
cmaloneyHow's the day so far?14:45
cmaloneyBTW: I hadn't seen that kickstarter for the roadie 2. That looks really cool14:45
cmaloneywould have been great for my high-school band "Blackat Chiquita"14:46
cmaloneyseemed the guitarist was constantly tuning his guitar14:46
rick_hyea, it seemed like a cool project. kickstarter, where one day you get in the mail something you forgot you thought was neat the year before ;)14:47
rick_hthe day is ok, instead of monday after holiday it's the tues after wheeee14:48
cmaloneyTook a day off to recouperate?14:48
rick_hnaw, recoup day was sunday14:48
rick_hand spent that mountain biking out by AA, wooo14:49
cmaloneyYour leg treating you better now?14:49
rick_hyea, it's getting there. Still can't do everything and have issues but hey, I walked miles and miles at 4 theme parks last week14:50
rick_hso it's functional14:50
rick_hty motrin!14:50
cmaloneyI didn't even connect that, but yeah, that's awesome14:51
rick_hyea, still can't go bowling or do a bunch of stuff but can have some fun between now and april when all the restrictions come off14:51
jrwrenwhere out by AA?15:20
rick_hjrwren: yea, I rode with @bigmaninjapan sunday out at the dte foundation trails15:21
rick_hwhere he crushed me lol15:21
jrwrenyeah, I'm afraid to ride with him. no way I can keep up.15:21
jrwreni'm a very slow rider.15:21
rick_hI kept up on the downhills fine15:22
rick_hbut the uphills he was gone15:22
jrwreni can't keep up on flat.15:22
rick_hbut was still fun. I helped him regulate his breaks :P15:22
Scary_Guywhat's a good DRM free all in one printer?  my google-fu is failing me21:26
Scary_Guyas in not crippled and annoying21:36
cmaloneyBuild your own ? :)21:38
Scary_GuyI meant a good printer21:40
cmaloneyRight, but "DRM-free" is kind of tricky21:41
cmaloneysince they all have that dippy yellow-dot marking (color printers)21:41
cmaloneyHonestly I'd get a Brother all-in-one laser printer21:41
cmaloneyWe have the MFC-8480DN21:41
cmaloneyIt's been pretty solid. I've even replaced the fuser on it21:42
cmaloneyOnly downside is the OS that's baked in to the printer is a little daffy21:42
Scary_Guyand it's also huge21:42
Scary_GuyI mean huge for Brother printers that is21:42
* rick_h still rocks the old 1320N laserjet21:43
Scary_GuyWe've got a HL-L2380DW in the basement, Brother is a great company in general it seems21:43
jrwrenI have that exact model and I like it.21:44
Scary_Guybut I'm dead set on something without DRM.  tracking dots are just annoying and useless if you get it second hand21:45
jrwreni don't even know what DRM means in a printer.21:52
brouschnon-generic inks22:02
jrwrenoh! the replacement carts?  ugh.22:03
Scary_Guywell that and being able to print B/W when color is out is a nice feature too22:41
cmaloneyjust get a laser printer.23:44
cmaloneyscrew color23:44
cmaloneyThough Inkjets have gotten much better in speed23:45
cmaloneybut if you do any serious printing you'll blow through an ink cartridge worse than ammo at a shooting range23:45
greg-g+1 to laser. This old trusty Brother I got second hand is doing great.23:46
greg-glaser b+w, that is23:46
cmaloneyYeah, color laser is still pretty expensive23:47
cmaloneyand the carts don't have the capacity they should23:47

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