
ducassegood (too early!) morning, everyone05:37
Bashing-omrebooting ... and I be back if all goes as expected.06:09
Bashing-omAnd all as expected .. so I be back :)06:19
ducasseBashing-om: \o06:20
ducasseall well with the reboot?06:20
Bashing-omducasse: Yepper .. but I just had to verify a procedure before I instructed to carry on .06:22
ducasserelaxing on the sofa, listening ti tindersticks. considering if i should try to install freebsd on this laptop today...06:25
Bashing-omI m fortunate ( or a glutton for punishment ) as learning ubuntu gives me all I want to do .06:26
ducassei kind of miss the bsd's, so i'd like at least one machine running some variety of them.06:27
ducassethis one is nearly all intel gear, so should be a good candidate.06:28
Bashing-omuse the tools that you use the best :) // Me I have a preference for AMD . I have the thought they have to try harder .06:29
ducassei used to be a huge amd fan, now with ryzen etc i might become one again :)06:30
Bashing-omducasse: But I must aver that Motorola sure nebt over backwards in it's day .06:30
ducassemy fileserver is amd, has been ticking on for seven years without fault. about time to replace the mobo + cpu, though.06:31
Bashing-omducasse: Same .. this box is 2007 - sure want an 8 core ryzen system .. last another 10 years ??06:33
ducassei want a threadripper, to run containers and vms on :D06:34
ducassedo i *need* one? of course not :)06:35
Bashing-omI just want enough horse power to do what ever pops into my mind to do - for a while too :)06:36
Bashing-omducasse: The CPU I would like to have in the Ryzen line is only about one grand USD :)06:37
ducassemy desktop is two years old now, but has okenty power for me. i7 4790K 4ghz, 32gb ram, 250 + 599gv samsung 850 evos06:38
ducassedamn, this laptop keyboard!06:39
alkisgWhere are the biscuits? :D06:39
alkisg /o everyone :)06:39
Bashing-omwell ! It will do .. for sure . This ole dual core Athlon ( Abit board ) still flying .06:39
Bashing-omalkisg: Top shelf .- right end .. behind the dough-nuts :)06:40
ducassealkisg: we're currently discussing the new amd systems, some look quite nice :)06:41
alkisgI've had issues with AMDs in the past, so it's been a very long time since I recommended them... hope things are better now06:41
Bashing-omducasse: Was a big recall on the Ryzen chip set . Think they got most of the bugs worked out now .06:42
lotuspsychjegood morning alkisg ducasse Bashing-om EriC^^06:46
alkisgHeya lotuspsychje06:46
ducasseiknow the usb stuff on the first chipset was horribly broken, among other things, but i haven't heard anything but praise lately06:46
EriC^^morning lotuspsychje06:46
ducassei'm no hardware guru, though06:46
ducasse\o lotuspsychje06:46
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: got an asus i cant enter in to format06:47
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: F12 doesnt get me to boot usb06:47
EriC^^try esc06:47
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: and bios options shows like a path to boot, but cant find usb there06:47
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Good morning . ducasse serving up the coffee and biscuits :)06:47
lotuspsychjelets c06:48
EriC^^lotuspsychje: disable any fastboot stuff06:48
alkisgI've seen Esc, F1, F2, F8, F10, F11 and F12 for boot menus/usb boots06:48
ducasseevery mfg uses something different06:48
lotuspsychjethere's an option to add boot option, but no usb i can choose06:49
lotuspsychjeshows only windows boot manager06:49
lotuspsychjefastboot and launch csm are disabled06:49
ducassedon't understand why they didn't standardize on something with uefi06:49
EriC^^lotuspsychje: which asus model06:50
lotuspsychjewhen i choose 'add new boot option, i can set a path, or choose PCI(1F...)06:50
ducasselotuspsychje: copy the grub efi file to the windows' path06:50
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: F552C asus notebook pc06:51
lotuspsychjeamerican megatrends 204 BIOS06:52
EriC^^lotuspsychje: apparently enabling csm should do the trick06:52
lotuspsychjelets c06:52
EriC^^but i think you will be installing in legacy mode not uefi06:52
EriC^^lotuspsychje: which usb are you trying to boot?06:53
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: cant enable 'launch csm'06:54
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: sandisk w10 stick works, used on other systems lately06:54
EriC^^lotuspsychje: did you disable secureboot06:55
lotuspsychjedoes it need a reboot for that?06:55
EriC^^i dont think so06:56
EriC^^try enabling the admin password06:56
lotuspsychjeweird i can choose nothing like usb, cdrom06:56
alkisglotuspsychje: so with the stick connected, if you go to  system setup (not boot menu, the real firmware setup, F2 or what is it), you don't see it as a boot option?06:57
lotuspsychjealkisg: you mean the blue screen uefi from windows?06:57
