
tsimonq2wxl[m]: Fixed lubuntu-devel-notifications03:16
=== micahg_ is now known as micahg
lubot<VikingRedwolf> You hear that, wxl? 😉09:14
lubot<Brokera> @VikingRedwolf, please give a reference for modeling the mirrors for synaptic09:37
lubot<VikingRedwolf> https://lifehacker.com/5780680/speed-up-ubuntu-downloads-and-updates-by-changing-your-download-server09:39
lubot<Brokera> thank you10:30
lubotLeandro Ramos was removed by: Leandro Ramos17:08
lubot<VikingRedwolf> @Leandro Ramos, 😢17:09
lynoriantsimonq2,  sorry for disappering do you know about why the lubuntu-next isntallers defaults to lxgames19:20
lynorianalso wxl I see you assigned yourself inv estigating why xfs does not work on root19:23
lynorianhave you checked the manifests that the tools to create xfs is on the manifest ?19:24
lubot<tsimonq2> @lynorian, I assigned him that :P19:26
wxllynorian: well tsimonq2 assigned it to me but i don't normally work with xfs, so if you want to make it yours, by all means, do it!19:26
lubot<tsimonq2> @lynorian, And it's all good ;)19:27
lubot<tsimonq2> Life happens.19:27
lynorian_nextwhy did I forget if I want to report installer bugs to do it before I hit restart if we don't have one for not showing the icon to install or anyway short of launching ubiquity on the command line20:08
lubotBrokera was removed by: Brokera21:37

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