
sergiusensdiddledan every Tuesday, the snap; every 3 weeks the deb00:51
kyrofaUgh, man it gets dark early00:58
kyrofaCanonical needs to buy me a few soft boxes01:09
bdxhey, whats up all01:38
bdxbeating this nginx logging horse to death here01:38
bdxI had great success with getting my logs to syslog via the snap logging proxy01:40
bdxnot sure the technical name for that mechanism01:40
bdxa req came down the line that this application log to a separate file(s) and the logs end up in s301:41
bdxso I had to log to $SNAP_COMMON01:41
bdxwhich works great until I try to setup logrotate01:41
bdxI hit my head on a few things, but ended up getting logrotate in this working/broken state01:42
bdxin short, the issue I seem to be having is that when logrotate goes to swap out the logfile, nginx needs a kick (reload) to start writing to the new logfile01:43
bdxwhich brings me to the (logrotate) postrotate sripts01:44
bdxwhich can be used to send signal or run a bin when your gets rotated and swapped out01:44
bdxso my idea here was to create a wrapper command in my snap to facilitate running the `nginx -s reload` command01:45
bdxhere's whats in my wrapper http://paste.ubuntu.com/26115750/01:49
bdxthe output I'm getting ^01:50
bdxseems like the snap is preventing the process from being restarted01:50
bdxnginx: [alert] kill(17878, 1) failed (1: Operation not permitted)01:50
bdxI should probably write another forum post pertaining to this01:50
bdxpossibly my last one on logging wasn't specific enough01:51
bdxis this making sense?01:51
bdxdo I need to add more context somehow in a more proper write up?01:51
bdxlet me know01:51
bdxthx thx01:51
sergiusenselopio would be great if you could run through snapcraft#1789 and also maybe try and apply your changes, I don't see how they look good when running02:21
mupPR snapcraft#1789: cli: improve the help command <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1789>02:21
mupPR snapcraft#1791 opened: tests: move the python plugin integration tests to a separate suite <Created by elopio> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1791>05:49
mupPR snapcraft#1792 opened: tests: do not hit the network in python unit tests <Created by elopio> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1792>06:25
m4sk1n_https://github.com/m4sk1n/snapcraft/tree/i18n-wip I don't know how should I config ./bin/snapcraft to apply translations…06:46
mborzeckimvo: hey07:01
mvohey mborzecki - good monring07:01
mvomorning even07:01
mborzeckimvo: got a quick question, https://travis-ci.org/snapcore/snapd/builds/311243551?utm_source=github_status&utm_medium=notification any idea why this has failed?07:02
mvomborzecki: yes, I looked at it earlier and restarted because iirc it could not allocate machines, it looked very transient, I don't have the log in front of me unfortunately anymore07:04
mborzeckii'll restart the build then07:05
mborzeckitraving is also having hiccups today, couldn't restart the build07:07
mvomborzecki: it is restarted already, at least when I looked at it ~1min ago :)07:07
mborzeckii clicked 3-4 times, got 'Oh no! .. blah blah'07:08
mborzeckimvo: that arch test that fails, got this from sysctl: kernel.random.entropy_avail = 32, not a good sign07:11
mvomborzecki: heh, yeah07:12
mborzeckii kind of lik the idead that was circled yesterday, just mknod /dev/random c 1 9 and we're done for the tests at least07:12
mvomborzecki: yeah, I think we should just do it, for clarity I would use a symlink (if gpg is happy with that)07:13
mvomborzecki: will you do a PR with that? or shall I do one :) ?07:13
mborzeckioh and `dd=/dev/random of=/dev/null` chokes obvioulsy on that machine07:13
mborzeckii can do it07:13
mvoif anyone has a fedora system at hand, what is the package that contains aa-enforce in fedora?07:14
mvoand apparmor_parser ?07:14
mborzeckimvo: there's no aa in fedora07:30
mupPR snapd#4354 opened: tests/lib: introduce helpers for setting up /dev/random using /dev/urandom in project prepare <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4354>07:39
mborzeckimvo: ^^07:40
zyga-ubu1tuhey hey08:01
mborzeckizyga-ubu1tu: hey08:02
zyga-ubu1tusorry for being absent-ish yesterday, I'll try to make up for that08:02
mborzeckizyga-ubu1tu: need a 2nd review on #4338 if you would be so kind :)08:03
mupPR #4338: config, overlord/snapstate, timeutil: rename ParseSchedule to ParseLegacySchedule <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4338>08:03
zyga-ubu1tumborzecki: yep, looking08:05
mborzeckizyga-ubu1tu: thanks08:06
mupPR snapd#4338 closed: config, overlord/snapstate, timeutil: rename ParseSchedule to ParseLegacySchedule <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4338>08:08
mborzeckimvo: this build timed out https://travis-ci.org/snapcore/snapd/builds/311243551?utm_source=github_status&utm_medium=notification08:09
mborzeckizyga-ubu1tu: while you're doing reviews, would you mind taking a look at #4340 as well?08:13
mupPR #4340: snap: YAML and app validation parts of after/before app startup ordering <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4340>08:13
pstolowskizyga-ubu1tu, hey! can you take another look at #4303 (addressed your previous feedback, and got +1 from Gustavo)08:15
mupPR #4303: interfaces: use ConnectedPlug/ConnectedSlot types (step 1) <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4303>08:15
zyga-ubu1tupstolowski: sure, looking now08:15
pstolowskizyga-ubu1tu, thanks!08:15
zyga-ubu1tupstolowski: that's a biggie :)08:17
pstolowskizyga-ubu1tu, look at the followup... it's fairly mechanical though08:17
zyga-ubu1tubrb, reboot08:22
=== __chip__ is now known as Chipaca
apwi have two differnt python based snaps which are not working if they are rebuilt in a bionic userspace; both exploding when installed and run with:08:41
apw/snap/so-trello/x1/usr/bin/python3: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.25' not found (required by /snap/so-trello/x1/usr/bin/python3)08:41
zyga-ubuntuapw: hey08:42
zyga-ubuntuapw: yo uneed to build them on xenial userspace08:42
zyga-ubuntuapw: I believe kalikiana is aware of the issue08:42
zyga-ubuntumvo: crazy idea: include newer libc in core/08:42
apwhuh, since when did that change08:42
apwi thought the point was that core contained everything you might need08:42
zyga-ubuntuapw: bionic uses newer libc, core ships older libc08:42
apwand if it didn't your snap got all fat08:43
zyga-ubuntuapw: yes, but it doesn't contain your latest libc08:43
apwright, so it should be using the one in the core snap08:43
zyga-ubuntuapw: if by "it" you mean snapcraft then yes08:43
zyga-ubuntuapw: but this is hard to do, use cleanbuild to build in a container08:43
apwzyga-ubuntu, i'll try that then, though it should do that by defualt probabally ...08:45
ikeyhey zyga-ubuntu wanna see somethin' cool? :)08:45
ikey("cool" being at your own interpretation obv.)08:45
zyga-ubuntuikey: sure :)08:49
* zyga-ubuntu was making kitchen tidy enough to make tea08:49
zyga-ubuntusnap store08:50
zyga-ubuntuthank you :)08:50
zyga-ubuntuis that released? can I play?08:50
ikeyits not yet :P08:51
ikeythis is as far as i got yesterday08:51
ikeytoday i shall add more stuff08:51
zyga-ubuntuikey: how is the integration, any pain points? anything missing08:51
mvozyga-ubuntu: why a newer libc?08:51
ikeyzyga-ubuntu, same as before08:51
ikeyno caching of offline usable metadata, meaning many, many roundtrips08:51
zyga-ubuntumvo: because it would be compatible with existing software and it would let people use bionic and artful libs with greater ease08:51
ikeyno cached indexes or proper categories08:51
ikeyno integration with appstream so having to support two visual standards08:52
zyga-ubuntuikey: the api is that you talk to snapd and then snapd talks to the store, right?08:52
ikeyand the list installed stuff is wonky08:52
zyga-ubuntuikey: I thought we started to do appstream now08:52
ikeyas it only has like half the meta08:52
ikeyso even for an installed snap you need to go to the store to get the real data on it08:52
ikey(which seems an odd choice)08:52
zyga-ubuntuyes, that's true08:53
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: ^08:53
ikeyfor now im just gonna have to supplement the hand-picked snaps with some extra meta-data08:53
ikeydue to aforementioned lack of organisation/appstream08:53
zyga-ubuntuikey: hmmm08:53
zyga-ubuntuikey: you should talk about this with chipaca, robert ancell and store people08:54
ikeythis is nothing new btw, same issues as back in september08:54
zyga-ubuntuaha, I see08:54
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: i'm aware08:54
zyga-ubuntuas long as we all know it will get fixed over time08:54
ikeythe other issue is snapd startup time08:54
ikeyits.. painful08:55
Chipacamy plate is full of things -- and in particular spread misbehaving in weird ways08:55
ikeyon Solus snapd is socket activated to prevent massive boot time regressions08:55
ikeyunfortunately it also means slowing down the startup of the SC the first time it runs08:55
ikeyuntil snapd is "ready"08:55
ikeythe same thing can be emulated just issuing "snap list" after boot08:55
