
lordievaderGood morning07:11
adacIs ntpd better then timesyncd?09:27
adacmean is it more exact? It is stated here   https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-set-up-time-synchronization-on-ubuntu-16-0409:27
cpaelzeradac: IIRC timesyncd uses only one server to sync from09:41
cpaelzeradac: and NTP uses by default 4 I think09:42
cpaelzerthat could be (one) part of a difference between them09:42
cpaelzeradac: although the cases where one is so much better that it matters is IMHO limited to almost scientific cases09:42
cpaelzerjust like chrony being better in this regard was no reason for many people to switch since then09:43
cpaelzerI had no numbers on ntpsec, but I'd assume the clenaup of ntp also didn't hurt09:43
cpaelzeradac: for a longer list of bikeshedding around that read https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1532438609:45
adaccpaelzer, I tried now to switch, to ntpd, but I think nothing has changed. I have some problems with a load balancers queue time that gets measured by scoutapp09:46
adacthe guys thought that the high queue time could be maybe caused by out of sync datetime on my servers09:46
adacbut I think i have ruled that one out now09:46
cpaelzeradac: at what level of precision is your issue secs, msecs, µsecs, ... ?09:46
adaccpaelzer, milliseconds actually09:47
cpaelzeryeah, I doubt that was a time sync issue09:47
adacit should be about 1.2 ms as on my production server but currently is about 600+ ms on my staging server09:47
cpaelzerbut you are on the same conclusion already, so good luck testing your further theories09:47
adaccpaelzer, thanks! And thanks for your hints!09:48
rbasakcpaelzer, ahasenack: I merged nacc's lint fix as it was already reviewed by cpaelzer. It seems to be working in the edge snap now.12:12
rbasakI wonder if I should push the edge snap to beta and/or stable?12:13
rbasakWhat is everyone using currently?12:13
ahasenackwe are using edge12:13
ahasenackstable is quite behind, I'm not sure what the criteria to push to stable is12:13
ahasenackprobably that is is stable :)12:13
rbasakRight now the only point of stable, AFAIK, is to give users something to revert to if we break beta.12:14
rbasak(but we'd prefer to users to be using beta or edge so we can get more testing)12:15
cpaelzeredge as well, ecept for imports obviously12:17
rbasakYeah all pushed imports via beta please, as that's what the daemon importer runs.12:19
jamespagecoreycb: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-taskflow/+bug/173639412:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1736394 in python-taskflow (Ubuntu) "unit test failure with oslo.serialization 2.21.2" [Undecided,New]12:19
jamespagereproduced in a tox env directly upstream as well12:19
ahasenackrbasak: a git question, if I may12:28
ahasenackrbasak: I have the landscape-client cloned repo (git ubuntu clone landscape-client)12:29
ahasenackI worked on it, have branches, remotes, etc. Now I want to update ubuntu/devel to whatever it's in the archive12:29
ahasenackrbasak: I did git fetch pkg --tags --force, and now I'm trying to update the branch12:29
ahasenackbut it keeps asking me for a commit merge, i.e., it's trying to do a merge commit12:29
ahasenackgit pull pkg ubuntu/devel <-- that12:29
ahasenackeven with --ff12:30
ahasenacki didn't change ubuntu/devel locally12:30
ahasenackat least not knowingly12:30
rbasakIf it demands a merge commit, then it's because the current ubuntu/devel (local) is not an ancestor of pkg/ubuntu/devel.12:37
rbasakYou could do "gitk ubuntu/devel pkg/ubuntu/devel" to visualise how they differ12:37
ahasenackI just tried git pull pkg ubuntu/devel --rebase12:38
rbasak"gitk ubuntu/devel...pkg/ubuntu/devel" may also be helpful - it'll hide unrelated commits.12:38
ahasenackand that seemed to have done the right thing12:38
ahasenackI now see the changes that are in the archive12:39
ahasenackd/changelog is correct12:39
ahasenackwith the rich history from the latest upload12:39
rbasakI can investigate further with the help of your reflog to see what was there before if you wish.12:40
rbasakIt's possible that the importer did a non-fast-forwarding update to pkg/ubuntu/devel.12:40
rbasakWhich shouldn't happen except in the case of an archive admin intervention (a delete in the archive) but I don't think that should have been the case here.12:41
ahasenackit's fine12:41
coreycbjamespage: ack, 2.21.2 is causing more problems13:06
jamespagecoreycb: I've uploaded a compat patch for taskflow13:11
jamespagemight be something similar for glance13:11
coreycbjamespage: ok great13:11
coreycbjamespage: regression tests run successfully against mitaka-proposed. any objections to promoting the following to mitaka-updates? ceph, keystone, libxml2, lxc, python-oslo.concurrency, python-pysaml2, qemu, rabbitmq-server.14:02
jamespagecoreycb: no go for it14:40
coreycbjamespage: ok14:41
jamespagelets have a clear through :-)14:41
jamespagecoreycb: had a clear through the new queue for pkgs; nothing significant14:41
coreycbjamespage: i'm holding off on a few that haven't landed in xenial-proposed or other reasons14:41
jamespagecoreycb: doko has made requests for rmq, ovs and ceph to switch to using py3 for cli tools; I've triaged those as wishlist for 18.0414:42
coreycbjamespage: ok. maybe we can make some progress during this next milestone.14:42
jamespagecoreycb: ok14:44
coreycbjamespage: do you know what the status of vmware-nsx is in mitaka-proposed? the version is ahead of xenial.14:46
=== Jynxie_ is now known as Jynxie
ahasenackcpaelzer: actually, here is better15:56
cpaelzerahasenack: ok so on nvme?16:10
ahasenackcpaelzer: yeah, I'm checking https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/multipath-tools/+bug/171174916:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1711749 in The Ubuntu-power-systems project "[18.04] multipath-tools: Backport 2 patches to Ubuntu 18.04 (NVMe disks are detected as multipath disks)" [Medium,Triaged]16:10
