
=== kennyloggins is now known as bujeremy
SuperMattgood morning07:56
MooDoohowdy all07:58
MooDoohow are you SuperMatt ?07:58
SuperMattfine thanks, had a lovely weekend07:58
MooDooexcellent :)07:59
MooDooyeah not too bad, just recently moved so clearing out boxes lol08:00
SuperMattI have no plans of moving for a vert long time08:01
SuperMattI've been living in my place for 2 years now, and it's the longest I've lived in a single place since moving out of my parent's home08:02
MooDoogone from a 2 bed to a 3 bed and it's a lot better for us all08:02
SuperMattI think if/when the wife and I have a kid, I'm going for the procedure to make sure I can't have another08:31
MooDooSuperMatt: i did that in jan08:33
=== awayney is now known as Laney
diploMorning all09:33
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.09:50
zmoylan-pimorning mammals09:53
ali1234how does get-iplayer still work...?11:25
brobostigonthe gathering.11:48
m0nkey_I think I'll fix the Apple root bug today and install Ubuntu on it :)  I'd go with FreeBSD, but the WiFi is not recognised.12:05
brobostigonwhat about openbsd?12:09
m0nkey_Wifi still not recognised12:10
brobostigoni bet it uses a closed fw blob then.12:11
m0nkey_Yeah, some broadcom thing12:12
brobostigonoh dear.12:12
brobostigonhttp://firmware.openbsd.org/firmware/6.2/ bwi fw for boradcom wifi, install using fw_update12:14
m0nkey_Does the FW also cover the bluetooth?12:15
m0nkey_Because I'm willing to give OpenBSD a go if things will work :)12:16
brobostigonbluetooth more or less doesnt work in openbsd, never has properly.12:17
daftykinstech best ignored :)13:10
zmoylan-pistick with irda :-)13:11
daftykinsignore all wireless!13:12
zmoylan-pii send info between devices using qr codes... technically that's wireless... :-)13:12
daftykinswoohoo window guys have been for the last time, so it's just my painting left to do - and the day is wet so i can't do any on the outside, what a shame!13:13
* diddledan peeks-in through daftykins new windows18:49
diddledandaftykins: use linux!18:49
daftykinsi'll need more than a kernel to paint these, sir19:11
* zmoylan-pi positions the orbital space laser and waits till daftykins gets amazon key so i can have big box of corn kernels delivered... :-)19:47
zmoylan-piit may not be original but it is a classic....19:52
NokajiI have a slighlty non-functional qbittorent  no SEARCH results), just noticed it is v3.3.1 which puts it Dec2015, latest is Dec2017 v4.0.2 - wondering how to fix and whether a more recent version, if available would help?20:04
daftykinswhat are you expecting to search?20:05
NokajiI have green icon for ONLINE, d/l's torrents fine, have set it up in firewall and router20:05
Nokajiit has a torrent searchh facility so should return a result for any available torrent ... just tried "beatles" as I recall that being a high return20:06
daftykinssounds a bit too piracy related for here.20:06
NokajiI don't want beatles anything, just a functioning SEARCH20:06
Nokajitorrents are perfectly legit20:08
Nokajitorrent /= piracy20:08
daftykinsof course, but when you come in here saying you're searching for torrents of the Beatles, then it clearly is piracy20:09
NokajiI downloaded a sample debian at 1,000 thingies20:09
daftykinsat least have the nerve to admit what you're up to, you're not the first20:09
Nokajionly if I d/l aforementioned torrent, which as I don't care for the beatles,am unlikely to do20:09
daftykinsnot much need for search then :)20:09
NokajiI repeat, I'm doing nothing wrong20:09
Nokajiif there were no need then I wouldn't be asking, would I?20:10
daftykinsusers don't often apply logic to many actions, so you'd be surprised20:10
Nokajiand nobody would build a search function20:10
daftykinsfor example running outdated software and wondering if it should be current20:10
daftykinstotally moot, you could find torrents for Linux distros on the sites of origin20:11
daftykinsnow, are you going to stop protesting innocence and get on with it? :)20:11
Nokajino idea what you are talking about - you are the one being falsely accusatory20:12
diddledanhave you considered that your ISP might have the torrent search engine on it's blacklist?20:12
diddledantry visiting the engine directly20:12
m0nkey_VPNs people. VPNS!20:12
Nokajiif you want to call ubuntu a piracy o/s then feel free cuz I got it form their repositries20:12
m0nkey_And no, diddledan. Not V PeNiS.20:13
diddledanwow, I hadn't even thought of that one!20:13
diddledanimpressive! :-p20:13
