
=== micahg_ is now known as micahg
flocculantbluesabre: just clementine05:21
flocculanttried qmmp, audacious, didn't expect the mpd things to work anyway05:23
flocculantochosi: will turn it on again :)05:26
flocculantochosi: anythng in particular to test there?05:30
bluesabreflocculant: and do those work with indicator-sound12:12
bluesabreflocculant: looks like audacity doesn't support MPRIS playlists12:16
flocculantbluesabre: no idea tbh - never used it18:02
flocculantbluesabre: also audacious and audacity - while slightly confusing namewise - are different things :p18:18
flocculanthttps://i.imgur.com/yXudAnn.png apparently it's on here18:20
flocculantbluesabre: if you want me to do so - I can install and check as many different music players that I can find18:21
tacocatis anyone able/willing to push https://qa.debian.org/cgi-bin/vcswatch?package=lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings to debian? my usual sponsor has been inactive lately18:53
ochosiflocculant: mostly whether the state of the panel icon is always correct19:34
flocculantochosi: ok - added the panel thing - will see what happens (was correct when added - assuming it lists all that's been logged until I cleared the log)19:39
ochosiplus the icon changes if new/unread notifications come about19:40
flocculantok - will see what goes on, currently I am logging blocked apps19:41
flocculantyea - assumed that to be the case19:41
flocculantok - will see what goes on, currently I am logging blocked apps - always19:41
bluesabreflocculant: woops, meant audacious22:52
Unit193flocculant: I'm presuming you aren't around, right?23:13
Unit193bluesabre: Want to pretend to be floc a minute?23:13
bluesabreUnit193: I'm sure I can be flocculant...23:16
bluesabrethe bugs are bad and everywhere23:16
bluesabrewhen are they getting fixed?23:17
bluesabre(I'm sorry flocculant)23:17
Unit193I saw he was a mod on discourse. 0_o23:18
Unit193bluesabre: You've been linked.23:20

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