zyga-ubuntuikey: right08:55
ikeytakes around 5+ seconds08:56
zyga-ubuntuikey: thank you for the honest feedback!08:56
ikeyno worries :]08:56
Chipacaikey: ouch. We moved away from socket activating it -- why not start it automatically now?08:56
zyga-ubuntuikey: does systemd have an "idle" schedule to run stuff when everything has settled?08:56
Chipacai mean, don't make things block on it08:56
* apw now finds snapcraft cleanbuild fails with no root device found from lxc08:56
Chipacayes, systemd does have that08:56
ikeybecause we actually care about stuff like this Chipaca08:56
ikeyspoiler: we came in just after clear linux (where I used to work)08:56
ikeysnapd presents a huge boot time regression08:57
Chipacaikey: what happpens if you set snapd's type to 'idle'?08:57
ikeyhonestly, not tried08:57
ikeybut it has no need to be switched on during boot anyway08:57
ikeyit should only be turned on when spoken to08:57
Chipacaikey: if it's socket activated, refreshes might never happen, and retries might never happen08:58
Chipacaikey: unless you've set things up for that08:58
ikeywell. tbh i dont think automatic refreshes should be mandatory anyway08:58
ikeyso theres another design decision im not in agreement with08:58
ikeyfor our users they risk excessive bandwidth consumption as they have no direct control over updates08:58
Chipacaikey: have you been paying no attention to the quagmire of awfulness that is security in the face of no automatic updates?08:59
ikeyi think you forget who you're talking to, Chipaca.08:59
ikeyif you don't give users a way to at least delay an update until an appropriate time, you're pulling a Windows08:59
mvoikey: 5+ seconds :/ I wonder why, that is really slow. I think we (snapd team) need to dig into this09:00
ikeymany people are still reliant on HSDPA+/3G09:00
ikeyand have bandwidth limitations09:00
ikeybeing able to defer the update until it is *affordable* is a must for the most basic UX requirements09:00
Chipacaikey: i'm on a short fuse for personal reasons this week, please read things as if i were being 2 points more polite09:00
ikeythrowing "security" as a blanket for piss-poor engineering in IoT isn't going to cut it09:00
ikeyfair do.09:00
zyga-ubuntuas an argument here09:01
zyga-ubuntuI think the core should update automatically09:01
zyga-ubuntuservices should update if started09:01
zyga-ubuntuand apps should be blocked from running (by default) when out-of-date09:01
mupPR snapd#4353 closed: hookstate: add compat "configure-snapd" task <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4353>09:01
ikeyzyga-ubuntu, so you're gonna pull a PS4? :)09:01
zyga-ubuntu(especially desktop apps can have nicer notification)09:01
* mvo hugs Chipaca 09:01
Chipacaikey: you can already set updates to happen at whatever time bandwidth is cheap09:01
ikey"Time" ?09:01
zyga-ubuntuikey: well, it's a gradient; I don't care if my apps are as up-to-date as my system09:01
zyga-ubuntuikey: if I know and can act on it09:01
ikeyLaunch-blocking is one approach09:02
zyga-ubuntuikey: there are ways this can change over time09:02
ikeyAnd allows having deferred updates09:02
ikeyMandatory core updates, again I would disagree with, depending on context09:02
ikeyIf a user has LSI installed they don't need core09:02
zyga-ubuntuikey: for snapd09:02
ikeyUnless they're on Ubuntu with snapd reexec09:02
ikeyAnywhere else, core is unnecessary09:02
Chipacamvo: the police asked for a summary of all the bullying since it started, and writing all that out has been rough09:02
ikeyzyga-ubuntu, is there any other instance core is used by snapd outside of the reexec case?09:03
mvoChipaca: *meh* I can imagine :( sorry to hear that09:03
Chipacareminds me i need to take thursday off to go look at a new school09:03
zyga-ubuntuikey: I think core will shrink to "just snapd" over tiem09:03
zyga-ubuntuikey: as bases mature and there is a distinct 16 and 18 ubuntu base09:03
ikeybasically, current ux:09:04
ikeysudo snap install --edge solus-runtime-gaming09:04
ikeyinstalls core09:04
ikeythen installs the runtime09:04
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: man, that sucks. I hope it can get resolved quickly09:04
mvozyga-ubuntu: do you happen to known in what fedora package "apparmor_parser" and "aa-enforce" are? same question for opensuse09:04
ikeyruntime gets updates, linux-steam-integration does not09:04
zyga-ubuntumvo: none09:04
ikeyneither can be found in searches09:04
zyga-ubuntumvo: it's not packaged09:04
zyga-ubuntumvo: for suse it is just "apparmor" (in tumblweed, I believe)09:04
ikeyin solus we give users choice over which updates are applied and when09:05
mvozyga-ubuntu: ta09:05
ikeybecause, believe it or not, not ALL updates are security.09:05
Chipacamvo: am i wrong in thinking 2.29 should be getting default-provider snaps automatically?09:05
ikeyin Solus we differentiate updates at 3 levels: Mandatory, Security, Other09:05
zyga-ubuntuikey: I think most users don't care; I would focus on making it less annoying and getting bandwidth under control09:05
ikeyWith all due respect, they do.09:06
ikeySolus users care about it a lot09:06
ikeyHaving things update beyond their control is frustrating and a kickback to the Windows world they left09:06
ikeyAnd if you decide to block the launch of an app because of an update, you will have outrage unless there is a good *reason* to block it09:06
ikeyBlocking the launch because someone decided to reshade the theme? Gonna get people vexed09:07
ikeyStop their laptop shutting down before a meeting because of updates? or kill their bandwidth before heading out to NZ on tethered phone for a week? Gonna piss em off :P09:07
zyga-ubuntuikey: yeah, there are things to polish in the experience09:07
Chipacaikey: ok, so how do you programatically tell a good reason from a bad one?09:07
zyga-ubuntuikey: perhaps blocking on startup is excessive (for vast majority of updates)09:08
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: they have the evil bit set09:08
zyga-ubuntuoh man09:08
Chipacaof _course_ users want their shit to just work09:08
ikeyChipaca, by describing an update09:08
zyga-ubuntunot set :)09:08
ikeyso in solus we auto-describe security updates through reference to some CVE or other09:08
ikeyand its flagged as zyga-ubuntu says09:08
ikeyso thats security, sorta more important than "user is finicky about updates"09:08
ikeymandatory in snapd terms is core09:08
ikeyi.e. required for architecture to work09:09
ikey(in solus thats actually libc, bash, etc)09:09
* Chipaca goes back to hating spread because he's unfit for human interaction right now09:09
ikeyso you have this core set of things that will always update regardless of any other update/install/refresh, because "mandatory" ^^09:09
apwzyga-ubuntu, ok this cleanbuild option is using an lxc command line which doens't work ... i needs a --storage option09:09
zyga-ubuntuapw: ask kalikiana about that please09:10
apwkalikiana, ^09:10
Chipacaapw: you want to talk with kalikiana09:11
apwtalk isn't the word i want to use right now :/09:11
mvoChipaca: hi, sorry, laptop went crazy09:12
mvoChipaca: so default providers, the PR is not merged yet, some complications in it09:12
mwhudsonapw: i don't quite know what you are doing but09:12
apwmwhudson, trying to make snap work again, as apparently that is impossible, i will just stop trying i think09:13
mwhudsonapw: if you create a lxd container called "snapcraft-$project", you can use SNAPCRAFT_CONTAINER_BUILDS=1 snapcraft build and it will use the container you created09:13
apwmwhudson, project as in the snap name ?09:13
mvoChipaca: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/410309:13
mupPR #4103: snapstate: auto install default-providers for content snaps <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4103>09:13
mwhudsonapw: yes09:13
mwhudsonapw: it's a slimy hack, but it does work09:14
apwmwhudson, i'd try random hack three then,. thanks09:14
Chipacamvo: yikes09:15
Chipacaapw: nice attitude there09:15
apwChipaca, heh its never a good start to your day when your snaps won't work and you can't rebuild them anymore09:16
zyga-ubuntusorry about the distraction, my son hasn't arrived for classes, trying to sort this out09:16
Chipacaapw: I'm surprised you've not had to switch to cleanbuild ages ago; the libc change is a couple of months old already09:17
apwChipaca, well apparently i can't switch to cleanbuild cause that don't work either :/09:17
Chipacaapw: it does for other people, so why doesn't it for you?09:18
ikeyhm, zyga-ubuntu, thought, what if we went in completely the opposite direction..?09:18
Chipacaapw: it's not a random hack; if it's not working it's a bug09:18
ikeyinstead of trying to jimmy snaps to fit distro "ways", instead use the software center to *educate* users about snaps..09:18
apwChipaca, it isn't supplying a required option to lxc on my system to start the container09:18
apwChipaca, and i was refering to mwhudson's description of the next thing to try as a slimy hack09:18
zyga-ubuntuikey: hmm? sorry can you please re-state your question09:18
apwChipaca, not my choice of epithet for the thing i was trying09:18