EriC^^lotuspsychje: it might be unable to boot from usb06:58
lotuspsychjeESC worked as boot enter as EriC^^ said, but no usb there, just setup & windows boot manager06:58
EriC^^lotuspsychje: is windows installed on it?06:58
lotuspsychjeyes, buts its corrupted at boot blue screen after 3min06:58
lotuspsychjehence the format need06:58
lotuspsychjewhen i choose boot options, does nothing06:59
EriC^^i would do ducasse 's trick, remove the hdd put grub.efi instead of efi/microsoft/boot/bootmgfw.efi (after backing it up)06:59
ducassehas it got an efi shell?06:59
lotuspsychjeducasse: yeah saw that option, launch efi shell from filesystem device?06:59
lotuspsychjetry that from bios?07:00
lotuspsychjesame blue screen as before, your device needs repair:07:02
lotuspsychjeenter to try again, F8 for boot options, esc for uefi firmware07:03
lotuspsychjei think i need a path to usb to ad as boot option07:04
lotuspsychjeit worked!07:05
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: enable CSM did the trick, needed the reboot afterall07:05
lotuspsychjenow all boot options show at ESC07:06
lotuspsychjeyess :p07:06
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: your bank account number? lol07:07
ducasselotuspsychje: pay him in ethereum :-P07:08
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: you accept bitcoins?07:08
lordievaderGood morning07:11
ducassehi lordievader07:11
ducasseall good today?07:11
lotuspsychjehey lordievader07:11
lordievaderHey ducasse lotuspsychje07:13
lordievaderDoing good here, how are you guys?07:13
lotuspsychjegreat here :p07:15
EriC^^lotuspsychje: maybe it just needed the disable secure boot?07:18
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: think csm did the trick07:21
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: can i wipe all partitions at setup?07:21
lotuspsychjewont vanish uefi stuff?07:21
EriC^^well leave th efi partition if you want07:24
ducassei'm examining the wonders of rEFInd these days, a much better boot manager than the alternatives...07:25
EriC^^but i think if windows 10 booted earlier then it could boot in uefi mode and install the uefi stuff again07:25
lotuspsychjeoh its 1 big 1TB hd07:26
lotuspsychjeinstalling :p07:26
lotuspsychjegod i what i hate uefi..07:27
lotuspsychjehmmm an error occured to install on partition grrr07:32
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Hardware error or software error type ??07:34
lotuspsychjeyeah seems like that hd isnt healthy enymore hmmz07:35
lordievaderlotuspsychje: Did you check smart already?07:38
lotuspsychjeill try override with ubuntu later07:39
lotuspsychjeif that fails, hd out07:40
lordievaderlotuspsychje: That is the first place to check a drive's health.07:40
lotuspsychjemight explain the blue screen error07:41
lordievaderlotuspsychje: `sudo smartctl -a /dev/sdX`07:42
lotuspsychjelordievader: im in win setup, ill try live xenial in a bit07:43
lotuspsychjeubuntu setup launched07:45
lotuspsychjehi Ben6407:45
Bashing-omYall have fun with out me . gots to beddy bye \o07:47
lotuspsychjenite nite Bashing-om07:48
Ben64hi :(07:48
Ben64my computer droze07:48
Ben64froze too07:48
lotuspsychjeBen64: what you doing mate?07:49
Ben64hanging out before i have to go to bed07:50
lotuspsychjeubuntu setup asked to continue in uefi mode07:52
lotuspsychjenow waiting for partition screen07:52
ducasseone cool thing i found in rEFInd is the ability to launch things like efi binary partitioning tools07:58
ducassevery handy07:58
lotuspsychjeubuntu partition freeze here07:59
alkisgefi binary partitioning tools? Like which one?08:05
lotuspsychjelemme try with csm off08:09
ducassealkisg: seems it comes with one, haven't tested it yet08:10
alkisgAh, nice08:10
ducasseit also comes with rescue tools for apple hw, as it was originally developed as a mac boot manager08:20
lotuspsychjeubuntu installing now bbl work guys08:38
lotuspsychjetnx 4 the support08:38
BluesKajHowdy folks12:10
ducassehi BluesKaj12:13
BluesKajHey ducasse12:15
ducassehow's it going?12:25
BluesKajfine here, ducasse, how about you?12:32
ducasseBluesKaj: well, my doc wants me to go to the er :(12:40
BluesKajducasse, sorry to hear that ...sounds serious12:42
ducassethat's what we don't know - he said it _could_ potentially be serious enough that it couldn't wait until i can get to him12:44
BluesKajok, suggest you tahe your Dr's advice then12:47
BluesKajoops, I need an eye doctor12:48
BluesKajdamn spellcheck never worked on this irc client12:48
BluesKajdon't delay ducasse12:49
ducassei'm trying to organize transportation now...12:50
EriC^^ducasse: hope you get better soon13:00
ducassethanks, EriC^^ - hopefully it's not that serious...13:02
EriC^^ducasse: yeah13:55
pauljwHi everyone16:32
immuhieee allll17:44
BluesKajI expected !hoo20:30

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