=== Kumool__ is now known as Kumool [03:33] hi [03:33] i have installed lubuntu on my new lenovo laptop that came with freedos [03:33] bjt i a not able to use the mouse [06:38] hello room need help ! how to install skype on lubuntu 17.04 [06:38] new in linux [06:40] web skype? old 4x they close [06:41] i have tried web skype [06:41] video is not working [06:41] yes [06:42] write in tech support for Microsoft that would implement [06:43] Bill hate linux [06:43] :D [06:44] try wire.com [06:44] There's an electron app for amd64. [06:44] i am not using amd64 [06:44] intel [06:44] Bill went out of business [06:45] one day linux will kich [06:45] him out [06:48] amd64 not only for AMD cpu. to all x64 cpu [06:50] tried to install amd64 failed thats why installed intel [12:03] damn lubuntu 18.04 is some badass stuff bro! [12:03] lighting quick like a whip [12:05] it is alfa [12:06] bebe cool, wait rc [19:25] hello [20:55] If .xinitrc exists, lubuntu will read it when starting the X, right? [21:14] yes [23:03] how to see hidden files in ls? [23:04] -h [23:05] doesnt work [23:06] -a then [23:06] works, thanks [23:07] I forgot -h is human-readable when used with -l for long [23:11] hehe you forgetful