ikeyzyga-ubuntu, ok so instead of trying to force snaps to fit the old fashioned method of distro updates, instead educate users about snaps being self-updating09:19
ikeyand why they differ09:19
ikeybefore they ever go to install one09:19
ikeyi.e. promote the difference instead of trying to stifle it09:19
jameshmvo: hi.  In https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4140#issuecomment-347159305 you said you uploaded the test snap to the store.  I was looking at writing a spread test using it, but can't seem to see it there.  Is there anything more needed?09:19
mupPR #4140: interfaces: add an interface for gnome-online-accounts D-Bus service <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4140>09:20
Chipacaapw: ah i missed him saying that -- sorry for calling you on it then09:20
apwChipaca, heh i don't mind, i _am_ feeling grumpy about it all today :)09:20
Chipacaapw: my main concern is that calling them hacks doesn't put the focus on getting things fixed, whereas calling them bugs does09:20
mwhudsonChipaca: fwiw my use case for my hack is fixed by https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/176909:21
mupPR snapcraft#1769: lxd: add an --image argument to cleanbuild <Created by mwhudson> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1769>09:21
mwhudsonalthough having control over the container that gets created when you use SNAPCRAFT_CONTAINER_BUILDS would also be good09:22
apwmwhudson, and only installing it once with build-deps etc sounds good09:22
* mwhudson grumbles at pylint09:24
mwhudsonapw: yeah09:25
zyga-ubuntumystery resolved09:27
zyga-ubuntumy son turned off his phone in school09:27
zyga-ubuntuwent inside the class and waited for the teacher09:27
zyga-ubuntuthe teacher waited outside of the class and tried to call him and then me09:27
zyga-ubuntuback to work09:28
zyga-ubuntupstolowski: branch looks good so far, I'll try to finish it quickly09:28
zyga-ubuntupstolowski: sorry for the lag09:28
* ikey passes metaphorical handkerchief to zyga-ubuntu 09:28
pstolowskizyga-ubuntu, np, thanks for looking at this monster09:28
Chipacapstolowski: hey09:28
Chipacapstolowski: what's the status of snapctl restart et al?09:29
apwmwhudson, that fails with: PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'snap/.snapcraft'09:29
mwhudsonapw: congrats09:30
mwhudsonsorry that's probably not very helpful but i've not seen anything like that before09:30
apwi think i have to accept that snapcraft and bionic is just not a thing09:30
apwand create a VM to do this in09:30
pstolowskiups, ignore me09:34
Chipacapstolowski: did you see my question about snapctl service control?09:35
pstolowskiChipaca, yes, will reply09:35
Chipacapstolowski: i ask because of the forum thing, you can reply there if you'd rather09:35
pstolowskiChipaca, yes, will reply there, I didn't respond right away cause I'm not sure if it made it in 2.30 or not at the end, need to check09:37
pstolowskiChipaca, replied09:44
pstolowskiChipaca, nb, nothing stops anyone from using systemctl + a long hard to remember name directly, right?09:45
Chipacapstolowski: confinement sure does09:46
pedronisnot inside a snap09:53
mupPR snapcraft#1779 closed: catkin-tools plugin: use stage-packages <Created by kyrofa> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1779>10:02
pedronispstolowski: Chipaca: anyway afaik and skimming the code snapctl start/stop etc made it to 2.3010:02
=== matteo` is now known as matteo
ShibaInuerror: cannot refresh "core": snap "core" has changes in progress10:20
ShibaInuwhat does this mean10:20
zyga-ubuntuShibaInu: that "snap changes" will show that some other operation on core snap is already in progress10:20
ShibaInuzyga-ubuntu: not sure what is going on though, I seemingly dont have any snap running?10:20
zyga-ubuntuShibaInu: run "snap changes"10:21
ShibaInu27   Do      2017-11-30T10:13:40Z  -      Auto-refresh snap "core"10:21
zyga-ubuntuShibaInu: so the message should be probably beter10:21
zyga-ubuntu"refreshing of snap core is already in progress"10:22
zyga-ubuntuor something alike10:22
ShibaInuzyga-ubuntu: do you know by the way whether vulkan now works on snappy?10:23
zyga-ubuntuShibaInu: I don't know, sorry10:23
ShibaInuok, no problem10:24
ShibaInuthanks by the way10:24
pedronisShibaInu: are you using core from edge?10:24
ShibaInupedronis: yes10:24
zyga-ubuntuShibaInu: we should have some vulkan test snap but I'm not aware of any10:24
pedronisShibaInu: there was an issue that will get an update in that state,  you need to abort the change ,  snap abort 27,  the next edge build from today then should work10:25
pedronisor so we think10:26
ShibaInupedronis: so if i do snap abort 27 i will have to wait for the next edge? or will vulkan work10:26
pedronisthis is not about vulkan10:26
pedronisjust the update getting stuck10:27
ShibaInui see10:27
ogra_i guess you'd have to include mesa-vulkan-drivers and libvulkan1 inside your snap10:28
ogra_and allow/connect the opengl interface to give it HW access10:29
ogra_(just a guess though)10:29
cachiomvo, test on candidate completed, we are ready to go to stable10:38
mvocachio: brilliant news10:39
mvocachio: lets target after the meeting, then we can briefly discuss and we need to warn the store people as well10:39
cachiomvo, agree10:39
mvothanks cachio10:40
zyga-ubuntupstolowski: almost done10:43
zyga-ubuntupstolowski: oh damn, those "load diff" parts of the PR10:47
zyga-ubuntupstolowski: it's even longer :")10:47
* Chipaca -> physio while spread runs10:48
* zyga-ubuntu misread that as "past"10:49
zyga-ubuntuHOW MANY ARE THERE10:50
zyga-ubuntupstolowski: I wanted to say I'm near the end10:51
zyga-ubuntubut the end is full of "load more" buttons10:51
zyga-ubuntupstolowski: I'm at lxd_support_test.go10:51
pstolowskizyga-ubuntu, sorry...10:55
* zyga-ubuntu hugs pstolowski who had to _write_ all that10:56
pstolowskizyga-ubuntu, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHPOzQzk9Qo10:56
zyga-ubuntupstolowski: when the camera pans and shows more people on crosses this is how scrolling down feel10:57
zyga-ubuntuthere's more interfaces :D10:58
pstolowskiyes, that video seems very appropriate ;)10:58
LaneyI'm looking for some documentation on seed.yaml11:11
Laneycan anyone point me in the right direction?11:11
zyga-ubuntummm maybe pedronis ca11:13
mupPR snapd#4355 opened: release: 2.30~rc2 <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4355>11:15
cachiomvo, 30 rc2 ready for beta validation?11:18
mvocachio: yes11:18
mvocachio: should be a piece of cake almost no change11:18
cachiomvo, ok, I'll start with it11:18
mvocachio: except arm/arm64, LP is busted right now and can't build those11:18
mvocachio: I'm talking on #launchpad about this right now11:19
zyga-ubuntumvo: uh11:19
cachiomvo, ok, np11:23
mupPR snapcraft#1793 opened: Refactor storeapi <Created by daniellim2000> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1793>11:23
mupPR snapd#4356 opened: many: add new `snap refresh --amend <snap>` command <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4356>11:24
jameshmvo: did you see my message earlier?  I couldn't find the test-snapd-gnome-online-accounts snap on the store11:24
mvojamesh: I did not, sorry.let me check for this snap11:24
jameshmvo: I was asking in relation to https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4140#issuecomment-34715930511:25
mupPR #4140: interfaces: add an interface for gnome-online-accounts D-Bus service <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4140>11:25
mvojamesh: what is your primary SSO account? if you could /msg that to me I will add access for you11:25
mvojamesh: I also just published the snap11:25
jameshmvo: I want to use this snap in a spread test.  So doesn't that require it to be accessible to everyone?11:26
mvojamesh: the snap was just not published before, I published it now11:26
mupPR snapcraft#1793 closed: Refactor storeapi <Created by daniellim2000> <Closed by daniellim2000> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1793>11:26
mvojamesh: so tests should work now11:26
jameshmvo: okay.  Thanks11:26
mvojamesh: I can also give you access to this snap if you need to update it or anything like this11:27
mvojamesh: if not, thats fine too of course11:27
jameshmvo: okay.  What identifier do you need for that?  My email?11:27
mvojamesh: yes, your primary sso email11:27
jameshmvo: okay.  That's james.henstridge@canonical.com11:28
mvojamesh: just mail or /msg it to me and I add you as the snap collaborator11:28
mvojamesh: ta11:28
mvojamesh: the store should have send you mail11:28
jameshgot it.  Thanks11:29
brunosferHi guys, does anyone knows what's the difference between  stage-packages: and  build-packages: on the .yaml identation file to create a snap?11:34
zyga-ubuntustage are unpacked into your snap11:34
zyga-ubuntubuild aren installed on your machine to help11:35
brunosferbut how can they be installed on my machine if the whole core is squashfs?11:36
brunosferthey're built in the snap sandbox?11:36
zyga-ubuntuon your build machine11:36
brunosfergot it. thanks for the help :)11:36
