[02:02] Hello elopio! [02:02] hello kyrofa [02:02] hello sergiusens! [02:02] helo popey! [02:02] hello flexiondotorg [02:10] hello [02:10] im none of them though [02:12] OK! [02:12] Are you part of the ubuntu organization on GCI? [02:17] no im also a participant [02:32] hello thatcoderkid! === Michelle is now known as Guest73036 [02:47] Hello, Mr. Elopio. I don't see the problem with the task. Could you clarify, please? Also, please note, I am not very familiar with Github. [02:55] hello Guest73036 [02:55] Guest73036: can you send me a link to your task? [02:55] if you are not very familiar with github, you should follow the guide we linked in the task. [02:56] https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/6286844134162432/ [02:58] By the way, I am Michelle. You said I did something wrong in github for the task. [02:58] Guest73036: oh, you are Michelle :) [02:58] Yes, lol. [02:58] Guest73036: take a look here: https://github.com/canonical-websites/tutorials.ubuntu.com/pull/517/files [02:58] Pull 517 in canonical-websites/tutorials.ubuntu.com "Translation for How to burn a DVD on Windows" [Open] [02:59] you modified the file CONTRIBUTING.md, and many others [03:00] Ah, I see. My apologies. [03:02] So, do I redo it and make another pull request? [03:03] Hello elopio! [03:03] I have an Idea to create a python snap that runs a simple homemade web server, with sockets [03:04] Guest73036: yes, I think that would be easier. Close that one and start again. Take a look at this one: https://github.com/canonical-websites/tutorials.ubuntu.com/pull/505/files [03:04] Pull 505 in canonical-websites/tutorials.ubuntu.com "Add translated “basic-snap-usage” tutorial" [Merged] [03:04] when I am done, do I just share a github link? [03:04] thatcoderkid: yes, that works. [03:05] Alright, thank you! [03:05] Thank you! [03:05] thatcoderkid: I would personally prefer if you add the snapcrafters team and maintain an existing app, so you learn how the community and the snapcrafter community works. But, that's just a suggestion, if you publish any python snap, we will accept the task. [03:09] OK thanks! [03:10] thanks to you [04:19] hi elopio I've updated the answer https://askubuntu.com/questions/978639/mount-error-when-installed-using-snap/981802#981802 [04:19] can't submit as I'm currently on another task [04:23] hello daniellimws [04:23] the askubuntu moderators might have suggestions for your answer, but I will go ahead and approve your task [04:24] thank you! [04:25] thanks a lot :D [04:27] daniellimws: you haven't submitted the task for review [04:29] yea im in the middle of a different task right now [04:29] I just happened to see your comment just now so I decided to modify the answer first [04:34] daniellimws: ok, I will approve it when you submit it :) [04:34] I don't seem to have a button to do it otherwise [04:37] alright thanks [07:42] Hey! Excited to contribute to ubuntu [07:43] hey [07:43] welcome [07:45] aaaaaaa: we (at least me XD) are happy that making world better makes you excited! [07:50] roughly how long does each task take here? [07:50] popey: ping me if you'll find some time, 5 tasks to approve (if you can) :) [07:50] aaaaaaa: it depends [07:52] there are lots of tasks, some of them will take you less time than other tasks… [07:56] well you can start with beginner tasks [09:33] hey [09:33] Need some help mentors [09:42] hi, im no mentor but i could provide some help [09:56] hello [09:57] hello [09:57] welcome [10:14] hey [10:14] I need help with npm Node.js [10:24] what's the issue [10:46] hi elopio, kyrofa, sergiusens, popey and flexiondotorg. [10:51] hello [10:53] there should be bot called WelcomeCommittee reacting to these mentions… [10:56] maybe ubot can do that [10:57] afaik ubot has the same features on every channel [10:57] it should be specific to this channel, because of these parts of tasks calling to “say hi to…” [11:44] popey: waiting for review again… [13:37] hello elopio [13:38] i am going to talk https://github.com/shivam043/instantnews as my project [13:38] for snapcraft [13:38] (GCI) [13:39] umm you there [13:39] popey: one more :) [13:39] heh [13:40] i am kinda like a noob to irc [13:40] so bare with me [13:41] I'm going to finish my tutorial (I'm waiting for feedback) and start another one today [13:51] popey: one more :) [13:53] one before last [13:53] arcsaber be patient, specific folks are available at different timezones around the day [13:53] in elopio's particular case, given his timezone, is just about to wake up ;-) [13:55] sent last one, popey [13:55] now it's time for more serious tasks [14:16] hi sergiusens have you seen my task? [14:16] pull request* [14:17] because im refactoring storeapi, the conflicts need to be resolved before travis ci runs [14:18] hopefully can let me know if there's anything