
=== maclin1 is now known as maclin
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meetingologyMeeting started Mon Dec  4 16:42:35 2017 UTC.  The chair is tyhicks. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.16:42
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick16:42
tyhicksThe meeting agenda can be found at:16:42
tyhicks[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/Meeting16:42
tyhicks[TOPIC] Weekly stand-up report16:42
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Weekly stand-up report
tyhicksjdstrand: you're up16:42
jdstrandThis week I'm primarily focusing on things for 2.30:16:44
jdstrand* finish review-tools resquashfs tests16:44
jdstrand* investigate/implement proper fix for hotplugged devices not being added to device cgroup (mir input forum issue)16:44
jdstrand* policy updates PR for 2.3016:45
jdstrand* pickup the ssh/gpg interfaces PR16:45
jdstrand* snapd 2.30 PR reviews16:45
jdstrand* investigate biometrics observe interface16:45
jdstrand* implement screen-lock interface16:45
jdstrand* non-2.30 PR reviews as have time (eg, layouts, xdg-settings)16:45
jdstrandthat's it from me16:45
jdstrandmdeslaur: you're up16:45
mdeslaurI'm in the happy place this week16:45
mdeslaurI just published an evince update16:45
mdeslaurand I have a couple more to test16:45
mdeslaurI also want to work on ubuntu-support-status this week16:45
mdeslaurand I'm off on friday16:45
mdeslaurthat's it for me, sbeattie?16:45
sbeattieI'm in the happy place16:46
sbeattieI'm still researching cve triage process for snaps16:46
sbeattieI have some upstream apparmor tasks I need to get to16:46
sbeattieI am also monitoring kernel cves/respins16:47
sbeattieand I have a couple of other random issues on my plate16:47
sbeattiethat's it for me; tyhicks, over to you.16:47
tyhicks   * weekly role: happy place16:47
tyhicks   * embargoed issues16:47
tyhicks   * squashfs reproduceability16:47
tyhicks   * nudge a number of things along:16:47
tyhicks    * snapd seccomp logging PR16:47
tyhicks    * libseccomp Xenial SRU16:48
tyhicks    * audit SRUs16:48
tyhicks    * libseccomp-golang upstream PR16:48
tyhicksjjohansen: you're up16:48
jjohansenI am working on making apparmor mount mediation work with the mount code rework16:48
jjohansenI will also being doing a 4.14 kernel for the kernel team16:49
jjohansenand maybe I can get some work done on updating the backport kernels16:49
jjohansenand I suppose there are several bugs to look at but I don't have any bug numbers of particular ones16:50
jjohansensarnold: you are up16:50
sarnoldI'm on bug triage this week16:51
sarnoldand doing some embargoed work16:51
sarnoldwith libteam MIR after that, if there's time16:51
sarnoldthat's it for me, chrisccoulson?16:52
chrisccoulsonI need to finish up rust 1.22 updates this week. There are currently 3 separate failures I need to investigate, and one of these looks like it might be the "rust builds fail randomly in launchpad" issue I had last time16:52
chrisccoulsonwhich I worked around by continually hitting retry until it built16:53
chrisccoulsonI've got an embargoed update to prepare16:53
chrisccoulsonI should be able to look at this apparmor / audit work this week16:54
chrisccoulsonthat's me done16:54
ratliffI'm on community this week16:54
ratliffOther than that I am still working on two internal assignments and an embargoed issue.16:54
ratliffon to you, leosilva16:54
leosilvaI'm on CVE-triage this week.16:54
leosilvaI just published curl for precise16:55
leosilvaI'll do my normal hunting too and some research.16:55
leosilvathat's it for me. tyhicks it's back to you!16:55
tyhicks[TOPIC] Highlighted packages16:56
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Highlighted packages
tyhicksThe Ubuntu Security team will highlight some community-supported packages that might be good candidates for updating and or triaging. If you would like to help Ubuntu and not sure where to start, this is a great way to do so.16:56