mupPR snapcraft#1793 opened: project: refactor storeapi <Created by daniellim2000> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1793>11:41
niemeyercachio: Do you want to try the image out to see what we get?11:43
cachioniemeyer, ok11:43
brunosferDoes anyone knows what's wrong here? doing on the shell "hciconfig" I get the hci0 interface, however when I do "bluez.hciconfig" it show's me the error "Can't open HCI socket.: Permission denied"11:45
brunosferIn all the above I use sudo11:45
zyga-ubuntuis the interfce connected?11:45
zyga-ubuntusnap interfaces11:45
cachioniemeyer, let's do it after the standup11:45
brunosferzyga-ubuntu: I think today I forgot my brain... Thanks ;)11:47
zyga-ubuntupstolowski: commented11:47
zyga-ubuntubrunosfer: :-)11:47
brunosferzyga-ubuntu: I totally forgot to check that.11:47
zyga-ubuntupstolowski: update the SPI interface next time11:47
zyga-ubuntupstolowski: I'm merging it to save others from reviewing :)11:48
=== cachio is now known as cachio_afk
mupPR snapd#4303 closed: interfaces: use ConnectedPlug/ConnectedSlot types (step 1) <Created by stolowski> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4303>11:48
pstolowskizyga-ubuntu, thanks, will do11:48
mupPR snapd#4357 opened: wrappers: autogenearte After/Before in systemd's service files for apps <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4357>11:49
mborzeckiniemeyer: pushed the fixes to #4313, appreciate if you could take another look11:49
mupPR #4313: timeutil: refresh timer take 2 <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4313>11:49
niemeyermborzecki: Thanks, will do11:56
mupPR snapd#4358 opened: interfaces: interface hooks implementation <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4358>12:06
mborzeckiif anyone has got a spare moment #4340 needs reviewing12:07
mupPR #4340: snap: YAML and app validation parts of after/before app startup ordering <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4340>12:07
niemeyermvo: Sent some notes on #4356.. general idea looks good12:08
mupPR #4356: many: add new `snap refresh --amend <snap>` command <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4356>12:08
niemeyermvo: Only real open point is how to report this to the server in the right way12:08
niemeyermvo: Lying about the revision is dangerous since the server may end up inferring bogus information out of it (e.g. epochs)..12:08
niemeyermvo: Will leave that with pedronis if you need to sort out over the next few days12:09
pstolowskiniemeyer, hello! will you manage to take a quick look at #4358 before you start holidays? Just a quick early review will be very valuable (you can focus on just the repo/handlers/policy for 1st pass), so I can address any comments and start working on autoconnect changes12:09
mupPR #4358: interfaces: interface hooks implementation <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4358>12:09
niemeyerpstolowski: Will do!12:09
mvoniemeyer: thanks, sounds great. I will polish it a bit and then we need to brainstorm about the lying part :)12:10
mvoniemeyer: (we == pedronis and I)12:10
niemeyermvo: My ideal scenario is we just don't send it12:10
niemeyermvo: As anything there would be bug prone12:11
mvoniemeyer: :+1:12:11
* pstolowski lunch12:11
niemeyermvo: We need an ack from server team on that12:11
niemeyermvo: and less urgently, we need to send the epoch too, for those specific cases, so the server can better tell what to return12:11
mvoniemeyer: *nod*12:11
niemeyermvo: If there's a strong reason not to send anything in terms of epochs (can't think of one right now), I'd suggest just assuming the latest epoch on the server end, and hoping for the best12:12
niemeyermvo: Clearly more error prone12:12
mvoniemeyer: yeah, makes sense.12:14
mvoniemeyer: there will be a bit of risk in any case, snapd knows (potentially) very little about the snap. but my gut-feeling is that 99% of the users/use-case will be developers of their own snaps12:15
mvoniemeyer: in any case, thanks for your thoughts on this!12:15
niemeyermvo: Right, exactly.. my main concern is misbehavior on the sweet spot of the use cases precisely12:16
* mvo nods12:16
niemeyermvo: Someone trying to cook an epoch upgrade will have trouble if the store doesn't know what epoch to assume12:16
niemeyermvo: Noting here that our spec for epochs allows a posteriori uploads for any epoch12:17
pedronisepoch will only happen with the new apis,  and there we have places to do the right thing12:18
pedronisI need to double what the store does with revisions in the current api12:18
pedronis*double check12:18
Chipacamvo: ikey: about startup time, note that if, as some people have asked, we need to checksum snaps on boot, startup time is going to go to heck (i'd propose making that fsck manual on classic fwiw)12:19
niemeyerpedronis: Right, this is definitely about the upcoming API, not the current one.. it's mainly about being aware of this need, as I recall it being written off as unnecessary in one of our conversations12:26
zyga-ubuntumborzecki: can you please have look at 4315 again?12:32
zyga-ubuntuthank you12:32
zyga-ubuntuI could use a review on 432912:38
zyga-ubuntuniemeyer: ^ not sure if you want to take that one today12:39
pedronisLaney: what's the question about seed.yaml ?12:59
=== cachio_afk is now known as cachio
mupPR snapd#4355 closed: release: 2.30~rc2 <Created by mvo5> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4355>13:34
brunosferzyga-ubuntu: Could you help me out with the plug connection from bluez service in snap? I can't figure out how to connect the bluez slot with the bluetooth-controller so that I can have access to the hci0 from shell.13:38
zyga-ubuntubrunosfer: so what did you try?13:39
brunosferzyga-ubuntu: The documentation here: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/wiki/Interfaces  is too evasive, just refer to a snap that you already have to consume the bluetooth service.13:40
zyga-ubuntubrunosfer: I'm curiouto know what you tried13:40
brunosferzyga-ubuntu: sudo snap connect bluez:bluetooth-control core:blue13:40
brunosferzyga-ubuntu: sudo snap connect bluez:bluetooth-control core:bluez13:40
morphisbrunosfer: you can't intermix plugs/slots with different interfaces13:40
zyga-ubuntubrunosfer: what is the name of the snap you are trying to use? bluez?13:41
brunosferzyga-ubuntu: yes13:41
morphisbrunosfer: the bluez interface only gives you access to the bluez DBus API13:41
morphisif you want raw access to hci0 you need bluetooth-control13:41
morphisdefine a plug in your snap for it13:41
morphis  bluetooth-control:13:42
brunosferI want to connect bluez to the controller so I can replicate the same behaviour I have in classic mode when I do hciconfig anf the hci0 interface pops up13:42
morphis    interface: bluetooth-control13:42
morphisor event shorter with just plugs: [bluetooth-control]13:42
brunosferI don't have a snap built yet... I'm trying to access the interface using the console13:42
morphisbrunosfer: btw. if you can you shouldn't use hciconfig anymore13:42
morphisthe easiest and best is to go through the bluez dbus API to power up the interface13:43
brunosferthanks for the advice, but for testing purposes I would like to know how can I attach the interface of bluez with the console...13:44
ogra_you dont need interfaces on the console13:44
morphisnot sure what you mean by that13:44
ogra_interfaces are for interaction between snaps ...13:45
ogra_on the console you can do everything you want ... interfaces wont apply there13:45
brunosferif I want to refer to a specific interface such as hci513:46
ogra_thats a device :)13:46
brunosferhow can I specify that if I only have a interface...13:46
ogra_i was referring to snap interfaces13:46
ogra_how would you access that device on any other linux ?13:46
morphisbrunosfer: where do you want to specify that?13:46
ogra_it isnt different ...13:47
brunosferI'm struggling here with all the changes in the OS, I was so used with the classic mode...13:47
morphisbrunosfer: what exactly are you trying to do?13:47
brunosferI want to replicate the same behaviour in classic mode when you type "hciconfig" on the shell and you see the devices you have13:49
sergiusensmpt_ hello again, I keep pinging you because your insight is really good! I have another PR which could use your input snapcraft#178913:51
mupPR snapcraft#1789: cli: improve the help command <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1789>13:51
zyga-ubuntuogra_: do you have a moment:13:52
ogra_zyga-ubuntu, sure13:52
zyga-ubuntuogra_: can you grab any core device you have around you and run losetup --all13:53
morphisbrunosfer: so you want to put hciconfig into a snap?13:53
brunosferI have an application that uses bluez API and I want to port it to a snap.13:54
brunosferBut first, I want to make sure I understand well how plugs and slots, work, so I can move on with the snap.13:55
zyga-ubuntuogra_: how many times is core attached?13:56
zyga-ubuntubrunosfer: plugs and slots are endpoints on snaps13:56
brunosfermy idea is to connect the bluetoothctl and try out, in classical mode it works, in ubuntu core using the bluez.hciconfig it says I have permissions for hci013:56
