
kennylogginsLinlz, ping00:13
knomekennyloggins, are you pinging random people?00:14
Unit193He is, he should stop.00:14
kennylogginsyeah sorry. Thought it was pleia-2's backup user ... still my mnu is still broken.00:15
knomepinging people with nicks isn't very nice either unless they have explicitly told you can/should do that00:15
knomepeople who aren't around, that is00:16
kennylogginsanyway - Istill have no sunshine. https://imgur.com/humMj5A00:19
kennyloggins/s/sunshine/ accories in xfce-panel00:20
=== Kumool__ is now known as Kumool
arpadhi, can someone help me how to remove skype? sudo apt remove skype or sudo apt remove skypeforlinux don't work10:28
arpaddpkg --get-selections | grep 'skype' gives output "skype-bin:i386install10:29
Unit193Package name there is skype-bin..10:29
arpadon "sudo apt-get --purge remove skype-bin:38610:30
arpadI get in the last line "E: Unable to locate package skype-bin:38610:31
Unit193Try  dpkg -l | grep skype10:32
Unit193And there again, skype-bin:386 != skype-bin:i38610:33
Unit193sudo apt-get purge skype-bin10:35
arpadUnit193: Mission accomplished! Missing 'i' was the culprit! Thank you for your attention and help!10:37
Unit193Sure thing.10:37
arpadhowever, Catfish still finds some skype related files10:39
arpadhow to get rid of them? by simply deleting them?10:39
Unit193If it's using the 'locate' backend, you'll have to update the db.10:39
arpadUnit193: I think its beyond my scope atm.11:02
rozbehcan someone help me plz12:39
xubuntu59dsuck my dick14:07
xubuntu59di wan't to fuck you14:08
hywis there a solution to this 5.2.2 guest additions error? VBoxClient: (seamless): failed to start, Stage: Setting guest IRQ filter mask Error: VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR19:14
krytarikhyw: Sounds like a case for #vbox19:16
hywi wonder why it worked on linuxmint?19:17
krytarikDifferent version?19:18
hywhow to uninstall default guest additions in xubuntu 17.10?19:32
xubuntu01ii like xubuntu21:10
hywi dont, after fixing vbox additions now firefox wont work and high cpu usage :(21:12
knomehyw, again, as krytarik suggested, sounds like something to deal with in #vbox21:17
knomehyw, if CPU usage was ok before you "fixed" the vbox additions and not ok after, and you didn't do anything else that might affect this, it's most likely an issue with vbox additions21:18
hywit seemed like cpu usage was high when i started firefox, i did a reboot.. now firefox wont launch at all.. and cpu usage is ok21:20
knomeso have you checked what the output is if you try to launch firefox from a terminal?21:21
hywknome im a noob, i did this .. firefox & and got [1] 168321:23
knomedon't do the &; you'll want the output on the terminal21:24
hywhow to launch from terminal?21:24
knomehyw, open a terminal, type "firefox" (without the quotes) and press enter21:25
knomeyou can find the terminal emulator in the menu21:25
hywi did that without the & and it just does nothing21:25
hywVirtualBox:~$ firefox21:26
knomeyou can try "firefox --safe-mode" next21:28

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