[00:15] memberships applications we've always done as soon as the applicant(s) run a doodle and scheduled it [00:16] I'd rather not mix in anything else with a membership meeting, unless it is done very quickly [00:16] they usually take longer than you think [00:16] because people go afk for various reasons, and other chat happens as well [00:17] scheduling a quick meeting just for KC issues sounds good though [00:18] although our Friday and Saturday meeting times so far have collided with a long-time chat I have with my French partner in the Alsachat project, about Alsatian genealogy research [06:42] OK that all makes sense @Valoriez perhaps a better idea is to have a Dev & KC meeting before the kafe. I could create agenda, and minutes in the Phab wiki, probably be good to move the show items there too. Then link that in the Calendar, updates from Dev and KC then get reported in the Kafe [06:43] Leave it with me, I'll organise that [20:21] sounds good, @Sick_Rimmit === santa is now known as Guest67357 === Guest67357 is now known as santa_