ogra_zyga-ubuntu, http://paste.ubuntu.com/26118700/13:56
zyga-ubuntubrunosfer: as long as the interfaces of each side are compatible you can connect them together13:56
zyga-ubuntubrunosfer: snapd changes the confinement system affecting each snap13:57
ogra_zyga-ubuntu, on some i had run snap abort for a hanging core already (pi3 and joule)13:57
zyga-ubuntu/dev/loop0: []: (/writable/system-data/var/lib/snapd/snaps/core_3587.snap)13:57
zyga-ubuntu/dev/loop3: []: (/var/lib/snapd/snaps/core_3587.snap)13:57
zyga-ubuntuwhy is this happening?13:57
brunosferzyga-ubuntu: you mean that I just need to run my sdp server as in classic mode and building the snap it magically connects to the correct interface hci0 in this case?13:58
zyga-ubuntuogra_: something is not detaching those13:58
ogra_zyga-ubuntu, you tell me :)13:58
zyga-ubuntubrunosfer: no13:58
zyga-ubuntubrunosfer: I just told you what interfaces are in general,13:58
=== mpt_ is now known as mpt
zyga-ubuntubrunosfer: specific interfaces (e.g. the bluez interface) have particular behavior that may or may not fit your use case13:59
ogra_zyga-ubuntu, they are double mounted ... thats the design of assembling the rootfs i think13:59
zyga-ubuntuogra_: they are not only double mounted, the same core is loop-attached twice to separate loop devices13:59
ogra_zyga-ubuntu, i.e. we mount /writable from initrd, then mount the snap ... then do all the bind mounting back into /writable for rw stuff and then use run-init to switch the rootfs13:59
ogra_the original snap mount will stay14:00
zyga-ubuntuogra_: mmmm14:00
ogra_zyga-ubuntu, and then i guess systemd mounts them again due to having a .mount unit14:00
zyga-ubuntuogra_: aha14:00
zyga-ubuntuogra_: I see14:00
zyga-ubuntuogra_: thanks!14:00
* zyga-ubuntu knows more but needs to see why his test is still failing14:01
ogra_we could perhaps make these mount usingts skipped ... based on /proc/cmdline or so14:01
ogra_since we dont really need them mounted twice14:01
ogra_(but can not "not mount" them when assembling the rootfs)14:01
zyga-ubuntuogra_: right14:02
ogra_i'm not sure if "mount --move" would work here to move the existing mount to a new place ...14:02
zyga-ubuntuogra_: ideally we'd mount them but reuse the loopback device14:02
ogra_sounds risky in any case though14:02
ogra_yeah or that14:02
ogra_will need a *lot* of testing though ... after all you suffle stuff around unterneath your rootfs /14:03
* zyga-ubuntu analyzes http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/26118742/14:05
pstolowskiniemeyer, i've just addressed the last tiny bit in #4301, would be great if you had another look at it, it's a prerequisite for everything else re interface hooks14:08
mupPR #4301: interfaces: PlugInfo/SlotInfo/ConnectedPlug/ConnectedSlot attribute helpers <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4301>14:08
zyga-ubuntuniemeyer: that issue I talked about in the call, it's actually trickier14:17
zyga-ubuntuniemeyer: but I now have a full(er) picture14:17
zyga-ubuntuniemeyer: it relates to those loop devices I spoke with ogra above14:17
zyga-ubuntuniemeyer: I think I just need to adjust logic to check that the / inside matches / outside (when snap name == "core")14:17
zyga-ubuntuniemeyer: because on core / is mounted in initrd and it is a spearate mount of the same snap (but has different loopback device)14:18
zyga-ubuntuniemeyer: alternatively we could not perform this detection when running on core and when the base snap is "core"14:18
zyga-ubuntuniemeyer: as any change would warrant a reboot14:18
ogra_cant you just match the mountpint and ignore it if there is /writable involved ? or will that use the wrong loop device ?14:19
om26erkyrofa: ping14:19
zyga-ubuntuogra_: what do you mean by match the mountpoint?14:20
ogra_zyga-ubuntu, well, if you check the loop device you surely also check where it is mounted, no ? if the mountpoint contains /writable it is the one mounted from the initrd14:21
zyga-ubuntuogra_: no, we don't do that14:21
ogra_ah ,k14:21
zyga-ubuntuogra_: we don't look at loop devices at all14:22
zyga-ubuntuogra_: we look at what the current base device is outside14:22
zyga-ubuntuogra_: and what / is inside14:22
zyga-ubuntuogra_: and compare device numbers14:22
ogra_ah, k14:22
zyga-ubuntuogra_: I think it's not far but I need to tweak that somehow14:22
ogra_zyga-ubuntu, technically your rootfs core snap is always on loop0 ... since it is the very first thing we mount14:23
ogra_in case that helps ...14:23
zyga-ubuntuogra_: I don't look at just core, I'm checking the designated base snap14:24
zyga-ubuntuogra_: it could be core but doens't need to be14:24
ogra_well,  there i dont know how michael plans to assemble the rootfs14:24
* zyga-ubuntu thinks what to do14:24
ogra_but i imagine even there core would be 0 or 114:24
zyga-ubuntuogra_: I think I just want to adjust this to work with what we do today14:24
jocdoes anyone know if the snapd 2.30 has any REST API changes in it?14:25
zyga-ubuntuogra_: regardless if it is core (we can have bootable bases too)14:25
ogra_depending if you first mount base or first mount core14:25
zyga-ubuntujoc: hey, probably, what are you seeing?14:25
ogra_we have to :)14:25
ogra_(i understand core+base is just todays core cut in half ... )14:26
joczyga-ubuntu: we use /v2/snaps to get list of installed snaps - when running on beta channel that's failing14:26
ogra_(at least in the bootable case)14:26
joczyga-ubuntu: think maybe the devmode field got removed?14:27
pedronisjoc: it's omitted when false14:28
pedronisif it's a problem we have stuff to revert14:28
pedronismvo: ^14:28
jocpedronis: well we like to record details of the system we are testing and if snaps are in devmode it is useful to know14:31
cwaynejoc: is that what's making our snap list test fail?14:31
joccwayne: yes i believe so14:32
pedronismvo: we might have to undo more of robert change14:32
pedronisor all of it14:32
pedronisjoc: you are hitting this:   https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/426014:33
mupPR #4260: Stop various JSON field from being sent with null values <Created by robert-ancell> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4260>14:33
pedronisit seems it does for bools as well which is a bit questionable14:34
=== cachio is now known as cachio_lunch
Laneypedronis: sorry for the late reply, I'm working on seeding snaps for Ubuntu images and c_jwatson said that classic snaps need to be specified differently in seed.yaml, so I was looking for docs to show me how to do that14:39
pedronisLaney: they need classic: true  in the snap entry14:40
pedronisotherwise they are like the reset14:40
jocpedronis: whatever your decision we would like to know soon as this breaks our test runs when that version of snapd is present, we would have to release new versions of checkbox snaps14:41
Chipacaniemeyer: where should the snap.yaml me documented?14:41
Chipacai'm a bit lost14:41
niemeyerChipaca: The #doc category.. not sure if we have that already, or if it's still in the old wiki14:41
pedronisjoc: best to wait for mvo to have an opinion on this,  I would be keen to revert myself but I also don't know what was robert motivation for the change, just tidiness or what14:42
Laneypedronis: ok, so just name/channel/classic: true then?14:43
Laneygot an example of one in your head that I can test with? :-)14:43
pedronisLaney: and file and snap-id14:43
pedronisLaney: no14:44
Laneyoh yes we have file too14:44
Laneynot snap-id though14:44
pedronisLaney: is this code in ubuntu-image for classic images?14:45
pedronisnot ubuntu-image though?14:45
Chipacaniemeyer: here https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/the-snap-format/698 ?14:46
pedronisChipaca: yes14:47
pedronisI was about to give you that link14:47
* pedronis needs to take a break14:48
Laneypedronis: no, deb based images with some snaps added14:49
mupPR snapcraft#1791 closed: tests: python plugin integration tests moved to a separate suite <Created by elopio> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1791>14:54
mvojoc: sorry for the delay, my suggestion is to open a forum topic, invite robert to it so that he can weight in, I am fine with reverting fwiw14:55
pedronismvo: the PR just mentioned debugging and size of payload,  OTOH the fix for Tracks is needed14:57
mvopedronis: right, I can prepare a partial revert PR14:59
=== cachio_lunch is now known as cachio
elopiohey zyga-ubuntu, would you like to review some polish subtitles for a short snapcraft video?15:19
zyga-ubuntuelopio: sure15:23
zyga-ubuntuelopio: I'm going to pick my son from school but I can review it soon, just give me a link15:23
elopiozyga-ubuntu: https://www.youtube.com/timedtext_editor?action_mde_edit_form=1&v=ZsUV9xnrkTA&lang=pl&bl=csq&ui=cr15:24
elopiothank you!15:24
* kalikiana waves at elopio 15:26
* kalikiana coffee break15:26
sergiusenselopio help PR updated15:36
sergiusenskyrofa you might want to look at my help PR as there's something there you can use ;-)15:37
Chipacaniemeyer: pedronis: should we still be documenting the 'aliases' entry in snap.yaml?15:42
