
swift110hey all00:26
qwererfrrthyty Should I write here https://ubuntu-mate.community/ or irc? It's simpler irc, but I need to find someplace more visible. I don't know English and will be a video file.02:05
=== justdave_ is now known as PlainDave
nemohdaugherty: /msg alis help03:29
=== micahg_ is now known as micahg
qwererfrrthytyThis behavior is shown by the example virtual machine Host Windows 32, Guest Ubuntu Mate 17.10 64 btrfs. I think, but not sure, when there is not enough memory, I get the unresponsive operating system. I get this behavior on a real the same computer Ubuntu Mate 17.10 64 btrfs (memory 4Gb). More than 10 minutes I'm not waiting - I turn off the power to the computer (restarting PC). This behavior I see and lubuntu 17.10 in04:08
qwererfrrthytyvirtual machine. It is bad that memory is not freed from the memory used, but it continues to be written to the paging file. Most of the memory used the browser. When the Guest freezes I can see how intensively the HDD begins to read in Host. This information needs to be retested on an average PC (not the fastest computer) with no SSD like mine. https://www.dropbox.com/s/clhe4v15m8pq2f9/Untitled%202017-12-02%2005-51-29_Xv04:08
qwererfrrthytyguest mem 204804:13
qwererfrrthytynot paging file in Guest. I use swap  linux partition in Guest.04:16
qwererfrrthytyand real pc swap partition04:16
qwererfrrthytyif need download file, video is displayed in the browser to dropbox the player in a worse quality than on the PC in the player, but not alwas04:44
qwererfrrthytyif need, download file, video is displayed in the browser to dropbox the player in a worse quality than on the PC in the player, but not alwas04:46
qwererfrrthytyi use zram05:19
=== md is now known as Guest28561
stontyR there any Chinese in it?10:23
Some_Other_Guyi boot up today and i got this message saying something along the lines of "your system has a problem", giving 2 options: cancel, or report problem11:45
Some_Other_Guymay i know what the problem is? lol11:45
alkisgSome_Other_Guy: when programs crash, you see that dialog, and you have an option to report it if you want12:00
alkisgClicking Report will tell you the details12:00
Some_Other_Guyalkisg, ah, i assumed reporting the problem was to the developers12:01
alkisgNo no that's for users12:01
=== led_ir23 is now known as led_ir22
zprocIs it ok to ask about Mate 16.04.2 for RPi 3 here? i wonder if i can have the wifi connected at boot, instead of it connecting at login... Can i do something like provide a wpa_supplicant conf file... and... ?23:02
zproc"at login" -> i mean" when logging in with lightdm23:03
zprocThere's a network manager i should tell to not do its job also i guess if i configure directly wpa_supplicant?23:04
ali1234you can configure that through the gui23:20
ali1234log in, open the wifi settings, somewhere you should find a setting that says "allow other users to use this connection"23:21
ali1234enable it, and it will connect at boot time23:21
ali1234it's in the general tab and it's "all users may connect to this network"23:21
ali1234zproc: ^23:21
ali1234that should work on any ubuntu system, rpi or PC does not matter23:23
zprocali1234 oh, ok cool i'm going to take a look i didn't know, thank you23:40
zprocok found the option, i will test :)23:42

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