risp | Hi | 00:34 |
Hafidz21ub | hi evilnick, degville, pmatulis and davidcalle as mentors for tutorials tasks! I joined to improve my skills and experience. ^_^ | 03:06 |
Zaid | hello documentation team | 03:13 |
Desovsky | hi | 13:32 |
davidcalle | Hmm | 13:33 |
hydrogen | Hello, world. Trying to fix some inaccurate information on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RANCID but it’s showing as immutable. Is there somewhere I should report the error to get it fixed? | 15:47 |
davidcalle | hydrogen: hello, you can edit by joining this lp team: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-wiki-editors | 15:49 |
hydrogen | This is turning into a lot of work to fix five lines of code :/ | 15:51 |
davidcalle | hydrogen: just let me know when you apply for the team, so I can approve you. The manual approval is to block spammers and bots. | 15:51 |
hydrogen | i pushed the button. | 15:51 |
hydrogen | thanks! | 15:51 |
davidcalle | hydrogen: is dmeltzer your id there? | 15:52 |
hydrogen | yeah | 15:52 |
davidcalle | hydrogen: approved! You should be able to login to the wiki and edit it now | 15:53 |
hydrogen | thank you | 15:53 |
davidcalle | yw :) | 15:56 |
hydrogen | davidcalle: It is still showing as an immutable page for me it looks like | 16:00 |
hydrogen | I do show in the editors team thouggh | 16:01 |
davidcalle | hydrogen :( | 16:02 |
davidcalle | hydrogen: feel free to pass me the changes, looks like I can edit | 16:02 |
davidcalle | (I don't use the wiki that much, but this is infuriating) | 16:02 |
hydrogen | davidcalle: sure. Under the router.db Files section, the code in there has changed to use semi-colons instead of colons for separating details, so it should be ‘router1.location1.com;cisco;up’ instead of ‘router1.location.com:cisco:up’ and so on | 16:03 |
davidcalle | hydrogen: please check | 16:05 |
hydrogen | davidcalle: looks good, thanks! | 17:16 |
davidcalle | hydrogen: np | 20:12 |
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