niemeyermborzecki: Almost finished15:43
niemeyermborzecki: Will you be around for a bit still? Would like to discuss any open points15:43
niemeyerChipaca: It's dead, so probably not :)15:43
Chipacaat some point we're going to want to split the snap.yaml bit out of that doc15:45
Chipacanot today tho15:45
* Chipaca gets back to hating tests15:45
zyga-ubuntuelopio: sure15:47
Chipacaalso not in that doc: assumes15:47
zyga-ubuntuelopio: done15:50
zyga-ubuntuelopio: I re-wrote it mostly15:50
zyga-ubuntuelopio: not very bad but very machine-translated IMO (too direct)15:51
zyga-ubuntuelopio: you can get (plenty) of 2nd reviews from pstolowski or mborzecki :)15:51
* zyga-ubuntu prints something and goes to figure out a solution on paper15:51
pstolowskielopio, hey, yeah polish are majority in snapd team now, you can take advantage of that :)15:54
mborzeckiniemeyer: yeah, i can be around15:54
zyga-ubuntuelopio: resistance is futile :)15:55
elopiozyga-ubuntu: pstolowski: great! :) Thanks.15:56
zyga-ubuntuelopio: how did you get the initial translation15:57
zyga-ubuntuelopio: was that google translate?15:57
zyga-ubuntujdstrand: hey, are you around?15:57
elopiozyga-ubuntu: google code-in.15:57
zyga-ubuntuelopio: aha15:57
elopiozyga-ubuntu: maybe, they didn't do the work :/15:58
zyga-ubuntuelopio: no, I doubt they would do that; it is exactly like how I translated things when I was younger15:59
zyga-ubuntuelopio: (I started as a translator)15:59
elopiozyga-ubuntu: did you check the title and description too?15:59
* kalikiana feeling lonely at the snapcraft weekly HO16:00
Chipacaniemeyer: why is spread's order with -shell different from without it, for a given seed? is that on purpose?16:01
Chipacaniemeyer: wait, ignore me, typo on the commandline16:02
mupPR snapcraft#1774 closed: storeapi: support for pushing binary metadata <Created by matiasb> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1774>16:03
pstolowskizyga-ubuntu, are you updating these subtitles or shall I?16:04
pedronisChipaca: I think snapcraft started deprecating it in 2.3516:05
pedronissergiusens: hi, is snapcraft still SRUed, or snap only for new stuff?16:06
niemeyerChipaca: Phew!16:08
niemeyermborzecki: Sent!16:08
niemeyermborzecki: Please let me know if you want to have a call on this16:08
jdstrandzyga-ubuntu: yes16:08
cachio_niemeyer, any news on the rawhide image?16:16
niemeyercachio_: No, it's still quietly awaiting16:16
niemeyercachio_: Let me confirm mborzecki is good to go, and I'll look into it16:17
Chipacaaw, for a moment I read "it's still quietly amazing", and was happy16:17
cachio_niemeyer, sure16:19
om26erHi! Now that snapcraft 2.35 is in xenial-updates, will build.snapcraft use that for the next build that kicks in ?16:45
om26ernessita: ^16:45
nessitaom26er, I have no idea! could you please ask someone from the web team? they maintain build.16:47
nessitaom26er, but I'm interested in teh answer if you find out :-)16:47
mupIssue snapcraft#1794 opened: Apply patchelf work to non classic <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/issue/1794>16:55
om26erpopey: are you around ?16:57
popeyom26er: sup16:58
om26erpopey: need you to merge a few PRs on android-studio snap project.16:58
mupPR snapcrafters/android-studio#4: Revert "explicitly make studio.sh executable" <Created by om26er> <https://github.com/snapcrafters/android-studio/pull/4>16:58
popeywill take a look in a bit16:59
om26erand https://github.com/snapcrafters/android-studio/pull/516:59
mupPR snapcrafters/android-studio#5: new version <Created by rajabiy> <https://github.com/snapcrafters/android-studio/pull/5>16:59
om26erAlright, thanks popey16:59
kalikianakyrofa: can we have a HO tomorrow your morning to talk about bug 1686481 ? as in, whether/ how we want to try and work-around packaging problems17:03
mupBug #1686481: stage-packages does not handle unmet dependencies <kubernetes> <Snapcraft:In Progress by kalikiana> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1686481>17:03
* kalikiana will add another comment on the bug before eod'ing17:06
kyrofakalikiana, sure thing17:08
kyrofakalikiana, you can schedule one, or ping me, my morning is open17:09
* Chipaca brb, other laptop is growing a bulge and needs help17:09
kyrofaChipaca, oh no17:09
Chipacakyrofa: "why is the trackpad no longer working!!!" grumbled the kids17:09
Chipacatell you why: the laptop was a pillo17:10
kyrofaYikes, I somehow doubt "help" is what it needs17:10
popeykyrofa: who 'owns' the "snapcraft enable-ci travis" command?17:13
kyrofapopey, well, we do I suppose17:13
kyrofaWhat's up?17:13
popeyif I run it, it spits out a wall of text then says [y/N]. What exactly is it asking me there?17:13
popeyThere are no questions.17:14
om26erwho shall I talk to for a quick query about build.snapcraft ?17:14
popeyom26er: just ask away17:14
om26erI did, above :)17:15
om26er"Now that snapcraft 2.35 is in xenial-updates, will build.snapcraft use that for the next build that kicks in ?"17:15
kyrofapopey, hmm, I think that should be more of a "continue? [y/N]" type thing17:15
kyrofapopey, not the best experience, agreed17:15
kyrofapopey, I don't remember the justification, but I suspect it was wanting to point out that this is experimental17:16
popeyom26er: yes, should do, I see xenial-updates in the build log17:18
om26ersuper! that unblocks both AndroidStudio and SublimeText.17:18
kyrofaom26er, sorry, missed that question. Indeed, it should be working now17:18
popeyom26er: merged those two, keep an eye on the build log :)17:29
om26erpopey: great. will keep looking.17:30
mupPR snapcraft#1795 opened: Don't include source tarballs from previous runs <Created by ted-gould> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1795>17:31
kalikianakyrofa: awesome, will do. thanks!17:31
* kalikiana sent out meeting minutes as well17:31
kalikiananow time for dinner17:32
sergiusenskalikiana enjoy17:35
mupBug #1736541 opened: core rest api docs out of date <snap-docs> <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1736541>17:40
om26erpopey: Need you to setup sublime text for auto build in build.snapcraft, the packaging is already there.17:40
om26er...whenever you can.17:40
jdstrandmvo: is this known when running ./run-checks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/26119892/17:41
jdstrandmvo: this is running the tests on an artful host in a xenial lxd container17:42
mupPR snapd#4359 opened: interfaces/many: misc updates for default, browser-support, opengl, desktop, unity7, x11 <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4359>17:50
sergiusenselopio any update on the help PR?17:55
popeyom26er: ok, doing now17:59
elopiosergiusens: +1.18:01
popeyom26er: building now18:01
om26ergreat stuff18:01
om26erseems amd64 builders are quite busy today18:02
kyrofasergiusens, snapcraft#1780 is ready for another look18:02
mupPR snapcraft#1780: cli: add export-login command <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1780>18:02
jdstrandmvo: fyi, that happens in both master and release/2.3018:06
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
mvojdstrand: not known, let me try to reproduce18:06
mvojdstrand: I assume 4359 targets 2.30 ?18:07
sergiusenskyrofa just looking18:07
sergiusenskyrofa also `patchelf --print-needed`18:08
kyrofasergiusens, oooo!18:08
sergiusenskyrofa and I followed up on the rpath one18:08
mupPR snapd#4360 opened: interfaces/many: misc updates for default, browser-support, opengl, desktop, unity7, x11 for 2.30 <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4360>18:08
mvojdstrand: :) and \o/18:09
jdstrandmvo: oh heh, I was trying to be good then I saw you milestoned 4359 :)18:09
jdstrandmvo: so both are milestoned. I guess I should remove the 4359 one?18:10
* jdstrand removes18:10
jdstrandif you want it back, holler18:10
mvojdstrand: yes18:11
mvojdstrand: I mean, what you did (remove) if fine18:11
jdstrandthanks :)18:11
mvosergiusens, kyrofa, stgraber - hey, just a quick heads up, we have a new snapd in the candidate channel it should fix issues with lxd. if you guys could just run it a little bit to make sure there is nothing wrong with it, that would be great18:13
stgrabermvo: what issue?18:14
kyrofamvo, does that include https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/lxc-snaps-dont-update/786 ?18:14
kyrofaOr the one reported in the release thread?18:15
mvokyrofa: the one from the release thread. afaik zyga-ubuntu is working on the other issue still18:15
kyrofamvo, alright, thank you18:16
mvostgraber: the fix for snap-confine to work correctly under lxd, its finally in candidate18:16
om26eris there a way to check the size of delta between two revisions of a snap in store ?18:16
mvostgraber: i.e. this one https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4246 is the most important change18:16
mupPR #4246: snap-confine: fix snap-confine under lxd <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4246>18:16
mupPR snapd#4339 closed: userd: generalize dbusInterface <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4339>18:20
