgun1x: yea, try changing the password on grafana: juju config grafana admin_password=testing19:38
rick_hgun1x: looking at the paste for the other links19:38
gun1xgunix@juju-k8s:~$  juju config grafana admin_password=testing19:39
gun1xERROR application "grafana" not found (not found)19:39
rick_hgun1x: oh! ok so these are services running in the k8 cluster, not the juju charms themselves19:39
rick_htvansteenburgh: or kwmonroe any ideas on the default proxy setup that gun1x needs? ^19:40
gun1xfound it ... gunix@juju-k8s:~$ cat .kube/config.conjure-canonical-kubern-04a19:42
gun1xwell ... now that i get pass auth ... grafana is not working, influxdb is not working and heapster is not working. they are all returning errors. omg19:44
gun1xheapster returns 404 page not found19:56
gun1xgrafana returns19:56
gun1xand influxdb returns:   "status": "Failure",19:57
gun1x  "message": "no endpoints available for service \"monitoring-influxdb\"",19:57
gun1x  "reason": "ServiceUnavailable",19:57
gun1x  "code": 50319:57
gun1xi am confused how this failed. it is recommended by kubernetes and it is promoted on the ubuntu website.19:57
jose-phillipsexist a way20:27
jose-phillipsto allow perform changes inside of the container?20:27
jose-phillipsand dont get deleted after reboot20:27
stokachugun1x: think you need to run kubectl proxy20:30
stokachugun1x: before accing those addons20:30
gun1xstokachu: from what i see kubectl proxy is working. is there any command to prove this ?20:31
stokachugun1x: not sure unfortunately20:32
stokachuryebot: ^20:32
stokachugun1x: trying to get you some additional resources20:33
stokachuCynerva: gun1x having trouble getting to grafana and other addons after running kubectl proxy20:34
gun1xyep, that's it. but the kubernates dashboard works20:35
gun1xand it's behind the same proxy20:35
stokachuso just grafana then?20:35
Cynervado metrics appear in the dashboard? that's where i'm used to looking for them20:35
Cynervanever tried hitting the services directly20:36
gun1xCynerva: you mean grafana metric in the kubernates dashboard?20:36
Cynervagun1x: pod metrics and such that come from heapster20:38
gun1xCynerva: under workloads/pods within kubernetes-dashboard i get the following fields when clicking on a pod: details, containers, conditions, created by20:40
gun1xthe pod list has name, anmespace, node,s tatus, retstards, age20:40
gun1xif something else is supposed to be here, i don't know20:41
gun1xi will try to destroy this deployment and do conjure-up again, but this time with calico instead of flanel20:41
Cynervagun1x: hard to describe but it's usually pretty prominent, graphs and such on the pod overview, so they're probably missing20:42
gun1xyea, no graphs here20:42
Cynervagun1x: if you haven't redeployed already, can you check `kubectl get po --all-namespaces` and make sure there's a influxdb-grafana-* pod and that it's in a Running state?20:45
Cynervai've got a deployment coming up so i can get familiar with how it works again xD20:46
gun1xCynerva: https://bpaste.net/show/9f1b4091fe3b20:46
Cynervaokay, that looks normal20:49
knobbymaybe check the logs from the pods?20:54
gun1xknobby: lol Can't access the Grafana dashboard. Error: Get http://admin:admin@localhost:3000/api/org: dial tcp: i/o timeout. Retrying after 5 seconds...20:55
gun1xthat is not the password20:56
gun1xhowever this log has no timestamp20:56
gun1xnvm found timestamp button20:56
gun1xknobby:  logs are from 2017-12-04T20:55:21.375298866Z ... not it's 22:57, 2 hours later20:57
knobbyI meant for the pod itself: kubectl logs monitoring-influxdb-grafana-v4-hmt8j for example20:58
gun1xknobby:  those are logs from the pod :)20:58
knobbyso the logs just say "Error: Get ..."?20:59
knobbygun1x, ^21:02
gun1xwait a sec, i need to google commands because kubectl has no autocompletion21:03
gun1xknobby: https://bpaste.net/show/0775416c87b321:05
gun1xthis is really confusing. i have no ideea why it still tries with admin:admin21:05
gun1xi tried from another browser and i get 2017-12-04T21:06:40.259719634Z t=2017-12-04T21:06:40+0000 lvl=info msg="Request Completed" logger=context userId=0 orgId=1 uname= method=GET path=/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/kube-system/services/monitoring-grafana/public/img/fav32.png status=404 remote_addr= time_ms=2ns size=2321:07
gun1xbut still {{alert.title}}21:07
gun1xwithout any grafana content21:07
gun1xmaybe it's redirecting badly and i don't get some of the javascript or css content21:09
knobbygun1x: my logs for my cluster show the same admin:admin error, but futher down say "connected to the Grafana dashboard."21:09
gun1xi will create a pod with novnc inside the deployment, maybe that works21:09
knobbygun1x: is your influxdb log ok? mine is full of 204's21:10
gun1xknobby: you mean this?21:11
gun1x2017-12-04T21:11:05.087279702Z [httpd] - root [04/Dec/2017:21:11:05 +0000] "POST /write?consistency=&db=k8s&precision=&rp=default HTTP/1.1" 204 0 "-" "heapster/v1.4.3" a3b1eb77-d937-11e7-8190-000000000000 20321:11
knobbysame as mine21:11
gun1xyou just did a VM with ubuntu 16.04 and did conjure-up ?21:12
knobbygun1x: bare metal and MaaS, but yes21:15
Cynervagun1x: okay, i get the same results you do when i try to hit the services via kubectl proxy - 404 from heapster, weird {{alert.title}} page from grafana, no endpoint found for influxdb21:17
Cynervafor grafana, this bit from the browser console is fun: Loading failed for the <script> with source "http://localhost:8001/api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/services/monitoring-grafana/proxy/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/kube-system/services/monitoring-grafana/public/app/boot.85c49108.js".21:20
gun1xCynerva: ...21:22
Cynervagun1x: i'm able to get metrics from heapster at least, with a little url exploration - can you try something like http://localhost:8001/api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/services/heapster/proxy/api/v1/model/metrics/ ?21:26
gun1xCynerva: i will try to deploy this manually without juju21:26
gun1xor with another solution, maybe openshift, i don't know21:26

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