tyhicksSee https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/UpdateProcedures for details and if you have any questions, feel free to ask in #ubuntu-security. To find out other ways of helping out, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/GettingInvolved.16:56
tyhicks[TOPIC] Miscellaneous and Questions16:56
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Miscellaneous and Questions
tyhicksDoes anyone have any other questions or items to discuss?16:56
tyhicksjdstrand, mdeslaur, sbeattie, jjohansen, sarnold, ChrisCoulson, ratliff, leosilva: Thanks!16:57
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Mon Dec  4 16:57:30 2017 UTC.16:57
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2017/ubuntu-meeting.2017-12-04-16.42.moin.txt16:57
ratliffthank you, tyhicks!16:57
leosilvathanks tyhicks!16:57
mdeslaurthanks tyhicks!16:57
jjohansenthanks tyhicks16:57
sarnoldthanks tyhicks16:58
sbeattietyhicks: thanks!16:59
jdstrandtyhicks: thanks! :)17:03
handsome_fengHi, Is it time for meeting?19:01
rbasakYes. Who's here?19:01
bdmurrayI am here19:01
sil2100Who's chairing today?19:04
sil2100Should I?19:04
rbasak#startmeeting Developer Membership Board19:05
meetingologyMeeting started Mon Dec  4 19:05:11 2017 UTC.  The chair is rbasak. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.19:05
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick19:05
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | Developer Membership Board Meeting | Current topic:
* rbasak volunteers19:05
sil2100rbasak: \o/19:05
rbasak#topic Review of previous action items19:05
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | Developer Membership Board Meeting | Current topic: Review of previous action items
rbasakjbicha to send out announcement email (done)19:05
rbasakrbasak to handle ACL for osomon's chromium-browser upload rights (done)19:05
rbasak#info All previous action items complete19:05
rbasak#topic Package Set/Per Package Uploader Applications19:06
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | Developer Membership Board Meeting | Current topic: Package Set/Per Package Uploader Applications
rbasak#subtopic handsome_feng for some Kylin/UKUI related PPU19:06
rbasakhandsome_feng: hello! Could you start by introducing yourself please?19:06
handsome_fengSure, hello,everyone, I'm handsome_feng, I've been an member of ubuntu kylin for more than 3 years, my main duties these days are the maintenance of UKUI and other kylin packages, my PPU application is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/handsome_feng/DeveloperApplication-PPU, and sorry for my poor english,  I may reply you a bit slowly. Thanks! :)19:06
rbasak#link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/handsome_feng/DeveloperApplication-PPU19:07
rbasakQuestions for handsome_feng?19:08
micahg_workhandsome_feng, I noticed that https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ukui-screensaver/1.0.3-0ubuntu1 was prepared before UI freeze and uploaded afterwards, can you explain how Ubuntu Kylin treats UI freeze and if this was an exception?19:09
jbichahappyaron: I'm curious whether you're present for the application19:09
happyaronyes I'm here19:09
handsome_fengmicahg_work: Yes, I understand the UI freeze: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserInterfaceFreeze, and this is aan exception, since I didn't find a sponner before the UI freeze. And I'm sorry for that. I will prepared the packages more early!19:12
bdmurrayhandsome_feng: Have you uploaded any stable release updates?19:13
handsome_fengbdmurray: No, I understand the SRU prosess: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates, and because the formar version of ubuntu kylin only add some packages on Ubuntu such as youker-assistant, indicator-china-weather and so on, It didn't need an SRU.19:14
jbichahandsome_feng: where do you find sponsors?19:14
handsome_fengjbicha: I usually email to happyaron, and if not , I will fill a bug with the tag and subscribe the sponner team19:17
* rbasak has a couple of questions if the others are done19:18