mupPR snapd#4317 closed: tests: make interfaces-snapd-control-with-manage more robust <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4317>18:21
Chipacanearly there! got a strace18:26
Chipacabut now i need to stop18:26
Chipacafun thing: the strace only succeeds in repro'ing the issue if it's not writing to stdout18:26
Chipacaso there's a timing issue the size of a bus, i reckon18:27
Chipacayikes, 30 minutes past get-stinky-boys-in-the-water18:27
* Chipaca runs18:27
zyga-ubuntujdstrand: o/ :)18:28
zyga-ubuntuhow are things?18:29
zyga-ubuntukyrofa: no updates still, it's all non trivial I'm afraid18:30
jdstrandmvo: fyi, I ran run-checks with release/2.29 and it doesn't fail18:30
zyga-ubuntukyrofa: so I'm still working on a related but not quite the same issue18:30
jdstrandzyga-ubuntu: hey :)18:30
zyga-ubuntujdstrand: the more I look at mount stuff18:30
zyga-ubuntujdstrand: the more it is like that abyss quote18:30
jdstrandheh and :\18:31
zyga-ubuntujdstrand: today I realized that / is not the core snap (separate loopback device)18:31
zyga-ubuntujdstrand: and that / is mounted twice from the same device18:31
zyga-ubuntujdstrand: and that the mount table is ~400 element-strong which is a bit crazy18:32
jdstrandyeah. haven't been thrilled with how big that table is18:32
* zyga-ubuntu printed http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/26118789/18:34
jdstranda lot of that is the writable-path stuff18:43
mvofwiw, I want to kill writable-path for base-1818:47
mvobut it will be quite a bit of work18:47
lundmarI only need just one more +1 here https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/request-autoconnect-avahi-observe-plug-for-lxi-tools/2976 . Please :)18:51
mvoniemeyer: I guess you are super busy with a gazilion of things, if there is a free spot a high level opinion on 4342 would be great (the abstrace UI PR)18:53
zyga-ubuntulundmar: LXI as in that test equipment protocol?18:58
zyga-ubuntulundmar: I'll vote18:59
jdstrandwell, it needs someone from the reviewers team19:02
jdstrandkyrofa: hey, perhaps you would like to weigh in on https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/request-autoconnect-avahi-observe-plug-for-lxi-tools/2976 for lundmar?19:05
kyrofajdstrand, happily, let me do some quick research as well19:07
lundmarzyga-ubuntu: exactly, the LXI standard that most modern T&M instruments supports. lxi-tools is an open source effort to support this open standard.19:08
lundmarzyga-ubuntu: If you test lxi-tools with an instrument which is not in the list of tested instruments (see https://github.com/lxi-tools/lxi-tools) please let me know and I will add it to the list. That is, if it works ;)19:11
zyga-ubuntulundmar: looking at the lsit19:12
zyga-ubuntulundmar: nowadays I just have my power supply left19:12
kyrofajdstrand, that slot isn't supplied by the core snap on ubuntu core, right?19:12
zyga-ubuntulundmar: I have rigol DP832 which is on the list19:13
zyga-ubuntulundmar: thank you :)19:13
lundmarhehe, your welcome ;)19:13
lundmarDP832 is awesome19:13
lundmarexcept for the fan noise ofc haha19:14
zyga-ubuntuhaha, my thoughts exactly19:14
zyga-ubuntuit's a very sturdy and reliable unit19:14
zyga-ubuntujust noisy :)19:14
zyga-ubuntuand the feature set is very good for the price19:14
lundmaryes, heavy = quality :)19:14
cachio_niemeyer, https://travis-ci.org/snapcore/snapd/builds/311803585#L107819:16
cachio_when we run the tests from travis fedora-27 is not starting neither19:16
cachio_niemeyer, it is weird because from my machine I can run on fedora-2719:17
cachio_niemeyer, using the API is it póssible to see the console output?19:17
zyga-ubuntulundmar: I used to have an agilent DSOX A2004 but without the lan interface19:24
zyga-ubuntulundmar: is the usb protocol very different from LXI?19:24
zyga-ubuntu(the protocol wrapped in USB)19:24
lundmarzyga-ubuntu: not in the sense they both supports sending SCPI commands19:25
lundmarbut compared, USB is basically just a raw connection, no protocol.19:26
zyga-ubuntuso that rigol power supply, the USB interface to control is is totally distinct to the network interface?19:27
zyga-ubuntuor are you saying that both wrap SCPI19:27
lundmarboth wrap SCPI19:27
lundmarLXI can use three protocols: RAW/TCP, VXI11/TCP, and HISLIP/TCP. The latter is next gen and I'm currently implementing the protocol so we can have a first class open source offering for it.19:29
lundmarthe need for avahi/zeroconf is also next gen19:30
niemeyercachio_: I'm not sure to be honest.. I haven't19:30
lundmarzyga-ubuntu: let me know if you run into issues with the lxi-tools snap. If you can confirm that the screenshot feature works with your DP832 that would be helpful.19:32
zyga-ubuntulundmar: trying19:33
cachio_mvo, the install cache test is failing in all the snap cores19:36
cachio_mvo, basically the logs don't contain any information about the cache19:36
zyga-ubuntulundmar: "Broadcasting on interface lo19:36
zyga-ubuntulundmar: I think that's silly ;)19:37
cachio_mvo, should I create a forum topic or you want to take a look first19:37
zyga-ubuntulamont: woot, works like a charm19:37
zyga-ubuntusorry lundmar ^19:38
lundmarzyga-ubuntu: there is nothing wrong in talking to yourself through lo :D19:38
cachio_mvo, catalog update failing too19:38
zyga-ubuntulundmar: my suggestion would be to make it clear the format is always BMP or enrich the tool to support other formats19:38
cachio_mvo, it is similat to the prevous one19:38
zyga-ubuntuwhere can I post those images?19:38
lundmarzyga-ubuntu: great. Well, unfortunately the screenshot format is dictated by the instruments so to keep the interface simple we simply let the screenshot plugins manage which format is used.19:40
lundmarzyga-ubuntu: also, we don't want to support any conversion etc. but only provide the source material.19:41
zyga-ubuntulundmar: https://imgur.com/3KKb5oF19:42
zyga-ubuntulundmar: right but some smarts could be useful for first time users :)19:42
lundmarzyga-ubuntu: in other words, some instruments gives you a .bmp or .png . In your case .bmp is about 3x as fast as .png19:43
lundmarthe poor chipset is too slow to do .png compression haha19:43
zyga-ubuntulundmar: right but the client side can fingerprint and convert19:44
lundmareither way - the tool provides a lossless image. It's up to to user to convert it to whatever format they want.19:45
lundmarzyga-ubuntu: fyi - this is kind of the unoffical discussion thread for lxi-tools in case you feel like chiming in: https://www.eevblog.com/forum/testgear/open-source-lxi-tools-and-liblxi-v1-0-released-for-gnulinux/?all19:46
zyga-ubuntulundmar: yes but the user _cannot know_ what the format is :)19:46
zyga-ubuntulundmar: apart from looking19:47
zyga-ubuntulundmar: in either case, it works :")19:47
lundmarI had a guy using the lxi-tools snap in a NFS mounted directory - of course the confinement gave him permission denied.19:48
lundmarhis only solution was to use --classic install19:49
zyga-ubuntulundmar: this is now fixed19:49
zyga-ubuntulundmar: as long as that is in /home19:49
zyga-ubuntulundmar: I implemented support for NFS19:49
zyga-ubuntulundmar: he should have actually used --devmode as classic has lower chance of working19:49
lundmargood. I'm not sure but I think maybe his case was outside home.19:49
lundmarfrom the doc description  --classic and --devmode seems to be the same except the added debug messaging19:50
zyga-ubuntulundmar: where?19:53
zyga-ubuntulundmar: devmode is "same as strict but with advisory confinement"19:53
zyga-ubuntulundmar: classic is "it runs on top of your system, no magic", usually this will fail with shared libraries missing19:53
lundmarzyga-ubuntu: https://docs.snapcraft.io/reference/snap-command19:54
zyga-ubuntulundmar: indeed, that doesn't capture it19:55
lundmarzyga-ubuntu: that is, both "disable security confinement"19:55
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: do you know where that docs came from ^19:55
zyga-ubuntulundmar: yes but the important aspect is not there19:55
zyga-ubuntulundmar: "disable the use of root filesystem redirection"19:56
zyga-ubuntuthat's classic19:56
jdstrandpopey: hey, not sure if you saw yesterday, but vlc snaps keep coming in with broken symlinks19:56
lundmarso classic disable confinement while devmode is advisory confinement19:56
jdstrandpopey: for the desktop file19:56
lundmarzyga-ubuntu: a little elaboration on the difference in the docs would be nice :)19:57
zyga-ubuntulundmar: classic == like curl | sh19:57
zyga-ubuntulundmar: devmode == like curl | sh in a very fancy chroot19:57
zyga-ubuntulundmar: yes, I'm not sure who wrote those docs though19:58
lundmarsnaps are using cgroups and apparmor for confinement right?19:58
lundmarno lxc right?19:59
zyga-ubuntulundmar: apparmor, seccomp, some cgroups (devices and freezer) and dbus bus rules/permission19:59
zyga-ubuntulundmar: and chroot on steroids19:59
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: those docs are via davidcalle afaik19:59
lundmarok, so no use of linux containers (lxc)19:59
zyga-ubuntulundmar: we rely on mount namespace heavily19:59
zyga-ubuntulundmar: no but lxc uses many of the same things20:00
