
=== zoitub_ is now known as netvoit
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=== claydoh is now known as Guest26968
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lordievaderGood morning07:05
=== maqingsong is now known as maqingsong_
=== sysop is now known as Guest35357
BluesKajHowdy folks11:49
=== TheRuralJuror is now known as Haudegen
D0U91Emorning folks15:12
rgb-onegood morning to ya15:20
BluesKaj'Morning D0U91E15:23
* genii passes around the mugs and coffeepot15:24
BluesKaj'Morning genii ...4-5 inches snow here this morning15:30
geniiBright and sunny, maybe 1-2C here right now15:35
BluesKajyeah, sun just appeared  a few mins ago, dunno for how long since forecast is for cloudy all day15:38
=== juboxi is now known as jubo2
=== jayhunold is now known as jhunold
TheTrashDoes the Kubuntu live/installer usb not have persistence functionality? Or did I do something wrong when creating or booting my usb stick?19:32
TheTrashI used Etcher on OS X, but might as well try usb-creator.19:33
rgb-oneDid you install it to a usb?19:36
TheTrashNo, just ran the "try" thingy... doesn't have persistence?19:38
rgb-oneTheTrash: no19:48
rgb-oneno persistence19:48
mparilloTheTrash: Unetbootin (available in the repositories) allows you to burn the ISO and to set aside space for persistance. However, I have had bad luck with unetbootin recently.20:09
mparilloBad luck = it would not boot for me where burning the same ISO with dd did boot. But, it cannot hurt to try.\20:10
ponizovichdocker ps -a20:10
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=== santa is now known as Guest67357
=== Guest67357 is now known as santa_
=== 18VACPYQN is now known as AciD`
=== zewm is now known as zkdehelp
zkdehelpHello. I just installed Kubuntu 16.04 and fully updated + installed nvidia drivers. I'm currently using 384.90 and having difficulty finding the force full composition pipeline option under nvidia-settings (root privs)23:56
zkdehelpHas anyone run into this problem before?23:56
zkdehelpI seem to be getting really bad screen tearing and researching got me as far as this23:58
zkdehelpthought I would pop in and see if anyone here had experienced this at all23:58
tiwakeI bought a new computer and decidedly bought AMD because better linux support these days23:59

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