
julenme he descargado hoy ubuntu mate00:49
julenque les parece este sistema operativo?00:49
ubuntu-mateI am trying to reinstall grub. How do i do that01:09
mate|70990I had Linux Mint Mate on my computer, but there was one or two things I did not like about it. I have Ubuntu Mate installed now.01:40
=== sl__ is now known as slu2
slu2Hey everyone. I was trying to run an old disc game called King's Quest. Any ideas on how I can install the game on Ubuntu?04:06
Nathan-0is it an old windows game slu2?04:06
slu2lol Windows 3.1 to be exact...04:07
Nathan-0have you tried WINE ?04:08
slu2What is WINE, Nathan? It seems I've been out of the CPU loop for sometime.04:09
slu2Interesting...I will check this out for now. Thanks Nathan.04:10
Nathan-0you can run some windows programs on linux with WINE04:10
Nathan-0scummVM might be of interest to you as well if you want to play older games like that04:12
Nathan-0Kings Quest looks to be supported on scummVM04:13
slu2checking out scumm right now too.04:18
slu2Alright gonna go see if these emulators work. Thanks again Nathan.04:30
Nathan-0hey wang05:42
Nathan-0bye wang05:42
alkisgGood morning07:26
guest-s3nvpl n n b       bgklllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll09:54
diogenes_guest-s3nvpl, you need any help? :)09:55
mandje__hi all.  help!  i installed plank amongst other stuff in a crazy mood to osx umate. how to get red of this. like reverse...   this plank thing is driving me nuts. cpu goes up to 90% just looking at this idiot task-switcher.20:28
diogenes_mandje__, uninstall?20:30
mandje__uninstall yes. but i dont know what it was replacing.  what is the standard gui set in umate?20:31
mandje__if i´d had my data on a separate partition i would reinstall. but moving the data around is cumbersome.  looking at the screenshots on umate site.20:38
alkisgmandje__: you can reinstall without formatting your partition, e.g. keeping only /home20:38
alkisgYou can see the packages you installed in /var/log/apt/history.log20:39
mandje__alkisg, really?  so you have 1 partition with system and /home on it, and while reinstalling leave /home alone?20:41
alkisgIf in doubt, you can do something like "mkdir /my-old-installation; mv * /my-old-installation" from the live cd before installing, so that you keep everything in a subdir20:42
alkisgIn that case, you'd find the old home in /my-old-installation/home20:43
mandje__cool. history.log also nice te be using. tnx ever so much.20:43
mandje__mv /home /my-old-home/ would do as well and use up less space right?20:45
alkisgmandje__: I meant, in case you want to keep all the old installation to see if you saved things elsewhere or if you  have settings that you want to see etc21:00
alkisgOtherwise, there's no need to move home, leave it as it is, it will be reused21:00
alkisgJust be careful not to format at the partitioning step, but to reuse as ext421:00
mandje__righto alkisg21:00
mandje__looking at the history logs 1, 2, 3 and 4..  it´s a jungle of initial installs, updates and in between somewhere user initiated software installs.21:05
mandje__i think i´ll make some screenshots of open menu´s and whatnot visible stuff in the interface to have a general reminder of what´s installed by mandje__ himself.21:08
diogenes_Hey guys, huge security flaw in intel chips, everyone is adviced to patch: https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/2715021:12
ThatWasLeftHandeHello, is there a way I can get help for a problem I'm having?22:25
Nathanhey ThatWasLeftHande22:26
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:26
jimo_matejust two real quick (probably ) questions22:50
jimo_mateone.After many years using Mint switched back to Ubuntu Mate (lure me back again) Main reason was a damn wifi usb adapter TP LINKTL-WN722N22:51
jimo_mateCouldnt make it to work in Mint Mate/Xfce no matter what... its kernel is just so picky Neither compilation of the driver nor pre fixed drives made any difference22:52
jimo_mateSo i noticed that Ubuntu using Gnome again through Mate and thought to give it a shot, And....voila!!!!! Wifi worked out of the box22:53
jimo_mateWell that was no question of course so im going to the real thing. I have fallen in love with compiz only for that burn effect and if i can t install it through compiz i immediately change dDistro22:54
jimo_matei tried and installed it here also but it crashes a lot. Found out by luck that with Nvidia Binary closed drivers crashes immediately22:55
jimo_matei think 340 ...... something The previous version 204 plays ok but every now and then after restart mostly keeps giving me artifacts in taskbar22:56
jimo_matePlays even better with NOuveau xorg drivers but i dont know the differences from the Nvidia ONE..... Does Nuveau uses the gpu acceleration for effects or depends on cpu also?22:57
jimo_mateok that was no quick at all22:57
jimo_mateoh and the second question is i can seem to install WPS Office...anyone knows a good how to...23:00
Nathancan't* ?23:01
Nathanwow, never heard of WPS before. I've always used Libre Office23:03
jimo_mateyes sorry cant23:04
jimo_mateLibre sometimes doesnt go along with office formulas23:04
jimo_mateMostly i want to know about the difference between gpu drivers23:05
Nathanhopefully there is someone on here with more knowledge about that for you?23:06
jimo_mateDO i loose something if i stick with X.Org X Server Nouveau instead the Nvidia one?23:06
jimo_mateyes thank you for the efford though23:07
Nathanso the deb for WPS doesn't work for you?23:10
jimo_mateupon installation Error:Dependency is not satisiable Libpng12-023:13
Nathanwhat happens if you install libpng12?23:18

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