elacheche | Morning world! | 09:01 |
=== marwen_ is now known as MarwenDo | ||
vadmeste | Morning elacheche | 09:23 |
elacheche | Wassup vadmeste :) | 09:26 |
elacheche | Hey MarwenDo oussemos rhabbachi ! :) | 09:27 |
MarwenDo | hi elacheche :D | 09:27 |
oussemos | Hello elacheche & all | 09:28 |
nzoueidi | Morning \o/ | 09:37 |
davlefouAMD | Bonjour, | 09:41 |
elacheche | Nice honeypot → https://hackernoon.com/how-ive-captured-all-passwords-trying-to-ssh-into-my-server-d26a2a6263ec | 10:18 |
rhabbachi | Morning elacheche and al | 10:26 |
vadmeste | elacheche: yeah.. my box/ssh password is different to my other passwords. I am always prudent when I have an admin like you :) | 11:00 |
elacheche | I don't use passwords, I only use keys.. | 11:04 |
vadmeste | sure.. but I can put my usual password by mistake in a ssh prompt which is not mine | 11:06 |
elacheche | x) | 11:06 |
vadmeste | http://assets.amuniversal.com/5af325a0b04a0135ff38005056a9545d | 11:17 |
elacheche | hahahahahha :D | 11:59 |
elacheche | davlefouAMD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEaUVGi1iKk | 12:42 |
u-la-la | [ Marwan Al-Sabbagh - Executing scripts in a few milliseconds with MicroPython - YouTube ] - https://www.youtube.com | 12:42 |
davlefouAMD | elacheche, sur les pi3, j'utilise python avec Kivy en framework. | 15:08 |
davlefouAMD | elacheche, https://www.elektormagazine.fr/news/banc-d-essai-micropython-et-pyboard/15182 | 15:10 |
u-la-la | [ Banc d'essai : MicroPython et pyboard ] - https://www.elektormagazine.fr | 15:10 |
davlefouAMD | https://shop.mchobby.be/56-micro-python elacheche nzoueidi | 15:12 |
u-la-la | [ MicroPython,python,Micro Python - MCHobby - Vente de Raspberry Pi, Arduino, ODROID, Adafruit ] - https://shop.mchobby.be | 15:12 |
davlefouAMD | Je vais essaye d'en acheter pour tester! | 15:12 |
elacheche | Pourquoi tu utilise Kivy? J'aimeri bien savoir le besoin :) | 15:25 |
nzoueidi | J'en ai besoin d'un *_* | 15:27 |
elacheche | x) | 15:27 |
davlefouAMD | Kivy me permettait de faire une interface graphique pour certificateur de destruction de disque dur. | 15:29 |
davlefouAMD | https://shop.mchobby.be/micro-python/818-kit-decouverte-micropython-pyboard-3232100008182.html | 15:33 |
u-la-la | [ ▷ Kit Découverte MicroPython (PyBoard Inclus) - MCHobby - Vente de Raspberry Pi, Arduino, ODROID, Adafruit ] - https://shop.mchobby.be | 15:34 |
davlefouAMD | Comparé a un pi3 ou Orange pi, c'est chére! | 15:34 |
davlefouAMD | https://fr.aliexpress.com/item/Orange-Pi-One-ubuntu-linux-and-android-mini-PC-Beyond-and-Compatible-with-Raspberry-Pi-2/32603308880.html | 15:35 |
u-la-la | [ Orange Pi Un H3 512 MB Quad core Soutien ubuntu linux et android mini PC dans Carte de démonstration de Ordinateur Et Bureautique sur AliExpress.com | Alibaba Group ] - https://fr.aliexpress.com | 15:35 |
elacheche | davlefouAMD: Le video ne parle pas de micropython le board, il parle de micropython le software (implimentation de py3) qui peut remplasser python3 même pour un PC ou un server :) → https://github.com/micropython/micropython | 15:39 |
u-la-la | [ GitHub - micropython/micropython: MicroPython - a lean and efficient Python implementation for microcontrollers and constrained systems ] - https://github.com | 15:39 |
davlefouAMD | https://fr.aliexpress.com/item/Original-BPI-M1-Banana-Pi-M1-board-A20-Dual-Core-1GB-RAM-Open-source-development-board/32810269261.html?spm=a2g0w.search0104.3.1.wok2SD&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_5_10152_10065_5000015_10151_10344_10068_10345_10342_10343_10340_10341_5130015_10541_10084_10083_10305_10304_10307_10306_10302_10539_5080015_10312_10059_10313_10314_10184_10534_100031_10604_10603_10103_10605_10594_5060015_10596_10142_1010 | 15:41 |
davlefouAMD | 7,searchweb201603_1,ppcSwitch_3&algo_expid=f2709cb2-de23-476f-8f92-9ddbf35e9ae7-3&algo_pvid=f2709cb2-de23-476f-8f92-9ddbf35e9ae7&rmStoreLevelAB=5 | 15:41 |
u-la-la | [ D'origine BPI M1 Banane Pi M1 conseil. A20 Dual Core 1 GB RAM Ouvert source conseil de développement unique ordinateur de bord SBC. dans Carte de démonstration de Ordinateur Et Bureautique sur AliEx[...] ] - https://fr.aliexpress.com | 15:41 |
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