=== claydoh is now known as Guest91318 === claydoh_ is now known as Guest85275 [01:33] Prototype: What release of Kubuntu are you using, what graphics card, and which drivers for it? [01:34] 17.10, AMD Radeon HD8330, dont know about drivers...command please? [01:36] ok, i got it, Radeon drivers [02:00] lo? === Mrokii_ is now known as Mrokii [04:19] tengo un problema con el audio [04:20] no me reconoce los dispositivos de entrada ni de salida [04:20] nada de lo que pongo a reproducir suena === tania is now known as MrJoHoRisin [07:11] Good morning === martin__ is now known as ripper17 === himcesjf_ is now known as him-cesjf [09:36] what are system requirements for kubuntu 14, 16, 17 respectively? === lucas__ is now known as Truemew [09:49] Hi [11:22] hi [11:33] How do I get my wifi working on a linux kernel newer than 4.8? [11:35] Flame_JRF: helps if you tell us what chipset you use, as well as what Kubuntu release [12:10] Howdy folks [12:13] Hi folks [12:14] I need some software for massive audio conversion. [12:14] ffmpeg [12:14] I need to convert several albums in various file formats (ogg, flac etc) to mp3 to put on a USB key for a Christmas present. [12:15] Thanks hateball. Could you give me a hint on the command line to work on multiple folders at a time ? [12:16] ssab: well you could use a find search and pipe to xargs [12:16] ssab: there is also a rather neat gui app if you like that [12:16] !info soundconverter [12:16] soundconverter (source: soundconverter): GNOME application to convert audio files into other formats. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.0~beta1-2 (artful), package size 101 kB, installed size 797 kB [12:17] Ah, yes I'm gonna look around that. [12:17] ignore that it says GNOME, it works as well under Plasma [12:18] I suppose that isnt recursive tho [12:18] "Discover" the software library app in Kubuntu is quite miserable by the way if I may say. I'm very surprised by its unergonomy. Luckily it's a minor point as most of what one needs is already there and there is also Muon. [12:18] I think that is the general opinion from what I see people saying here :p [12:18] I only use apt, so [12:19] :p [12:20] OK gonna install soundconverter. Thanks ! [12:20] :) [12:20] I think there was another app named soundKonverter by the way, back in time. Can't find it in the repos :) [12:20] probably abandoned by now then [12:21] if I am not mistaken there might be addons to dolphin for doing conversions === iwar is now known as ivar === ivar is now known as iwar === Zaphod is now known as Guest80741 === claydoh is now known as Guest35876 === mva_ is now known as ogmike [18:04] I have Kubuntu 17.10 on my laptop and I want to install Mint Cinnamon to dual boot, yet the Live USB isn't registered in BIOS. I've rewritten the ISO image a few times on my flash drive in different ways, and even had my friend write it on hers just to be safe (she knows way more about this than me), but I can't get BIOS to acknowledge the USB is t [18:04] here, let alone access it. The USB is accessible in the GUI, but that's it. Any ideas? [18:07] Side note: I tried writing it directly to my hard drive by following a tutorial online, and while it did let me start Mint, it error'd out at the same spot both times I tried actually installing it. === claydoh is now known as Guest87466 === claydoh_ is now known as Guest70960 [18:49] what are the minimum system requirements for 17.10 amd64 ? [19:05] !specs [19:05] Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu or !Lubuntu [19:05] r3kz,^ === hc1324 is now known as SimAloo [19:10] BluesKaj: thank you [19:11] r3kz, hope you can install Kubuntu === Guest80741 is now known as Zaphod === Zaphod is now known as Guest7244 [19:26] BluesKaj: I got it installed , 2048 RAM, 16gb hard drive in virtual box [19:35] oh, a vm .. not my cuppa tea [19:58] I'm on macOS so its better for me [19:58] hi all [19:58] where are the minimum system requirements'? :| [19:59] !specs| jk^ [19:59] jk^: Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu or !Lubuntu [19:59] !xubuntu [19:59] Xubuntu is Ubuntu with !Xfce as the desktop environment. More info at https://xubuntu.org/ - To install the Xubuntu environment from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop^ » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !xubuntu-channels [20:00] ok BluesKaj, the problems is that link provides "Reccomendend" ones, not "Minimum" ones... however i'm looking for even for the minimun system requirements of other flavours such as Kubuntu [20:05] jk^, you can rest assured that ecommended is very close to a comfortable experience with the OSs listed including Kubuntu ...minimum require wwill differ according to individual pc hardware which is very difficult to predict unless you try it [20:06] Can u speak easier? [20:06] if the the live media runs the OS then gthat's an indication of how well it will run on a hdd or ssd [20:08] using live media is the best test for your pc [20:10] ok BluesKaj, someone tells me that the usage of os by live CD is not equal to usage of the Os installed on hd, and i guess it's true... because, an os installed on hd it should be faster [20:11] yes that's true but it also tells you that your hadware can handle the OS [20:15] in which way? [20:15] have to do a test after booting by live cd? [20:15] or better "Live DVD" [20:15] cd is too small [20:16] most OS iso images a re too large for cd, they need a dvd [21:00] i'm here again [21:02] i just need a page like that [21:02] https://xubuntu.org/requirements/ [21:02] does anyone like that exist even for kubuntu? [21:02] i can't find it [21:04] Well I don't think we have a page like that on our website [21:04] But I'll get that fixed [21:04] so [21:04] Meanwhile, you need at least 9.6Gb of HDD, Minimum 512Gb RAM, but really you need 1Gb [21:04] how to know if kubuntu run on my pc? [21:05] You CPU must have pae [21:05] Put the live DVD or USB in and boot it [21:05] If it boots you to a desktop then it'll run when you install it [21:05] The live and install both use the same Linux Kernel [21:11] IrcsomeBot, Sick_Rimmit, i understand but i have two questions: "Which is the link where are the requirements you said (you need at least 9.6Gb of HDD, Minimum 512Gb RAM, but really you need 1Gb)? And the response of a Operating System is different if it's installed on hd than if it's running from a live dvd... :| [21:13] the response/the velocity: an Operating system installed on hd is faster than the same operating system running on live dvd [21:16] speed, not velocity, excuse for my english