jbichahandsome_feng: ok, I encourage you to go ahead and file the bug right away especially when getting close to Ubuntu release deadlines19:18
jbichasomeone else may sponsor it from the queue before Aron gets around to it19:18
jbichahandsome_feng: do you know anything about becoming a Debian Maintainer? is that something you intend to apply for?19:19
handsome_fengjbicha: I have read the https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/maint-guide/, and yes, I want to be that. :)19:20
handsome_fengI want to apply the upload right for ukui packages19:21
jbichathanks, I understand. I think Aron can help you later with the process to become a Debian Maintainer19:21
handsome_fengjbicha: Thanks, and I will try to learn more.19:22
rbasakhandsome_feng: I believe that if I install ukui-screensaver, that will also install ubuntukylin-default-settings because ukui-screensaver depends on ukui-session-manager. Is this correct?19:24
rbasakSince ubuntukylin-default-settings changes the default Firefox search engine, I find this result surprising. I wouldn't expect to install a screensaver package and have my search engine change as a consequence.19:25
rbasakDo you have any opinion on this?19:26
handsome_fengOur parter request this, and I think we can delete this, or make it suguessed.19:27
handsome_fengSorry for that19:28
rbasakDon't worry, I don't expect the packages to be bug free.19:28
rbasakI'm asking because I'd like to understand your own understanding of the packages for which you're requesting PPU.19:29
rbasakIf you wanted to fix this, how would you change the dependencies?19:29
handsome_fengmove the ubuntukylin-default-settings from depends to suggest, or just delete it19:31
rbasakOK, thank you. That answers my first question.19:31
rbasakBTW, the reason I came across this was https://askubuntu.com/questions/970219/123-sogou-com-trojan-horse-in-ukui-screensaver/970220#97022019:32
rbasakMy second question: can you give me an example of something you may need to check and fix after you make an upload?19:33
handsome_fengrbasak, I will answer that, There is an other way.19:33
handsome_feng verify that the package builds fine in -proposed, test out of -proposed and monitor autopkgtest runs19:36
rbasakOK thank you19:36
rbasakI don't have any more questions.19:36
rbasakAny further questions from anyone else?19:37
bdmurrayNot from me19:37
cyphermoxNo questions19:37
rbasaksil2100, jbicha: any further questions?19:38
sil2100I'm good19:38
jbichajust a moment…19:39
flexiondotorgUKUI is base on MATE. I worked with handsome_feng when UKUI was originally uploaded.19:40
cyphermoxhandsome_feng: you're not asking for kylin-greeter?19:40
handsome_fengYes, I think this time I already apply too much19:41
flexiondotorgHe understands the relationship between the compoents well and I'd be happy to see him have upload rights for UKUI so they aren't beholden to seeking sponsorship.19:41
rbasakThanks flexiondotorg! That's helpful19:42
handsome_fengflexiondotorg: Thanks !19:42
flexiondotorgThanks to jbicha for letting me know this discussion was taking place :-)19:42
rbasakjbicha, cyphermox: anything further?19:43
jbichacan I have a few more minutes? I'm still thinking and looking into uploads19:43
jbichasorry for the delay19:43
jbicharbasak: ok, I'm ready now19:48
JackYuHi,  everyone, I'm Jack Yu from Ubuntu Kylin team. I'd like to support he have uploads rights for UKUI:).19:48
rbasakjbicha: ready to vote? Or ask a question? :)19:49
jbicharbasak: I'm done asking questions :)19:49
rbasakJackYu: thanks19:49
rbasak#vote Grant handsome_feng PPU to ukui-menu, ukui-indicators, ukui-control-center, ukui-session-manager, ukui-screensaver, peony, ukui-desktop-environment19:49
meetingologyPlease vote on: Grant handsome_feng PPU to ukui-menu, ukui-indicators, ukui-control-center, ukui-session-manager, ukui-screensaver, peony, ukui-desktop-environment19:49
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)19:49
jbichaI hate voting no, but I would like to see you do some SRUs first and it doesn't look to me like the need for sponsorship is holding Ubuntu Kylin back much yet19:51