ahasenackcpaelzer: I have a server with nvme16:10
ahasenackbut I'm not familiar with multipath, and I just learned about nvme-cli (package)16:10
cpaelzerahasenack: I didn't come by the nvme-cli package yet either - let me read through that with you16:12
ahasenackcpaelzer: I was trying to create multiple namespaces (new concept for me too) in the nvme device to see if I could reproduce the bug16:12
dpb1Office hours officially is started (a bit late), please bring any questions to the ubuntu-server team.16:20
dpb1hey slashd16:42
dpb1anything from you this week?16:42
slashdhey dpb1 everything is under control, was simply showing my presence ;)16:43
dpb1slashd: hehe16:43
slashddpb1, Is there a document I must fill ? Like we used to do in the previous meeting format ?16:48
slashddpb1, ack16:48
dpb1we didn't find it provided any value16:48
slashddpb1, ok was double-checking in case16:48
* dpb1 nods16:49
ArshoonGreetings. I have a new install of Ubuntu Server. I want to uninstall the OpenJDK but I can't discover the package names. The list scrolls by and off the page. How do I list installed packages one page at a time?17:59
Ussatuser | more or | grep "name"18:01
ArshoonI'm sorry, that didn't help me.18:04
andolAsandari: dpkg --list | more18:05
Ussatwhat command are you useing ?18:05
andolAsandari: Sorry, wrong nickname18:05
Arshoonapt list --installed18:05
Arshoonandol that worked, thanks18:06
Ussatthen use apt list --installed |more18:06
ArshoonThanks guys18:07
tewardthis'll sound like a stupid question but does the server team still hold meetings or have we switched to a more 'office hours' type thing?21:00
dpb1teward: we switched to office hours21:01
tewarddpb1: got an area where we can put specific hours or no?21:02
dpb1teward: https://community.ubuntu.com/t/irc-meeting-office-hours/1491 -- we also had a mailing list post21:02
tewardwasn't sure what the decision was, I've been busy :P21:02
dpb1teward: yes!  it's the same as before, sec.  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Meeting21:02
tewardah, I see.21:02
tewardyeah that's smack dab in the middle of things that take my time, for now.  That'll hopefully change :)21:03
Neo1hi! Who know how to test server correctly?21:30
Neo1I put two wp naked site on two servers, one on digital ocean and second on my current and my current show server response time 0.4 seconds, on digitalocean less than 0.2.21:31
Neo1What does it mean?21:31
Neo1Current vps:21:32
Neo1it means my current server is sucking?21:32
Neo1I'm not expert, but 0.4 seconds for naked wp site without plugins and load it's big time, with load it will significantly higher21:33
Neo1who know who correct set up permissions for site folder?21:45
Neo1My WP site can't install plugins21:45
Neo1folder belongs the root user, inside folder belongs to test user, and I can't set up any plugins21:45
Neo1folders has right 755, and I did for inside folder right 775 for can reach site using sftp21:46
sarnoldNeo1: there's a lot of variables that influence loading performance22:34
Neo1sarnold: server response?22:34
Neo1sarnold: I think current server is sucking22:35
Neo1it without ssd and digitalocean on ssd22:35
sarnoldNeo1: that could be part of it; it could also be that one server is closer to you than the other; another is how quickly your auth DNS servers respond, the chain of DNS responses needed to get to your host and all referenced resources..22:37
sarnoldfor example test.american-chat.ru is 33 ms closer to me than kselax.kselax.ru22:38
Neo1sarnold: how long kselax.kselax.ru load for you?22:38
Neo1test this http://cyberforum.ru, it's also in Moscow and works very fast22:38
sarnoldheh that takes forever to load, even with noscript blocking many of the scripts22:39
Neo1sarnold: why?22:39
Neo1sarnold: broken site?22:40
Neo1sarnold: this http://kselax.kselax.ru/22:40
sarnolda few reasons, none of the referenced resources are hosted on sites that my browser has already looked up and has cached addresses for .. part of it felt like the site being built dynamically before being sent22:40
Neo1sarnold: you can use google22:41
Neo1sarnold: better change server IMHO22:41
sarnoldNeo1: note that your response speed may change over time. If one datacenter handles mostly timezone-local requests, it might be much slower during business hours than the middle of the night22:43
Neo10.4 seconds and low than 0.2 it's big difference, with plugins and content site will work slower. It's without nothing sucks, and what we'll say when with plugins22:43
Neo1sarnold: see in google inspector kselax.ru http://prntscr.com/hjlz1b22:46
Neo1sarnold: and digitalocean http://prntscr.com/hjlz7722:47
sarnoldNeo1: wow, that's a very different interface than I saw in the google inspector :/22:47
Neo1current host is faster22:47
Neo1sarnold: as you can see current host is faster22:47
sarnold2.28s vs 1.79, wow22:48
Neo1yes, current faster, but test on google.ru show other results22:48
Neo1seems my current server even better if measure in google22:53
gun1xstokachu: just saw ubuntu announced a partnership with rancher labs to release a kubernetes cloud native platform. will that be based on juju, or something new?23:04
tewardNeo1: consider two VPSes on the same node in the same datacenter on different IPs.  Both are running identical software.  One gives me 0.2s, one gives me 0.3s.  The two servers are identical, so what's with the extra 0.1s?  The extra .1s could be added for any of fifty thousand potential situations with networking between me and the remote server - trusting solely on that statistic for whether the host is faster or not is a poor metric.23:06
tewardjust saying.23:06
Epx998dpkg-reconfigure -fnoninteractive ca-certificates should work with no prompts right?23:14

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