
cmaloneyhow's the day so far?13:58
jrwrenjust getting started.  Good morning.13:59
jrwrenHow about with you, cmaloney ?13:59
cmaloneyGetting started as well13:59
cmaloneyjust ate breakfast and am awaiting coffee13:59
* rick_h agrees coffee is a good idea13:59
jrwrenwhat was for breakfast?13:59
cmaloneydebating on whether or not to go to the doc for a sinus thing that has been going on over a week14:00
cmaloneywhich gets better during the day and then gets worse at night14:00
brouschcmaloney: Did you see https://dadabots.bandcamp.com/album/coditany-of-timeness ?14:06
cmaloneyThey claim no copyright / fair use on it, but I'm not sure I agree with that assessment14:20
brouschI just found the concept interesting: black metal generated by AI14:21
cmaloneyYeah, that's more thought than some bands put into it for sure14:21
cmaloney"chang chang chang chang chang chang chang chang chang chang chang chang chang chang chang chang"14:22
cmaloneyrick_h: http://www.californiatypewriter.com/shop/white-olympia-sm-317:18
cmaloneyYou don't need this. :)17:18
rick_hcmaloney: what kind of enabler are you :p17:19
cmaloneyNow, if it was a VT101 terminal...17:20
rick_hTom Hanks in the show is great.17:21
rick_hSeeing him geek out was so much fun17:21
cmaloneyIs there an actual show about typewriters?17:22
* cmaloney isn't culturally savvy anymore17:22
rick_hcmaloney: there's the documentary I mentioned called California typewriter I watched17:23
rick_hThat was what I was talking about in the Twitter post17:23
cmaloneyAh, OK.17:23
cmaloneyI figured there was some form of connection17:24
cmaloneyand yes, I think the typewriter is an wesome no-frills writing device17:24
cmaloneybut damn17:24
cmaloneyIf you really want a nice single-tasker get Atari Writer. ;)17:24
brouschI brought a typewriter to college with me. Used it a lot before I learned how to computer and print17:26
cmaloneyAs soon as I had a printer and AtariWriter I was pretty much spoiled for anything that wasn't a wordprocessor17:27
cmaloneywrite it by hand? Screw that.17:27
brouschI still like to write by hand, but not typewriter.17:28
rick_hYea but I love my fountain pens. I want less screens not more.17:28
cmaloneyYeah, I like writing with pens too17:30
brouschI prefer pencils17:30
cmaloneyYeah, I like mechanical pencils17:31
brouschpens are messy and slow17:31
brouschand hard to erase17:31
=== JonathanS is now known as JonathanD
=== JonathanD is now known as JonathanS
greg-gSo, I bought Rowan a hobby quality level RC truck for xmas (er, it's from Santa). ECX brand. It came today and I'm so excited I can't wait until xmas. :)22:58
greg-git's on the slower side (25 mph instead of 30+) but it has a higher clearance than other 1/18th scale ones (and i didn't want to spend the money to go up to the 1/10th scale ones)22:59
jrwrenI thought about getting something liek that for my kiddo for christmas this year, but I don't know if she'd love it or not.23:00
greg-g(continuing thought) and I can upgrade battery/motors for more speed, but harder to upgrade ground clearance23:02
rick_hgreg-g: cool stuff23:17

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