[00:00] under the banner of: "oh hello, Pot, meet Kettle..." https://www.androidcentral.com/google-announces-new-security-measures-apps-collecting-personal-data [00:11] No wai [00:11] I really should have food [00:11] it's got to silly oclock and I haven't eated yet [00:27] * zmoylan-pi has a new christmas song to add to my yearly playlist... :-) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5nfznDwTdM [00:32] oh that's awesome [00:32] it's good, isn't it? [00:33] country and christmassy.... [09:11] morning boys and girls. [09:19] morning mammals [09:20] morning [09:27] BLEEP BLOOP ENGAGE MAMMAL GREETING: Hello, world!\n [10:41] I think we just found Maybot's alter ego [10:46] BLEEP BLOOP ENGAGE BREXIT NEGOTIATIONS: CRITICAL WARNING: Interal logical inconsistencies. KERNEL PANIC [11:33] Maybe "sudo dkms remove -m DUP" would help? [11:33] Still wouldn't help [11:36] Holy Moly [11:36] BASH can autocomplete ant? 8-o [11:42] what's ant? [11:45] Apache Ant. A way for scripting builds. [11:45] I see [11:46] is it difficult to type ant? [11:46] :-p [11:47] * Laney remembers the red alert ant missions [12:05] Much lol. It seems to be autocompleting based on the targets in the build.xml. Which surprised me. [12:07] look at /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/ [12:07] neat stuff [12:32] From the CLI, can I test if a mouse is connected? [12:32] (Integration in VBox keeps dying, trying to figure out why) [12:37] Strange...using xinput I can see that it know where the mouse is; it just can't see the clicks. [18:04] you know when tv or movies have a scene where there's someone stealthily approaching via commando-moves? how does the camera know where they are to film them when they're supposed to be stealthing [18:04] ?? === alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD [18:46] they have ninja cameramen who follow people who think they are been stealthy... duh!! :-) [21:37] oof that was a tough one - https://imgur.com/a/nUI5l [21:38] just added a third, showing the ripped out plastic mount on the hinges [21:40] don't you love designs that assume you've done this a 1000 times previously [21:41] ooh yes [21:42] i used to have a bunch of ast low profile pcs that cut the bejezus out of your hands adding or removing parts internally. even cables... so many sharp edges [21:43] oof [21:43] i remember AST, my dad got one of their laptops for his QS'ing department in the government way back when [21:44] in the 80s they were quite good, then by the 90s the beancounters took over and they got cheaper and cheaper build wise... [21:44] this thing needs an SSD and RAM upgrade now before it can be popped back into the hands of whence it came