jbichaI encourage you to use other sponsors besides Aron, especially for the SRUs to have more variety19:52
handsome_fengThank jbicha, I will.19:52
jbicha-1 please re-apply after doing some SRUs19:53
meetingology-1 please re-apply after doing some SRUs received from jbicha19:53
meetingology+1 received from cyphermox19:54
sil2100+1, I would like to see some more SRUs as well, but currently I see no blockers in knowledge or skill19:54
meetingology+1, I would like to see some more SRUs as well, but currently I see no blockers in knowledge or skill received from sil210019:54
bdmurray+1 as SRUs would get reviewed by the SRU team anyway19:55
meetingology+1 as SRUs would get reviewed by the SRU team anyway received from bdmurray19:55
rbasak+1 I consider happyaron's endorsement to be the key decider, given he has been handsome_feng's primary sponsor.19:55
meetingology+1 I consider happyaron's endorsement to be the key decider, given he has been handsome_feng's primary sponsor. received from rbasak19:55
rbasakI believe micahg had to step away.19:55
rbasakThat's everyone I think?19:56
meetingologyVoting ended on: Grant handsome_feng PPU to ukui-menu, ukui-indicators, ukui-control-center, ukui-session-manager, ukui-screensaver, peony, ukui-desktop-environment19:56
meetingologyVotes for:4 Votes against:1 Abstentions:019:56
meetingologyMotion carried19:56
rbasakhandsome_feng: congratulations!19:56
rbasakAnd thank you for your continued contributions, of course.19:56
happyaroncongrats handsome_feng19:56
jbichahandsome_feng: thank you and keep up the good work!19:56
JackYuthanks, every one!19:57
handsome_fengThank you all \o/19:57
ypwonghandsome_feng, congrats19:57
rbasakAny volunteers to follow the successful application checklist?19:57
maclinthanks, every one!19:57
rbasak#action rbasak to arrange handsome_feng's PPU changes19:58
meetingologyACTION: rbasak to arrange handsome_feng's PPU changes19:58
rbasak#action rbasak to announce handsome_feng successful application19:58
meetingologyACTION: rbasak to announce handsome_feng successful application19:58
rbasak#info handsome_feng's application was successful19:58
rbasak#topic Outstanding mailing list requests to assign19:58
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | Developer Membership Board Meeting | Current topic: Outstanding mailing list requests to assign
rbasak"Please add new MATE applications to my MATE package set"19:59
rbasakflexiondotorg: is this still outstanding?19:59
rbasakLet's move on for now20:00
rbasak#info Carried forward20:00
rbasak#topic Any other business20:01
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | Developer Membership Board Meeting | Current topic: Any other business
rbasak#subtopic Regenerate packagesets and create one for Ubuntu Budgie20:01
rbasakRegeneration would cover the MATE request I think?20:01
jbichacyphermox: ^20:01
cyphermoxblocked on TB creating the Budgie packageset; otherwise I'd need to move some more code around in the packageset generation20:03
cyphermoxwe might as well really do it right once.20:03
rbasakOK, thanks.20:04
rbasakDoes that cover flexiondotorg's request also?20:04
jbichacyphermox: I guess we might as well make a Kylin packageset too at the same time?20:04
rbasakIt already is one; I checked.20:04
jbichaoh I see http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/packagesets/bionic/ubuntukylin20:05
cyphermoxrbasak: it will cover flexiondotorg's request too20:07
sil2100Are we done?20:25
sil2100I guess we need to do endmeeting :)20:25
rbasakLet's end the meeting20:26
rbasakAssuming there are no objections to 18 December for the next meeting.20:26
rbasakIf there are objections, please raise it on the list.20:26
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Mon Dec  4 20:26:51 2017 UTC.20:26
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2017/ubuntu-meeting.2017-12-04-19.05.moin.txt20:26
sil2100rbasak: thanks for chairing!20:37

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