zyga-ubuntulundmar: we just don't use all the namespaces, just the mount namespace20:00
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: thanks!20:00
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: which bit is causing confusion?20:00
lundmaryeah, I haven't looked into the details of snap yet but it is difficult to find any description anywhere of the techs involved20:00
zyga-ubuntudavidcalle: do you know if we could fix the description of --devmode and --classic there20:00
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: ^20:00
zyga-ubuntulundmar: I could write some20:01
Chipacalundmar: have you seen the messages describing the flags?20:01
lundmarzyga-ubuntu: it would be nice at this stage to have a writeup describing the techs involved but maybe it would be something for a blog post20:02
Chipacalundmar: e.g. “The publisher of snap %q has indicated that they do not consider this revision to be of production quality and that it is only meant for development or testing at this point. As a consequence this snap will not refresh automatically and may perform arbitrary system changes outside of the security sandbox snaps are generally confined to, which may put your system at risk.”20:02
Chipacalundmar: that's --devmode20:02
Chipacalundmar: whereas --classic says “This revision of snap %q was published using classic confinement and thus may perform arbitrary system changes outside of the security sandbox that snaps are usually confined to, which may put your system at risk.”20:02
Chipacalundmar: so there's a technical difference (as described by zyga above), but there's also the expectations about what you're trying to do (and the tooling encourages you along these lines)20:03
lundmarChipaca: you guys should put some of those details in the snap man page :)20:05
jdstrandlundmar: in terms of the security sandbox: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/security-policy-and-sandboxing/554. it has references to other information at the bottom20:05
Chipacalundmar: so much to do, tho20:05
lundmarjdstrand: thanks - good stuff!20:06
lundmarChipaca: yeah, btw. did you see my response on the autocompletion function suggestion?20:06
lundmarthe addition of e.g. a completer-function key etc.20:07
Chipacalundmar: I did. I didn't like it, but haven't gotten back to explaining why :-/20:07
Odd_Blokekyrofa: sergiusens: ISTR that the snapcraft snap had some problems in the past; can it now be used safely?20:07
lundmarChipaca: You can't possible not like such a simple elegant solution ;)20:07
kyrofaOdd_Bloke, yes, today it should be good to go20:07
Chipacalundmar: restricting completers to only use -F is the opposite of having things just work20:07
Chipacalundmar: not everything is -F20:07
kyrofaOdd_Bloke, that's why we held off on a stable release for so long20:08
kyrofaBut now that it's in stable, you should be good20:08
Odd_BlokeOK, great!20:08
lundmarChipaca: hmm, I have yet to see a script that does not use -F . But if thats the case then yes its a problem.20:08
Chipacaanyway why am i on work irc at 8pm20:09
* Chipaca goes to see if the apple crumble is done20:09
Chipacaoh now i remember why: the kitchen is full of dirty dishes20:11
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: greatest peril in modern history20:12
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: take your flying cars vision-of-the-future, give me automatic kitchen20:12
Chipacaand now i've got 10 minutes while spread does it thing20:14
Chipacaso, dishes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯20:14
jdstrandmvo: would you like me to create a forum topic on http://paste.ubuntu.com/26119892/?20:15
kyrofaOh come on github20:16
kyrofasergiusens, elopio needs one more review on each PR20:20
sergiusenskyrofa which one?20:25
kyrofaBoth milestone PRs20:25
kyrofaThe "what why and how" is the big one20:25
jdstrandmvo: I'll just create one20:25
sergiusenskyrofa oh, those20:25
kyrofaThe other is actually quite small if you factor it out20:25
kyrofasergiusens, would be nice to see an integration test for snapcraft#178120:38
mupPR snapcraft#1781: many: set rpath for elf files for classic <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1781>20:38
sergiusenskyrofa talked to elopio actually, going to use the opencv demo as a validation20:42
kyrofaAh, alright20:43
sergiusenskyrofa it has dependencies, so it is a good candidate to make sure $ORIGIN is setup correctly20:43
sergiusenskyrofa I do have to tend to other matters now, so this will not happen until later in the evening/night though20:52
sergiusenstests are taking long to run anyways...20:55
* sergiusens will bbl20:55
mupIssue snapcraft#1698 closed: “snapcraft help” parity with --help <Created by sergiusens> <Closed by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/issue/1698>20:56
mupPR snapcraft#1789 closed: cli: improve the help command <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1789>20:56
kyrofaYes they sure are21:00
zyga-ubuntujdstrand: hey21:09
zyga-ubuntujdstrand: are you going to be around this week?21:09
zyga-ubuntuogra_: did you see the new arm microsoft laptops?21:25
* zyga-ubuntu looks forward to arm laptops with 8GB ram 21:35
zyga-ubuntuI hope it won't be bootloader-locked into windows21:35
=== __chip__ is now known as Chipaca
mupIssue snapcraft#1711 closed: Develop enable-ci circle-ci <Created by sergiusens> <Closed by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/issue/1711>23:23
mupPR snapcraft#1780 closed: cli: add export-login command <Created by kyrofa> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1780>23:23
mupPR snapcraft#1792 closed: tests: do not hit the network in python unit tests <Created by elopio> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1792>23:23
gsilvapthowdy all23:26
gsilvaptkyrofa, you around?23:26
kyrofagsilvapt, hey there!23:27
gsilvapthow's it going?23:27
gsilvaptkyrofa, I need your help to solve this issue again: https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1746#event-137052258323:27
mupPR snapcraft#1746: cli: add version command <Created by gsilvapt> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1746>23:27
gsilvaptI'm not 100% how can I achieve this23:28
kyrofagsilvapt, did we never get past that static failure?23:28
gsilvaptNot in my end no, kyrofa23:28
kyrofaI got some more experience that since I last looked, let me take a peek here in a sec as soon as I clean all this sanded cardboard off of me23:29
gsilvaptHaha, thank you kyrofa :)23:30
kyrofagsilvapt, I can't seem to duplicate that issue locally. I've updated the branch to the latest master, which also runs the tests again. Let's see what happens. However, sergiusens also reviewed it, make sure you respond to his review23:36
gsilvaptMy question is how to create the constant he asked so I can answer with this done23:37
gsilvaptIf you could be kind to provide another example of this concept implemented elsewhere, I might be able to understand and do it again for this one23:37
gsilvaptkyrofa ^23:37
kyrofagsilvapt, what I believe he's asking for is to create a single variable holding the format string, and then use that variable twice, one in the version command and one in __init__23:38
kyrofagsilvapt, basically taking your goal of making sure they stay in sync by hard-coding the string in both places one step further by using the same variable to hard-code them23:39
kennylogginskyrofa: peek is a snap for sharing endlessOS pics on slack though gif manipulation, not a flatpack.23:39
gsilvaptkyrofa, ok but is there a specific place to set that global variable? I mean, I don't want to set it in the wrong place and not be able to use it23:39
sergiusensgsilvapt the clarification from kyrofa is exactly what I asked for23:40
* sergiusens is still on the move23:40
kyrofagsilvapt, put it in the version module. That's already imported by __init__ in order to create the version command23:41
kyrofagsilvapt, don't be afraid to take a crack at it and propose the change, we're happy to help you through it23:41
kyrofa(all we ask is that you make sure it works before proposing, heh)23:42
kennylogginstea is the answer to anything.23:44
=== gsilva is now known as gsilvapt
gsilvaptkyrofa, this may seem a dumb thing but I'm not following where I should define this variable23:58
gsilvaptDo you know if the click docs mention that?23:58
kyrofagsilvapt, you should never feel dumb!23:58
kyrofagsilvapt, nah, this has nothing to do with click, just talking python here23:58
kyrofagsilvapt, let me find you an example23:59
gsilvaptkyrofa, often I do. I mean, this code base is a bit complex for me so I'm still getting use to it :P23:59
gsilvaptkyrofa, lets do this the other way around if that's okay. Let me try to go over each step and you'll stop me when I'm wrong23:59
gsilvaptis that ok?23:59
kyrofagsilvapt, feeling dumb is different than simply not understanding a massive codebase :P23:59
kyrofagsilvapt, sure thing23:59
gsilvaptMaybe. But then outsiders come and feel ok with just doing stuff :P23:59
kyrofaHit me23:59

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