wrong soon because its night time here [14:18] Hello! [14:19] Hello! [14:19] I have a question: I am having trouble building a python snap [14:19] what's the issue [14:20] My code link is https://gihub.com/Thekiddiejsandpython/pastry-server [14:20] My code link is https://github.com/Thekiddiejsandpython/pastry-server [14:21] When I try to 'snapcraft prime'my snap, I get an error saying: subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['git', '-C', '/home/thatcoderkid/Desktop/Projects/pastry-server/parts/pastry-server/src', 'submodule', 'update', '--recursive', '--force']' returned non-zero exit status 128 [14:21] Is there anything wrong in my snapcraft.yaml file? [14:22] hmm i'm having a look [14:23] Thank you [14:23] . [14:30] thatcoderkid: it works fine here [14:30] can you try snapcraft clean [14:30] then try snapcraft prime again afterwards [14:31] or make sure you have git installed? [14:41] Hi to elopio, kyrofa, sergiusens, popey and flexiondotorg [14:41] Hi to elopio, kyrofa, sergiusens, popey and flexiondot.org [14:41] daniellimws I will have a chance to look at it in around 2 hours, sorry for the delay [14:42] daniellimws do you know how to do git rebases? [14:42] hello JDXWINCHESTER512 :) [14:42] JDXWINCHESTER512 hello [14:42] alright thanks a lot, but its late so if there's any more work required i'll check tomorrow [14:43] daniellimws no worries, leave it as submitted so time freezes and if there is more work required, I'll make sure I push it to the latest [14:43] Just a tryna complete my GCI tasks, What's up?? ^^ [14:46] Hello! [15:00] hi at the meantime while waiting I'm looking at https://codein.withgoogle.com/tasks/5743915237900288/?sp-organization=5133577048031232&sp-is_beginner=False&sp-categories=1 [15:00] more specifically in storeapi/__init__.py [15:01] I'm planning to add the unit test cases for snap_push_precheck, as it looks largely similar to register_key which already has unit test cases added [15:01] may I know how can I know what are the exceptions to be expected, if any [15:07] hi [15:08] hi [15:08] guess who's back [15:08] you [15:08] ? [15:08] sorry im new here [15:08] i am looking for elopio or popey [15:08] are they here? [15:09] Razvan: you can query them or just ask right here, right now [15:09] i want to know if they found a romanian translator [15:10] so i can continue with tasks on gci [15:14] Razvan: maybe someone from #ubuntu-ro ? [15:16] Razvan: hi [15:17] I'm still trying to find a romanian translator who wants to join us as mentors [15:19] is there a chinese translator, if so i'll take up the translation tasks [15:19] or malay [15:21] daniellimws: go ahead and translate. I will find one for you. [15:22] this just needs a little patience, because I've already hit the limit of messages I can send through launchpad and need to wait 10 hours to send more :) [15:22] alright thanks [15:23] thanks to you. [15:23] popey: you sent me scripts for videos not yet in youtube. I guess I shouldn't publish those yet, right? [15:24] i think on my translation are some mistakes [15:24] is this a problem? [15:24] they are minor ones [15:25] by the way are the people in charge of stuff more related to gnome like didrocks online here? [16:17] hello elopio, kyrofa, sergiusens, popey and flexiondotorg. [16:17] Hey there azhan! [16:17] hello azhan ! [16:17] hiya [16:18] elopio, do you have any advice on what python project to pursue for first snap [16:30] azhan: yes I do. Do you like the comman line? [16:30] *command [16:38] I am fine with it, yes [16:38] its fun writing bash [16:39] azhan: I suggest to package this one: https://github.com/chrisallenlane/cheat [16:40] thanks! [17:47] Some task disappeared… does it mean that somebody else claimed them? [18:02] m4sk1n_: maybe. Which are you looking for? [18:04] it was related to snapcraft code, to refactor something, iirc [18:06] m4sk1n_: I don't remember a refactor task for snapcraft. [18:07] ok [18:31] elopio: submitted for review [18:48] Could sb please review my PR https://github.com/elopio/random-scripts/pull/1 [18:48] Pull 1 in elopio/random-scripts "Add gathering data from github" [Open] [19:18] just a quick question for the Answer a snapcraft question in askubuntu task can the question already have a answer and you give another [19:30] https://github.com/canonical-websites/tutorials.ubuntu.com/pull/528 can I get some feedback from you? [19:30] Pull 528 in canonical-websites/tutorials.ubuntu.com "[WIP] Tutorial for two factor authentication" [Open] [20:10] sergiusens: can you look at my task? [20:10] (please) [20:24] m4sk1n_ not at this moment, but maybe elopio can^ [20:28] ok [20:47] Updated PR, could sb please check [20:47] https://github.com/elopio/random-scripts/pull/1 [20:47] Pull 1 in elopio/random-scripts "Add gathering data from github" [Open]