
csquidJust updated to 17.10 and I'm having a lot of wayland issues that I don't have time to sort out.  Does anyone know where to permanently change back to xord?03:43
Astro7467@csquid: a quick google search should reveal. I understand this is a general Ubuntu issue and not Ubuntu MATE specific04:08
Astro7467@csquid try this ; https://itsfoss.com/switch-xorg-wayland/04:09
Lengsdorfercsquid, https://itsfoss.com/switch-xorg-wayland/04:10
csquidthanks, i'll check it out04:14
moatazhi all11:03
moatazguys i need help !11:03
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:05
moatazdoes any1 already here ?11:05
moatazguys i just installed the mate but my main partition doesn't showed11:05
moatazthanks ubottu11:06
Astro7467moataz: you need to be more specific - install where and how (dual boot, VM, etc) , and what 'main partition.11:07
Astro7467More info, the better someone can advise11:07
moatazi made my swap and my / for the mate and for the rest size of the disk as /home but i cant find it and its totally hidden11:33
moatazso how to show the /home partition if its not showen11:39
Astro7467It shld to be auto mounted at /home11:47
Astro7467Use 'df' (disk free) for a list of partitions and mount points11:47
luckynkchello all and thanks for letting me in im very new to linux znd ubuntu12:06
moatazomg sorry so /home its looking as folder its the partition :D12:56
moatazAstro thanks alot mate12:57
moatazguys how can i change my username please!12:57
Astro7467If system is new, easier to create a new user in system control panel13:12
Astro7467Be sure to tick that they are admin/sudo user13:13
moatazso can i do it with commands lines?13:23
Astro7467To change, and keep everything neat requires a few commands/changes - not easy eg change user name user1 to user2, their home folder will still be /home/user113:25
Astro7467To create new user look at the adduser cmd13:26
LyzardKingHi! I'm the current maintaner for ubuntu-make. The ppa listed in the software boutique is not active any more, but there's a new (daily build) one. Where should I make the change?16:48
nemoLyzardKing: I don't *think* any mate devs hang out here...16:49
LyzardKingnemo: the name tricked me I guess...16:49
nemoLyzardKing: well. this is more about ubuntu specific issues ☺16:50
nemoLyzardKing: #mate-dev is probably what you want according to ALIS16:50
LyzardKingnemo: I thought that the mate welcome and boutique were ubuntu-mate only...16:50
nemoLyzardKing: hm.  the channel topic sure seems to suggest this is entirely about ubuntu-mate.org16:51
nemobut dunno. I've been hanging out here for weeks. can't even remember what I initially came to ask about16:51
nemoand the only activity I've seen is people looking for support16:51
nemooften generic ubuntu support or generic mate16:51
nemowhich is why I stayed ☺16:51
nemoLyzardKing: so. you might be here a while 😉16:51
nemoI actually only came by 'cause someone in the #mate support channel thought this place might be more active (it wasn't)16:52
LyzardKingthe welcome program says that the ubuntu-mate team is on this channel...oh well...16:52
DarkPsydeLordand they are :D16:52
nemowaddaya know16:53
nemoman wish I could remember what my question was16:53
DarkPsydeLordhahah it is active but everyone have several duties to achieve16:53
DarkPsydeLordand most people is impatient16:53
LyzardKingDarkPsydeLord: That's what I imagined ;)16:54
nemoeh I've seen questions sit here for hours before people quit 😝16:54
LyzardKingI'll stick around then...no rush! :)16:54
nemooh. I know one question I had that was ubuntu specific16:55
nemohttp://without-systemd.org/wiki/index.php/How_to_remove_systemd_from_an_Ubuntu_Xenial_installation  ←  how hard is it to do this for MATE instead of XFCE16:55
DarkPsydeLordwell will be easier if you use arch for instance and build your own from scratch16:57
DarkPsydeLordi kind of hate systemd also16:57
DarkPsydeLordso openrc + arch is a good combo16:58
nemoDarkPsydeLord: well. I have a ton of gentoo systems16:58
nemoDarkPsydeLord: my transition plan for the debian ones is devuan16:58
nemoDarkPsydeLord: but... ubuntu has some rather slick user interfaces16:58
nemothe PPAs are nice...16:58
nemoand advantage of debian in general is a ton of users which means bugs in specific builds get caught early16:59
nemonever got into arch personally *shrug*16:59
DarkPsydeLordLyzardKing, did you tried the g+ group of fb for fast response? also tried to contact any of the team using the links on the webpage?17:01
LyzardKingI just opened a pull request, but I think I need to change two repos, since the new version of the boutique is not active yet (I believe)17:01
DarkPsydeLordalso whatever happened to "matey" i miss the bot17:02
nemohm. my domain would be perfect for that ☺17:03
nemo(I registered m8y.org like... 2 decades ago)17:03
DarkPsydeLordis it working still?}17:04
DarkPsydeLordNice FSM is proud of ya!17:05
sixwheeledbeastThere is MATE in devuan repos with systemd removed so I don't see why it wouldn't be possible for Ubuntu.17:05
nemosixwheeledbeast: yeah, was just wondering how hard it was17:05
nemosixwheeledbeast: whether I could just use one of their .debs17:05
nemoor if something special would be involved17:06
sixwheeledbeastNo idea but it would be ideal for me too. I was going to try but never had the time.17:06
nemoDarkPsydeLord: 😃17:06
nemosixwheeledbeast: well. most of my machines are still on 14.0417:06
nemosixwheeledbeast: for my SO's it isn't just about systemd... she uses 7th String and just getting that to work on 14.04 was a pain17:07
DarkPsydeLordwhat 14.04? 17.10 is amazing17:08
DarkPsydeLordor thats what i've heard17:08
DarkPsydeLordi do not own a computer now xD17:08
* nemo shrugs17:08
nemo16.04 and later all corrupted my coworker's computer until he installed 14.04 - I mean. literally corrupted HD every time he closed the lid17:09
nemoPPAs get me stuff I actually care about17:09
nemohave no incentive to change just yet17:09
nemobut when I do it'll be devuan unless I can get systemd reliably removed + MATE17:09
DarkPsydeLordgot dced17:20
DarkPsydeLordactually connection flushed from the server17:20
=== Tacoder is now known as DarkPsydeLord
BurazenI borked my ubuntu mate installation help21:52
BurazenI had trouble getting bumblebee working so i wanted to start from scratch21:53
Burazendid apt remove nvidia*21:53
BurazenEverything worked fine21:54
BurazenInstalled latest nvidia driver via GUI "Additional drivers"21:54
BurazenNow when i turn on my pc i get UMate logo with loading dots and after that the screen just goes black21:55

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