daftykinsNokaji: you're being absolutely ridiculous, im saying you searched for copyright infringing material which you did, now you're getting all sensitive about it :) calm down now, it's getting boring - it's your actions, not the app or the distro20:13
m0nkey_Call it a preemptive strike.20:13
Nokajididdledan: didn't cnsdier that, I rcall it malfunctioned some point when I upgraded ubuntu but I could check - if i figure out how20:13
daftykinsnow, running current versions when online is wise, that much should be obvious20:13
daftykinstry and get back on track now :)20:14
diddledanI pirated Ubuntu the other day20:14
Nokajidaftykins: au contraire, you are being your usual ridiculos self which is why typically I ignore any response from you20:14
daftykinsdiddledan: you fiend20:14
daftykinsNokaji: nothing ridiculous about it at all, just you got yourself sidetracked instead of focussing on the task at hand - you sir, are an utter idiot as usual20:15
diddledanthe problem is I misspent friend and so the dictionary told me I had to be evil20:15
daftykinsnormally it's teenagers coming on defending their pirating ways20:15
daftykinsdiddledan: that's a bit typo20:16
Nokajidaftykins: you are as clueless as usual20:16
daftykinsi know how to keep qbittorrent up to date :) that seems to be the order of the day20:16
Nokajidaftykins: do me a favour and put me on ignore so i don't have to be bothered by your senseless and accusatory replies all the time20:16
daftykinswhy don't you skip along to the support channel now20:16
diddledanclueless is unlikely to be available on torrents, it was a bad movie20:16
daftykinswow that must have been 80s? 90s?20:17
daftykinsNokaji: works both ways my idiotic friend, if you have a problem with me, why don't you make use of ignore?20:17
daftykinsmethinks you doth protest too much20:17
Nokajidaftykins: you are easily the most miserable person in channel - I guess that is your own reward20:17
* diddledan ignores the pair of ya.20:17
diddledanhow can he be miserable, he has a pussy on his lap!20:18
diddledanhere kitty kittyt20:18
Nokajia cat no doubt - I'm not surprised20:18
daftykinsbit strange to assume someones mood20:18
Nokajidaftykins: STFIU20:19
* diddledan cuddles kitty20:19
daftykinsnow now, you're not very family friendly with such talk20:19
daftykinswhat's the 'I' in that sentence?20:19
daftykinsnew one on me (:20:19
Nokajiconsider yourself ignored20:19
Nokajiargue with yourself - moron20:19
daftykinsso have you worked out which ubuntu version you're on yet? or are we still hung up on eyepatch wearing...20:19
diddledanshut the front ingress upening20:20
diddledanit's misspelt20:20
diddledanshould be STFIO20:20
diddledanyarrr. but me eyepatch be mighty20:21
diddledanuntil I put it on the wrong eye and think I'm blind20:21
diddledanof course upening might be a northerner variant of an opening20:22
daftykinsif i could do an umlaut i'd suggest that variant, too20:22
diddledanthat's r-alt + shift + [ followed by u20:24
diddledanr-alt + [20:24
diddledanon bumtoo20:24
Nokaji.. I'd much rather find out stuff myself than talk to that idiot20:27
diddledanI'll get my coat20:27
Nokajiin faxct I'd rather not find out20:27
NokajiHa! - Seems I'm well on the way to fixing it already20:37
daftykinsamazing what a search engine can do20:41
diddledanpopey: flexiondotorg: if either of you are about: https://github.com/snapcrafters/corebird/pull/1920:46
zmoylan-pii know i always bing for information first :-P20:46
diddledanzmoylan-pi: you google with bing?!20:47
zmoylan-pino no, i yahoo with bing20:47
zmoylan-pii used to ask jeeves with alta vista but that was just crazy20:47
zleapi remember altavista20:47
zleapback in the 90's20:48
zmoylan-pifor me it was yahoo -> alltheweb -> google20:48
zmoylan-picurrently on duckduckgp20:51
diddledanok. should I go with kvm or virtualbox? I really want the ability for the system to start VMs at bootup so I'm thinking kvm would be best?21:39
diddledanI do wanna run Windows tho21:39
daftykinsas a guest?21:40
daftykinswhich machine is this?21:42
diddledanmy main desktop21:43
daftykinsoh yeah didn't you have an i7-6700 too?21:44
diddledanthat one21:45
m0nkey_diddledan: Both can do it21:52
m0nkey_I think Vbox ships with a rc script to suspend/resume VMs21:52
m0nkey_Or if you're using libvirtd, just set the VM to boot at start using virsh.21:52
m0nkey_libvirtd supports both vbox and kvm21:53
diddledanaah nice21:53
diddledanI didn't know libvirt supported vbox21:53
popeydiddledan: done, after flailing around in github23:58

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